1070 South Foothill Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84108 (801) 583-6400 www.letmeshine.org DIRECTOR Barb Ballif Asst. Director Holly Graham Playschool Lorna Burnett Heather Gee Stacey Khokhar Preschool Kristina Obermark Amy Trevino NEWSLETTER Dear Parents, Sharing God’s love…when you walk the halls of Let Me Shine that is what you’ll hear; from the chapel, from the classrooms and from the playground. There is nothing more important in our day. It is from this point the rest of our learning takes place. As Mister Rogers once said, “Deep within us-no matter who we are-there lives a feeling of wanting to be lovable, of wanting to be the kind of person that others like to be with.. And the greatest thing we can do is to let people know that they are loved and capable of loving.” Happy Valentine’s Day! What a blessing it is to share God’s love with each other and to remember; “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 In His Service, Barb Ballif, Director Pre-K Sabrina Bell Laura Cowan Christina Farden Music Genie Murphy Aides Carlee Bell Kelli Schroeter Jeanine Simpson Janel Trapp Charity Yellowhair Ministry Support Pastor Steve Klemz Zion Administration Tracy Hackworth Resident Managers Sam & Megan Thornton Board of Trustees Barb Ballif Jeanne Benns Sarah Flannigan Tracy Hackworth Terry Haverkost Pastor Steve Klemz Peter Staks Danalee Simon National Lutheran Schools Week March 1-6 LMS Children sing at Zion Sunday, March 1st at 10:30 Watch for daily dress-up themes March 2-6 Usborne Book Fair and PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES March 9-13 Watch for a sign-up sheet near your child’s classroom for times to schedule your Parent-Teacher Conference. Also . . . We ask your consideration in keeping your scheduled appointment and arriving on time. Our teacher’s time before & after school is limited, and you may be scheduled back-to-back with another parent. Check out the Book Fair while you’re waiting!! Singing…… Please plan on joining us Sunday, March 1 as we kick off Na onal Lutheran Schools Week with the children singing here at Zion. The children are having fun in music and are busy learning songs to sing at the 10:30am worship service! We are blessed to be a Chris an school and to have such a great facility. Now Enrolling…We are currently enrolling and accepting applications for all ages. If you know anyone who is interested in preschool, please let them know about this wonderful opportunity to provide their child with a Christian early childhood education at Let Me Shine. No School!! Media Nicole Caldwell Monday, February 16 In observance of President's Day Let Me Shine is a Preschool Ministry of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Page 1 Need a little extra time in the morning? Be Sure to take advantage of Morning Bunch ! Advanced notice is required! Drop off time is anytime between 8:00 am—8:45 am. Please sign your child in as usual on the clip board at the sign-in table and bring him/her down to Miss Sabrina’s Room #8. Morning Bunch will have story time, color time and game time! Make sure your child has breakfast before they come! Your child will be escorted to their classroom to begin their school day at 9:00 am. You will receive an invoice at the end of each month. Staff Appreciation Week is March 1‐6! Please see Barb in the office if you are interested in helping plan a fun week. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Worship Opportunities Sundays, 8:00 &10:30am Christian Education Opportunities Sunday School Sundays, 9:15am—10:15am (Remember to pay March’s tuition before February 10) At Let Me Shine, tuition is due the first of each month (with a ten day grace period). Tuition received after the tenth of the month will be assessed a late fee of $20.00. Tuition is paid in nine equal installments August-April (we pay tuition a month in advance- your August check was for September, etc.). Your April check will be your last tuition payment for the year. If you have any questions about your payments, please see Holly in the preschool office! Remember that March’s tuition is due before February 10th!! VALENTINES NIGHT OUT Want a night out with your loved one? Ages 3 through Adult PARENTS NIGHT OUT All Are Welcome THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH Ash Wednesday Worship ~ February 18 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm preceded by a 6:00 pm Soup supper Lenten Worship Schedule Wednesdays—February 25—March 25 6:00 pm Soup Supper 7:00 pm Worship Contact the church office at 582-2321 with any questions or if you would like to speak with a pastor. VOLUNTEER HOURS Record your hours, please. The volunteer hour box is out on the sign-in table. Look for your name and don’t forget to give yourself an extra hour for attending the Back-to-School Night back in August. And remember, Let Me Shine can always use your help. If you still need to make up your 5 required volunteers hours, please see Holly, Barb or your child’s teacher. TUITION PAYMENT INFORMATION: Thank you 5-7:30 pm Cost is $20 for the first child & $10 for each sibling Ages are from 2 – 8 Let Me Shine wants to help you with this. We will provide dinner, games, stories, and fun for your child Payment is required by Monday, February 2nd to hold your child’s place. Page 2 Miss Chris’s Critters Hello Everyone, I can't believe it's February already, this school year is going by so fast. I have enjoyed watching the dynamics of our class change in the past months. Recently we have been working on the numbers 1-10 and our phone numbers. If you have an old landline or cell phone it would be excellent if you would spend time showing your child how to dial your phone number on phone. The letters we will be working on this month are "P" or "p" for pig, "Q" or "q" for queen and "R" or "r" for rhino. If you could review these letters with your child with other objects in your house that begin with these letters, it will only reinforce the learning that has taken place. In the coming month, be on the lookout for the following letters, "S","T","U" and "V". Also, this month is Valentines Day and we will be having a party. Please look for the sign up sheet for treats for your child's class. Continued Blessings Miss Chris Miss Lorna’s Little Lambs JANUARY didn't give us very much snow outside so we celebrated it in class. We played with Arctic animals in a snow cave, learned that ice melts into COLD water, made cute snowmen, hung mittens on a tree, and made our own clean snow to eat--using a Snow Cone Machine, YUM! FEBRUARY is the month of LOVE! We will play with pets, celebrate Valentine's Day, read Fairy Tales, and learn some Nursery Rhymes. We will make our Valentine bags in class, and our parties will be on Thursday, Feb. 12th and Friday, Feb. 13th, during snack. Please bring one Valentine for each child in class. I have a class list if you want to put names on them. HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY------------Evangeline NO SCHOOL-------------------Monday, February 16th Celebrate this special month with your family and friends with love. And always remember, "Jesus loves you!" XOXOXOXO Miss Lorna Note: March 2-6th----Teddy Bear Picnic Week/Lutheran Schools Week March 9-13th---Parent-Teacher Conferences (again!) Miss Heather’s Busy Bees We had a wonderful January in Room 1. The kids were happy to be back at school, and I was happy to see them. We had a lot of fun with our snow projects even if there wasn't very much snow to play in. In February, we will learn about all things transportation-trucks, planes, cars, boats and trains. It will be a super month for my train and truck enthusiasts. We will also have a simple Valentine's Day party and card exchange. In His Service, Miss Heather Miss Amy’s Little Monkeys January was all about travel and transportation. We talked about the Wise Men traveling to see Jesus and how they knew which way to go. Later we started our own travel plans including following maps, packing our bags and exploring various modes of transportation. We rode the school bus, raced a few cars, sailed our boats, built a train and boarded a plane. We pretended our room was an airport and the kids loved playing pilot and flight attendant. The weather outside can be very cold but our classroom is warm and full of fun! It’s nice to be back in a good routine. Next month we will continue learning and singing all about God’s love. Lots of hearts and lots of pink (my favorite) helping us pass God’s love on to others. In His Grace, Miss Amy EXTRA CLOTHING If you haven’t already, please bring a COMPLETE set of extra clothing for your child. Messes happen at all ages—whether at the potty, playground, or the paint station—& we need to be prepared. Thanks for your help! Page 3 Miss Kristina's Ladybugs February is a month to celebrate God’s gift of love! Our class will be talking about what makes us similar (we are all God’s children) as well as our unique differences (God made each of us special). We will practice affirmations, expressing what we appreciate about one another. Look for our Wall of Love outside our classroom near Valentine’s Day – the kiddos have such sweet observations about their friends. Our study of transportation will have us thinking of boats, trains, cars and planes at the beginning of the month and our exploration of opposites will keep us busy until March. Our class Valentine’s Party will be Thursday the 12th and Friday the 13th – look for a detailed e-mail in your inbox about our celebration. Thank you to all the volunteers who continue to read to us, help us craft, and keep us stocked up on playdough! Miss Sabrina’s Blessings Dear Parents, Coming back from Christmas was an exciting time. so much to share and talk about. We have learned our letters “L,” “M,” “N,” and “O.” Even though it isn't yet spring we talked about being helpers and how the ladybug helps plants and trees by eating the aphids. We talked about how we can be helpers by listening, sharing and caring. The letter “M” we talked about mosquitos and how they hurt people by biting them. We discussed how we can hurt people with our words, and should only speak nice things to one another. Nightcrawlers are always very useful when going fishing, and Jesus calls us to be fishers of men. The letter O is for owl... which stands for Our Wise Lord, and we can gain our wisdom from the Bible. February is here and that means God is LOVE...our Valentine's party. Watch for more information coming, BUT make sure you have 8 valentines for our class. Thank you for this wonderful group of children! Working 4 Him Together! Blessings, Miss Sabrina This month’s highlights: “G” is for Gingerbread, and games (thank you, Grant's dad and Gus' mom) “B” is for kneading Bread and churning Butter Miss Kristina Miss Stacy’s Safari Hello all! What a wonderful fresh start we have had in Room 2! All my friends returned with eager hearts and happy to be together with their friends at school. We had fun learning about taking good care of our teeth and how to eat right to stay healthy and happy. We also began thinking about good manners and will continue with that in February, along with looking at community helpers and of course-God's great Love for us which leads us to love one another. May a spirit of peace, love, and joy fill all our hearts with gladness as we continue to Seek and Follow Him who goes before. Peace, Miss Stacy February 2015 Mrs. Cowan’s Calves For our Let me Shine Students celebrating their big day this month of February Happy Birthday! to: Sawyer Nelson Adelia Porter Berkley Porter Evangeline Widmer Hazel Lowe Liam Rose Page 4
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