i THE YONKERS STATESMAN FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. 1928 12 Board Grants Five Millions For Park Work SEEKS CITIZENSHIP Yonker? 43 MAIN STREET Store SWr. H » m StM »• Sit* 32 TO 38 AT THE PLAZA TEL NEP. 2100 MseassWi »-»e testes After Inventory Specials Thru Out Store rrom Th» SUtemns* County Bursee Mrs. Edward J. King. Illinois Congressman's wife, has filed naturalisation papers to become an American citizen. Before her marriage to the representative, whose home is In Galesburg, she was Miss Marguerite May Hodgson, of Somervllle, Victoria. Canada. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Court Grants Adjournment on Faulty Brake Charge Pleading not guilty of operating a bus with faulty brakes, Joseph Sokol.k o£ 64 Ball Avenue, driver for Goldberg Brothers Transportation Company, was granted an adjournment until Saturday yesterday by Acting City Judge Broderlck. Sokollk was the driver of the bug carrying 20 passenger* which collided with & city-owned truck on Ashburton Avenue, near Park Avepue, Wednesday. The side of the bus was ripped open, seven windows being broken. No one was hurt. Edward Wendt, superintendent of the city garage, told Judge Brodcr:ck that he had examined the bus and found the brakes defective, although they had been newly relined. Plan Pan-Amerifcan Air Mail Service Reformed ChurchC.E. Holds Dance Tonight » Made of fine materials that will not spot. Hand made. Crepe lined and warmly interlined. Trimmed with rich, carefully selected fur collars and cuffs. Sizes 16 to 46, 14W, 20M and &5% to 49H. Four specially priced groups. Satins, r'rints, Georgettes, Twills, Jerseys, Hairline Botany Twills and Velvets. Sizes 16 to 46 and 16H to 26W. $19-50 tO $79 50 $10<X> $1495 $ 1 9 50 and $29*50 '...:. Men's Beacon Women's Corduroy RAINCOATS BLANKET ROBES ROBES Sizes 16 to 46 Lined throughout with wide wale corduroy. Black and brown colors. Sizes 14 to 20. Small, medium and large sizes. In assorted colors and sizes. $1.85 and $2.95 — New Aviation Bestyette $4.75 Sizes 36 to 46 $11.98 HOUSE DRESSES APRON DRESSES Made of plain blue and grey chambray; also grey and white stripe. Regular price $3.00. Sale price. Sizes 36 to 46 They look and wear like leather. 95c Of Infants Children's Wear Various materials; chinchilla included; good quality linings. Broken sizes. Sizes 2 to 6. Values up to H0.M $5.79 Infants' CoaU Crepe de Chine, Chinchilla, CrepeKa, White, Pink, Blue. Broken lotei Value up to $5 $2.97 59c Hip Leggings. Value P f Q ^ up to $1.98 I */C Broken Sizes and Colors Infant*' Knitted Sweaters Red and Grey. Sixes 2 to 6. Value $1.98.. HATS QrT^ e7f C 26c Extra Children's Flannelette Undies Nighties with and without feet; Slips, Gowns. Sizes I to 6. Broken sizes. Value up to 98c. 47c Boys' All Wool and Jersey Suits Combination color effects. Sizes 3 to 8. Value d»"| A W up to $4.98 ti)I.*e7l Children's Felt Hats All w o o l . ^ Pink or finish. Value $1.39. Special A Children's Panty Dresses Boys' and Girls' Raincoats Leggings (Jersey) Knee leggings. Value up to $1.26 6#!<i $1.95 % Children's Coats M. M. CO.—MAIN FLOOR Made of snow-white nurses cloth. Six smart styles in sizes 16 to 46. After Inventory Clearance Continues! Choose from two groups featuring important price reductions! These are not cheap shoes at a low price—but are our higher priced lines reduced in price that we may effect an absolute clean-up this month. It will pay you to shop on these. i 4 1 UNIFORMS and SERVICE COATS $1.L.95 Our January Clearance Of Women's High Grade Low Shoes and Pumps Not All Sizes In Every Style, BuTEvery Size Is Here •CKS~ FAIR SEX Clearance Sale of am Shine, Marlon Malone, Elinor Diehl, Martin Dolst. Margaret Farrell, Catherine Plumer. Tessie Prlscantelll. Grace Van Metter and Helen Wojner. _ Grade 4A—Miss Lora Luhdy, teacher. Hyman Goldstein, Ethel Fjelstad. Harold Glendenning, Gilbert Blum. Paul Indorf, Margaret Chamberlain. Grade 8A—Miss Agnita Wallace. teacher, Kathleen Holland, Walter Klass, Eleanor Shine, Beatrice j Crocltto, Thelma Hogoboon, Doro! thy Patton, Jack Crawley. Catherine ' Ryan, Edw%rd Beckley. Margaret Lyons, Elizabeth Steinmetz, MeI lanie Bitz. Arthur Olsen, Judith Andres, Thomas Hadden, Oscar ! Burpean, Florence Luners, William Crough, Santi Arena, Rita Brandon. Lillian Bookin, William Flechaus, Ernest Balrdaln. Grade 3B—Mrs. Alice Evans, teacher, Anna Geraghty, Irene Johnson. Betty Levy, Joseph Barblarl, Frank Campanaro, Harry Odell. Frank FItts. Grade 2A—Miss Ivy Gibson, teacher, Margaret Decker, Alfonso Cuomo, Concetta Minatella, Alvin Gottlieb. LItllan Goldstein. Grade 2B— Miss M. V. Herald, teacher, Grace Kolb, Carl Jaegers, George Potts, Ruth Marubbla, Evelyn Stelnhart, Anthony Castro. Grade 1 A—Miss Edith Phlllipse. teacher. Margaret Flnnerty, Ralph Rescigno, Harold Fisher. MANY GAIN HONOR Grade IB—Miss Anne Dalton. ROLL AT SCHOOL 4 teacher, Henry Vanderwerff, NewHonor pupils at School 4 for De- ton Cipher, John Walker, Frank cember were named yesterday in Glendenning. Walter Indorf, Stewthe following list given out by Miss art Linden, Thomas Walsh, Charles Moriarty: Massella, Richard Haight, Eleanor Grade I C - M n . Eva Mlllgate, House, Margaret Ryan, Margey teacher, Madeline Hedenburg Mary Varian, Florence Lonergan, GerHopkin Martha Crocltta. trude Graham, Camille Sarno, Mary Grade 7A—Louise Castro. Gene- .Dunton. vieve Drodwlll, Joseph Degbrina. Grade ID—Miss Rosalyn Cavan* Grade 7B— Miss Harriett Bailey, augh, teacher, Mary Qulgley, Mary teacher, May Specht. Florence Adams. Dominic Pnlmleri, Philip Perna, Robert Cypher, Ruth Har- Colton, Elizabeth Buyser, Dominic greaves, Mary Bookin, Jack Brech- Perslco. Dorothy Smith, August ir* Massella Grade 7C—Miss Alice Smith, Grade 1C—Mrs. Sarah Warrack, teacher, Frances Bernardo, Patsy teacher. Mary Kemp, Nancy CrocltDeVlto. Lilly Arena. Jamea Knight. to, John Bookin, Ethel Pc| {,-pp, Clara Fslella. Helen Jackson, Hasel Gertrude Williams. Madeline BlerDouglas, Katherlne O'Brien. pean, • Andrew Blenchlni, Sally Grade «A~Miss M. D. Boyd, Lyons, Daniel Fitzgerald. teacher, Mary Llptay, Mary Cawley. John Skibik, John Federieo, SCHOOL 4 GIRLS HAVE Margaret Harding, Edith Narr, Ma- UNDEFIATED TEAM bel Johnson, Francis Ryan, FlorCJlrhi on Miss Ethel Wiley's 8A ence Wauaer. volley ball team at School 4 have Grade «B—Janet C. Reld. teacher, played, the entire season without Laura Tochma*. Paima Meeariella, suffering a defeat. Jennie BernarLavls Schllb. do Is' captain of the team, and her Orade I At— Mies Elm ire Grew, mates are Jane Reltano, Katherlne teacher, Rosanna Sarna. Edward Ahendscheln. Virginia Kolh. Alice Cassella, Margaret Sarna, Joseph- i\'lx. Dorothy Montgomery. Gertrude ine Machelda, Prank Imbragno, | Roth, and Elsie Musser. August Held. John Barone, Evelyn Substitutes are Bertha Danyo, Chrlstman, Fted Chaltos, William Madeline Heslin and Alice Glueh•eefcercber, Mary Falttta, Gordon lenoa. $2.95 WOMEN'S $10.98 Marriage Licenses Issued To 4 Couples > DRESSES COATS * — . Women's and Misses' Arraign Driver In Bus Crash Four marriage licenses were issued yesterday by the City Clerk as follows: To Andrew Martlno, 80, of 40 Garden Street, and Mary Caruso, 21. of 449H Nepperhan Avenue. To Joseph Barberl, 24, of 1923 Third Avenue, New York City, and Camilla Llberatore, 20, of 178 Linden Street. To Harry C. Humphrey, 32. of 67 Br International Nfwi Service Hayward Street, and Lottie HampWASHINGTON, Jan. IS.—Favor- ton. 40. of the same address. ing legislation for establishment of j To John Gore. 24, of 94 Woodair mall service between the United worth Avenue, and Margaret GalStates and Pan-American countries, lagher, 23, of 24 Orchard Street. Postmaster General New and Assistant Postmaster General Glover urged prompt passage of the law before the House Committee on post office and poet road*. The snow carnival and dance of New took occasion to praise the work that Colonel Charles A. Lind- the Senior Christian Endeavor Sobergh was doing* on his Pan-Ameri- ciety of the P a r l t ^ M first Itscan flight to advance the possibility formed Church will be Jield tonight of definitely linking the United at the Nappeckamack Club, Pelton States with these countries by air. Street. NEW SCHOOL 4 BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED MONDAY Monday will be a red letter day at School 4 because the new annex will be occupied, and the school will be put on full time for the first time In eight years. The only possible hitch that can prevent the pupils from occupying the new building, Is the faint likelihood that the Board of Education will not officially accept the building before Monday. However, Superintendent of Schools Lamont F. Hodge stated yesterday, that it is almost certain the building will be In use Monday. Thomas A. Miller, Jr., of the firm of T. and A. Miller, contractors for the new annex turned over the building three weeks ago, and has signed a release. Furniture ha* arrived and will be placed before Monday. Miss Katherlne E. Moriarty. principal, is planning to sponsor a special.assembly next month when the annex will be formally dedicated. When the annex is thrown open It will be the first time the present eighth grade class has been on full time schedule in eight years. The school became so congested this term that two classes were taught In the assembly of the school, at the same time, while two ether classes met in the corridors of the building. Department Marshall^Math eson Co. $3,717,900 To Be Used for Improvements, Rest for Additional Land WHITE PLAINS, Jan. II—By unanimous vote here yesterday afternoon, the Board of Supervisors appropriated J5.847.000 for the acquisition of landa and the improvements of parka in this county during 1928. The amount* were substantially thoae asked for previously by the Park Commission. For Improvements, the specific Items totalling- $3,717,900. follow; Klngeland Point Park. $26,000; Maplemoor Golf Club, $4,000; Mohanslc Park, $4,600; Olen Island Park and Approach, $243,000; Rye Beach and Manursing Island Park. $1,200,000; Briarcllff - Peeksklll Parkway. $10,000; Cross County Parkway and Approaches. $80,000; Hutchinson River Parkway, $1,937,000; Saw Mill River Parkway and Connections, $137,400; Sprain Brook Parkway and Connections, $65,000; and Bronx River Parkway. $12,000. Land Purchases To Be Last For the acquisition of park lands, which it was said represented the last which would need to be obtained in the county under the present program, the total of $1,830,000 is divided as follows: Pelham-Port Chester Parkway. $260,000; Manursing Island - Rye Beach Park, $8BD.OO0; Cross County Parkway and Connections, $290,000; and the Briaxcliff-Peekskill Parkway. $440,000. Request for increase of appropriation from $2,500 to $5,000 was reoeived from the> United Spanish War Veterans and referred to the Budget Appropriations Committee. The traffic report of County Engineer Charles MacDonald was reoeived and referred to the same committee. The abstract of town accounts from North Castle was received and approved. Notice also was given that the assessment rolls from Tonkers had been received. The beard adjourned by standing Jr. honor of the 84th birthday of Supervisor J a » e e B. Moran. the eldest member of the board, acclaimed as "the most loved." Leading Blue 77c and Barrettes Broken lota up to $2 Value Q/7a/4 C Prints and Chambray—finish* ed in contrasting colors. Sizes 2 to 6. Broken sizes. Values up to 98c 39c Infants' Flannelette Gertrude Petticoats Shell stitch Value 60c finish. OQf» 1 Infants' Hand Emb'd Slips Alt hand Value $1.00 *:":. 55c Odds and Ends of Baby Shirts and Bands Values 89c .V" 39c Bye Bye, Bodkin, Cub Blankets Warm and comfy. Pink or Blue. Sizes 80x40. AWI Value 89c 4 f C Sale! Reg. 95c Men's % r AFTER-INVENTORY CLEARANCE GOOD NEWS! Women's Boys' All Wool Jersey Suits B-A-G-S SILK NECKWEAR I, DOWN TO - Value* to $2.95, Reduced to A large assortment of men's four-in-hand neckwear to choose from. Every man will want a new supply when he sees for himself how smart looking these are. A splendid value suggesting to economical-mothers an entire restocking. Fabrics of novel woven all wool jersey and tweeds of exceptional quality. In all the wanted stylet and colors. Sizes to 8. Leather hags in envelope and small or large style pouch effects. In black, tan, brown and a good assortment of light colors. Silk bags in Barge envelope and small novelty pouch styles. "Monte Cristo, Jr., O'Coats" Reduced "Remarkable Value*'9 THE BOYS* SHOP—MAIN FLOOR M. M. CO—MAIN FLOOR Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Regular $0.00 and $5.98 Men's Woolen Vests Four pockets; ideal for street and office wear. All wool in heather and light fancy mixtures. Men's Woolen Hose Reg. $ 1 . 0 0 . Heathers w i t h clox o n side. Sizes 9y2to\v/2. M. M. CO.—MAW FLOOR r- /
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