(Non·Proflt Corporatlons) \ ARTICL ES OF ASSOCIATION OF TttE Doberoan Pir.soh er Club of .America • • We. lhe widezsign«I. desiring to lncorporal«I Wider Ille pnwlaions o! Act No. 8', ot the PubOc Ac1a of Michigu for 1921. ....,oldior tar the ••"'llfJ>ization, NS'llalion ond clusillcstion of doim.estic CQr'l)C)ntioD&. •• de:.. do beret>y make, t.Xff\1.te and. adopc the fol1owi:ng anic:ka or asaoc:ia.tion. to wit: ARTICLE L Tllo name or thle by which said ooriioration lo to be known in law is, . Doberman P1."l~~!:'. ClU,~ ..~...~erica. ARTICLEU. Tl>il--tion sball l>l--'unde r - II .Chapter 1, Pvt I. ol tbe above namechct. - - ·- .. ARTICLE Ill II. T1>e purpoM ... !or which it lo formed are .. ro11o...., The object• or t l::is Club shall be to pro:cote the o•n1ng, breed111&, exhibiting ot the Dober:llllll Pinscl:er or the true t7pe doina Pol1ce work, auoh ll$ tra1.ling cri:>inals; to lll'go the adoption of this t1J)<I upon breodora, j'1dges , 'Dog :lllo• oom:o1 ttees aa t he onl7 recosnJ.:.&d end W>'tar 7111g standard • b; ,.Moh Dober::ian ?insc!lera should be JucJGed, end tho tJPO • h 1cb shou1d be -imUol'ml.y accepted as tl:e ~s>lo .ata:A4aN ot-.,c:celle110• ·U 'broe~.~,i . - ---awa=-dllOg prizea or ""'rit to Do'!>e:r:>an ?1Dschers, to ;>roYide sp•clal prl>es tor !>obe!"J:Je.ll ?'1.n:sohe.l"s s t such shose • • the e.x~cut1Te c01D11tittee •hal.l designate; to hol d at l east one big ;>ol1ce dog trial a1U>Uall":J and to · pro:.oto ?::ou:>rablo conduct both 1.n tbo show :rooa and on the field. 1I ARTiCLE IV. ,' The pri.,dpal office°" ,._of basiuss ohall be ot Dotro1t iotl>ecounty of. .. ARTICLE V. • .. • • I! lf&J'DO ' None • --- • • "'"" # • "el l!!l M. " ~ .. 00 ca al'!. • "' (b) Soid COl1JOr•tion ;. to be financed under tho following !l"•eral plan: Ao:iual dues wh1oh shall be payoblo 1n advun:e ond on tho r:..rsc or •~uary or each ;roa r. No coodida te s~.all be ad~ it tod t o ony priv12!ge of tho ~lub uoti l the IU\nu6l dues shall ha~ e been paid • , • Under the pnwisiorul of tho above named act &aid corporati<>n lhu'M of SlOCk.. SIM SlBltJ lb bt la d1a r ;•••• Dot ~· intend to iuuo .. ef: ·~ _, -~ ARIICLEVL Tb• wm o f - o f this ~ ...._lioD Is hod at_ 'ftl.U't7 .. flcm the .S.te ot - . . - AltTICLE VU. -- •. . "' ' ",,.. . • JlaJ7 a: bo<lle•••, f Loe •ngel.es,, CJJ . .!.!'. fr serl1t>, .Pote:r O~:.utt• Cermai:iy. J?. Dlldley Vet te~lein • ~ Pe:.nsbu~ ,, ?.a . c ~ J'ohn Vande::-:::d't ! !>e b'-o 1 t; • ! .lU <:!: • • • AltTICL& VW. The ,,..,,..,, aJ>d ad.i...es of ""'~ trmi- or d~rs (or attorney i'I r ...., for the lln>t yeu a.re SS fo&_.,! N.un:s. OFFICE. Gleru> Stai nea ,. . $ . Newson ll1lton F. Coulson .. J?res1dot>t la t Vic e- ?:ro:i:~c!unt 2nd Vice -Pre s i dent ~!"d V~ ee-?rocldo:l~ D!"' . S .1::. Och.ttn~r Pml Pole,- ADDRESSES ·-· :SlQ'7 'r.oo~a:"<i, J>otroit , Ohicago , l:i.l1l>o1• Blrmingh am, M1ch1e •n ;.I!lwauk.;<&. , 'n.a.... 4v i:...~ Secret:aey-Trealnll'Or De troit , .t..ch1.:&M. Sach Cf tho above 11aud ot f 1oera are meod>ers' ot the Execut1Ye · Comm1ttee u ot:"ict o . "l'h.e ~~ller :iembers of the Execut 1"1e ,Co:mit t oe are : ' George Stokes Soarle ttondee l!arry Sieck Detro1 t, li!1el!1gan. · lalQt Royal Oat, li!1ch1ga Chicago, I ll1.nois . ·' ARTICLES IX. (a) ThE! qualifications ~quired of offic..-ers and memb{lrs DN as foUows: ,<ny pez·son f avo;:,able to :or el ection as ei:i ti':~ ..• cl~. gible objeets of the Club •hall be e.ctivt: :ce:r.ber, wl1e!.l proposed by e. ::erube:- and s&eonded by a~otl':er.. Officers sf>.all be elected !'l'O;n among the i::ebel's who r osi<!e in llorth A!T.orica. Tl':e name and address of t h e oan:l1date !or »G.'tbi>rship, " 1th the nomes and addresses or the )'rOposer andkec .~nder , shal l be furnished in full to the S-ec 'Y. in time eo unS~le h!.:n t~ for\·~a1•d "Cbese particl1lars t.o each :nG!!!ber of the i::xe:uti\"e Comittec e.t least one ·.~e c~ ;>r<>71ous to the doy ot :!:.leot1on. The po...;er of el-ecti~l'.I s?:!.all be vested absol\~tely 1n t:he .a:;,x;eout1v& Oom- "'1ttee. ~lection s~.J>l~ be by btl lot of the ,,;xecutlve Co:ir:>ittee and t hree ,-averse vote• sl'.al~ p;·event ele~t1on. ARTICLE x. !.1.·, ........:c,. .. ~ N .., Any othtr>"t.atemeut re<JU)red by bw ord<$ire<! by the incorporato,. to be included in the article._ ,,'~ • • •. .. ,. .. In Wi- Whereof. We. the pania desicnai.d. as provided br law. by tho port;a .....,i&tlni: as showa uruler Articl• Vil of those articles. for tl>e JlU?l)OOO of dviOJt !tgol elfcct to lheS<! articlff. dar of A.D.• :111121930 CC to bo:r • ST•.\TE OF lllCHIGA.~ C-.ty •!.. On this 1'1•P'.8_ - -- ·- . - ..•. lOtb day of No ta:-y ?ublic , Oc~ober A. I>.• In 1930 ill and for said Couney »••zk Stokes , ?a~l F~!ey known to me to be the penons named in. and whoex:ecut.ed the fottgo-ing instnunent. and &e".·eraU)' ackno..-~ thiot they exeeut<ld u.. same r ....1y zi..o~io m<ntiooed- liota:-y Publ!.;, ,-;ayne County, ;i1c1-.1gar;, .. 192 • I hereby certify that ot ~ r~g-ilsr '·. ;,..":leriea, a ~uoru::i bei~ present, the f'ollo...-ins resolution ,., 38 passed: ''R:.sv;_,!J~D, .... .. ,. 'i'l".e ~ th1 :s organiza tion 1ncorpora te under t~e ;aws of t~e ~tate ot Mlchigen a~ a co ~~oration n~t .or ,rof1t, 5nd that a comn1ttee eons1st!ng of f ou:- :·t::tit.ers of' the .<:.: r.ecu:ive Oom+-<; 1ttee Gl ,.nn -· ' ? au l ,;"Oley, t'1'3orge Stokea a!ld ~ilton , ... . ~:!,..nes, ~-ul7or>. be euthor1zed to s15n Sll~ ackno>rleC:ce ·- he_ ><i•t1c ~es ,-,r ><••oc1at1on on behalf o.r all - tho · i I I ARTICLES IX. (a) ThE! qualifications ~quired of offic..-ers and memb{lrs DN as foUows: ,<ny pez·son f avo;:,able to :or el ection as ei:i ti':~ ..• cl~. gible objeets of the Club •hall be e.ctivt: :ce:r.ber, wl1e!.l proposed by e. ::erube:- and s&eonded by a~otl':er.. Officers sf>.all be elected !'l'O;n among the i::ebel's who r osi<!e in llorth A!T.orica. Tl':e name and address of t h e oan:l1date !or »G.'tbi>rship, " 1th the nomes and addresses or the )'rOposer andkec .~nder , shal l be furnished in full to the S-ec 'Y. in time eo unS~le h!.:n t~ for\·~a1•d "Cbese particl1lars t.o each :nG!!!ber of the i::xe:uti\"e Comittec e.t least one ·.~e c~ ;>r<>71ous to the doy ot :!:.leot1on. The po...;er of el-ecti~l'.I s?:!.all be vested absol\~tely 1n t:he .a:;,x;eout1v& Oom- "'1ttee. ~lection s~.J>l~ be by btl lot of the ,,;xecutlve Co:ir:>ittee and t hree ,-averse vote• sl'.al~ p;·event ele~t1on. ARTICLE x. !.1.·, ........:c,. .. ~ N .., Any othtr>"t.atemeut re<JU)red by bw ord<$ire<! by the incorporato,. to be included in the article._ ,,'~ • • •. .. ,. .. In Wi- Whereof. We. the pania desicnai.d. as provided br law. by tho port;a .....,i&tlni: as showa uruler Articl• Vil of those articles. for tl>e JlU?l)OOO of dviOJt !tgol elfcct to lheS<! articlff. dar of A.D.• :111121930 CC to bo:r • ST•.\TE OF lllCHIGA.~ C-.ty •!.. On this 1'1•P'.8_ - -- ·- . - ..•. lOtb day of No ta:-y ?ublic , Oc~ober A. I>.• In 1930 ill and for said Couney »••zk Stokes , ?a~l F~!ey known to me to be the penons named in. and whoex:ecut.ed the fottgo-ing instnunent. and &e".·eraU)' ackno..-~ thiot they exeeut<ld u.. same r ....1y zi..o~io m<ntiooed- liota:-y Publ!.;, ,-;ayne County, ;i1c1-.1gar;, .. 192 • I hereby certify that ot ~ r~g-ilsr '·. ;,..":leriea, a ~uoru::i bei~ present, the f'ollo...-ins resolution ,., 38 passed: ''R:.sv;_,!J~D, .... .. ,. 'i'l".e ~ th1 :s organiza tion 1ncorpora te under t~e ;aws of t~e ~tate ot Mlchigen a~ a co ~~oration n~t .or ,rof1t, 5nd that a comn1ttee eons1st!ng of f ou:- :·t::tit.ers of' the .<:.: r.ecu:ive Oom+-<; 1ttee Gl ,.nn -· ' ? au l ,;"Oley, t'1'3orge Stokea a!ld ~ilton , ... . ~:!,..nes, ~-ul7or>. be euthor1zed to s15n Sll~ ackno>rleC:ce ·- he_ ><i•t1c ~es ,-,r ><••oc1at1on on behalf o.r all - tho · i I I .. -"}·,:·:!' -~ ·m ·IG··~· r· L ·• I 0 ..~· -- '"'ii ' Tho ot lht• Cl\a('Ur bt btld to .,,i, to aJI Ul«blloM1 toefot... t:ftd«>tpOtRlloN of t.he ri&ION ;!!,~.:=~! ::!:,:!~,=·~ 1'' 1;;HIOAN \RTICLE~ OF ASSOCIATION (Non-Profit Corporation) OF b&r11!8n Pinseher Cl ub or Amert ca er .Act No. S4, Pabllc .Acts, 1921 R:::CEIVE:D '! :;;;1 l1!3fJ DEi' -'•ff•Mlro 1 or ::.11. n. ~: .)- r?' .. t WIL E D ~2l1r~ C.Orpcw•i:MM ~- ptl~~Mt IOO"JNCI ~ ltaM• ac1f-0n l.'t «N11m~rd11tl f)r 0U\41r bodnae dlree:C. petun• i•.ry profit to the nMmbtn or •C4Ckhor4fn. thtll bt p· t.med by tk ~" ot thit ~~ fn M dltJon to #U(h ~her fll'WliiW..n• 41 ttibl act • IM1 bot •J'Jlfl~bk ttw-rtto: ProvSd(d. TN.t ~ oorponUoNi may ltlnf.l('t bmine8S epon lite c<M1per1U1'* pfan. ' ' - . wlthoct tll· reel peeuniaty pr<>fit ta Ule reeetbu. or ~hoden ~· Mrpotat.Mina m17 ~ ~tud vpon dthtt a .-.oclc Wr• ha.fa Ot'upl» 6M~:-i<Wflf.~ \ht ,,,..\J.tnhfp ""14·· in may be l:ll'l!Jt.ed tltht!r a.a to Btlfl'lber"" qutffitatlor.t • • filrtd in the 1r1icletl or bf·J•wt. O«UP'UoU. IJld fndottrtct. wbtl toc'h ptnonl 6Hlr• to : •a«f ato fot IAOlOOcl t~tlt, comf;m. or lflatnMillon ~' · lftfOM91 41~4 11m~'*'1 pl"Of\t; M4 to tOdciUn tor ror • It orpn.ltff •J»o •ttotfrihartplan IM~• of IO(fl <»rporatlOC!9 .Ill)) \o o( 4tnom"'-t5ont of c.a dollan, or ft mwftipT• <tf Cottn dol ..,., kt. ntt. t 1ett4 OMhOndnd dotlon. . •n Tbo PfOpert)' and •••, • • botli:wwot .utbCOt)'IOralloM 1 sMll bit h•ld a11d l'MMrN bf• bolr d ot tru.tuet ..,,. df. ~e~"· x..,~ boeril UiM lltr«"e lft lllltmbel', imd 01Wh llV<h lrv•tC<O Oii" cti~ .ttall .,. • ll)Clftbtr or tcocll.hotdu of tveh ~rporatjon . . Ult ca.. may 00. "'•JI .. ,.. Ho COrpotAUon Of'JflllilM tor non·pnrll\ WU lit UP• itall.rn fM.,, *"l(Mlnt tn e:rttaa: of IN ..., of moM>'la«'· «M1Y to ~f'f>' out lb ~u~. ln<WJ"K U.. lf>l' l~aalng of a~h ~yu""•J~rtqe;irf'dfor 1-.omt.. pure-. _. init.$ ti.•tol bv•lnt~••lf•ln. tMpaJ,,..., otu llllfnand er~ oftt. 4fftee111 for• ptrloid ~l pfffif~fl•e r~•r• 1rom U\.e\i mt o( 1ncM'f)'>r1\Vm, ~ U-.e t.Umat~e~l)tnff t>f corwlurtina .,d ~llW!lrMU~ IU. l!'I~ ~ ' Mn annual « 04lwlr pctlf>4it'Alconuibvllon1 from Jl)Ul"t't:I other t han the re~ d4lriv1Jd ( run AAM.ld ~llflftlblJt lt<tl•, t.nd M Ml~ ~ ratkifi -tl•IJ ~•ftf!t - e1p&t..Jlzc,rt at mort tlli•n lk·e fwndr~d thcouau.t c.kUan w l~l lko #Mt 1111nd ''°"' ••II P<O•""'"" INISl'RUCflONS FOR PR&PARIMG ARTICLQ OP ASSOCIA1'10N OF NON•PllOFlT CORPORATIONS. ttlt advan«<men& of puttcullr tt:io.liAc cw .oc&otot'l~J. ~. pOtl tkal •fowtor oi)fllfOI.. tho tol!.tttJllft • ftd dJMClftln•tion of h(Jt<lrk• 1or ~&.!Ac fa~u. lbo adv•nffn»nl ot 111,, . at u.ro, u ldvt.lloa of •rt, U\O pr•v~ntlon ot trutl • nd In· humm v-cU«a. and to aa1 other 111theoc:t.t1 whd.htr t / ·emim:eralld MMn or r.ot. so long .. Lhe pofPOM or por· 'i ~ thttt0/trelawtol, al!df!Ot fordll't'etpenm.lal)'poAt j. o t t he rum1*9: Ptovlded, ft.it ~n1 ~l • tlM or .o.. • dtty htfOV>for.Jncorpontcdand Mttoxr.tlnx •Mao .rrur· ~ potO 11 to provl&> for Ult Nlkf of dill~ flW11tMn. I vttet.Ation of tM lf~k. btlrhl ot lhodfM. -4 lh- peynwftt ot a "OIWlt •ry 1Jck OJ' t.orial ~tu. e.o or tor fl.tfmbott, M\ oxfftltb:K in • ft the w m ot ono hundrff ltf ty doDm oa •ctOUllt or anr, 4)1'10 m«nbtr, or tho t111f!na' and Mlllnfr or ! ~•eta.. for LI m.mbti• wlttiout. ftlrttl p.tcunWy ~ tot~ •&a«latlon or Ju "*'1bcn irwty opont• •ridc>r UJ1eMpl~ •• • aon·prol\l corpor~tlon. I I · Whtro fhoro ltO morttMntl1~lnciorpora'<>nior•l.b/' terthort •h•r may, Ly 1t.1ll.IW. t~&oMJM tdo:it.M a& tho "'"'"ltatloa mt+tfn«, dctloau 11nJ t>ir.eo flftO(IJ thfin· 11olvo1 to •fan • nd •eknowlfd«• U.•rtkt., for l bemM)Vf'f tnd f0t ll"A rtmal Norof•Kh lnterp1ta'-O,.or ..\ll(l1llt,.., In wbkt tdt lh• topy ot ttle r..olt.iUnn, 4111 ~erl ~ by lh•flf*"•<-tl• •• a«~ot • oth ?MttlntrAhatl r-111 ti.. an te• . Mc,,m· All ar1tefatof ••aod• t~ mUtt' bf O,llt<otlNt in 1rtpu. <'I-to and ~C>llllc'i by f0Jlowm1 ttt•: ~llftk,••• mlnSrt« and Nrt1r,trir •rUtl1« - f.~.oo; frt llf'bhse tee.· t to.r1t IJn• t0ftlfto4 tlw&.& wllJ nt;t Mt a<tl'f)tM. It 1" ri?f'flfklNiMtd tbt lht l.•lankt turr,l11h, ,J 1•y t ti'1 $t<Nl~ry of S'•to 1)0 c.-1..C '" t11ll ........ 111ppMt,ta.I ofttc Mitkf(u 8rcn1Uet, Co11t.m1Mkln (rtatcd by At' No. i& 1>f tbJ hhli« AN of J" JS. a/in a he-a.ting npon tti.!' nierit&•ndl 'fflC$Jtlct U.....-fiw, JOHN S. HACC.F.R'rV SP.CP.BTARV OP STA1'fl '::1l1i?::il~~ 7,1 nU/~_,'fUhn · I ' · ·l\RPOA/11'10~ Ol\llS\11' o(:r .. . . .. - 1 ~ 1<130 ~?I"' •"""" !)"\, • 'R· l-1·. ... .:)..:'&!.: I ' ..., · O.J. ADderson, : Leomins t·e r., llasa . C• rl l!•ger , I G. G. Auiµ• t E . Hilmer, St . Lcuia, l!o . Sou t.'!br1~ge , Amory 1$:> ~a 3s ... ~sgnol • ' Dl:' , Glenn A~ a:m1, C1nc 1':l~ o t1, Oh!.o. ~ .G. j Ner.:ton, !Jel~r, ~ Haeustermonn , ~• rr 1ll s. ~1ddl etO'fn . Ha rr~o n , Ohio • W:cR•e, J. Nelson ll0Kl11 Tlestmount • Que. ~ Dr. R .C. S.uur,.ann , ~ ~lutley, N.J. Royvl Oak , l!lcb . ~ In's. c.:11. !!alley, i DeD-ver • Colordo. Ed .. Hunter. I.ml Al"bo,.. Mi cb. 1'1 .J. Peabod7, Soato n , Ma3 a. < .J'ol:u> J. CoU 1%13 , ? .~t .. Jauua~h. Chicago , Ill . !'! . F. Precht• Sa.••nnah , Oa. ltr s . Edith Y.ellll!er, C.il. Pau ll, S~orle : Bostor: .. Mass . I' lf! lton ~. ::!oulson, .! 151=!.nghax, !: Hendee, :"h1t1nsv1l! e. iQ.ss. l!lch. O•~l !:..A.. Bstchelor, J. ~oohler . Dr.S.l. Ocb.tner , lUl'Wa\lkee, \'lia , Dotro1t, Ill.ch • t1 .·r. Rec c1\l.ll., ~ Detroit, M1ch1gan. !! t. Louis, >'o . Haworth, N.J. '~ Wal te:- :. .. Donovan. ij llrool<l1ne, :: . F. Kr• u tler , Max. o. Richter Sap rranoiaoo,. 6.11r. :Donovan, ~ !'2-o okl 1ne , ~9 s 9 .. ~ra. J .R . Aen..-,e~ , Toron~o. Ont . Cb.ea. B. Robbllla Adolph lS.n1hun, llr.llt lira • .i<.T. 18hn II•••· ~0T1 •rk , !1 Mrs. v.• E .. " Gerald li. D~sey, 1 IV~at1:ou'y, t..I. New ! 4 1'.rs .. i York. llow :t.oric, !l.Y. ~. D-a-1.eeourt, L<>s Angeles, CaJ.11'. I• c .J. Darmsta.otter, I D&t.ro1 t, 111 N.J. ·r• ;;an. ~ GeO!"ge £. Ss.rle, 8rd, ( Have:-!ard , ?..i . I:- a . Sva.ns , ii•l'!'Y S. L1ne, Clarenc• J. St::oobl.e , Port iiu>-cn, ll1chlpn :tor¥, ll .Y. Gerald h. Le1'1S, l)eQ~o:, ~oloTad~ . ~ec:k?lc-f·t • • Detro it, ll1eh!gan • •i Al.f:red F1cll:, .,9 Valhalla, N.Y. Otto Lango, i' ,;est .,~ ~ lie..- York , N:x. ?aul T. Foley, : Detrolt., x1cti.:,,~ . .. a.l bort £. Fo:·one, • Or. ; t\nt a. N.. Y. .. · ~~ . 1..-y PluS~~n~. -i..su.r·•. . . .;:. e .. GAud~. L.I. N.Y • · · ·~-·.J-.u •vu . ;~ 1 1.,.eukec, ':· G .t.. . d is. Gor?::ac, .' Royal Oak, ~ieh. ~ch:A1dt, ?re 0: R. llng:ai> , !>r1t::. ;;' Chas. ?rec.ck. Geo. K. Chica go, u i• Detroit, IUch. . Oeraanto-o. Pa . G::o<>oae Pointe , ;lice. )!ew ?hll~d•lphia, Pa. O.X. Lindqui st, :>e tro1 t , ltlcl>. ;.tholl l!clleam, San 1"rano1so, Calif. o. Schurecbt,. Morton OroTe, Ill. Otto Settegaat, Frledburg, Be o• er, (llelUI Sta 1J>Oa , . / Detro! t , llicb. f r 'tT 1 ~gl"~ ~ . Detro 1t, 111cb. >..A. McOUl, Srool:lino, il••7 ··s" n . . _.ewson, ,,, Ch 12;io. Ill. ::1.obard S . t.iQrt;sn,. ~ichlgan . !:t~dltJor , .tl&rry s1~01<, Ch1c•so. ...·i.1 . Gi:l:orso >"u.lts,. Detroit, 111ch . F . P. Stn1th , 'r.:,1sb1ngton, Ohio . · Eor=-y B. Hall or.oy, l!ai:ibtll"g, }; •Y. ' " _ ,, ..... __ _" ····- -- ~ · ·~·· ~ -- . '.fllllllll! S:tdney Sobm1'*· M11•a\lk'I e , W1a. . ·.:1ntam L. ~ass . ' Cleo. C • Stolte a, Det roit, Ktch. Goo. :-:. ):.esorv'\ .. Detro1t , ... Charle& llessberg, Detroit, Michigan. Mr• . Nari., ill S . Harrison , Ch1oogo , Ill. lhlncle . lndiona . ~ich . YI .!I. llc C OJ, k. l Det roit , :<loh. Chicago, Ill . N:ass. '~ E . Arthur Ball, ~ Mass!~Jerndele, St. . 1.ou1: , Mo. ' i~ ltl'-:: .-Carol .. · "red li!uachonhe • . ~r , ---- ....... I I. i , .."-.. ·'• I:Ployd '\iarner, Detroit, llich, A.. 'II. ." Wallace, Detl'oit , llich, ., ·~ 1" .B. 11nUace, Bu.ohllllan, 111ch. J .c. Z1.ll:me.rman .. Detl'Oit, llich o ?.11. Young, r ltnt, »tch. Caape:r J. Bowman, Zr. Jaokeou Betgllta, Jl,1 . Ili.anhaaaet,l'lWD'P ' Kr 1oh I( • II. Y, irr. a. Ill's. ~Y .R. l!oore, Jr, KidcllotoWQ, N,Y, l"rancla Ba:rlo, Jlontelatr, ll.J . Leal ! .:: !. .. Rom1De. 1.1Dvingst<>n, ll.J. 1 .O, Bwtton, Yew York. Jl .Y. ·. I L.w• Ku::o.z.o • Detrol t, lU.ch. ,.-----i;.,;·.&.. McNeil, 1'otro1t, lUch. j J. lloJt liilaon, Walled Lake, K1ch. --..... ~·.--, ....,,-·.... -........ ---·~·--·----· -·--·-- ·-- --·- --·---- -·- . .: .. ,":"f' ''·-ri' ., .. - I r • ' . " , ' : ;: ii -. -. - I ., .!.'; - Of ficers end ldul•gement. Tl:t- !.tft ir! of the ~lub r:ha l l be c~n"" du ct ed bi • ?r~a1C•nt , tlu-ee Vi ce- Presidents, a Seo •r, a ?!'ensurer ane no less t~'"'"' t !lre e ctr.er members of t he (;lub, ...ho sh al l together constitute an l.Xecu tive Co1m:1ittee . The officers • hA ll ho!d tho11• r ~•pe~t1ve off 1cos both !.n the Club and ln t he :Executive Co:c::l tteo. "l'hMe ~!"1ber c o!' this Comni ttee she l l tom fl quorwtt. ' I ~ • .... "h Tho orr1eex-a and o t ber "'6mbers or tho !i. A>:ocut.tve C01I1::il.ttoe s hall be elect ed by ballot a t the annual meet". 1ng, to :-.O l d o ffice one yea?·, and untll their sueceaaors shall haYe ~ be ~n e l ected *Od 1ns~ l.ed. They sh~ll be nominated by vot 1Dg ~ pa pers 1'!' 1c:..'1 s l: sll be issued t o e very me1Cber C>t the Club, from " th~ac- no:>1ne t1ons t.'10 Exec utive Committee shsll pr:epare ott1c1al ballots ~·hlch sha l l be given t o o•eriy aiembe?' and ah.si l l .serve aa votoa for t~e electt on if ~ebJ.raed to tl:.e SoG'Y· ' t tbe Annua l J ! ~ lj ·I ·~ meeting. member •hall be 8llo~ ed to lat ton or trade . Po~e~s All o f f ieera ahall be una.alar 1ed and r:io the Club 8 ir.cans or prt va te speeu- of the ~ecut1Ye Co.,,,,1ttee. Th • 1>an•se- nt or th• Club ""'1 the Control o! its ?roperty ah.ill 1:>e Yeated 1n the E:xecu t 1l'e Coo::nitte., wbJ.ch s tall i:tl'e the pon:r to call 1t1 own :neet1nga Ind moet1.ng'a ot :1 t ho Club, to a:rbi'tr•to 1n d 1 sputed 1:10.etors, to el&ot eet1ve a embera i. o r the ..aub, to desl .. 1th llilY q_ue ot1on not provided tor by the Cons t1tut;ion or 9)'-Le• a, and to rill t o:r the uneXp1red tel"lll, &nf 7acancy occur~ing 1n 1ts o• n number. It shall dea1gnate the •ho•a at • h1ch p~izes shall be offered, and shall detero1no the value and ne.ture or the Club ' s specials, s t.all el ect the Cl ub•• judges, shall • ::>ale" d ec~sl. """ 01) the l::old !=g of t he Club'" Yorlt1':g dog t:1al.s am apeciall:)' sl:.clrs, acd all motters 1.Dc 1dental U.reto, • ball 1ll•truot the Sec 'T. • hat plll't ot the Club• a ;>roce edinss m•T be g1Yen to the pre as. !l.::id s :,,,11 exerc1se tte sole authority conce:rn1ng all expen se s t hat a.:re defraTed out of tho twids ot the Cl»b. The Club il s ball no t be :responsible tor e.ny ~:xpend~ tul'es unaut!:ortzed by 1ta i !Executive Co:ni ttec . ' t .. j ! I • I Meeting&• I The amuo l a eet1Dg or the Club ahall be held bef"o:e J.p:11 21 o r ee c:l:: )'Oar , a t a ti:l!e and pla ce de11guated by t:he :::Xaeut1ve Co:c".1ttoe. "! Gener1tl and apee ial !leet inS• of the Club •haJ.l bo held ·~ t~ e~ll or tho liixecut1vo Co111111ttee and at auch "'eet1ngs eeven members sh•ll fo?'lll a quorum. All embers aball be notified or such coetings at least one 'O'Oek prov1ouelr. A s ;>ec1al ::e ~t1ng :z:c; bO celled at any tl.Jlle on a re~1•1tion stating _ t h e object ot sue!> a ::neetillg, • 2';ned bf five ""'ml>ers, but at such a .1?CC19l m;ee 'ting , tlle onl.y bu.s1cess af'te:o t!?e aest1. ?"! or the Cl". .air• !:&D shal l b e co::>:1deret '?n o.t t!:.e speo1•1 :=t~er tor wl:!1cl:! the · --- ~ !I •I, j l : l ~ 1 J:Jeetlng ls c siled. :1 ' Suspen. on• ' ana J:Xpulatons . .t member ma; t:e susp.; nde<l by ·<lie J froto any and all ;:r 1v1l egea o·r the Cl u'o . Aff1 . ::-<wt;er ; t_v has been suspend ad for oon-p;.yment of duee,, mr 1 n'•!'. be . 1 r e i nstated ur:iless t he ar~aro and dues !or t r.e 1nterven 1o~ ti:ne: :ru> ;r be pg1d 1n rull •ben the r e1natat.ul4nt: is ma.de. ,...,. member in • r 1'ears tor throe months •!:all be ~•pended. Excc1.1t1 ve . I Coc:.-,:1t ~oo I j .... !! !i ",, . I • . • - -- ------···· _.. . . ______ -. 1.1.;. :·f,r.:b l·l· ~·. i · t·~ P. c o n ouct s hi.. l ·· in the ,,. in i on '- •' t ~.<. . X(.C t: t i vc ·;o:?tnit t.e e 0 1· o~ 11: :i· five :~: embt:T L' ,:ho ~ h!J ll c 0 rtJ f'y l:1<"! ' -.• lo t.h i;; '.r. ec 1: t lv<:: ; or.i::: i ttec Jn ·;:l'.:.'"ing. be inj u rious l.c' t.l>e i ntr :· :" 1.::; o :' t !: c: .; l 1·b , :>"··Jl h e sut.Jccted to f'x pu ls1 on under : t he ,,, c l s t c•n or ·1 · o· t .- n : o•· t ll r: •. Y.cc11 tive Com::ii ttc e , whlch eha l .J :;e : c •: 1v•.·::cd f '-•1· t l.e :·11 1•rc ::<. or ' nv t:> ~· t i ·.· · , t i n 7: the cl!o r e es brought · 1 · : . • ,.. !,: !ll l ~ l · , , .. ., .. ~) <.: :· . 'i"loP. cp: r.Jon or tr:(; ~c mbl.! l'll or thrJ .r.xc cutive ; 0 ·:: 1 1. !: cc ; 1• • c t ;1'. ::;11<'! ., :~ ... t j n r· e :1 11 be t (') ;(en by b ·• llot end 1 ~ · !. - t: :lrd : e r t.l:• v o tinp: s~ a : · ci cc ~<:e t h11t the o ff or1d ir.e, ·r. t:mbe1· b v c :w.!·•. l l 1;u , ! ,. 01· !?I: ': ! lJ. \.h e . c.;1; :' ' ' r. ce:. :: ~· t <' l, ·o 0 ;:\• ;nboi· of tl":e • 1 . .... .· .., •· I ' • . .' • ,. '• •' ... ,. ,, .. ,,.,. ·'llr.. • .. . • c~ · ·..' · '• {I ,.,l' ' ·•, l .I' t . '"v I'.<;" "'· • " · .... ' ·~ n •• c·· • 1• 0 ..f ' t .. ,.... 1·J ·.,c ... ~; - • 1., ... t . ~\! .. '·' .•• . .. l I \:, • 1:: . ~ . fM I a ~ •• ·~ 4 V •..>f 1 . -n . . . 1·. • i \"C• •~ 0 ( . ) -· t · ~ 'lt.1 ( •J ... , •J• "J • > '' t l:e . ;.~ . -:c tive on"- t· j tu'"" i o"' •, l , t,, . .i•-. t.·' '··'\·• , r. .' I, J (). ': J"'S I ,,.,~, .. ..,, '••'°'i lJ ' !(~ ~ '•• : · . ~ . I •• • I . i. i •i tl . 1 :... n ''- f· ••t:·· ·• ... ... ; \)' )t car \) 1· ,.. ., ~ . ~ I;' EC ~·:i l l mo re , . 1· t. j C le 9 Co::im 1 ttf'~ 11 , which t i .e .; .,,n:;!':1'.•.1. c;ion 0 1· tr:<: cxj :; tlng ,1,. •-.. · 1c ~) . ., . I •• • . . .. . • .. ,., . -. . ..,.. :--· .. ~
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