+ R O\ & U RVV & DW KR O LF & K X U FK &KDP EO H H 7X FNH U 5R DG $ W O DQW D *H R UJL D 0 DL O L Q J$ GGUH V V + DW KDZ D\ &W $ W O DQW D *$ 3 KR Q H )D[ Z Z Z KR O \FUR V VDW O DQ W D R UJ 1RYHPEHU 1RYHPEHU 7KH&RPPHPRUDWLRQRIDOOWKH)DLWKIXO'HSDUWHG$OO6RXOV'D\ 7KH&RPPHPRUDWLRQRIDOOWKH)DLWKIXO'HSDUWHG$OO6RXOV'D\ /D&RQPHPRUDFLyQGHWRGRVORV)LHOHV'LIXQWRV'tDGHORV'LIXQWRV /D&RQPHPRUDFLyQGHWRGRVORV)LHOHV'LIXQWRV't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t6LGHVHDQPiVLQIRUPDFLyQVREUHQXHVWUD SDUURTXLDROHV JXVWDUtDUHFRJH UXQIR UPXODULRGHLQVFULSFLyQSRUIDYRUYLVLWHQQXHVWUR (VFULWRULRGH%LHQYHQLGDHQHOYHVWtEXOR7DPELpQSXHGHQYLVLWDUQXHVWURVLWLR GHLQWHUQHWHQ ZZZKRO\FURVVDWODQWDRUJ3ODQHHQ XQLUVHDQRVRWURV +D\XQOXJDUSD UDWRGRVHQOD,JOHVLDGH+RO\&URVV General Information / Información General Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial: 770-939-3501, 9am-4pm School of Religion/Escuela de Religión: 678-689-2819 Regular Mass Times/Horario de Misas Mon, Tue, Wed & Thur/Lun, Mar, Mier, Jueves: 9:15am and 7:00pm Wednesday/Miércoles: 7:00pm Spanish/español Friday/Viernes: 9:15am Saturday/Sábado: 9:15am and 5:00pm Vigil 6:30pm Spanish/español Vigil Sunday/Domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am, 1:15pm Spanish/español & 5:30pm Lifeteen Burmese Mass (3rd Sunday) 3:00pm Burmese Confessions / Confesiones Wednesday / Miércoles Saturday / Sábado 6:30pm After 9:15am Mass or by appt. Después de la Misa de las 9:15am o con cita. +HDULQJ,PSDLUHG'HYLFHV $YDLODEOHDWDOOZHHNHQG0DVVHV3HUVRQDO KHDULQJGHYLFHVDUHDYDLODEOHWRDVVLVWWKRVH DWWHQGLQJOLWXUJLHV,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRXVHRQH SOHDVHYLVLWWKH:HOFRPH'HVN Parish Registration: Welcome to Holy Cross. If y ou would like to become a registered member of our parish f amily, y ou may pickup a registration f orm f rom our Welcome Desk or f rom the parish office. When completed, y ou may drop it off at the parish office, mail it in or hand it to one of our Welcome Desk v olunteers. Registration f orms are also av ailable at www.holy crossatlanta.org Did you know ? Parish Office Hours/Horas de la Oficina Parroquial Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm Sacraments Baptism Under 6 Years of Age Parents are required to be members of the parish f or at least six months and are required to complete a preparation program. Call the parish office to reserv e a space in the Baptism class, held quarterly. Marriage: This sacrament requires completion of a marriage preparation program (generally fiv e to six months in length), as well as other notifications. Y ou must also be a registered member of the church f or three months bef ore securing a calendar date f or y our wedding. Please contact the parish office f or more inf ormation. Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners must notify the parish office to receive a communion visitation or anointing by a priest in the home or hospital. Sacramentos Bautismos para niños menores de 6 años: Las charlas para los bautismos son el primero y segundo miércoles del mes. Los bautismos se celebran en grupo el tercer sábado de cada mes a las 10am. Requisitos: Los padres deben estar registrados en la Parroquia, acta de nacimiento del niño/a, acta de matrimonio católico de los padrinos, si los padrinos son solteros-- deberán ser mayores de 16 años y haber recibido los Sacramentos. Presentar el acta de Confir mación, tomar las charlas de preparación para el bautismo o traer carta de la parroquia donde asisten en la que conste que son católicos prácticos. Todos los documentos, junto con el registro para el bautismo se debe de presentar en la primera charla. Para más información recoja los formularios para el bautismo en la mesa de bienvenida. Presentaciones: Niños y niñas de 40 días ó de tres años, inscribirse antes de la misa con los ujieres. Los niños de tres años deben estar bautizados. Matrimonios: Como requisito deben completar una preparación matri monial y ser mie mbros de la parroquia por no menos de 6 meses. Para mas información, comuníquese con Monique Marlettet at 770-939-3501, ext. 223 Unción de los Enfermos: Si tiene un familiar enfermo o conocido y que pertenece a la parroquia, puede llamar para que el Sacerdote lo visite o algún Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunión. Lla me a la oficina , 770-939-3501, Ext. 225 y lo visitaremos y oraremos por el. 2 Did y ou know that you can receiv e updates about parish activ ities and ev ents directly to y our email? To receiv e updates simple go to our website, www.holy crossatlanta.org, and look f or the env elope on the right hand column of the webpa ge. Subscribing is easy and saf e. Mailings wi ll be done the 1st Thursday of the month, except f or important notifications and reminders. Homebound? Do y ou know a parishioner who is homebound due to illness, or is elderly and would like to receiv e Communion? Please contact Eileen Anandappa at 770-908-0062 or e-mail her at eileenanandappa @hotmail.com. Bereavement Support: The Holy Cross Bereav ement Support Group meets the f irst Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm in the Assembly Room. Holy Cross hosts this support group f or the recently bereav ed or any one hav ing diff iculty with the loss of a lov ed one. Being with others who are walking the same path of loss is a help to many. If you are interested in being part of this new group, please drop -in to our meeting or contact Al or Elaine McNeil at 770-935-4993. Bulletin Submission Information: Bulletin content must be receiv ed in the parish office no later than Friday at 9:00am of the week prior to publication. Please email y our submissions to [email protected]. Update your Parishioner Information: Hav e y ou mov ed, changed email address, added a f amily member, no longer hav e a land line or changed phone numbers? We need to know so we can keep y ou inf ormed on what’s happening aro und Holy Cross. Please v isit http://holy crossatlanta.org/update-parishioner inf o/ to submit your changes to the Parish Office. Mass Intentions & Readings/Intenciones & Lecturas de la Misa Through incessant prayer, we open ourselv es more fully to understanding God’s will. Through f aith in the power of pray er, we experience God’s love and assistance. Our Christian lif e is nourished by the scriptures we read and by our received tradition. Pode mos entender mas profundamente la voluntad de Dios cuando estamos en continua oración. A través de nuestra fe en el poder de la oración, podemos sentir el amor y la ayuda de Dios. Nuestra vida Cristiana es alimentada por las escrituras que leemos y por la tradición recibida. 6XQGD\'RPLQJR³7KH&RPPHPRUDWLRQRIDOOWKH)DLWKIXO'HSDUWHG$OO6RXOV'D\ Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 SP9LJ LO &DLWOLQ0F*HH'E \+HU)DPLO\ Please pray for the repose of the soul of SP9LJLO ,UHQH&DPSRV ,QRFHQFLR6 DQFKH]'E\0DUWLQ 6DQFKH] DP (UQLH 5RELOOD UG'E\&RQQLH 3HUH] DP )RUWK HS HRSOH RI+RO\&URVV3RUODJ HQWH GH+RO\&URVV Phyllis Reimer DP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD Founding member of Holy Cross SP -RVHILQD(VFDPLOOD --HVXV$ OYDUH] Wife of Deacon Cece Reimer SP ,QWHQWLRQVIR U'D\VIR U/LIHE \5HVSHFW/ LIH Mother of Mark Reimer and Anne Reimer Craig 0RQGD\/XQHV³:HHNGD\6DLQW0DUWLQGH3RUUHVUHOLJLRXV Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. DP 'RW% URRNV'E \WKH$ QDQGDSSD)DPLO\ SP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD Por favor, recuerde siempre en sus oraciones a todas las almas del 7XHVGD\0DUWHV³6DLQWV&KDUOHV%RUURPHRELVKRS purgatorio. Que las almas de los fieles Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 difuntos descansen en paz por la DP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD misericordia de Dios. SP )RUWK H,Q WHQWLR QVR IWKH3ULH VW/DVLQ WHQFLRQHVG HO6DFHUGRWH :HGQHVGD\0LpUFROHV³:HHNGD\ Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 DP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD SP )RUWK H,Q WHQWLR QVR IWKH3ULH VW/DVLQ WHQFLRQHVG HO6DFHUGRWH 7KXUVGD\-XHYHV³:HHNGD\ Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 DP ,QD6 LVR'E\&RQQLH 3HUH] SP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD )ULGD\9LHUQHV ³:HHNGD\ Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 DP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD 6DWXUGD\6iEDGR³%OHVVHG9LUJLQ0DU\ Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 SP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD SP -HZHOH QH6 PLWK'E \-RH6 PLWK SP $OE HUWR&HURQ'E\6WH OOD &HURQ 6XQGD\'RPLQJR³7KH'HGLFDWLRQRIWKH/DWHUQ%DVLOLFD Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 DP 6DP&HUQLJ LOLD'E \WKH3DULVKLRQHUV DP $OO6RXOV1RYHQD DP &KULVWLQ H7HPDWH 1DQNHX'E\3K\OOLV3DXO0RQWH OOR SP )RUWK H,Q WHQWLR QVR IWKH3ULH VW/DVLQ WHQFLRQHVG HO6DFHUGRWH SP )RUWK HS HRSOH RI+RO\&URVV3RUODJ HQWH GH+RO\&URVV ͆͡͝Ǥ ͘͟͟Ǧ͛͜͡Ǧ͙͜͜͞Ǥ ƪ × Óǡ Ǥ ×͆͡͝ǡ Ƥ ͡ǣ͘͘Ȅ͙ǣ͘͘ Ǥ /HFWXUDVSDUDODVHPDQDGHOGHQRYLHPEUHGH 'RPLQJR 6DE 5RP R 5RP -Q /XQHV )OS / F 0DUWHV )OS /F 0LpUFROH V)OS / F -XHYHV )OS / F 9LH UQHV )OS / F 6iEDGR )OS / F 'RPLQJRVLJ XLHQWH (] &RU -Q /LWXUJLFDO3XEOLFDWLRQV,QF *en español 3 Local School NEWS and Events Get your Holiday shopping done early at the +2/,'$<0$5.(73/$&( at St. Pius X Catholic High School News from St. John Neum ann Regional Catholic School Saturday, November 22nd from 9am until 3pm The students enrolled at St. John Neumann Regional Catholic School, a 1994 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence located in Lilburn, are from over 20 Catholic parishes. Plan to attend our Open House on Thursday, November 13, from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm . You can visit our Facebook page to see all of our students in action. If you w ould like more information, please contact us at 770-381-0557 or by email at [email protected]. We look forw ard to serving your family! 2674 Johnson Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30345 Near I-85 and Shallowford Road, 2 exits inside 285 www.spx.org/marketplace • • • • • More than 160 Vendors Raffle Ticket with $3 Admission Bake Sale (home-made goods) Café Msgr. Lopez’s Famous Soup Free Parking Mandatory training and certification for all current and new Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, November 15th from 1-3 pm in the church. Honoring Veterans WRKHOSVXSSRUW 7KH:RXQGHG:DUULRU3URMHFW 7KH:RXQGHG:DUULRU3URMHFW 6DWXUGD\1RY +RO\&URVV3DULVK+DOO SP .RI&$VVHPEO\ 'RQDWLRQ 7KH+RO\&URVV7URRS 6XSSRUW0LQLVWU\ZLOOEH RQFHDJDLQKRQRULQ J 9HWHUDQVRQWKHZHHNHQG RI1RYHPEHUZLWKD VSHFLD OLQVHUWLQWKH EXOOHWLQ <RXDUHLQ YLWHGWRVXEPLWWKHQDPHRIDQ\ YHWHUDQOLYLQJRUGHFHDVHGWRWKH7URRS6XSSRUW 0LQLVWU\VRWKDWWKH\FDQEHKRQRUHGRQWKLVYHU\ VSHFLD OGD\HPDLO%RE6SLGHODWVSLG HOU#DROFRP WRGD\,IDYHWHUDQKDVSDVVHGDZD\VLQFHODVW\HDU SOHDVHSXWD³'´WRWKHOHIWRIWKHQDPHRIWKH/LYLQ J OLVWVRZHFDQPDNHWKHFRUUHFWLRQV 2Q6DWXUGD\1RYDQG6XQGD\1RYZHLQ YLWH 9HWHUDQVWRSURFHVVLQWRWKHFKXUFKDQGEHKRQRUHG 9HWHUDQVZLOODVVHPEOHLQWKH*DWKHULQJ$UHDRXWVLGH WKH&KXUFKPLQ XWHVSULRUWRDOO0DVVHV/RRNIRU WKH7URRS6XSSRUW0LQLVWU\WDEOHDQGWKH\ZLOOSURYLG H \RXZLWKLQ VWUXFWLR QV :KDWLI\RX FRXOGKDYHIXQDQGUDLVHP RQH\IRUDJUHDWFDXVH" :HOOKHUH V\RXUFKDQFH7KH.QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXVWK'HJUHH $VVHPEO\LVKRVWLQJD7ULYLD1LJKWRQ6DWXUGD\ 1RYHPEHUDWSPLQWKH+RO\&URVV3DULVK+DOO)RU MXVWSHUSHUVRQ RUSHUWDEOHRI\RXFDQWH VW \RXUNQRZOHGJHHDWVRPHVQDFNVKDYHDGULQNZLQDGRRU SUL]H%87PRVWRIDOOKHOSUDLVH PRQH\IRUDJUHDWFDXVH7KH :RXQGHG:DUULRU3URMHFW7KH: RXQGHG:DUULRU3URMHFW VHUYHVYHWHUDQVDQGVHUYLFHPHPEHUVZKRLQFXUUHGDSK\VLFDO RUPHQWDOLQMXU\LOOQHVVRUZRXQGFRLQFLGHQWWRWKHLUPLOLWDU\ VHUYLFHRQRUDIWHU6HSWHPEHUDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHV-RLQ XVZLWKDIULHQGRUEULQJWKH ZKROHIDPLO\ ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWL RQVRUZL VKWRGRQDWHWRWKH :RXQGHG :DUULRU3URMHFWSOHDVHFRQ WDFW%RE+XGVRQ DW FRPPXQLFDWLRQV#NRIFFRXQFLORUJ 4 www.holycrossatlanta.org Annual Mass of Remembrance Bob Buechner Blood Drive The annual Bob Buechner blood drive will be on Saturday, December 6, 8am-2pm. Our goal is to collect 350 units of blood. Look for sign-ups soon. The Knights of Columbus will sponsor the annual Mass of Remembrance for those who have died this past year on Monday, Nov. 3 at 7pm. Sprinkler Heads Please help us maintain our new sprinkler system in good working condition. Do not allow children to play with sprinkler heads! Water Bottles Our Grounds Ministry is requesting donations of packaged water bottles to distribute to volunteers when working on our grounds. Donations can be dropped by our kitchen door (back parking lot.) Please do not block the door. Holy Cross Dinner Group Now Forming Celebrate Your Parish Family While You Tickle Your Taste Buds! Our Holy Cross Dinner Group will have its pot-luck kick off on November 8, Sunday, at 6:00pm. For more information, please contact Mary Lynn Scarbrough at 770-797-9415 or Barbara Gerlach, 770-939-6809 or [email protected] CRS Fair Trade Sale A Catholic Relief Services Fair Trade Sale will be Sunday, November 9 after all Masses. Your purchases will touch and improve the lives of artisans and craftsmen throughout the world. Included will be fair trade coffee, tea, and chocolate as well as handcrafted jewelry, baskets, nativity sets and many other decorative and personal items that will make wonderful gifts. It’s official… No More Newspaper Recycling Holy Cross has had newspaper recycling bins that served as a small fundraiser for the Youth and later for the Green Ministry for several years. The recycling company has gone out of business a s of 10/15/14. The bins will be removed very soon and will not be replaced. We thank everyone who has supported this fundraiser and we ask that you please continue recycling your newspapers at home. The recycling bin that is provided by the county is NOT a fundraiser and is strictly for cardboard only. Please do not place any newspapers in this bin. Thank you. ...”Footloose” is dancing its way to Holy Cross in 2015! Auditions will be held Saturday, November 15th from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the music room. An audition sign-up sheet will be made available early November. Show dates are late January/early February. Al-anon Meeting Traditions Al-anon continue meeting at 7:30pm to 8:30pm. every Monday night in classroom in the Religious Education building. Enter at rear parking lot. All welcome! Please pickup your 50th Anniversary t-shirts from the front office between 9am-4pm M onday—Friday. If you cannot come by please call the church office to make other arrangements, 770-939-3501. 5 Prayer Concerns, Calendar & Upcoming Events Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones: John Pilar, Frank Hince, Horacio Sanchez Franco, Bernard Ryan, Maryanne Tew, Marta Wood, Chris Keij, Glenda Youngblood, Maria Luz Diaz, Herb Broughton, Linda Ipock, Phillip Marquis, Marty Rodgers, Alice Taylor, Ellie Fleet, Bart Dekom, Bob DeSantis, Carol Moe, David & Ahas Crawford, Sue Coyle, Rose Erbs, Lynne Sigel, Marilyn Coleman, George Kovacich, Michael Ryan, Charlene Timmons, Chris Timmons, Edith Dorion, James & Marilyn Wall, Dennis & Jean Clos, Eswart Lake, Sylvia Bower, Bob & Mary Lewis, Merv Givens, Jennifer Ruen, Betty & Stephen Bearden, Robert Harrison, Serafina Velliano, Randy Sharp Jr., Trisha Benson, Cindy Steele, Leslie Russin, Fred Stephenson, Maria Vidal, Peggy Early, Carl Acker, Marty Martin, Billie Ballard, Carina Jimenez, Zach Zabroske, and Rachel Blackwell. MARK YOUR CALENDARS... November 3 Mass of Remembrance November 4 Youth Ministry: XLT @ All Saints November 8 & 9 Honoring Veterans Weekend November 9 CRS Fair Trade Sale after all Masse s Faith Matters: “Back Home: My Journey out of and back into the Catholic Church” November 15 Magnificat Breakfast KofC Trivia Night If you woul d like the name of a l oved one added to our published prayer list, pleas e call the c hurc h office at 770-939-3501, or email your request to offic e@hol ycrossatl anta.org. Individuals will b e kept on our prayer list for six weeks. Mandatory training and certification for Eucharistic Ministers Footloose Auditions Por fav or, llame a la oficina parroqui al a 770-939-3501 si des ea poner a un familiar en la lista de oraciones , o c uando la s alud de alguien mejore o si ellos necesitan ser removidos de la lista. Tambi én nos puede mandar un mensaj e por correo electrónic o a offic e@holycrossatl anta.org. Faith Matters: “Creation Care 101” November 16 Knights of Columbus Breakfast $77(17,210,1,675</($'(56 $VWKHKROLGD\VDSSURDFKRXUEXOOHWLQGHDGOLQHVDUH GLIIHUHQW3OHDVHVHQG\RXUEXOOHWLQVXEPLVVLRQVWR 0RQLTXH0DUOHWWHDWPPDUOHWWH#KRO\FURVVDWODQWDRUJE\ WKHGHDGOLQHVOLVWHG $UWLFOHVWREHSRVWHGRQ 1RYUGEXOOHWLQDUHGXH7KX1RYWKE\DP 1RYWKEXOOHWLQDUHGXH7XH1RYWKE\DP 'HFWKEXOOHWLQDUHGXH7XH1RYWKE\DP 'HFWKEXOOHWLQDUHGXH7KX'HFWKE\DP 'HFVWEXOOHWLQDUHGXH7XH'HFWKE\DP 'HFWKEXOOHWLQDUHGXH)UL'HFWKE\DP -DQWKEXOOHWLQDUHGXH7KXU'HFWKE\DP Our monthly Reaching Out newsletter will not be published for the month of November. The next issue will be included in the Dec 14th bulletin ǤǡǤͳͷǡ ʹͲͳͶǡͻǣ͵ͲǤǤ ǦͳʹǤǤ ǡ͵͵ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡǤ̈́ͳͷ Ǥ ǡϐ ǡǤͻǣǡͳͲ ǡ ǡ ͵ͲͲͻʹǤ ǦǤ ͲǦʹ͵ǦͻͷǤ 6 www.holycrossatlanta.org ŵĂƚƚĞƌƐ Families in Faith 6XQGD\0RUQLQJ $GXOW)DLWK )RUPDWLRQ $0 $VVHPEO\5RRP The Final Word: Hope In November, the liturgies of the Church focus on death: the deaths of loved ones, saints and martyrs, as well as our own. The feasts of All Saints and All Souls are two traditional feasts of the Roman Catholic Church. As early as the Fourth century the eastern Greek Church celebrated the lives of the martyrs. It wasn’t until 844 AD that Gregory the 4th set the First of November--a date closely associated with harvest feasts in Ireland and Britain-as the feast for the western Church to commemorate all martyrs. By the 14th Century a celebration remembering all the faithfully departed was widespread throughout the religious orders. These feasts confront the reality of death, loss, and pain, along with the promise of life with the risen Christ. Our culture today goes to great lengths to avoid thinking about death. Conversations about end of life issues, the making of wills, the selection of burial plots are shunned. Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals perpetuate youth, enhancing longevity and virility, offering the hope of evading death. Even our language about death is plagued by euphemisms. We speak of “ passing away,” “going home,” “hearing the call,” or “going to heaven.” Death it seems is too harsh a word to speak--unrelenting, cold and final without release. Interestingly, neither Jesus nor St. Paul ever shied away from using the word “death” or referring to the dead. Both speak of those who have “ fallen asleep” in Christ but for St. Paul, such a phrase usually comes on the heels of announcing that we have all died in Christ through our shared baptism. Paul is ever quick to proclaim that death, though real and powerful, does not have any power in the wake of Jesus' own death and resurrection. The courage to stare down this sorrow is drawn from the depths of our relationship with Jesus. To know Jesus is to know the truth about death--it has been deflated, robbed of its power, it is forever and utterly destroyed. These days death seems lurking around every corner. The horrific acts of murder by terrorists, armed conflicts in Ukraine, war in many parts of the world, brutality against women and girls, and now the rising threat of the virus Ebola--death has a magnified presence that even our culture of denial cannot avoid. It is now that we followers of Jesus are needed. We are called to be witnesses of hope. We have something to offer a weary world. We have a hope to offer that is not a band-aid or a palliative to anesthetize those living with great sorrow, loss and pain. The hope we possess is good news, a hope that does not disappoint. We are bound to share this with creation. As a community living the Resurrection we face death squarely, acknowledging the depth of sorrow and the ravages it brings. Still, we trust in the revelation of Christ lived through the communion of saints, the holy martyrs and all the faithful gone before us, that death does not have the final word. We know we have a future, a fullness of life and await a face-to-face encounter with Him who loves us through death to life. In this month of November take time to call to mind loved ones who have died. Remember their gifts, savor the affection they brought to life, trust that they dwell before the face of God in peace. During this month may we thank God for the gifts of his love and our lives. May he give us the grace to prepare each day for our own death--and our eternal life with him. November 2 “Franciscan Spirituality” Father Joseph Dorniak, our new Parochial Vicar, will be sharing about Franciscan spirituality. Join us as we get to know Fr. Joseph and the Franciscan order. November 9 “Back Home: My Journey out of and back into the Catholic Church” Randy Ory is actively engaged in creation and delivery of Adult Formation programs/classes for parishes. My story of departure and return to the Catholic Church. A description of how "narrative and story" characterize our journeys of faith, I detail w hat led to my departure and my return to the Church. Intellectual, social and spiritual aspects are described. November 16 “Creation Care 101” Kate McGregor Mosley from Georgia Interfaith Pow er and Light w ill be our guest speaker. This session is sponsor by the Holy Cross Green Ministry and w ill share w ith the parish the importance of being a Green Parish. December 7, 14, 21 (10:20am–11:50am) “The First Noel: Exploring the Infancy Narratives of Sts. Matthew and Luke” Presented by Randy Ory - An Advent series focused on the key themes of Sts. Matthew and Luke’s Infancy Stories. After a brief overview of each Gospel’s historical setting and general thematic approach, the focus turns to the way in w hich these themes function in the Infancy narratives. 7 www.holycrossatlanta.org 3DULVK5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ:HHNLV1RYHPEHUWK 1RYLHPEUHGHODOVHUiODVHPDQDGHOD (GXFDFLyQ5HOLJLRVDGHOD SDUURTXLD 6SLULW/LIHDQG/LIH7HHQ3DUHQWV±3OHDVHMRLQXVLQ WKHFKDSHORQWKHWKLUG6XQGD\RIHDFKPRQWKIURPSPDVZH FRPHWRJHWKHUWRSUD\IRUWKHWHHQVRI+RO\&URVV 3DGUHVGHOR V-yYHQHVGHOJUDGR±6SLULW/LIH\GHORVJUDGRV±/LIH7HHQSRUIDYRU~QDQVHDQRVRWURVHOWHUFHU GRPLQJRGHFDGDPHVGHSPHQOD &DSLOODSDUDRUDUSRUORVMy YHQHVGH+RO\&URVV 6SDQLVK3DUHQW&ODVVHVKHOG GXULQJDOO(OHPHQWDU\5HOLJLR XV(GXFDWLRQVHVVLRQV&RPHMRLQLQ DQGOHDUQDERXW\RXU &DWKROLFIDLWKDQGKRZWRVKDUHWKDWIDLWKZLWK\RXUFKLOGUHQ 'XUDQWHWRGDVOD VFOD VHVGH(GXFDFLyQ5HOLJLRVDGHOR VJUDGRV3.LQGHUDOJUDGRORVSDGUHVWLHQHQODRSRUWXQLG DGGH DSUHQGHUDFHUFDGHODIHFDWy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yOLFDGH$OO6DLQWVHQ'XQZRRG\(VXQD QRFKHGHDODEDQ]DP~VLFDGHDGRUDFLyQFRQXQ RUDGRULQYLWDGR\WHUPLQDFRQOD$GRUDFLyQ 6iQGZLFKHVGH&KLFNILO$HVWDUiQGLVSRQLEOHVD XQFRVWRGHGyODUHV/RVIRUPXODULRVGHSHUPLVR VRQUHTXHULGRVSDUDQRYLHPEUH5HXQLUVHHQOD LJOHVLDDODVSP5HJUHVRSP 8 www.holycrossatlanta.org Have some fun and give back to the community and join the Knights of Columbus and the Conquest Club in making sandw iches for the Soup Kitchen at The Shr ine of the Immaculate Conception in dow ntown Atlanta. Every 1st Friday, with the assistance of other Holy Cross ministries, w e will be making sandw iches starting at 6:30 pm in the Holy Cross kitchen. Anyone and everyone are w elcome to come w henever they can get there to help out. The following morning, a group leaves Holy Cross at 8:30 am to not only deliver the sandw ic hes, but feed the homeless. We’ll arrive at the Shrine at 9am, start serving about 9:30am until about 11am and arrive back at Holy Cross before noon. Anyone is welcome and invited for some or all of the time both days. If you are interested in assisting, please contact Don Conner or Ken Farnsw orth at [email protected] TICKETS ON SALE THIS WEEKEND AFTER ALL MASSES ³7KH0HVVLDK´LVEHLQJSUHVHQWHGE\)U+R/XQJDQG)ULHQGV3HUIRUPDQFHVKHOGDW*ZLQQHWW3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV&HQWHU1RY#SP1RY#SP1RY#SP$OOWKHSURFHHGVZLOOJR WRZDUGVWKHKRPHOHVVDQGDEDQGRQHGFKLOGUHQ$GXOWV6HQLRU8QGHU)DPLO\RI )RUPRUHLQIRFRQWDFW(LOHHQ$QDQGDSSDDWRUHPDLODWHLOHHQ#JPDLOFRP The Annual Mass for the deceased bishops, priests, and deacons will take place on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 10:30AM in the priest section at Arlington Memorial Park. The Way for Men is a 3-day retreat for adult male survivors of abuse, offered by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Victim Assistance Program December 5-7, 2014 at Carmel Retreat Center in Hoschton, GA. Registration deadline is November 25, 2014. Please contact Sue Stubbs at 404-920-7554 or [email protected] for more information. The Mass will be celebrated by Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop of Atlanta. Arlington Memorial Park is located at 201 Mount Vernon Highway, Atlanta, Ga 30328. 9 Stewardship OFFERTORY/OFERT ORIO Stewardship Reflection October 25 & 26 - $22,157.52 All Souls Day on Nov. 2 is a day when we pray for deceased souls. These prayers may be general in nature or they may involve specific members of our families and our faith communities, including perhaps physically visiting the graves of our family members. On All Saints Day, we acknowledge the presence of those who have departed this life. Today, we recognize and honor them to an even greater extent. To practice stewardship completely we need to be aware of our personal families and our faith families. Just prior to today’s Gospel reading Jesus reminds us that “I am the bread of life.” Seven times in Holy Scripture, Jesus states, “I am…” followed by various statements which allow us to grasp more fully what He is and what He has done for us. Bread is considered one of those essentials “for life.” Jesus is reminding us that He is essential for life, for eternal life. Jesus is not speaking of the physical life on this earth, but about “eternal life.” It is that hope which allows us to trust in Him by living stewardship. This past June at Mass, Pope Francis said, “He Himself is the living bread that gives life to the world.” Let us embrace that hope. Thank you for your continued generosity! Gracias por tu generosidad. 2ND COLLECTION/2DA COLECTA 72'$<$UFKGLRFHVDQ6HPLQDULDQV 1RYHPEHU6W9LQFHQW'H3DXO6DQ9LFHQWHGH3DXO 1RYHPEHU)ULHQGVRI6W0DUWLQ 1RYHPEHU&DPSDLJQIRU+XPDQ'HYHORSPHQW 1RYHPEHU1RQG&ROOHFWLRQ If you still have a pledge balance to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, please complete your payments as soon as possible. For those who make charitable contributions at the end of the year, please consider gi fts to your parish and to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Your finan cial support is greatly appreciated. On behal f o f Archbishop Grego ry, thank you for supporting your neighbors in north and central Georgia, as well as around the world. Every gift is important and appreciated. If you wish to be part of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, please contact Estela Morales at 404-920-7604 or at [email protected]. CAMPAÑA ANUAL DEL ARZOBISPO 2014 “ Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo” – Levíticos 19:18 Si aún no ha terminado de pagar su compromiso a la Campaña Anual del Arzobispo, por favor hag a su pago tan pronto como sea posible. Aquellos de ustedes que hacen contribuciones caritativas al final del año, por favor consideren donar a su parroquia y a la Campaña Anual del Arzobispo. Apreciamos inmensamente su apoyo finan ciero. En nombre del Arzobispo Gregory, del P. [párroco] y de nuestro personal parroquial, gracias por apoy ar a sus hermanos en el norte y el centro de Georgia, al igual que alrededor del mundo. Cada donación es importante y apreciad a. Si desea ser parte de la Campaña Anual del Arzobispo, por favor contacte a Estela Morales en el 404920-7604 o en [email protected]. 2XUVHFRQGFROOHFWLRQWRGD\LV IRU WKHVHPLQDULDQVRIWKH$UFKGLRFHVHRI $WODQWD:HKDYHEHHQEOHVVHGZLWK PDQ\YRFDWLRQVWRWKHSULHVWKRRGDQG \RXUSUD\HUVDQGJHQHURXVJLIWV WRGD\VXSSRUWRYHUPHQZKRDUH QRZSUHSDULQJIRUIXWXUHSULHVWO\ VHUYLFHLQQRUWK*HRUJLD 1XHVWUDVHJXQGDFROHFWDGHKR\HVWiGHVWLQDGDDORV VHPLQDULVWDVGHOD$UTXLGLyFHVLVGH$WODQWD+HPRVVLGR EHQGHFLGRVFRQPXFKDVYRFDFLRQHVVDFHUGRWDOHV\VXV RUDFLRQHV\RIUHQGDVDEXQGDQWHVGHKR\D\XGDQDKRPEUHV TXHHQHVWHPRPHQWRVHHVWiQSUHSDUDQGRSDUDTXHHQXQ IXWXURVLUYDQHQVDFHUGRFLRDOQRUWHGH*HRUJLD &RIIHH'RQXWV0LQLVWU\ :HLQYLWH\RXWRMRLQXVRQ1RYHPEHUDQG6WRS E\WKH3DULVK+DOOIRUGRXJKQXWVDQGFRIIHHLPPHGLDWHO\ IROORZLQJWKHDPDP 0DVV7KLVLVDJUHDWZD\WRPHHW RWKHUIDPLOLHVLQWKH3DULVKDQG EXLOGFRPPXQLW\ Parish Goal/ Meta parroquial: $111,600 Amount Pledged/ Cantidad prometida: $133,739.50 Amount Paid/ Cantidad pagada: $91,835.20 Remaining Balance/ Cantidad restante: $41,904.30 Mail Gifts to: Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, P.O. Box 6065, Albert Lea, MN 56007-6665 10 www.holycrossatlanta.org Bautismos en Noviembre Las próximas platicas para Bautismos son el 5 y 12 de nov iembre a las 7pm en el Salón 9-10 en la Escuela de Religión. Los Bautismos se celebraran el 15 de Noviembre. Es responsabilidad de los que solicitan el sacramento del Bautismo: • Registrar al infante con el Registro de Bautismo • Los Padres y Padrinos deben tomar dos pláticas pre-bautismales (Si tomaron las pláticas en otra parroquia deben traer la carta de constancia). • Presentar el acta de nacimiento, en la primera platica. • Presentar el acta del matrimonio católico de los padrinos en la primera platica. • Presentar la partida de Conf irmación de los padrinos con una carta de la parroquia donde asisten en la que conste que son católicos practicantes durante la primera platica. • Ofrendar v oluntariamente a el sacerdote con un donativo en sobre cerrado el día del Bautizo. Requisitos para ser padrino de Bautismo: • Ser may or de edad (16+) • Debe haber recibido los sacramentos del Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación. • Si los padrinos son pareja, haber recibido el sacramento del Matrimonio católico. • Ser un católico practicante y fiel a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. • Debe asistir a las pláticas pre-bautismales. Deseas Consagrar tu relación de pareja ? Retiro de la Escuela de la Cruz Se les hace la cordial invitación a hombres casados por la iglesia, a vivir el Retiro de la Escuela de la Cruz. Se llevara acabo del 19 al 22 de Febrero, 2015. Para mas información: Chuy: 404-597-0374 Noé: 770-666-1628 Jilberto: 404-337-4290 Jose Luis: 678-612-8888 Bodas de Canaán: primeros invitados Jesús, La Virgen María y sus discípulos. Ellos están en tu vida de pareja? Información : 8 de Noviembre de 4:00 a 6:00 pm en el Assembly Room 11
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