AGENDA 1545th MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT March 12, 2014 – 5:00 P.M. MSD OFFICES 2350 MARKET STREET ROOM 109 ROLL CALL 1 APPROVAL OF JOURNAL OF PRECEDING MEETING 2 COMMENTS BY THE CHAIR 3 REPORT OF BOARD COMMITTEES 4 REPORT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 5 COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 6 SUBMISSION OF PUBLIC HEARING REPORTS – None 7 COMMUNICATIONS 8 CONSENT AGENDA – Item Nos. 9 through 14 February 13, 2014 (1544th) 2 of 3/12/14 Ordinances 9 Adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13799 appropriating $3,100,000.00 from the Sanitary Replacement Fund to be used for project costs for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewers in Cedarcrest Sanitary Relief (SKME-561) I/I Reduction (11722), in the Cities of Ladue, Olivette and University City and St. Louis County, Missouri; and authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20108 with SAK Construction, LLC for the aforesaid sanitary sewer rehabilitation. (Intro. 02/13/14) 10 Adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13800 appropriating $42,000.00 from the Sanitary Replacement Fund to be used for project costs for private I/I removal in Dacey BranchI/I Reduction (BP-313) (11116), in the Cities of Dellwood, Ferguson and Unincorporated St. Louis County, Missouri; and authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20128 with Dizdar Brothers Sewer & Const., Inc. for the aforesaid private I/I removal. (Intro. 02/13/14) 11 Adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13801 appropriating $4,900,000.00 from the Sanitary Replacement Fund to be used for project costs for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewers in Infrastructure Repairs (Rehabilitation) (FY2014) Contract B (11864), in various municipalities in St. Louis City and St. Louis County, Missouri; and authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20110 with Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for the aforesaid sanitary sewer rehabilitation. (Intro. 02/13/14) 12 Adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13802 appropriating $50,000.00 from the Sanitary Replacement Fund to be used for project costs for private I/I removal in Lynn Haven I/I Reduction (11652), in the Cities of Hazelwood and Florissant, Missouri; and authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20127 with Gershenson Construction Co. for the aforesaid private I/I removal. (Intro. 02/13/14) 13 Adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13803 appropriating $1,200,000.00 from the General Fund of the District for Critical Infrastructure Assessment (11125) throughout the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Service Area, and authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20133 with the RJN Group, Inc. for the aforesaid services. (Intro. 02/13/14) 14 Adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13804 declaring the necessity for the acquisition of easements and temporary easements in certain real property within The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District for the purpose of construction of sewers and related appurtenances in the project known as FF 11 Fee Fee Creek Sanitary Relief (10014) to serve the needs of residents of the area, and authorizing staff to proceed with further condemnation efforts related to the project, including but not limited to the purchase &/or the filing of all necessary court pleadings or documents to commence and prosecute formal legal proceedings for the acquisition of said easements and temporary construction easements. (Intro. 02/13/14) 3 of 3/12/14 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinances None Resolutions None 4 of 3/12/14 New Business Agenda Item Number Name Page Number Ordinances 15 – Proposed Ord. No. 13808 Bissell Pump Station (BP-105) Sluice Gate Removal and Replacement (11956) 7 Introduction of proposed Ord. No. 13808 authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20129 with TGB, Inc. for pump station improvements for Bissell Pump Station (BP-105) Sluice Gate Removal and Replacement (11956), in the City of St. Louis, Missouri. 16 – Proposed Ord. No. 13809 Lemay WWTP Secondary Improvements (11649) 8 Introduction of proposed Ord. No. 13809 appropriating $14,000,000.00 from the Sanitary Replacement Fund to be used for wastewater treatment plant construction in Lemay WWTP Secondary Improvements (11649) in Unincorporated St. Louis County, Missouri; and authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20130 with Plocher Construction Company, Inc. for the aforesaid improvements. 17 – Proposed Ord. No. 13810 Derhake I/I Reduction & Capri to S. Waterford Sanitary Relief (11736) 10 Introduction of proposed Ord. No. 13810 appropriating $19,200.00 from the Sanitary Replacement Fund to be used for project costs for private I/I removal in Derhake I/I Reduction & Capri to S. Waterford Sanitary Relief (11736), in the City of Florissant, Missouri; and authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into Contract No. 20131 with Fred M. Luth & Sons, Inc. for the aforesaid private I/I removal. 18 – Proposed Ord. No. 13811 Permitting and Plan Review System Implementation 11 Introduction of proposed Ord. No. 13811, authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into a contract with Accela, Inc. for professional services and software licenses for the District. 19 – Proposed Ord. No. 13812 Intergovernmental Agreement with St. Louis County Introduction of proposed Ord. No. 13812 authorizing the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into an Intergovernmental agreement with St. Louis County, whereby the entities agree to share software licensing and a shared computing environment to support common business processes. 13 5 of 3/12/14 Agenda Item Number 20 – Proposed Ord. No. 13813 Name Page Number Classification Plan 14 Introduction and adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13813 repealing Ordinance No. 13609, as adopted June 13, 2013, and enacting a new Ordinance with an emergency clause in lieu thereof, prescribing the Classification Plan for all employees in the Classified Service of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, and specifying certain changes to the A and B Schedule classifications covered by AFSCME No. 410, UWWA No. 1, IUOE No. 513, Machinists No. 9, Bricklayers No. 1 and Electricians No. 1 per the amendments approved by the Civil Service Commission as well as modifications agreed to during collective bargaining, and designating those classifications which are eligible for payment of overtime compensation. 21 – Proposed Ord. No. 13814 Compensation Plan 15 Introduction and adoption of proposed Ord. No. 13814 repealing Ordinance No. 13782 adopted December 12, 2013 and enacting a new ordinance with an emergency clause in lieu thereof, prescribing a Compensation Plan for all Classified and Unclassified positions of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, except the positions of Executive Director, Secretary-Treasurer and Internal Auditor, and pay grade assignment of Unclassified positions and reflecting any changes to all C Schedule positions, A and B Schedule positions represented by AFSCME No. 410, UWWA No. 1, IUOE No. 513, Machinists No. 9, Bricklayers No. 1 and Electricians No. 1 compensation per the provisions of RSMo Section 105.500 – 105.530. Resolutions 22 Adoption of Resolution No. 3139 whereas Ordinance No. 13381 adopted April 12, 2012, authorized the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of the Board of Trustees of The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to enter into a contract with RubinBrown, LLP, for an independent audit of the accounting records of the District. 23 Adoption of Resolution No. 3140 expressing the Board of Trustees’ appreciation to John A. Scanga for his 21 years of exemplary service to The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District from November 2, 1992, to his retirement effective March 1, 2014. 24 ITEMS PROPOSED FOR INTRODUCTION & ADOPTION AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING 24A - Old Mill Creek Sewer Rehabilitation Phase III – 14th to 2nd Street (10722) 25 16 17 ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT MAY PROPERLY BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE BOARD 6 of 3/12/14 Agenda Item Number 26 Name Page Number CLOSED SESSION The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Board of Trustees may go into closed session at this meeting if such action is approved by a majority vote of the Board members who constitute a quorum, to discuss legal, confidential, or privileged matters under §610.021(1), RSMo 1988 Supp.; leasing, purchase or sale of real estate under §610.021(2); personnel actions under §610.021(3); personnel records or applications under §610.021(13); or records under §610.021(14) which are otherwise protected from disclosure by law; or confidential or privileged communications with the District’s auditor, including auditor work products under §610.021(17). 27 ADJOURNMENT 7 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 15 – Proposed Ord. No. 13808 NAME OF PROJECT: Bissell Pump Station (BP-105) Sluice Gate Removal and Replacement (11956) LOCATION: East of I-70 and south of E. Grand in the City of St. Louis, Missouri TYPE OF PROJECT: Pump Station Improvements (015.0 Construction Costs) DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Engineering REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary?: Authorizes staff to enter into a construction contract. What does action accomplish?: Implements the construction of a CIP project, as required by Consent Decree. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: TGB Inc. 1104 South Jefferson Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 Consultant: N/A Agency: N/A Number of bidders: 10 Previous District Contract: Low Bid: $1,554,211.00 Appropriation Amount: N/A MBE/WBE Participation: Yes High Bid: $2,530,000.00 Designer’s Estimate: $2,100,000.00 100.00% (MBE Goal is 17% - African American) BAM Contracting – 17.00% - MBE TGB, Inc. – 83.00% - WBE Type of Contract: Lump Sum Properties Affected: 1 Properties Benefiting: Entire Bissell Point Watershed Designed by: Horner & Shifrin, Inc. The work to be done under Contract #20129 consists of the removal and replacement of six sluice gates, stem guides, and stop logs. The purpose of this project is to provide for the replacement of deteriorated and unreliable equipment, to improve pump station efficiency, and alleviate flooding in the service area during heavy rainfalls. This project is scheduled to be completed in 425 days. FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: Capital Improvement Program Fund Name: Budget Year: FY2014, Pg. 110 FY2014, Pg. 111 #6660 – Sanitary Replacement Fund #1101 – General Fund Amount: $3,200,000* $ 800,000* $1,650,000 $0 Additional Comments: This project will be funded by the Infrastructure Repairs (Sanitary/Combined – FY2014) (11772) project. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: 07/12/12 – Ord. No. 13429 – Amount: $300,000 – GSA – Sewer & Process Design – Horner & Shifrin – Design Contract No. 10408 – Amendment No. 1 08/08/13 – Ord. No. 13646 – Amount: $4,000,000 – Infrastructure Repairs (Sanitary/Combined – FY2014) (11772) 02/13/14 – Ord. No. 13785 – Amount: $5,000,000 – Infrastructure Repairs (Sanitary/Combined – FY2014) (11772) – Supplemental *Requesting Board approval of a construction contract with TGB Inc. for which $1,650,000.00 is being encumbered from Ordinance No. 13646. 8 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 16 – Proposed Ord. No. 13809 NAME OF PROJECT: Lemay WWTP Secondary Improvements (11649) LOCATION: North of Hoffmeister Avenue and east of Broadway in unincorporated St. Louis County, Missouri TYPE OF PROJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction (015.0 Construction Costs) DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Engineering REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary?: Appropriates funds and authorizes staff to enter into a construction contract. What does action accomplish?: Implements the construction of a CIP project, as required by Consent Decree. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: Plocher Construction Company, Inc. 2808 Thole-Plocher Road Highland, IL 62249 Consultant: N/A Agency: N/A Number of bidders: 6 Low Bid: $13,106,000.00 Appropriation Amount: $14,000,000.00 MBE/WBE Participation: Previous District Contract: Yes High Bid: $15,977,000.00 Designer’s Estimate: $14,475,000.00 18.69% (MBE Goal is 30% - African American and Hispanic) Miller Building Group (Af. Am.) – 2.13% - MBE Basilico Engineering (Af. Am.) – 0.20% - MBE Brewster Companies (Hisp.) – 0.77% - MBE Kadilex Construction (Af. Am.) – 13.20% - MBE TD4 (Af. Am.) – 1.85% - MBE Centrex Electrical Supply (Af. Am.) – 0.27% - MBE T.A.B. Company (Af. Am.) – 0.27% - MBE Type of Contract: Lump Sum Properties Affected: 1 Properties Benefiting: Entire Lemay WWTP Service Area Designed by: Black & Veatch Corporation The work to be done under Contract #20130 consists of the construction of a Headworks Screening Facility located between the original grit tanks and primary basins and a Wet Weather Screening Facility located between the wet weather grit tanks and primary basins. The purpose of this project is to improve secondary treatment to allow reliable treatment of at least 210 MGD as required by Consent Decree. The project also includes: upsizing the inlet piping into the final pass of each of the eight aeration tanks; replacing a total of sixteen, 20-inch flowmeters on the inlet piping into the aeration tanks; installing fine bubble membrane disc diffusers and air distribution piping; installing new suspended solids probes in the east and west mixed liquor channels; installation of eight owner provided 48-inch manual butterfly valves and eight, 42-inch magnetic flowmeters to replace the existing final clarifier inlet valves and meters; construction of modifications to the final clarifiers; and other miscellaneous items including odor control, yard piping and structures associated with this work. This project is scheduled to be completed in 605 days. FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: Capital Improvement Program Budget Year: FY2014, Pg. 114 FY2015, Pg. 153 Fund Name: #6660 – Sanitary Replacement Fund Amount: $6,300,000 $4,200,000 (Planned) $10,500.000 9 of 3/12/14 Additional Comments: An additional contingency of $25,000 for St. Louis County Building Permits is included in the appropriation. The estimated construction cost increased significantly during design when geotechnical investigations indicated that a deep pile foundation system would be required to support new screening buildings. It was also determined that existing odor control facilities were inadequate for the new loading and new odor control facilities would be required. This is a full funding request. A supplemental request was originally planned for construction in FY2015 for $4,200,000. This project is expected to be funded by Bond proceeds. Contracted planning resources utilized: Watershed Facility Planning. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: 07/12/12 – Ord. No. 13432 – Amount: $1,580,000 – Black & Veatch Corp. – Design Contract No. 10968 – Supplemental 10 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 17 – Proposed Ord. No. 13810 NAME OF PROJECT: Derhake I/I Reduction & Capri to S. Waterford Sanitary Relief (11736) LOCATION: North of Interstate 270 and east of New Florissant Road in the City of Florissant, Missouri TYPE OF PROJECT: Private I/I Removal (015.0 Construction Costs) DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Engineering REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary?: Appropriates funds and authorizes staff to enter into a construction contract. What does action accomplish?: Implements the construction of a CIP project, as required by Consent Decree. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: Fred M. Luth & Sons, Inc. 4516 McRee Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 Consultant: N/A Agency: N/A Number of bidders: 1 Previous District Contract: Low Bid: $12,840.00 Appropriation Amount: $19,200.00 MBE/WBE Participation: Yes High Bid: $12,840.00 Designer’s Estimate: $14,000.00 N/A – The above bid is less than $50,000 and therefore does not have a goal under the MWBE policy. Type of Contract: Lump Sum Properties Affected: 15 Properties Benefiting: 1,591 Designed by: AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. The work to be done under Contract #20131 consists of the removal of private inflow sources at 15 properties. The purpose of this project is to reduce inflow and infiltration in the Coldwater Creek watershed, reduce building backups, and relieve overcharged sanitary sewers. This project will provide for the elimination of two (2) constructed SSOs (BP-101 & BP-102) after construction of additional public I/I removal and post-construction monitoring. This project is scheduled to be completed in 90 days. FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: Capital Improvement Program Budget Year: FY2014, Pg. 141 Fund Name: #6660 – Sanitary Replacement Fund Amount: $50,000 Additional Comments: An additional contingency of $5,000 is also included in the appropriation in order to remove additional private inflow sources on five properties that may be agreed to during construction. This project is expected to be funded by Bond proceeds. Contracted planning resources utilized: Watershed Facility Planning, Separate Sewer Area I/I Assessment, Separate Sewer Area Flow Metering & Monitoring, Modeling, CCTV Inspection, and Radar Rainfall Data. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: 10/11/12 – Ord. No. 13507 – Amount; $97,000 – AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. – Design Contract No. 11011 11 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 18 – Proposed Ord. No. 13811 NAME OF PROJECT: Permitting and Plan Review System Implementation LOCATION: District-wide TYPE OF PROJECT: Permitting Application Software Implementation DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Engineering and Information Systems REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary?: Appropriates funds and authorizes staff to procure portal and mobile software licenses as well as enter into an implementation services contract for a commercial permitting and development plan review permitting business application. What does action accomplish?: This contract will result in the implementation of a business application that supports internal and external stakeholders as they engage with the District in development plan review, permitting and construction inspection business activities. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: Accela, Inc. 2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 120 San Ramon, CA 94583 Previous District Contract: No Consultant: N/A Agency: N/A Number of proposers: Sole Source Low Bid: N/A Appropriation Amount: $1,153,453.00 High Bid: N/A Designer’s Estimate: N/A MBE/WBE Participation: 34% (MWBE Goal is 30%) Byrne Software Technologies, Inc. – 85.0% WBE Places to Go Things to Do Travel – 15.0% MBE Type of Contract: Professional Services Properties Affected: N/A Properties Benefiting: N/A Designed by: N/A This ordinance will authorize the District to enter into a contract with Accela, Inc. for software licenses, maintenance and professional services to implement a permitting, development and plan review software application. The software application will be hosted and maintained on technology residing in St. Louis County’s data center. The use of a common software business application by the District and St. Louis County will allow both entities to serve the regional development community in a shared services environment. Provider/Vendor Accela, Inc. Accela, Inc. Other Expenditure Item Software Licenses/Maintenance Implementation Services Project Implementation Contingency (15%) Appropriation Amount $109,699.00 $907,614.00 $136,140.00 FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: Capital Improvement Program Budget Year: FY2014, p.56 Capital Improvement Program Budget Year: FY2013, p. 51 Fund Name: N/A Amount: $782,000.00 Amount: $500,000.00 12 of 3/12/14 Additional Comments: N/A PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: None 13 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 19 – Proposed Ord. No. 13812 NAME OF PROJECT: Intergovernmental Agreement with St. Louis County LOCATION: District-wide TYPE OF PROJECT: DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Engineering and Information Systems REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary?: Authorizes staff to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with St. Louis County What does action accomplish?: Memorializes an agreement between the entities such that St. Louis County will provide and operate a commercial software permitting business application to support the District’s development plan review, permitting and construction inspection business processes. This will allow the St. Louis region’s development community to interact and conduct business with both the District and St. Louis County through a single website presence. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: N/A Previous District Contract: N/A Consultant: N/A Agency: St. Louis County Number of proposers: N/A Appropriation Amount: N/A Designer’s Estimate: N/A MBE/WBE Participation: Type of Contract: Intergovernmental Agreement Properties Affected: N/A Properties Benefiting: N/A Designed by: N/A The Intergovernmental Agreement memorializes that the entities agree that the County will sub-license the use of its Accela permitting software to the District. The County will also host and support the District’s ongoing use of the software at the County’s data center location. The advantage of a single commercial software technology solution is the cost savings that can be realized for both entities due to the sharing of hosting and maintenance costs. Provider St. Louis County Expenditure Item Shared Software Annual Maintenance Shared Operations Annual Fee Appropriation Amount $ 24,000.00 $ 23,883.00 FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: Information Systems Budget Year: FY2015 Fund Name: General Fund Additional Comments: N/A PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: None Amount: $47,883.00 14 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 20 – Proposed Ord. No. 13813 NAME OF PROJECT: Classification Plan LOCATION: District-Wide TYPE OF PROJECT: Classification of Positions in the Compensation Plan DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Human Resources Department REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary? To have A and B Schedule positions comply with the results of the Compensation Study results dated February, 2013 only regarding the addition of new positions, deletion of vacant positions, increase of pay grade and title updates and modifications based on collective bargaining. What does action accomplish? Defines position titles with corresponding salary and wage grades for all classified positions within the District. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: N/A Consultants: N/A Number of bidders: N/A Previous District Contract: N/A Agency: N/A Low Bid: N/A Appropriation Amount: N/A High Bid: N/A District Estimate: N/A MBE/WBE Participation: N/A Plan Approval Date: N/A Type of Contract: N/A Properties Affected: N/A Properties Benefiting: N/A Designed by: N/A FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: N/A Budget Year: N/A Amount: N/A Fund Name: N/A Additional Comments: This Classification Plan reflects selected results of the compensation study for A & B Schedule union represented classified employees that do not result in positions being down-graded as a result of the compensation study. Results of the Comp Study for the administrative, technical and managerial positions not represented by a union has been previously enacted by Ordinance 13609 and contained within this new Ordinance. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: 06/13/13 – Ord. No. 13609 Classification Plan 06/09/11 – Ord. No. 13261 Classification Plan 15 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 21 – Proposed Ord. No. 13814 NAME OF PROJECT: Compensation Plan LOCATION: District-Wide TYPE OF PROJECT: Define compensation grades A, B, and C Schedules DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Human Resources Department REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary? To revise compensation grades for A & B Schedule positions covered by American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local 410 and United Wastewater Workers Association, a division of Service Employees International Union, Local 1. What does action accomplish? Defines salary ranges SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: N/A Previous District Contract: N/A Consultants: N/A Agency: N/A Number of bidders: N/A Low Bid: N/A Appropriation Amount: N/A High Bid: N/A District Estimate: N/A MBE/WBE Participation: N/A Plan Approval Date: N/A Type of Contract: N/A Properties Affected: N/A Properties Benefiting: N/A Designed by: N/A FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: N/A Budget Year: N/A Amount: N/A Fund Name: N/A Additional Comments: This Compensation Plan reflects A & B Schedule classified employees that are positions represented by AFSCME Local 410 and UWWA Local 1 per discussions by the District and representatives of appropriate exclusive bargaining units. Positions within the B Schedule represented by IUOE No. 513, Machinist No. 9, Bricklayers No. 1 and Electricians No. 1 has been previously enacted by Ordinance 13782 and contained within this Ordinance. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: 12/12/13 – Ord. No. 13782 06/15/13 – Ord. No. 13610 Compensation Plan Compensation Plan 16 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 22 – Resolution No. 3139 NAME OF PROJECT: District Independent Audit Services LOCATION: Treasury/Audit Department TYPE OF PROJECT: Professional Services DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Treasury REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary?: To provide an independent audit of the accounting records of the District. What does action accomplish?: This action provides the services for the District to have an independent audit of all accounts and funds of the District and Subdistricts annually by Certified Public Accountant according to Section 7.080 of the District Charter. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: RubinBrown, LLP One North Brentwood St. Louis, MO 63105 Previous District Contract: Yes Consultant: N/A Agency: N/A Number of bidders: N/A Low Bid: N/A Appropriation Amount: N/A High Bid: N/A District’s Estimate: N/A MBE/WBE Participation: N/A Plan Approval Date: N/A Type of Contract: Not to Exceed Properties Affected: N/A Properties Benefiting: N/A Designed by: N/A FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: Treasury/Internal Audit Budget Year: FY14/15 Amount: $200,000 Fund Name: General Fund Additional Comments: This resolution will authorize the District to exercise the third of five optional years and enter into a contract with RubinBrown, LLP for independent audit of all accounts and funds of the District and Subdistrict from May 2014 to May, 2015. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: 4/12/12 – Ordinance No. 13381 – RubinBrown, LLP 17 of 3/12/14 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 24A – INTRODUCTION & ADOPTION AT THE APRIL BOARD MEETING th nd NAME OF PROJECT: Old Mill Creek Sewer Rehabilitation Phase III – 14 to 2 Street (10722) LOCATION: th South of I-64 and east of 14 Street in the City of St. Louis, Missouri TYPE OF PROJECT: Intergovernmental Agreement and Local Match for Major Sewer Rehabilitation (015.0 Construction Costs) DEPARTMENT REQUESTING ACTION: Engineering REQUESTED ACTION: Why is this action necessary?: Appropriates funds and authorizes staff to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. What does action accomplish?: Implements the construction of a CIP project. SUMMARY EXPLANATION/BACKGROUND: Contractor: N/A Consultant: N/A Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1222 Spruce Street St. Louis, MO 63103 Number of bidders: Previous District Contract: N/A Low Bid: N/A High Bid: N/A Appropriation Amount: $2,800,000.00 MBE/WBE Participation: Yes Designer’s Estimate: $10,700,000.00 N/A – Project will be constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers using Federal requirements. Type of Contract: Lump Sum Properties Affected: 1 Properties Benefiting: Approximately 250,000 Designed by: Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc. This ordinance authorizes the District to enter into Contract # with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Corps to administer and construct a project in the CIRP. This project consists of the rehabilitation of 5,600 feet of the 15-foot x 20-foot th nd brick and stone arch Old Mill Creek Sewer, between 14 and 2 Streets in the City of St. Louis, Missouri. This project will reduce combined sewer overflows, and extend the service life of the 120-year old, Old Mill Creek Sewer. The preliminary construction cost estimate is $10,700,000. Construction is anticipated to begin in the fall of 2014. FUNDING/COST SUMMARY: Budgeted: Capital Improvement Program Fund Name: Budget Year: FY2014, Continued Amount: $2,800,000 #6660 – Sanitary Replacement Fund Additional Comments: The Federal Water Resources Development Act of 1992 authorized the Corps of Engineers to design and/or construct combined sewer overflow control or reduction projects in the City of St. Louis. The original Act authorized $15,000,000 in federal spending. Subsequent amendments to the act have increased that authorization to $35,000,000, and have broadened the scope of the project to include all the combined sewer area in St. Louis City and County. Since inception, approximately $16,500,000 in federal funding has been allocated to improving the combined sewer system with the Corps bidding, awarding, and managing various construction contracts. The Corps advises that additional federal funding for the next phase of rehabilitation of the Old Mill Creek Sewer system is pending. The Act requires that the local sponsor, MSD, provide a 25% local match for all federal funding. This Board action appropriates the local match needed for the project, and authorizes staff to enter into such intergovernmental agreements as may be necessary to carry 18 of 3/12/14 out the implementation of the project. Staff is requesting introduction and adoption of this ordinance at the April Board Meeting in order to meet the Corps of Engineers’ current schedule. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION RELATED TO THIS ACTION: 04/12/01 – Ord. No. 10939 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Authorized Design Agreement with Corps 06/14/01 – Ord. No. 10978 – Amount: $100,000 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Engineering Services 04/11/02 – Ord. No. 11203 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Design and Construction Agreement 04/11/02 – Ord. No. 11204 – Amount: $2,000,000 – Vandeventer to Grand Sewer Rehabilitation (89193) 04/11/02 – Ord. No. 11205 – Amount: $1,200,000 – Southern Arsenal Relief Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II (2000116) 01/23/03 – Ord. No. 11441 – Amount: $114,000 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Engineering Services (2001141) 05/11/06 – Ord. No. 12206 – Amount: $2,000,000 – Old Mill Creek Sewer Rehabilitation Phase I (89185) th nd 02/10/11 – Ord. No. 13203– Amount: $643,000 – Old Mill Creek Sewer Rehabilitation Phase III – 14 to 2 Street – Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc. – Design Contract No. 10614
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