St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church 1611 Feagin Dr. Lufkin, TX 75904 Phone (936) 632-9100 Fax (936) 632-0627 Parish Office Hours: Tuesday–Thursday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Parish Staff Pastor: Fr. Joe Kannampuzha Rectory: (936) 633-2303 Mobile: (936) 414-9800 Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5 p.m. English Rosary Group 4 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. Spanish 10 a.m. English 12 p.m. Spanish 6 p.m. English Weekday Mass Schedule Tues.–Fri. 12:15 p.m. First Fri. Adoration 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Confession Wednesday 11a.m.–12 noon Saturday 4–4:45 p.m., or any time by appointment Deacons: Deacon Gary Treviño Mobile: (936) 414-6643 Email: [email protected] Deacon Jesus Reyes Mobile: (936) 404-2849 Email: [email protected] Deacon Frank Monroe Mobile: (512) 466-0400 Email: [email protected] Secretary: Sandra Ortega Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Tue.-Thurs., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Financial Assistant: Debra Green Email: [email protected] Website Administrator: Jennifer Molina Email: [email protected] New Parishioners The community of St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church extends our warmest welcome to all visitors and sincerely prays that you enjoyed sharing Mass with us today. If you are a newcomer and wish to be contacted, please fill out a Visitor and Newcomer card located in the entrance of the church. You may place it in the collection basket or give it to an usher. Sacrament Information BAPTISMS: Godparents and parents who wish to have their children baptized must attend a Baptism Director of Religious Education: Preparation Class scheduled every second and third Felipe Hernandez Friday of the month at 7 p.m. in Spanish. English Home: (936) 875-4141 classes are by appointment. All Baptisms are held Email: [email protected] the third Saturday of the month at 11 a.m. Please contact the parish office 2-3 months prior to Music Director: Brian Buchanan register. Please bring a copy of the child’s birth Phone: (936) 632-5015 certificate. Email: [email protected] Organist: Teresa Kyle Ethics and Integrity Coordinator: Michael Molina Phone: (936) 414-8205 Email: [email protected] . Parish Accountant – Volunteer: Lynn Montes Welcome Visitors! Media Director: Allison Guse Phone: (936) 676-3089 Email: [email protected] Guadalupana Ministry: Simona Vallejo Phone: (936) 465-4432 Email: [email protected] Carmen Barron, Ofelia Albarado Welcome to all new families/individuals! Please register as soon as possible using registration forms available in the church office or in the narthex. Membership is a condition for the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage. Registration is also required before the parish can issue a sponsorship certificate for those asked to be sacramental sponsors. You must be a registered, contributing member for at least three months before a certificate is provided. Moving or Changing Name? If you are moving, changing parishes, changing your name (marital status), phone number, email or have a new family member, please call the parish office. For Respect Life Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be... Amen. Pregnancy H.E.L.P. Center: Gabriel Project (crisis pregnancy): Project Rachel (post-abortion healing): St. Andrew Charity Help: (936) 632-9292 (888) 300-5112 (713) 741-8728 (936) 632-9100 Monastery of the Infant Jesus: Daily Masses 7:20 a.m. 1501 Lotus Ln. Sunday Mass 7:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration every day until 8 p.m. BAUTISMOS: Los padrinos y los padres que desean tener a sus hijos bautizados deben atender dos clases de preparación bautismal. Serán cada segundo y tercer viernes del mes a las 7 pm. Todos los bautismos se llevarán a cabo el tercer sábado del mes a las 11am. Por favor llamar a la oficina 2-3 meses antes del bautismo. Traer una copia del certificado de nacimiento de su hijo. 1st CONFESSION, 1st COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION: Sacramental preparation classes for children begin anew in October of each year at St. Andrew. Classes are held on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. Please contact the Director of Religious Education, Felipe Hernandez, or the church office with any questions. WEDDINGS: Couples planning to marry should call the church office and schedule an appointment with Fr. Joe at least four to six months prior to the planned wedding date. ILLNESSES: If your loved one is sick or hospitalized please notify the parish office or Fr. Joe. Information necessary: name of patient, name of hospital, and room number. RCIA-Adult Sacraments-Becoming Catholic: A process for adults to become familiar with the teachings of the Catholic Church and discern God’s call in becoming full members of the Church. Please call Elaine Jackson at 936-632-5914 or the church office for more information. Daily Mass Schedule/Readings/Intentions Sat/18 Sun/19 Acts 6:1-7; John 6:16-21 5 pm † Rick Pezdirtz – Joyce Pezdirtz Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 John 2:1-5; Luke 24:35-48 7:30 am 10 am All Priest and all religious – Glenn & Suzie Rightmire 12 pm 6 pm Intention of the Parish families Mon/20 Acts 6:8-15; John 6:22-29 No Mass † Tue/21 St. Anselm Acts 7:51—8:1; John 6:30-35 12:15 pm † Ruperto Carbajal – Deacon Jesus & Leondra Reyes Acts 8:1-8; John 6:35-40 12:15 pm St. George, St. Adalbert Acts 8:26-40; John 6:44-51 12:15 pm St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Acts 9:1-20; John 6:52-59 12:15 pm Wed/22 Thu/23 Fri/24 Mandatory Confirmation Retreat Saturday, May 2, 8 am – 1:30 pm Parent must check in with child All children must attend retreat with their sponsor. Cost $20 each candidate Seniors Dinner The Baccalaureate Mass will take place on Sunday, May 31 at the 6pm Mass for all seniors graduating from high school or college. The Senior Dinner will follow at 7pm in the new Parish Hall. Please contact Katie Glanton at 704-962-0097 or [email protected] to RSVP. Weekly Scheduled Events DAY EVENT Children’s Faith Formation Esuela de Dirigentes Estudio de Biblia Español Come Lord Jesus Sunday Monday Tuesday st TIME 8:45-9:45 a.m. (Sept.-April) 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:30-8:00 p.m. 1 Wednesday St. Andrew Charity Meeting 5:45 p.m. Wednesday RCIA Sacramental Prep. Youth Grp. (7-12th gr.) Grupo de Oración 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Sept.-May) 6:00-7:00 p.m. (Oct.-May) 7:00-8:30 p.m. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Thursday Friday Movimiento esencial de la nueva evangelización de mujeres y hombres. Movimiento esencial de la nueva evangelización de mujeres y hombres. 7:00-9:00 p.m. 7:00-9:00 p.m. 7:00-9:00 p.m. Guadalupanas Saturday Rosary Group 4:00 p.m. The Diocese of Tyler is committed to providing a safe environment for our children and for all. For any concerns regarding a violation of any Code of Ethics at the parish, please contact Fr. Joe or the Promoter of Justice, Fr. Gavin N. Vaverek, JCL, at 903-266-2159, or by email at [email protected]. This Week’s Featured Advertiser Great Texas Foods 8568 U.S. 59 Nacogdoches, TX 75964 936-564-5757 café del rio / Ralph & Kacoo’s Servant of God – YOU! Eucharistic Minister or Lector Want to serve God as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion or as a Lector? A training session will be offered on Thursday, April 30 at 6 pm in the church. Come and serve! RETIRO DE FIN DE SEMANA DE NUEVA EVANGELIZACION. DIRIGIDO POR EL PADRE ANGELO SCOLOZZI MADRE TERESIANO CEL. 936 229-0111 - CASA 936 630-1955. SI BUSCAS ORDENAR TU VIDA PARA QUE LA GRACIA Y LA PRESENCIA DE DIOS SE MANIFIESTE EN TI CON PODER Y TENGAS UN CAMBIO. TE INVITO A UN FIN DE SEMANA DE “NUEVA EVANGELIZACION”. PARA MUJERES 24-25-26 DE ABRIL EN EL SALON PARROQUIAL DE LA IGLESIA DE SAN ANDRES. SI HOY ESCUCHAS SU VOZ NO ENDUREZCAS EL CORAZON: SALMO 95. PARA REGISTRARSE MUJERES: LLAMAR A PAUBLINA RUIZ CEL. (936) 676-4714 ESTELA MORALES CEL. (936) 671-9203. Holy Father's Prayer Intentions APRIL Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Please Pray For Carson Fasske, Cadence Simmons, Richard and Pat Quick, Joe Geraci, Tim Fasske, Betty Solis, Jessica Rojas, Berwyn Walker, Melinda Betincourt, Betty White, Armando Cruz, Matthew Fasske, Santos Del Toro, Sr., James Cryan, Stephen Davis, James Sowell, Toni Merrell, Joe Shupak, Susan Honeywell, Esther Ochoa, Alfonso Sosa, Lyn Elledge, Adefh Dhar, Charlotte Adams, Ken Marcantel, Stephen Davis, Jamie Burnett and family, and Stacy Richardson and family, the Morehead family, Matt Warren, Phillip Godino, and Rachael Mere Please keep St. Andrew parishioners serving our country in your daily prayers: Bianca Hernandez, Rita Martinez, Daniel Hughes, Harvey Olivares, Kari Grass, Ernest Grass, Tyler Oliver, Daniel Guerrero, John Jost, Luis Medina Jr., Mark Jackson, Angela Callaway and James Carlin. Volunteer Schedule: Weekend of April 25-26 SATURDAY 5 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers (2) Glenda Hawkins, Richard Quick Lectors (2) Linda Anderson, Bobbi Robinson Ushers (4) Buddy Hawkins, Ronnie Robinson, Need Volunteers SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers (4) Carmen Barron, Juan Barron, Pedro Pimentel, Alicia Pimentel Lectores (2) Carmen Barron, Juan Barron Ushers (7) Bernardo Delgado, Modesta Escamilla, Rosario Hernandez, Edgar Paulin, Azusena Paulin, Antonia Aguilar, Jesus Angel Alvarado. Altar Servers (4) Jesús Alvarado, Marbella Bautista, Julio Alvarado, Octavio Hernandez, Julissa Sacrificial Giving is a response to the Generosity of God. Our gifts should be: Planned. Plan ahead of time what we intend to give, and have our gift ready at collection time. Don’t simply drop a spare dollar in the basket or let it pass by without giving. Proportionate. Our giving should be in proportion to how greatly God has blessed us. Sacrificial. We ought to give more than just what is left over after taking care of all our needs and wants. Thankful. Our offering should be a grateful response to the immense love God has shown for us. Dar con sacrificio, es una respuesta a la generosidad de Dios. Nuestros ofrenda debe ser: Planeada. Planear con tiempo cuanto va a ser mi ofrenda, y tenerlo listo para el tiempo de la colecta. No solamente soltar un dólar o dejar pasar la canasta sin dar nada. Proporcionalmente. Nuestra ofrenda debe ser en proporción a lo muncho que Dios nos ha bendecido. Sacrificialmente. Nuestra ofrenda debe ser mas de lo que simplemente nos sobra despues de haber tomado para todas nuestras necesidades y deseos. Agradecimiento. Nuestra ofrenda debe ser una acción de gracias a Dios, por el inmenso amor que nos ha manifestado. SUNDAY 10 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers (2) Andy Dupre Norma Hernandez Lectors (2) Katie Glanton, Sam Allen Ushers (4) Paul Burt, Randy Burt, Need Volunteers Altar Servers (4) Cullen, Victor Solis, Austin Cryan, Natalie Lopez, Ariana, Carolina SUNDAY 12 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers (4) Paulina Ruiz, Roselia Juan, vol Lectores (2) Roselia Juan, William Martinez Ushers (7) Soledad Ramirez, Sergio Ramirez, Lisette Martinez, Juan Luna, Beatriz Banda, Esteban Banda, Noe Muniz. Gifts Returned to God “For everything is from You, and we only give You what we have received from You.” -1 Chronicles 29:14 For the Weekend of April 11-12, 2015 Regular Collections: Mail and other $ 600 Saturday, 5 p.m. Mass 2,569 Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Mass 847 Sunday, 10 a.m. Mass 2,719 Sunday, 12 pm 458 Sunday, 6 p.m. Mass 1,189 Total Weekend Reg. Collections $ 8,382 Second Collections: Altar Flowers-Easter 70 Tuition Assistance 5 St. Andrew Charity 1,600 Youth Ministry 45 Total Collections $10,102 Building Fund Collection $ Next weekend's 2nd Collection, April 26, is for Catholic Home Missions ALTAR LINENS Brenda Penick 570 O, KNOW! "Yet I know, my brothers, that you acted out of ignorance, just as your leaders did." —Acts 3:17 Contrary to the old sayings, ignorance is not bliss and what you don't know can hurt you and others very much. In addition to sin, ignorance was the cause of the worst crime ever committed — our murder and execution of God by crucifixion on Calvary. Paul taught: "None of the rulers of this age knew the mystery; if they had known it, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory" (1 Cor 2:8). We "perish for want of knowledge" (Hos 4:6). If we know God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we have eternal life (see Jn 17:3). However, if we don't know the Lord, even if we say we do (1 Jn 2:4), we are caught up in "a great war of ignorance" (Wis 14:22). In this state of war and ignorance, people "celebrate either child-slaying sacrifices or clandestine mysteries, or frenzied carousals in unheard-of rites, they no longer safeguard either lives or pure wedlock; but each either waylays and kills his neighbor, or aggrieves him by adultery. And all is confusion — blood and murder, theft and guile, corruption, faithlessness, turmoil, perjury, disturbance of good men, neglect of gratitude, besmirching of souls, unnatural lust, disorder in marriage, adultery and shamelessness" (Wis 14:23-26). The Lord doesn't expect us to know everything. He may not even expect us to know that much. Nonetheless, He does expect us to know as much as possible. Know the truth. Know the teachings of Christ's body, the Church, especially those in the Bible. Know God (Phil 3:10). †Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014. Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries.
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