PUZZLES A14 | FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014 www.TheEpochTimes.com CROSSWORD WORDSEARCH Across National Pet Day ALPACAS BOA CONSTRICTOR BOX TURTLES CATS CHINCHILLAS DEQUS DOGS FERRETS FISH FROGS GERBILS GOATS GROUND SQUIRRELS GUINEA PIGS HAMSTERS HERMIT CRABS HORSES IGUANAS LIZARDS MICE PARAKEETS POT-BELLIED PIGS PYTHONS RABBITS RATS SUGAR GLIDERS TARANTULAS TERRAPINS TORTOISE SUDOKU Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. 1. Corker 5. Christiania, now 9. Beach protection 16. About 18. Dock 19. Iced, spiced wine drink 20. Fashioned using a program 23. Drunk, in slang 24. Litigant 25. Bothers 26. Former White House nickname 28. 45, e.g. 30. “Chicago” lyricist 32. Victorian, for one 33. jackhammers 40. Boys 42. ___ lab 43. Spoil, with “on” 44. Away 45. Toyota’s Prius has one 50. Social 52. ___ couture 53. Dance associated with dots? 55. “___ #1!” 56. Crack 59. Deviation 60. Was loud 62. Comic strip “___ & Janis” 63. Library device 66. Porterhouse, e.g. 68. Fairy tale character 70. 110 degree heading 75. Long, long time 76. “Once ___ a time...” 78. Trophy 79. “Blue” or “White” river 80. First-aid post 86. Bleed 87. Not just “a” 88. Hyperbolic tangent abbr. 89. Chunk 91. Big pig 94. Blender sound 96. Pipe material 97. 14.7 psi at sea level 104. Pillar saints 105. “Watch out!” 106. Big Bertha’s birthplace 107. Highway robbery victim, maybe 108. Course 109. ___ law Down 1. Anita Brookner’s “Hotel du ___” 2. A, in Acapulco 3. Summer quencher 4. Remove, as a brooch 5. Kind of column 6. “Dear” one 7. Grassland 8. State in East India 9. Irani Bani-____ 10. Armageddon 11. “Act your ___!” 12. Sushi condiment 13. Bone-dry 14. The ____ Movie, Feb 2014 animated blockbuster 15. Contact, e.g. 17. Garden bulb 19. “Comprende?” 21. Freshman, probably 22. Water carrier 26. Plexus 27. Face-to-face exam 28. Chucklehead 29. Mosque V.I.P. 30. Buffalo’s summer hrs. 31. Born’s partner Hard 72. Photo touch-up tool 73. Pivot 74. Camping gear 77. Pandowdy, e.g. 81. Boardwalk diversion 82. Ado 83. Kind of tax 84. Shrek, e.g. 85. Bing, bang or boom 90. Boito’s Mefistofele, e.g. 91. Strong fiber 92. “Beetle Bailey” dog 93. ___ nitrate 94. “Say ___” 95. “For ___ a jolly ...” 96. Cold one 98. Actor Alastair 99. “Harper Valley ___” 100. Newspaper div. 101. Ace 102. “Losing My Religion” rock group 103. Printing measures RULES Easy KEN KEN 34. Cut, maybe 35. “American ___” 36. Stop 37. St. Anthony, notably 38. Ill-gotten gains 39. Charger 41. Teach 46. Bit 47. Felt bad about 48. Eyeball benders 49. Haul 51. Come to 54. “Not on ___!” (“No way!”) 56. No longer in 57. Overthrow, e.g. 58. Copy 59. “Absolutely!” 61. “Well, ___-di-dah!” 64. Long, long time 65. Bite 66. Pole position? 67. Amazon native 69. Luxurious 71. Computer picture 1. Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating. 2. The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners. 3. Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner. KAKURO Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. WORKSPACE Yesterday’s Solutions. See Friday’s solutions in Monday’s edition. Crossword Kakuro Sudoku Ken Ken Hard Easy We would love feedback on our puzzle page at: [email protected] The Gannon Funeral Home, Inc. :ad`WS`V6S``WU]Wd 8g`WdS^:a_W SERVING FAMILIES OF ALL FAITHS FOR 89 YEARS 6HUYLQJWKHUHVLGHQWVRI&KHOVHDDQG WKH:HVW6LGHIRURYHU\HDUV 'LUHFW&UHPDWLRQ &RPSDQ\/7' 6LQFH Ì$IIRUGDEOH Ì'LJQLILHG Ì&RQYHQLHQW 'LUHFW&UHPDWLRQV DOOLQFOXVLYH 'LUHFW%XULDOV )URP #.").#- /DUJHVHOHFWLRQRI XUQVDYDLODEOH 3K :HVWUG6W1HZ<RUN1< 152 East 28th Street New York, NY 10016 (212) 532-6579 [email protected] www.gannonfuneralhome.com &DOO 6WHYHQ0%D[WHU (DVWWK6WUHHW1<1< GLUHFWFUHPDWLRQFRPSDQ\FRP )*&().#~&& |tz{tzzxxx ¿ ywyutvtut| '#& 0,.#-()1 *)".#'-})' ¿¿ Ð&%"#. ¿&&().#-'/-.*,*#}
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