Sponsors Mazel Tov - Young Israel Of Greater Miami

Young Israel of Greater Miami
May 24, 2014, Iyar 24 Parsha Bamidbar
Early Mincha
6:25 pm
Kiddush after Second Minyan
Sandor and Helen Genet in honor of Evelyn Genet
Avroham & Paulette Dearson Wise on the birth to grandchildren Ilana & Kalman
Yoseph on the birth of a baby girl, Ahuva
Jeffrey & Lina Weiss in memory of the Yahrzeit of his grandmother Yehudit
Weiss HY’D.
Eva Lichter in memory of her father's father, Aliyah Yosef ben Natan. May his
Neshama have an Aliyah.
Ellen and Sheldon Zipkin in memory of and the Yahrzeit of Ellen's father,
Samuel Reitman.
Dr. Daniel & Janessa Wasserman welcoming Rabbi Beryl Wein!
Edie & Dr. Leon Adler in honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin David Lehrfield & welcoming Rabbi & Rebbetzin Berel Wein
Manny and Carole Lax in memory of and her father's upcoming Yahrtzeit.
Rabbi Ephraim and Sarah Palgon in honor of Yechiel and Talya's marriage.
Selma Bauer in honor of the birth of a great grandson. Sarah and Wayne Bauer in
honor of Moshe's 16th birthday this Shabbat, Chaya's upcoming 18th birthday,
and Nechama's upcoming 13th Birthday.
Prof. Ezra and Leah Levy wishing everyone a Chodesh Tov and A Chag Shavu'ot
Yossi & Marlene Marmor in memory of and Martin Marmor’s Yahrzeit.
Shimshon Mindick:
Motti & Michelle Levin to commemorate the 37th Yartzeit of Michelle's mother,
Rivka bat Moshe. A Refuah Shelayma to Debbie Weitz. Mazal Tov to the Marmors
on Devora's engagement & to Ilene Kane on Yehonaton & Stephanie's
graduations from medical school.
"May Dr. Carl Salzman (Tzvi Zelig ben Chasya Ruchel) and Mrs. Elsa Salzman
(Etta bas leah) both have a speedy and complete Refuah Shelayma filled with
hatzlacha rabba and only besorot tovot Min Hashamayim, refuat Hanefesh u'
refuat Haguf this year!"
1st Candlelight
6:45-6:55 pm
7:43 pm
7:55 pm
Shabbat Bamidbar
R. Wein
6:50 pm
7:35 pm
Shabbos ends
8:43 pm
Weekday Classes
Rabbi Lehrfield:
7:25 AM to 7:55 am
10:00 AM to 11:30 am
Rabbi Lehrfield
between Mincha and
Rabbi David Lehrfield:
8:00 pm-9:00 pm
Mazel Tov
Selma Bauer and Drs. Lloyd & Mandy Bauer on the birth of a great -grandson
and a grandson to Rivkie and Reuven Levovitz in New York
Avroham & Paulette Dearson Wise on the birth to grandchildren Ilana & Kalman
Yoseph on the birth of a baby girl. Ahuva
Mussar Shiur:
Rabbi Avrham Yachnes
9:00 PM—10:00 PM
990 NE 171 St. NMB, FL 33162 / Tel 305.651.3591 - Fax 305. 651.3601
email: [email protected]
Web: YoungIsraelnmb.org
Facebook: Young Israel Of Greater Miami
From The Gabbai
Parsha of the Week
Please contact Rabbi Casper
(305-865-0433 or
[email protected]) in case of,
‫ ר"ל‬, a death in the community so
that he can email the Young Israel
family with shivah information.
n the Sinai Desert, G‑d says to conduct a census of the twelve tribes
of Israel. Mosescounts 603,550 men
of draftable age (20 to 60 years); the
tribe of Levi, numbering 22,300
males age one month and older, is
counted separately. The Levites are
to serve in the Sanctuary, replacing
thefirstborn, whose number they
approximated, who were disqualified
when they participated in the worshipping of the Golden Calf. The 273
firstborn who lacked a Levite to replace them had to pay a five-shekel
“ransom” to redeem themselves.
Refuah Sh’lema
Abe Goldenthal, Louis Lawrence,
Shalom Dovid Ben Bracha Margalit,
Rochel Leah bas Faiga Zeisel ,
Dr. Carl Salzman Tzvi Zelig Ben
Chasia Rochel ,Marlene Kalchman,
Aharon Dovid Ben Chaya, Rivka Bas
Kosher Korner
From the Kof-K
manufactured by Unilever product line
has recently become certified under the
KOF-K. Please be advised that only product bearing KOF-K symbol is certified
Kosher. There remains a limited supply in
the market which was produced prior to
KOF-K initiating certification. This product does not bear the KOF-K and should
not be used for Kosher
the Gershonites, in charge of its tapestries and roof coverings, to its
west; and the families of Merari, who
transported its wall panels and pillars, to its north. Before the Sanctuary’s entranceway, to its east, were
the tents of Moses, Aaron, and Aaron’s sons.
Beyond the Levite circle, the twelve
tribes camped in four groups of three
tribes each. To the east
were Judah (pop.
74,600), Issachar (54,400) andZebulun (57,400); to the
south, Reuben (46,500), Simeon (59,
When the people broke camp, the
300) and Gad(45,650); to the
three Levite clans dismantled andwest, Ephraim (40,500), Manasseh (
transported the Sanctuary, and reas- 32,200) and Benjamin(35,400); and
sembled it at the center of the next
to the
encampment. They then erected
north, Dan (62,700), Asher (41,500)
their own tents around it: the Koha- and Naphtali (53,400). This forthites, who carried the Sanctuary’s
mation was kept also while traveling.
vessels (the Ark, menorah, etc.) in
Each tribe had its own nassi(prince
their specially designed coverings on or leader), and its own flag with its
their shoulders, camped to its south; tribal color and emblem.
Rabbi Berel Wein Visiting Scholar Program
After the kiddush following the second minyan
(around 12:00noon):
Rabbi Berel Wein is an American
born Orthodox rabbi, scholar, lecturer,
and writer who has personal and ideological ties to both Modern Orthodox
and Haredi Judaism.
R` Wein received semikhah (rabbinic
ordination) from Chicago's Hebrew Theological College. He received a Bachelor's degree from Roosevelt University in Chicago
and earned a law degree from De Paul University.
In addition to practicing law in Chicago for a number of years, he
has served as a congregational rabbi in Miami Beach, Suffern, NY
and Jerusalem. He was the director the kashrut division of the
OU. And he was the founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaarei
Torah in Rockland County, NY.
Rabbi Wein moved to Israel in 1997 where he became Rav at Bet
Knesset Hanasi (at 24 Usshishkin). He is presently a senior faculty member of Ohr Somayach Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he lectures to the mostly English-speaking student body. He also lectures extensively in Israel and abroad and has written a regular
weekly column for the Jerusalem Post since 1999.
Israel and its Population Count
Shabbat afternoon shiur at 6:50pm
The Rebirth of the Jew after the Shoah
Melaveh Malkah Saturday night at 9:45pm
Ways of Pleasantness
All programs are free and open to the public at
Yung Israel Of Greater Miami
990 NE 171st Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162
phone: 305.651.3591
email: [email protected]
website: http://www.youngisraelnmb.org/
Facebook: Young Israel of Greater Miami
Chocolate Tour
June 1,
11:00 am
From The Gabai
Thank you for helping to
maintain a proper
decorum during
1st and main point that the boys
learned last Sunday in the baseball
workshop: you can't get better at
ANYTHING without being able to
Next up, on SUNDAY,JUNE 1ST,the
children will enjoy the
chocolate tour at Mr. Marmor's Le
Chocolatier and then create a
chocolate treat to take home. Here are
the times:
BOYS: 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
GIRLS: 11 a.m.- 12 p.m....
cost:$10 a child....but there's more !
While everyone waits for their
chocolate treats to become ready, an
awards ceremony will take placeTHE SHABBOS GROUP, END OF
Please reserve kiddush
for after davening.
!‫שבת שלום ומבורך‬
Each boy and girl will receive a beautifully designed certificate (thank you ,
Etti) and an award for attending Shabbos groups.
The boys awards should be around
10:45 am, and the girls awards should
be around 11:45 am.
Call me at 786-320-2562 to reserve
a spot,and for more details
Finally, on Shavuos night, at the shul,
there'll be a girls shiur AND a
special presentation for pre-schoolers
from 8 pm until after the men finish
Mariv (approximately 8:45pm)-so it's
not just the men and adults who'll be
learning Shavuos night!
Good Shabbos!
We need sponsors for Tikun Leil
Shavuot refreshments. Please call or email the shul
office if your are able to be a sponsor.
Friends of the Yarn
Camp for boys in 1st – 6th grade
Join Rabbi Mark Roth and Rabbi Heshy Riesel
For a fun summer of: Learning, Sports, Fishing,
Swimming, Baking, Art, Crazy Science and a
Special Trip to Orlando.
June 23rd – July 18
M-Th 9am – 3:30pm
F 9am -2pm
For more information call or email:
Heshy Riesel: 305.331.8182 [email protected]
Mark Roth: 516.330.8879 [email protected]
Lunch program available
David W. Barman
Registered Patent Attorney
The Law Office of David W. Barman P.A.
17071 W. Dixie Highway
N. Miami Beach FL 33160
Phone: 786-361-6579
Fax : 786-752-3228
Email: [email protected]
Rosh Chodesh and Graduation Kiddush
305 467.1928
NMB Children
305 651.0115
Y. Elem
786. 417.9183
Exc Of NMB
305 527.2211
347. 371.3861
Coats For
305 655.2611
Bris Gemach
305 652.1479
305 528.9056 305
305 690.8949
786. 282.6698
Mother of the
Km Kosher
954. 797-7888
Bikur Cholim
305 690.8949
Chai Lifeline
305 956.9990
Food Bank
305 947.8093
305 761.1161
If you would like to honor your 2014
be part of our Rosh Chodesh &
Graduation Kiddush
on June 14, 2014.
Please call or email the Shul Office
your sponsorship and the name of your graduate.
In addition, sponsors are welcome for any and all other