ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL SOCIETY DATE JUNE 4, 2014. Thursday, June 5, 14 BOARD OF DIRECTORS & SOCIETY MEMBERS 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Wednesday June 4th , 2014 Location: RVS Type of Meeting: Annual General Meeting Chair: Rob Nieuwesteeg Directors In Attendance: Francesca Callebaut, Don Eckford, Mona Hunter, Chester Krala, Andrew McBride, Jon Wrathall, Regrets: Carole Hunter Please Read: AGM Agenda, Minutes of last meeting, Audited financial statements Invited Guests: Erin Corbett – Head of School Teachers & Administrative Staff – River Valley School River Valley School Society Members Minutes: Agenda Items Topic Presenter 1.0 Approval of Agenda Rob 2 2.0 Appointment of Secretary and Scrutineer for AGM: Rob 1 3.0 Assessment of Quorum Rob 1 4.0 Approval of Minutes : May 14th, 2013 AGM Rob 1 5.0 Finance a) Review of current Budget b) Review of next years’ budget Andrew 6.0 Governance and Board Nominations a) * * * * * Election of Board Members Rob Nieuwesteeg (Returning Member) Andrew McBride (Returning Member) Mona Hunter (Retuning Member) Francesca Callebaut (Retuning Member) Chester Krala (Retuning Member) River Valley School Society - Monthly Board Meeting Agenda Thursday, June 5, 14 Time 10 Don Eckford * Jon Wrathall (Retuning Member) * Carole Hunter (Retuning Member) * Don Eckford (Returning Member) • Other nominations o Barbara Fabris (external) o Jeff Barefoot * Other nominations from the floor * Board acknowledgments and thank-you 7.0 Strategic Planning Rob 10 8.0 Capital Campaign Jon? 5 9.0 Motion to Adjourn (Formal part of AGM) Rob 2 10.0 Report from Head of School Erin 45 11.0 Gala Update Mona 10 12.0 Closing remarks Rob Next Annual General Meeting: TBD Thursday, June 5, 14 3 ! ! ! River&Valley&School&Board&Meeting&5&AGM& & May&14,&2013&at&7:00pm& & Board&Attendees:&Mona&Hunter,&Erin&Corbett,&Don&Eckford,&Chris&Lewis,&Andrew&& McBride,&Ed&Trahan,&Boyd&Belisle,&Rob&Nieuwesteeg& & Meeting'opened'at'7:02'pm' & 1.&Welcome&by&Board&Chair&& & 2.&Rob&Nieuwesteeg&did&an&overview&of&the&agenda.& & 3.&Approval'of'agenda&motion&and&second.& & 4.&Quorum&was&assessed&and&seconded.& & 5.&Secretary'and'scrutineer&was&appointed&and&seconded.&& & 6.&Minutes&approved&and&seconded.&& & 7.'Governance'and'election'of'the'Board'of'Directors&5&Rob&presented&the&present&& Board&along&with&incoming&members&with&a&call&to&other&nominations.&There&were&& none.&Rob&moved&and&the&motion&was&seconded.&& & 8.&Finance'report&was&presented&by&Andrew&with&an&open&invitation&to&questions.&& a.&School&enrolment&has&grown&significantly;&& b.&Surplus&at&present&and&projected;&& c.&Statement&of&operations&presented&with&open&invite&to&audience&for&copies&as&desired;&& d.&Gala&fundraiser&summary&presented;&& e.&School's&summary&of&fundraising.&& & Question&asked&about&a&required&surplus&as&mentioned&in&the&minutes.&RVS&is&in&a&& good&position&and&are&operating&from&a&surplus.& & 9.&Motion'to'adjourn&the&formal&part&of&the&meeting&and&motion&seconded.&& Thursday, June 5, 14 & 10.Head&of&School&Report:&& a.&Highlights&of&school&year&2012/2013&5&various&items&were&presented&including& programming,&partnerships,&procedures&around&safety,&staffing,&student& population,&gala&and&fund&development,&finances&reviewed,&facility,&& AB&Ed&school&monitoring&report&update,&government&funding,&and&communication&& strategies;&& & b.&Thank&yous&to&Board,&parent&volunteers,&and&staff&of&RVS;&& & c.&Strategic&Planning&5&general&overview&of&key&themes&built&around&future& planning&and&the¢ral&role&of&the&student&in⁢&& & d.&Planning&for&coming&year&presented&5&a&few&details&such&as&RVS'&10&year& anniversary,&3&year&anniversary&of&Progressive&Program,&educational&aide&by& 1/classroom&ration,&Arrowsmith&Program,&New&Classroom&renovations,&School& Psychologist&hired,&Team&Teaching,&Art&being&added&to&grade&3,&Drama&teacher& hired,&Math&specialist&1&day/week&for&grades&156,&Collaboration&Coordinator,&New& Assistant&Principal;&& & e.&New&classroom&teacher&assignments&presented&for&2013/2014&(what&teachers& are&teaching&what&and&at&what&level);&& & f.&Alberta&Ed&view&on&Achievement&test&vs&start&year&tests,¬&in&place&until&next& year&& and&only&for&grade&3;&& & g.&Accountability&Survey&results&presented;&& & h.&Erin&opened&to&questions&and&a&few&questions&were&asked&and&answered.& & 11.Presentation&around&Gala&event&and&the&future&Gala&5&set&for&Sept&28,&2013.& & 12.Development&plan&discussion&presented&5&goal&and&purpose&articulated.&Money,&gifts& in&kind,&direct&involvement,&etc.&are&all&welcome.&& & 13.Closing&remarks.&& & 14.Meeting&adjourned&at&8:30&pm.& Thursday, June 5, 14 FINANCIAL UPDATE AUDITED RESULTS 2013 & PROJECTED YEAR END 2014 Thursday, June 5, 14 RIVER%VALLEY%SCHOOL%SOCIETY Statement%of%Operations For%the%Year%Ended%August%31,% 2014 2013 Enrolment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%267 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%205 Revenues (Projected) (Audited) 3333333333333333333333,209,289 3333333333333333333331,201,624 333333333333333333333333246,891 33333333333333333333333333378,896 33333333333333333333333333360,939 333333333333333333333333190,717 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4,988,357 333333333333333332,523,045 333333333333333331,015,873 333333333333333333333278,490 3333333333333333333333384,585 3333333333333333333333388,212 3333333333333333333333383,926 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4,074,131 27% 18% K11% K7% K31% 127% 22% 33333333333333333333333333390,425 3333333333333333333333,266,029 333333333333333333333333385,455 333333333333333333333333802,137 333333333333333333333333109,856 33333333333333333333333333392,160 33333333333333333333333333393,707 333333333333333333333333333333333K %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4,839,768 333333333333333333333101,014 333333333333333332,226,558 333333333333333333333553,830 333333333333333333333692,131 3333333333333333333333347,176 3333333333333333333333390,368 33333333333333333333333337,985 3333333333333333333333343,306 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3,762,368 K10% 47% K30% 16% 133% 2% 1074% K100% 29% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%148,588 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%311,763 K52% Tuition3and3student3fees Education3grants Kids3Club,3Amort'n3&3Other Bussing3fees Donations Fundraising Expenditures Amortization Salaries3and3benefits General3and3administrative Rent,3utilities3and3maintenance Fundraising Bussing3service3and3rental Other Flood3expense3(net) Surplus Surplus%to%Revenue%ratio Thursday, June 5, 14 3% %%change 8% 30% River&Valley&School Yearly&Enrolment&&&Financial&Performance 2014 2012 2013 2014 2015 Junior&Kindergarten&and&Tots 12 20 30 60 Kindergarten 25 37 32 32 0 26 48 Tuition Grants Total/student Grades&1&I&6 128 148 179 181 &&&&&&&&&&&10,500 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&I &&&&&&&&10,500 &&&&&&&&&&4,012 &&&&&&&&&&&14,512 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&I &&&&&&&&10,500 &&&&&&&&&&&10,500 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&I &&&&&&&&11,800 &&&&&&&&&&7,387 &&&&&&&&&&&19,187 Total 165 205 267 321 average&cost/student&in&2014&=&$17,902 7 11 22 23 CASA&(ages&3&to&5) Grade&6&Grads Net&Surplus(Deficit) Thursday, June 5, 14 &&&&&&&125,918 &&&&&&&311,763 &&&&&&148,588 &&&&&&199,992 &&&&&&&&10,500 BOARD GOVERNANCE: BOARD POSITIONS 2014/15 SCHOOL YEAR Thursday, June 5, 14 Strategic Planning Process To provide an environment that supports learners, innovation and our three pedagogies To be a community leader for the City of Calgary & Bowness above and beyond education To be the school of choice To ensure a safe, caring and family centered environment To be a leader of inclusive practices providing “wrap around care” for each and every child Thursday, June 5, 14 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN DATE NOW - AUGUST 2015 Thursday, June 5, 14 A YEAR OF FLIGHT RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) 2013.14 A YEAR IN REVIEW Thursday, June 5, 14 PLANNING FOR 2014.15 2013/14 highlights - 10th Anniversary in Bowness - Scouts Canada partnership - Math Pickle (K-6) - 1:1 iPads grades 4-6 - JUMP! Math program whole school - Open Minds Schools - Me to We School, Free the Children - Inaugural Mini We Day (student led) - Increased enrolment from 229 to 267 - Opened first Arrowsmith classroom in Alberta - New Drama program with the very talented Lana Skauge - Additional administrative team members - Lindsey Bingley, Jyoti Basarke & Kat Phelan awarded a $10K grant from BP - Survived a natural disaster - and on that note.... Thursday, June 5, 14 LET’S ADDRESS THE ELEPHANT.. Thursday, June 5, 14 Flooding in YYC? nah.... River levels & flow rates are a little above the median but nothing alarming keeping a close eye on things with our partners at Scouts Canada & CRCAG Snow caps are melting at an appropriate rate we have a crisis management plan in place Statistically highly unlikely city is taking measures (water barrier systems) no high stream flow advisories Thursday, June 5, 14 we are taking measures (back up generators) 2013/14 highlights - Grade 5 & 6 City Science Fair Participants were all winners! - Introduction of Tots program in Progressive - Calgary Marathon, Denny Morrison, CFEP Grant proposal for playground - Solid financial position continues & helps us build for the future - Art program introduced to Grade 3 - Student generated awareness campaigns & fundraising efforts - Student generated and led clubs - RB Bennett site secured - Twitter and Facebook! - Neverland Gala - AMAZING TEAM, AMAZING BOARD, AMAZING VOLUNTEERS! and so much more... Thursday, June 5, 14 the journey forward Thursday, June 5, 14 Fond Farewells Thursday, June 5, 14 Fond Farewells Thursday, June 5, 14 Rebecca Ross Fond Farewells Colleen Irving Thursday, June 5, 14 Rebecca Ross Fond Farewells Colleen Irving Thursday, June 5, 14 Kiran Sangha Rebecca Ross Fond Farewells Colleen Irving Thursday, June 5, 14 Kiran Sangha Rebecca Ross Bethany Trepanier Fond Farewells Colleen Irving Thursday, June 5, 14 Kiran Sangha Michelle Berry Rebecca Ross Bethany Trepanier Fond Farewells Colleen Irving Thursday, June 5, 14 Kiran Sangha Michelle Berry Shauna Clark Rebecca Ross Bethany Trepanier Fond Farewells Colleen Irving Thursday, June 5, 14 Kiran Sangha Rebecca Ross Bethany Trepanier Michelle Berry Anne-Marie Reilander Shauna Clark Fond Farewells Colleen Irving Kiran Sangha Rebecca Ross Bethany Trepanier Michelle Berry Anne-Marie Reilander Shauna Clark THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATION TO RVS! WE’LL MISS YOU! Thursday, June 5, 14 New for 2014.15 CAIS Accreditation Second Campus for Early Learning Every classroom has a window Scouts Weeks for K-6 continue Grade 4/5 will be building a renewable city We Day / Mini We Day Thursday, June 5, 14 New for 2014.15 Math & Language Instructional Leader Art being added to K - Grade 2 New timetable structure to provide longer work periods in Progressive, uninterrupted 3 hour work cycles in Montessori and team planning time Whole term modules for Art & Drama in lieu of scheduled 45 mins 2X/week Thursday, June 5, 14 RVS EARLY LEARNING CAMPUS PHYS-ED & LIBRARY FOR ALL GRADES & CASA, TOTS, JUNIOR K & KINDERGARTEN Thursday, June 5, 14 PROJECT EARLY LEARNING CAMPUS A MAP OF OUR LITTLE PEOPLE’S FUTURE WHEN SEPTEMBER 2014 Thursday, June 5, 14 WHO RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL A Tale of 2 Campuses Administration full time (Assistant Principal) at ELC & part time at Elementary campus Head of School will float between both Part Time facilities staff Kids Club @ RVS Elementary Campus Transportation provided for children to & from sites Staggered start/finish time of 15 minutes Phys-Ed & Library at Early Learning Campus Thursday, June 5, 14 Thursday, June 5, 14 Financing our second site Thursday, June 5, 14 Financing our second site Estimated renovation cost: $1 million Thursday, June 5, 14 How will we pay for this? Accumulated surplus of $850,000+ Cash Settlement from flood Capital Campaign (first phase to raise $1-$1.5 million by August 2015) No plan to draw from bonds Financing our second site Estimated renovation cost: $1 million Thursday, June 5, 14 STAFFING FOR 2014/15 ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP, TEACHERS, SPECIALISTS, SUPPORT STAFF Thursday, June 5, 14 Administration School Administration: Michelle Eisen Finance: Sherri Rau Early Childhood Assistant Principal: Lynda Hawes (F/T) Elementary Assistant Principal: Andrew Cull (P/T) Inclusion Coordinator: Angela Fleeton (0.4) Admissions: William Waugh Communications: Laurie Fuhr Elementary Math & LA Instructional Leader: Mary Amantea-Klukas Outreach Coordinator & Social Media: Lindsey Bingley Transportation & Facilities Supervisor: Richard Lester & TBC Human Resources: Susan Adams Head of School: Erin Corbett Thursday, June 5, 14 Early Learning Classrooms Junior KB: Ashley Stewart & IA Kindergarten A: Kimberley Forgay (JK) & IA Kindergarten B: Jennifer Elsayed & IA TotsA: Laureen Rohm & IA Tots B: Hiring team Junior KA: Starla Robinson & IA (tots) Thursday, June 5, 14 CASA A: Margaret Petropoulos & Danielle Mayer & IA Yiting Hu CASA B: Hiring team & IA Marley Cummings Specialists Art Grades K-6: Lennon Kelly Drama: Lana Skauge Primary French (ages 3-5): Martine Mauviel Music (Early Childhood): TBC French (grades 1-6): Dawn Anne McIntyre Phys-Ed: Leah Hall & Angel Wilson Music (grades 1-6): Jan Taylor-Bilenki Thursday, June 5, 14 Speech: Robin Tiller OT: Tara Keurvers Resource Teacher: Annick Donde Library: Shannon Duthie IA Leads: Ashley Schwartz & Sharon Turnbull Thursday, June 5, 14 Classrooms Grades 1-3 Thursday, June 5, 14 Classrooms Grades 1-3 Arrowsmith: Jenna Kelly, Kris Koloff & IA Elpida Polychroniadou Grade 1A: Hollie Clark & IA Laura Klumpp (KB) Grade 1B: Kimberly Anderson & IA Lori Poirier (KA) Grade 2A: Michelle Cheverie & IA Jennifer Janzen (1A) Grade 2B: Tannis Williamson & IA Suzanne Hawkes (1B) Grade 3A: Lindsay Allan & IA (2A) Grade 3B: Erin Reimer, Andrew Cull & IA Ashley Schwartz (2B) Lower El: Lauren Eagen & Maggie Volke Thursday, June 5, 14 Classrooms Grades 1-3 Thursday, June 5, 14 Classrooms Grades 4-6 Grade 4: Darin Bullivant & Yvonne Snyder Grade 5: Kathleen Phelan & IA Grade 6A: Gael James (5A) Grade 6B: Cyrus Mirshahi (5B) Upper Elementary: Jyoti Basarke & Lindsey IA Sharon Turnbull Thursday, June 5, 14 Bingley & QUESTIONS? Thursday, June 5, 14 CONTACT ERIN CORBETT AT 403-246-2275 EXT222 OR [email protected]
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