Members Terms of Reference

Co-Choir (Operoting Componies) :
Co-Choir (Controct Portner Componies)
Wolter Simpson - QGC
Dorren Greer - Eosternwell
APPEA Secreloriot
The overoll chorter is to build o community of leoders with shored occeptonce of
responsibility for ochieving the vision "Togefher. develop o sofe CSG-LNG industry", ond to
develop ond steer implementotion of the Queenslond CSG-LNG industry strotegic sofety
Steve Ciccone
Poge Moxson
Poul Fennelly
Andrew Foulkner
Dorren Greer
Mick Douge
Brendon Ostwold
Arrow Energy
Ostwold Bros
Dovid Boldwin
Wolter Simpson
Trevor Brown
Stephone Moynet
Joirus Houghton
Bob McGowon
Origin Energy LNG
Sontos GLNG
Soxon Energy
Toll Energy
Terms of Reference
The overorching primory objective of the Sofety Leodership Group (SLG) is to improve
sofety performonce in the Queenslond CSG-LNG industry sector.
o) Sofety provides o common
odvontoge, ond oll porliciponts will odopt o
cooperotive opprooch to shoring of sofety monogement prociices.
The sofety performonce of the industry will be mode stronger by o colloborotive
opprooch omongst the SLG porticiponts, the Operoting Componies ond
Controct Portner community represented by the SLG.
1.2 The SLG hos o specific focus on the CSG-LNG industry in Queenslond.
2.1 lnitiolly the SLG comprises l3 members - 5 most senior leoders from the Operoting
Componies, 'l member from APPEA ond 7 senior leoders from Controci Portner
Componies, with the intention to consider increosing the numbers.
2.2 Membership of the SLG ond CSG-LNG lndustry Sofety Forum (lSF) is focused initiolly on
Operoting Componies ond Controct Portner Componies. Engogement of other
stokeholders will be considered in due course. The SLG moy invite other stokeholders
to ottend o meeting to ossist with its discussions on ony porticulor motter.
2.3 Externol focilitotion ond coordinotion support for the SLG is provided under APPEA.
APPEA does not direct the octivities of the Group. The role of the focilitotor is to plon
ond co-ordinote preporoiions for. ond follow-up of SLG meetings, to support Group
members in fulfilling their roles, ond to provide o secretoriot of SLG.
2.4The SLG elects 2 Co-Choirs from the members, eoch for o nominol term of i yeor"
These 2 officers represent the Operoting Componies ond the Controct Portner
2.5 The nominol term of office for Coniroct Portner members is I yeor. The process for
rototing new members will be developed by the SLG on beholf of the CSG-LNG
Industry Sofety Forum.
2.5 lnvited members commit to ottending scheduled meetings, ond if required moy
ottend by videoconference or by telephone. lf o member is unoble to ottend, their
designoted olternote representotive moy ottend on their beholf.
2.7 The SLG moy hold volid deliberotions ond toke volid decisions only if o quorum is met,
with of leost 2 representotives from the Operoting Componies ond 4 representotives
from Coniroct Portner Componies.
2.8 Decisions of the SLG will generolly be by consensus ond, where required, by o simple
mojority of members present. There is no formol requirement for SLG members to
consult industry sector colleogues, but they moy choose to do so if they consider it will
improve decision-moking obout o porticulor sofety motter.
2.9 lnitiol costs of estoblishing the SLG ond ISF will be borne by the Operoting Componies"
Members ore responsible for meeting their own costs for ottending ond porticipoting
in meetings ond forums. A membership cost modelwill be developed ond specific
expectotions of members will be set by the SLG"
3.1 The SLG meets initiolly on o monthly bosis until the first CSG-LNG lndustry Sofety Forum
hos been held, then of o frequency io be decided by the SLG. Notificotion of SLG
meeting dotes for ihe colendor yeor will be set of the stort of thot yeor.
3.2 The ogendo ond ony pre-reoding will be circuloted 'l week before the meeting.
Minutes of eoch meeting will be circuloted I week ofter the meeting.
3.3 The SLG's effectiveness ond ierms of reference ore reviewed onnuolly by the Group
ogoinst the ogreed industry strotegic sofety plon, including o review of membership.
3.4 The SLG olso develops the terms of reference for the lSF. The Forum's effectiveness
ond terms of reference ore reviewed onnuolly by the Group.
3.5 Terms of reference for eoch Working Group will be developed by the porticulor
Working Group, ond ogreed by the SLG.
' 3.6 A communicotions plon ond process to engoge relevont siokeholders will be
developed for the SLG's opprovol.
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ISF comprises the SLG members ond the senior leoders of the brooder sector of
Controct Portner Componies. lt octs os o review body for the ongoing development
ond delivery of the CSG-LNG lndustry Strotegic Sofety Plon.
4.1 The
ISF will be held 2 times.per yeor in Brisbone. The SLG intends thot ultimotely the ISF
will be ihe only senior monogement led controcior sofety forum within the industry, to
improve efficiency.
5.1 The SLG will set up ond coordinote o smoll number of Working Groups to undertoke
specific work streoms to help finolise ond deliver ogoinst the CSG-LNG lndustry
Strotegic Sofety Plon.
5.2 Membership of the Working Groups is open to oll Operoting Componies ond
Controct Portner Componies who porticipote in the lSF.
5.3 A minimum of I Chompion for eoch Working Group
drown from the SLG members.
5.4 Chompions ensure thot their Working Group develops cleor onci ogreed work plons
with gools, octions, responsibilities ond milestones for review ond formol opprovol by
the SLG, ond sieer implementotion of the opproved work plon.
5.5 The SLG sonctions the following Working Group topics:
. Sofety Leodership
r Competence ond Behoviour
. Lond Tronsport
o Process Sofety
. Rig Site Sofety.
6.1 The SLG is tosked wiih ensuring the following deliverobles ore produced:
Working Group work plons ond budgets
Working Group progress reports ogoinst work plons
The CSG-LNG lndustry Strotegic Sofety Plon.
6.2 Specific meosures of success for ihe SLG will be developed by the Group ond
defined in the CSG-LNG lndustry Sirotegic Sofety Plon.
These terms of reference were
odopted by the members present of the Sofety Leoders
Group meeting held on:
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Co-Choir (Operoiing Componies)
Co-Choir (Controct Portner Componies)