MAY 2014 Feed Kempsville, DQ LQLWLDWLYH RI 6W $QGUHZ¶V Volume 5/14 United Methodist Church, was formed to bring atten- WLRQDQGIRFXVWRWKHFKXUFK¶VHIIRUWVWRPHHWWKHFULWL cal demand for food for hungry people in our local community. Table of Contents Page 1 ³Church Info It brings our partnership with Church of the Ascen- VLRQ¶V IRRG SDQWU\ DQG RXU VXSSRUW RI 9LUJLQLD %HDFK &LW\ 3XEOLF 6FKRROV¶ %HDFK %DJ SURJUDP XQGHU RQH ministry umbrella. In addition, we will plant a ³FRPPXQLW\ JDUGHQ´ GRQDWLQJ WKH KDUYHVW WR WKH $V FHQVLRQ¶V IRRG SDQWU\ WR KHOS PHHW WKH QXWULWLRQDO needs of the poor in our community. Page 2 - UMW/UMM Page 3³%·GD\V Page 4³Calendar Programs of the Feed Kempsville Ministry: -Support of Ascension Food Pantry -6XSSRUWRI9%3XEOLF6FKRROV¶%HDFK%DJSURJUDP -Community Garden to support Ascension Food Pantry Page 5³3DVWRU·V'HVN VISION STATEMENT To Love God with Our Hearts, To Know God with Our Heads, To Serve God with Our Hands. Our initial intent is to increase our support of these two successful ministries, working to meet the unmet demand for food for the needy. Our focus will be on our local commu- nity, putting our love for God and His people into action here at home . Our Mission: Ending Hunger Locally What can I do to support this critical ministry? 1. Increase your food donations to the Ascension Food Pantry Program. 2. Increase your food donations for the Beach Bags Program 3. )LQDQFLDOGRQDWLRQVDUHZHOFRPHG0DNH\RXUFKHFNVWR6W$QGUHZ¶V UMC and write ³)HHG.HPSVYLOOH´ in the memo section of your check. 4. Go to e-give and mark the ³)HHG.HPSVYLOOH´block. 5. Get involved as a team member of Feed Kempsville Teams! How do I get involved in this ministry? Contact anyone on the team to learn more and see where you might want to serve . Ascension Food Pantry Team Leaders: Suzi Wyckoff & Jennifer Keesler ph: 757-233-7069 (Suzi) email: [email protected] ph: 757-618-5194 (Jennifer) email: [email protected] Beach Bag Team Leader: Kim Richman & Robin Pessar Kim: ph: 757-495-7113 email: [email protected] Robin: ph: 757- 557-0784 email: [email protected] Community Garden Team Leader: Dan Wyckoff ph: 757-233-7069 email: [email protected] Communications & Coordination Team: Scott Bottenfield- ph: 757-474-1275 email: [email protected] Donna Draeger - ph: 473-9343 email: [email protected] Yvette Conyers - ph: 474-9638 email: [email protected] 1 UMW EVENTS... All women of the church are invited to join a circle. UPCOMING EVENT ISAAC CIRCLE«ZLOOPHHW7XHVGD\0D\WKDW UMW SPONSORED COOKBOOK Recipes needed. Deadline for recipes is May 30th. Please include the following with your submissions: Name of person submitting it Name of recipe Categories (i.e. main dish, etc.) Ingredients and amount needed Cooking directions Contact information SPDW.LP5LFKPDQ·VKRXVH:HZLOOFRQWLQXH our Beach Bag collections and items needed for the UMCOR Health kits. HANNAH CIRCLE«ZLOOPHHW 7KXUVGD\ 0D\ 1st at 6:30 p.m. at the church. DIANTHA CIRCLE«ZLOO PHHW 7XHVGD\ 0D\ 20th at 9:30 a.m. at the church. WESLEY CIRCLE« ZLOO PHHW 7XHVGD\ 0D\ 27th at 7 p.m. at the church. Email all recipes to Kim Richman at [email protected] Emailing your recipes is the preferred method. UMW BOOK CLUB ...will meet Monday, May 19th at 1 p.m. The book this month is The New Jim Crow by Michele Alexander. Our book for June 16th is: Small Things with Great Love: Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor by Margot Starbuck and shows the blessings received by doing small acts of kindness to strangers. Our book club meets the 3rd Monday of each month at the church at 1 p.m. +$33<027+(5·6'$< SUNDAY, MAY 11TH 7XHVGD\0RUQLQJ:RPHQ·V%LEOH Study...meets on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m. in Room 109 at the church. Executive Board meeting Sunday, May 4th at 12 p.m. WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE! Start a round-robin email with your family members and write about your childhood. Our lives as we were growing up were very different than what happens now and sharing these happy memories could make a wonderful gift for parents, grandparents, kids, and grandkids. What were our grandparents like and where did they come from? What about our parents? There are so many tales that will be lost and it can be a wonderful way to share right now! UMM Breakfast³Sunday, May 4 at 7 a.m. ********* The first Sunday of each month join us for good food, inspiring devotional and great fellowship with men who seek to know Jesus Christ, grow spiritually, seek daily His will and bring Jesus into the lives of men and all their relationships. 2 MAY BABIES... 05/01 Stephane Troxell Bill Martin 05/02 Jim Burns Jody Cox 05/03 Dawn Anderson Tom Nutter Nick Whitman 05/04 Shirley Fortney 05/05 Worth Graham 05/08 Janie Fopma Bill Stefan 05/09 Kathryn Callahan 05/10 Pat Davis Michael Andrews 05/11 Robin Pessar Rebecca Wood Joanna Grasso Remy Moore 05/13 Matthew Powell 05/16 Christopher Holleman 05/18 Claudia McMurray 05/20 Clara Lawrence 05/21 Nathaniel Whitman 05/23 Bonnie Campbell 05/24 Barbara Marchman 05/25 Kacey Kash 05/27 Jennifer Wright Noah Green 05/28 Leighanne Beaumont Emma Rose 05/29 Jennie Gladden Avis Davis Jose Torres The church office reserves the right to edit all articles. DID YOU KNOW? Our Sunday School children and the Adult Bible class shared Palm Sunday together. All participated in our Walk With Jesus ZKHUHZHMRXUQH\HGIURP-HVXV·HQWU\LQWR Jerusalem, shared some of the foods of the Last Supper; went to the *DUGHQRI*HWKVHPDQHZDONHGWR&DOYDU\DQGRQWRILQGLQJ-HVXV· empty tomb. A special thank you to our children and adults who participated, Pastor Wayne, Becky Walker and Linda Wollin. A great time was had by all. OFFERING RECEIVED As April 20: $ 6,607.00 6W$QGUHZ·VH-mail: [email protected] 3DVWRU:D\QH5LFNPDQ·VH-mail: [email protected] 3DVWRU-RQDWKDQ3DJH·[email protected] 6W$QGUHZ· See you in June 3 May 2014 Calendar of Events (events subject to change) Thursday, May 1 9:30 a.m. LaLeche²Room 116 POP Creative Ministry²All rooms closed (evening) Friday, May 2 Creative Ministry²All rooms closed Saturday, May 3 Creative Ministry²All rooms closed Sunday, May 4 7 a.m.²UMM Breakfast 12noon²UMW Exec. Board Monday, May 5 7 p.m.²Trustees²Room 109 7 p.m.²Boy Scouts²Room 116 Tuesday, May 6 9:30 a.m.²Bible Study²Room 109 6:30 p.m.²Leadership Training²Youth Room 6:30 p.m.²Girl Scouts²Room 116 7 p.m.²Isaac Circle Wednesday, May 7 9:30 a.m.²Parkinsons Support²Room 116 6 p.m.²Mid-week Dinner 6:45 p.m.²Bible Study²Room 205 6:45 p.m.²UMM Bible Study²Room 109 6:45 p.m.²UMYF²Youth Room 6:45 p.m.²&KLOGUHQ¶V&KRLU6WXG\²Room 113 7 p.m.²Rock Solid practice 7:30 p.m.²A.A.²Room 116 Thursday, May 8 9:30 a.m.²La Leche²Room 116 4:30 p.m.²Girl Scouts²Room 116 6:30 p.m.²Handbells 6:30 p.m.²Cub Scouts²Room 116 7:30 p.m.²Choir Friday, May 9 6:30 p.m.²Eagle Scout ceremony practice Saturday, May 10 12 p.m.²Eagle Scout Ceremony²Sanct. & FH Sunday, May 11 YOUTH SUNDAY Monday, May 12 7 p.m.²SPRC²Room 109 7 p.m.²Boy Scouts²Room 116 Tuesday, May 13 9:30 a.m.²Bible Study²Room 109 6:30 p.m.²Leadership Training²Youth Room 7 p.m.²Finance Committee²Room 109 Wednesday, May 14 6 p.m.²Mid-week Dinner 6:45 p.m.²UMM Bible Study²Room 109 6:45 p.m.²Bible Study²Room 205 6:45 p.m.²&KLOGUHQ¶V&KRLU6WXG\²Room 113 6:45 p.m.²UM Youth Fellowship²Youth Room 7 p.m.²Rock Solid practice 7:30 p.m.²A.A.²Room 116 Thursday, May 15 9:30 a.m.²La Leche²Room 116 6:30 p.m.²Cub Scouts²Room 116 6:30 p.m.²Handbells 7:30 p.m²Choir Saturday, May 17 6 a.m.²SHARE pick-up²Room 116 10 a.m.²Scouts Car Wash Monday, May 19 1 p.m.²UMW Book Club 7 p.m.²Church Council²Room 109 7 p.m.²Boy Scouts²Room 116 Tuesday, May 20 9:30 a.m.²Diantha Circle²Room 109 6:30 p.m.²UMW Gen. meeting - Room 116 Wednesday, May 21 6 p.m.²Mid-week Dinner²Room 116 6:45 p.m.²Bible Study± Room 205 6:45 p.m.²UMM Bible Study²Room 109 6:45 p.m.²&KLOGUHQ¶V&KRLU6WXG\²Room 113 6:45 p.m.²UM Youth Fellowship²Youth Room 7 p.m.²Rock Solid practice 7:30 p.m.²A.A.²Room 116 Thursday, May 22 9:30 a.m.²La Leche²Room 116 4:30 p.m.²Girl Scouts²Room 116 6:30 p.m.²Handbells 7 p.m.²Cub Scouts²Room 116 7:30 p.m.²Choir Monday, May 26 HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY Church Office closed Tuesday, May 27 9:30 a.m.²Bible Study²Room 109 7 p.m.²S. Wesley Circle²Room 116 Wednesday, May 28 6 p.m.²Mid-week Dinner 6:45 p.m.²UMM Bible Study²Room 109 6:45 p.m.²Bible Study²Room 109 6:45 p.m.²&KLOGUHQ¶V&KRLU6WXG\²Room 113 6:45 p.m.²UM Youth Fellowship²Youth Room 7 p.m.²Solid Rock practice 7:30 p.m.²A.A.²Room 116 Thursday, May 29 9:30 a.m.²La Leche²Room 116 6:30 p.m.²Handbells 7 p.m.²Cub Scouts²Room 116 7:30 p.m.²Choir SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 A.M. , 9:45 A.M., 11:00 A.M. **** SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES @ 9:45 A.M. 4 Dear Friends, We have just completed our Lenten-Easter celebration. With the help of many wonderful people, who shared their time and talent it was a special time in our church year. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our many celebrations. :KHQ,ZDVLQFROOHJH,ILUVWKHDUGWKHH[SUHVVLRQ´:HDUHWKH(DVWHUSHRSOHµ 7KLVPHDQVZHDUHGHILQHGE\*RG·VDFWLRQVRQWKDWGD\%HIRUHWKH)LUVW(DVWHU Sunday mankind was trapped in a never ending cycle of sin and repentance. The more we try, the more we fail, as we can never come to an end of our faults. *RGFKDQJHGWKLVZKHQWKURXJK-HVXV·OLIHDQGGHDWKRXUVDOYDWLRQLVQRORQJHU GHSHQGDQWRQRXUDELOLW\WRNHHSRXUVHOYHVIUHHIURPVLQEXWRQ*RG·VJUDFH which offers us forgiveness. This changes how we see the world itself and other people around us. As we accept forgiveness, we are called upon to forgive oth- HUVLQWKHVDPHVSLULWRIORYH5HPHPEHUWKHZRUGVRIWKH/RUG·VSUD\HUZKHUH we ask God to forgive us in direct proportion to the way we forgive others. For the next 50 days we will be celebrating the birth of our Christian Church as Jesus appears to, then teaches the disciples what it means to be the Easter People. This was not an easy time for them, or nowadays for us. To be able to see ourselves as a forgiven and called people, takes time and continued effort on our part. Just as the disciples thought Jesus was just for them and select people, DQGWKH\KDGWROHDUQPRUHDQGPRUHDERXW*RG·VORYHZHZLOOFRQVWDQWO\EH VHDUFKLQJIRU*RG·VSODQIRURXUVHOYHVDQG6W$QGUHZ·V One thing wood-working has taught me is, that as I master one skill, it just shows me how much more there is to learn, more of the never ending cycle again. The VDPHLVWUXHRIGLVFLSOHVKLSDVZHOO%XWGRQ·WJHWGLVFRXUDJHGKHOSLVRQWKH way, at Pentecost God will come to our rescue again. Yours in Christ, Wayne 5
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