a. P. MARANVILLE. LUBRIOATING SYSTEM. APPLICATION FILED D3012, 1910} Patented Aug. 26, 1913. 1,071,068, I27U5 :7 rug- . MW W. UNITED sTAfriis OFFICE. HARVEY F. MARANVILLH, OF AKRUN, 61-110, ASSIGNOR T6 THE PERFECTION SPRING COMPANY, OF CLEVELAND, DHIQ, A CQRPORATION OF OHIO. I'UB RHTATHQ'G SYSTEM‘ 1,071,068. Speci?cation of Let-‘Lets Patent. Application. ?led Beoam‘ber 12. 191.9. Patented A ng. 26,1913. Seria'i X0, 596370. To all wham 525 may concern : the and: of nmioiweliiale engines‘,5 it is pram Be it known um I, I'IAIWEY W. Minus» tinally impossible to so pack the pistons as vnmnna oil-izen of (-lH} Unitod 5min» iv to pTQYQnf, Home hf tho gage; produced h}: siding all: Akron, in the county of Summit lljk‘ ignition oi' the (‘XplUSiVG charges in the and State of Ohio, have lllVL‘liU‘i'i ll crriiin new and useful 1'min'ownmnt in Luln-ir-ib ing Systonis, of which flu: i‘oilowiug: is :1‘ cyiindors7 ‘from [mssing beyond the ‘pistons (30 and into the (‘rank case. This resuits in so heating ?n: (Jr-uni‘; (71156 as £0 vz'irhonizle the full, olcnr, and exact dcsvi'iplinn, ml'oi'i-uro oil {ll/“win, vviih ihi: rzmult lhul imrily iron“ being had lo the zircon:g'iunying drnwiliw 10 This in \‘ention relates to luhriruiinggj sums _ > lems, and more especially to n I‘ "tom or apparatus of this type whiuh is particularly designed for convonieni applirzuion to and embodiment with the rrnuk vases 0i’ intornnl 15 ‘ 1 "Tnirgod in ihu 'i'orn': of more or loss dense Sll'mlit‘ while the oil ren’mining 6-5 in the crank ' rnpiz‘liy darkens in color. on account of lLlii‘ rarhunizing elfocl pro~ dnood in" such heat. To owi‘ooine this do fi‘wé, i'll'iliitié'féilly all engines are provided combustion ongini‘s, tho oxon'iiililioniion ‘with who or mow outlet ports in tho crank shown hol'vin having ooi'tnin i'eaturm :idnpl» ing it spgrialiy for nppliruiion to {ho urzmk ruse, Pulled “hrvaihers”, through which lhv limited g'zisirs may oavapr and through which Pool xiii‘ may lw drawn in on iho llP-Sil'?l?? of the piston; to 000i the crank case. The vido n sysloin or nilnrhnwni oi' Lhi,x ohzu» uso of such “hroathersl’ is, however, liable actor roi’vrrod lo. whii‘h will 2Ll\\'ll_\',’~‘ Surlii'ig to tho serious oliije?tion ihal dirt will be :1 supply i-l' clmun (‘owl oil in the ong'no, drawn into the (crawl; case.v not- only “('X'u" Whirh is oxtrviunlv ronipnoi: is rwohlfi :nulnling on ihc parts of {he iniu-hinory to :Ldnptnhlo to \Zil‘li'lilb' slykw ol‘ vngino»: :HI \vhirh it hns dirovt nor-i hui, being‘ do \‘rll‘ioliS vonditions of uw. and Whirl) an glosiiud iu lheyoii in tho form of sediment‘. serum eXirrnv-l)‘ oliivient lnhrirzition ol‘ tho This rosiult ha}; cuuscd some mwino nmlu-rs engine ‘parts; while reducing in :i nogl' "ihlo to abandon the us!) of suoh breather aper minimum rho loss of oil lill'?llil'll hon my; turns. A further ohiovtion lo the use of the (‘rank (‘280 und the cnrhonimlion of tho sin-h hi'i-nlhvr nporturiss that the escaping oil. _ 70 cases of automobile ongines‘, It is tho ohjoi't, of {lll? invention in in!» 20 25 _ 30 v 75 80 N minus rm; laden with oil in a suqiended (‘on- 85 A‘ furthvr ohjorl' of tho invoutiou is dilioin gmrlirulurly in the or, of engines provido an ullzu'lunout or sysloni having’ oiupioying {ho ié?plii?il“ 5}‘Sil‘ln of luhrivu ; iion. To prvvnuh I'o mum‘ nxtont, the loss of 35 recoplzu'ln for oil orm'llowinsr from iho i-rnnk raw. 3 llUllSlllQ' lor the pump \a'lm'il form-s tho'oil from thin rwop'tm-li: iivi‘o 5! filter, :1 sighhl'ond, :1 u-iziilnlur for ihP ornuli (‘NSF and said i'v-_w>pl.:irlr, :i iihm‘ .412)“ 40 plying oil lo tho rm-optzn'lc. and Hii infor (wot-013 in‘ the- naturo of sin oxlnuM ill‘iHl 45 by whirh oil in llllflph‘li?i?ll in lhv issuing from lho ('l’i‘xllh rhuniher will ho col» hu'lod and delivorm'l to the uii reropirzvlo. . ii; )lili‘ i.)l'(*>¥ll1t'=l' nHLlGiF. hut (him. nri'vst?rs 96 rm‘- im‘lii: 2m and are who lizlhlo lo the scri ou»: uhjiiiiiiun that the dirl whirh is drawn in wiih tho nil‘ Honing: into the rrnnl; (‘JISQ will he doposritoil on punsv of tho spiral :ir ronior and he ran-rind hack into the (‘rank 95 (‘use along ‘with ‘tho oil that may noruiuulnto on Hlit‘il :H'l‘i‘?it‘l‘ or that may he poured into the mum in ?lling‘ iho oil riworvoir. 13y tho muslrm‘iiou drsvrihcd and illilstl'?ti'll hono ‘in tho drawings acmuipnnying ml form’ in. i inn onuhlud to cnuilof,’ n hronihvr in ing a purl of thin upphirn'tiliin, Figure l vonuwiinn \& iii: the minim: i‘ranh (CZRH‘ \rhirh POPH‘SUHLS :1 side elevation of an on< ' will he froo from all of tho ohiortions notvd, an nutonmhilo having in)‘ iuw-nlion npp‘fiod l harping‘ (ho rnml: onsc cool without; the loss thereto. thn hood lK‘il;;.f shown in :lol'ml1 50 iinos: Fig‘. 2 ronrosunls an i5§li~ :3’ As is well known to those Lawnl'nn'uhnr in Fig. with 100 i on the mic hand. and the zidiniiksion -~lio or (fl‘iillli misc and my all, ( 3 an onh‘ P4d lii'léiih in iQid portion of lln- apparatus s i " d liUlHll viow inlion thronp‘l 95 ‘ilk'il nil, spiral iil'l‘i‘sii‘l'hi haw‘ been plan-ed or oihrr {wrong-3n éillihiili?fl“. on the 105 ml. ii‘uriiwrmoro, tho ntmrkhmont .n-ruhv those rcsnhs fll‘t“ secured also our‘ > the pump for forcing :‘ho pure oil from H crank'mising overflow I‘QCQPtZlQlQ to a, ?l tering and cooling tank, a vbntilator which 1,011,068 2 is so arranged as to prevent any foreign I rooling lhe engine panic. The lower end of material from entering ihe allacluneni or‘ the hood. I‘? in‘ gn'midwl will; u, dmvnwurdly prelim-ling flange 20, ?lling" the lop of (he purls ussorialed Lhereuitln a filler iii-r lhe uforeeuid receptacle, an oil filler, find a sight, indicator by whirh the level of oil in the llwrelwui'ulh. remplnele may be eom‘ei'iiently ‘.lSP'Bl‘lHlWKl. Descrihing now by rel'rrew-e i'lliil‘ill’li‘l'.“ the various parts illwtrelwl in the druw ingsj 1 denotes the hood of‘ :1 motor x'eh'u-le.I said hood iu'ing shown in dolled lines in Fig. 1, and 2 un- dushlmerd (shown in iihe L'KHL'IAR exlvndn arrow {he in}; of the Willi» lnlor HlUll-l. lHlfl‘Hii! the hood iii. The loner rli‘i‘lllrl‘. I; is provided wilh a flange ‘il in, luvum ol' whirh it i> holied to manner). \Vilhin ihe hood and :gupporied in the ordinary manner is lhe engine. .~howu herein as an engi'w of lhe 'l’ourwylindel 15 The rear end ol‘ the hood i“ provided Will) :1 spring mill-h '21 '10 wing/led lo engage u (‘Hl'l‘i‘n‘iWilding lu'ojw» lion 2:.’ rurried in‘ the lull of the >lml'i. .\ >~lrui1u~r 2.")? preferably of line m<=$h wire the llunge T rnrrIl-d by the upper ,sertion. 2w nhowu Ell ()u ; ujrpnsllv kill‘? it is pro i type, lhe rylii'ulers being (le?gnuled gem-n i vided Will) it {hinge 2i} having a ventral. out ally by thenumernl fl. The r-ylindem ?l‘l' \vurllly prujeviiugg portion 27‘ vorri-simndiznr supported by an engine lmse or (‘rank (‘éhO comprising an upper Heelion 4 and u lower seetion In the embodiment of my inn-w 20 tion shown herein, the said seelions urn de Signed with particular referenr'e to ihe :u‘~ commodation of my luhrivatiug syalmu: hut 80 in {he flange 7 and the outwardly projelaled portion 5 {hereof and lining hUKilll'Ull lo lhe i'ornier {hinge and pi‘ojeeliou hy means of hulls. llelow the flanges ‘34 21nd 27.1lu- hol 85 l l l i as will appear to those skilled in the all‘ l'he l invention is equally :ipplieuble lo the upper i sections of crank easw of slander-d mm! mm l i l l I lUlIl M'i‘lion is rounded. lo nrrouunmluie the (Tank. and is ‘provided wilh suhslunliully 'verliml side walls "2% and 25) exlendiug downwardly from lhe rounded portion. .‘lu <lenul<->; il lmlium ionueeliug lhe walls 90 tion, by merely sulmiiluling a HiM‘i‘iill lUWvI‘ i ill-é and ‘ill, the hollow exlendinfg‘ the full \ section for that ordinarily employed in ilil‘ construction of sueh ?aws. The upper leer-lion is shown an in" 30 with u Shorl' ledguqli. inlermeiliizle ué'i e mi) and bottom ihervof, and with the owlinwy bottom ledge 7 extending sulmluniizilly (he lenQjlh of lhe lower serlion. Will) the lower Sl‘Clil‘H. I employ u sediuu-nl ehmuher. auh— slainlinlly the, mine in wnhlruriion nu thut Mum's: in my upplivmion #SSGEW. filed {)0 95 i’llwl’ 7~ will. ‘in ills-present emluulimenl'this wdiiiu-ui eluunher formed of east or sheet length ll'iereoi' hui. prniwl lug: oulu'urdly metal having :1 rounded lmltolu, correspond near its middle “nu-lion, n» <hmwu til 5%, 35 middle outwuruly prujw . u: ;»m~ii<u= h hzr~1 wardly pwjeoling ?ange ML oppowl in lhe flange l3. Near the upper end. lhis wini lnlor section is (‘Ol‘lll'?f‘i?i ir u'idlh, lhe voli jr-nline' sediment chamber 323, preferably U'uclion being eonwnienlly l'ornu-d hy pro‘ formed inlegrul lherewith and eonuuunie'nl cast therewill'i u xeniiielor hhui't >e<~li<~n i!‘ said section being provided with u whorl. inv 40 its, renlrul portion with a downwardly pro 105 jeeling inwardly u purlion of" the ouler null, ing with the rrnnk ease through :1, slot 34, as nhown ni ll, in form n suhxtunlinlly hori said slot being formed in the lowest portion Zonlel semi, Willi an upwardly pmjwling of ihi-s aiiaelunenl‘: From the side of the slot toward which the crank 35 turns when 110 “going ahead 7’. as shnwn by the arrow in Fig. 2, there projects :\ sheet metal lmllle or ?unge 12. Above the Henge i‘: a strap 13 he provided7 preferably cast, will] lhe venlilnlor section, said six-71p, sent and ?ange forming means for eonvenien‘dy retaining in pier-e u transparent gage H, the upper end of which is covered, as shown at 1,5" 16 denotes a hood for the upper end of the ventilator shaft. quid hood being provided with u lug l7 prouieeting fwwardly There from by means of which it is pivoinlly rou~ 55 heeled to a similar lugr or pro lion em'ried by the upper end of the ventilator dull”? sew lion, as ehown 18. The hood 143 91mi lar in shape to a rhimn n cowl and in an ranged to eiivchnrge rearwardiy, the upper 60 ing generally in contour lo the rounded Hem lion of lhe lower crank (‘use bottom and 105 suilulily \m'm'?l ihereio, as hy means of riwl~ ill. The rounded bottom of 'lhirs at iurluneni is shown all 32 and iq provided at and of the vei'ii'ilawr shaft and the hood Hi l?'lllfl: so loerzied lo he subjected to the defleeionilll, said (lefieetor having its edge 37 deflec-led upwardly, whereby it exteudu a n'zuterinl dlbl?lli‘? above the oppoeite side of 115 ‘the slot. 34, forming a discharge outlet there with for sediment, which outlet has one side (*onsidernhly higher ‘than the other, to eil'ec tually intereept the sediment moved by the i‘Q‘WilliilOYl o‘? {the (I'l‘Q?kS and de?ect. (he 120 same into the reeepteole. The rounded hot» ion: of {he attaehment oorrenponds lo and Thrills in ell’ecl, lhe holtoiu of the (‘rank ease and provided with an over?ow port 38 so harmed as‘ to maintain i lhe (‘rank ease u 125 lvYei of oil. of eullicienl '; eplh to permit the ernnl; £35 to dip lhereimo and Sweep any draft through the hood produced by the inn ll?‘ universally employed with nulomobile aedhnent that may i e present in the said all 65 engines ink‘ the i-urpose of produeing a cir culation of air through the hood to assist in laehment into the "dlzmni, chamber 33 pro~ vided by the mills and 29 and bottom 30. 130 1,671,883 The crank 35 ' a 4' provided with tv “ spour. ’’ l obi» m'instructipiu such us shown in my ap o: dipper 35”‘, ‘which dips into the oil and in‘ l plication #569969. ?led ‘June 29, 1910. w Hi'll'I‘Hrialllubrication ‘the sauna time by the facilitates "splashtlir " system must-1p»- i From tlm iiltoriug and cooling tank a, pipe 559 huuls‘ihto tho crank case and is provided, I in each oompurliurut thereof, with a branch ‘The ‘bottom of the roooplaolo is provided ; 6-“ discharging into such compartment The 70 lo withregister a suitable withnumber ape-murals of apertures providediuluplcol in tho; pump grin‘ :35 is, uhn-wn as provided with a i: 5;: of the serliimint into the rhan'lhcr 31-1. ‘vertical shaft til extruding through the huttoin 50 of the crank case. 38 A. nipple 39 is threaded into the npcrture :‘ruvldP/Ql in ‘the bottom plot‘? 3D and int» 55m aperture provided (oi tho hmtuin oi’ the vomptaole 33. For ouols surh nipphx w ii» wivuhlr plug Ill) :5 provided, and plug hu~ sug threaded into will nipple and pl‘tij?'iill‘ through the bottom plate 3th To luxury ll elipping of the or; iili‘rl lHtOlliO oil when llw ougiuo is, tillmh us when ascending or (low woniling £1 hill, and without the lupin}; l tluugrs run-.2 2? and provided with it ‘novel gear iii! unwilling with :1 similar gear (‘>3 75 iuniintwl on u sliu'lt till. This shaft may ho. ililvou in any wnuuiient manner from the unqgiiu" shaft \ . ihv shaft (ll being sliOWIl liiarriu as tha= chul'i which operates the ig llllL‘l“ inugiirlu ill}. Tho gears 6'2 and Gil are 80 iorlmml in :2 hmming ‘i’Ul'IP-Ptl by :1 plate 57 wruroil in ‘the? iflaugrm U and 10, the out wurellr prop-vied lluugr and side plates £28 prujimting ill'?‘ztltll‘y’ from thr ventilator maul.‘ otfm HiUlPCtiSSiH‘il‘y largo quantity of him‘?! 1?. Tim housing can he tillml with oil, ‘ti‘RI‘ASVK'l'E‘t‘ partitions 41 an: provided .. :iut [or :1 lo gum-i: therein or said gears hot u’ om: tho iil‘ll nits. in‘); ho luhrl-viileii from the “splash system ” t’llllilt‘y?l in tlw rrunk misty through an up 4-2 dvuotes as housing section which cou venientiy ‘ 0 [Si ‘itl'i tho uutwurilly pru'iwt mg ?ung? L" and the lower aootion 5 ol the urlnrv 68*‘, which aperture will he provider] in wither cram, min-11k liaising. rThis housing minim; i:< suh 'll'ho lovwr t'runk (use section stmmaxlly C0-GXH‘IlSlVQ 1n wuhh uzi'l: .tlu ventilator shaft 9 and its :aidv wull< 4;?- are: proviilell 90 with a hr'cui hear aperture 69 which is lOUlllUtl a ohm-l (lisléllil't‘ hvlow the ?ange 27 and omit ‘with the IKljtHiL‘lll, vurvml and down iii) 85 r:mumuiirutiug with tho upper portion of wardly extending purtium of rliii lower tho homing ~52. This hrvuthor aperture is crankcase seutiou, tln' will hoiug pro hu'gvr than i> usually provided. an o?ioiont v-idod “it-h a at M winiuiiiisicating with tho lower poruon of Elli?‘ housing tho port in‘ tor u it? ll. l’. vuginv being some three lnrhrs long 21}; mm’ inch Wltlt‘. A deflector lX‘Hig lowitotl helow tho levol #55 of oil iu‘ilm TH is wrurwl to tho upper vall of this out at: roooptuolo provided in tho hollow of tho ht (1:; hi :nvum of ii thingy: 71. 'l‘hr- holly orunk rasosca‘tion The housing l: i»' will“ oi" tho ch-lls-rtur \‘Xl?liilH through the aper 100 jooted outwardly nuur tho hottoin it» shown turo :ithl (ltHYl?Yill’i'llV higvonll the lower at 46, and this ouliwurtl pi’?jt‘lfliou is pro mlg‘v m‘ siiiil uprrturv, thorv heiug re-ourwlh vithid with an inwardly projecting lluugo U, to vform llw trough 72. This romhinml the ‘upier surt'uuo who-root on suh-aluu lllHlfJll um! ilrllurtor of tilt‘ t'ull h'ngth of tially the mint‘, level as tlii‘ upper surl'iiro ot' the uporlurv uml is pruviilml with a (Illa- 105 tho hottom plate I"). The outer orig»: of the rhiirgo pipsi T33 rouuuuuirzetiug with the hot bottom plate 30, corrmspoiuling to the hut!» tom of tho trough. prvl’ornhly uour tho mi<l— ing ~12. is llll(’l{(‘ll(.‘<l to proviilr u thing‘ 45, <llo thereof. tho ruil> of tho trough living 45 complementary to the flung‘? 41 will ?ange.‘ uluseil. 110 forming (:onvuniont nieunrs whorvhv H hut 'ln oprruliiuhlhv gases {mssiugurounil tlu tom plate ill) may he seruri‘il to thr- homing pistuus will iw-upo through the uporturv (351, Skation. will slrilu- the thiu'nwurtlly \lirortml (h, The flange 47 proviclvs i1 Ski-‘ll "tor 1a lloat l'lm‘tol' TU uml will hun- the oil purlirlos 50, said that living pruvidrtl with :i stem 51 runtuiuml :Chrrwin svpurutml hv HH‘ll ll!‘ projecting utm'urdlv through tho lwlgv ll tlwtur ziml rollortml in the trough T2. whvnrv 115 and through an :iporturv proviih-tl in :1 pro~ tho’ Hl't‘ tlir-ll‘llzll‘ll'i‘tlq out of the pzlth of the jertion 52 curriml hy tho housing l-v-sliun. gr; into tha- oil rwi-plul'lv lll‘l?'ltlt‘ll in tho This Stem is proviilwl, within tho'siglu gag!" homing‘ ‘1:2. lhu :Q'HM‘H iltlr?. h'v thi- slim-lost 85 14, with an imlirulur 53. it will lit: a; pair ruuhu to tlzi- vvniilutur hhzill 9 :uul arr (lis ent that the movemrut of z'lw flout will in<li~ é‘lml’fll‘ll through the hood 16. Thu form! of I auto the level of oil in the El‘t'l‘lIiiH'ltf {prim-Ii I 1hr ilrul't ('l‘i‘tilHl h} tho fun 19 pumttho 130 in the liottmu of the vruul; ('iwu 'l‘lri‘ hottom plate 4!! iUl'liir-l a support "for the pump gears 54 land hf’, hill gown: lazing iur'h :» 2 in H-ll ‘upwardly grirojcctmg imuiziug 3H >1‘ iif‘Wl to the bottom plutix A pipe‘ ,5. tin u-i 0nd of WllK'll Huniuunu-mvs with llw miwiiui' of the housing .76, loads to the tihm‘i _ : ml cooling tank 58, “'liiitli may he of {luv wit l 120 ruurwurxll_v il‘il't-‘(lt‘il disiluugr (‘nil of tho howl rrun‘lw :m :ispiruiinjg' t-tl'rr‘l upon the 'v'vuliiutwr nlllllll null ilii‘ -"l‘éilth NIH‘. "n ith lhr 125 rewul‘; that air will not hr drawn into the lli'lu-o it follow» that dirt and ulhrr torrig‘u nmt'nrml itiiunut vutr-r the ml vompzu'nuont in the’ rrnnl; ram‘ ulul oouhuninalo thr oil 1,071,068 4 or injure the working parts of the ma it. To a motor vehicle, the combination of chinery. The extremely large size of the a hood, an engine in said hood, said engine 10 breather outlet insures etlicient ventilation for the crank case, and the latter is kept so cool in practice that the oil does not become carbonized. Further, there is practically no waste of oil in my system. As the oil is being provided with a crank case having an aperture in the wall thereof, a fan in front of said engine and within said hood, a Ven 70 from the receptacle beneath the crank case i’. In a motor vehicle. the combination of tilator shaft con'iniunicating with said aper ture and extending upwardly into the hood and having its i'lischargc end directed rear consumed in use. it can be conveniently re placed from time to time by mcrcl)v folding wardly in the path of the draft created by back the hood 16 and using the ventilator the fan, and means interposed in the path of 75 shaft as a filler tube, the oil passing through the gases discharged through said aperture the strainer 23. The pump forces the oil for separating the oil therefrom. into the ?ltering and cooling tank 58, whence a hood. an engine in said hood, said engine it is forced by the same pump through the pipe 59 into the various coml'iartn'ients of the crank case. The quantity of oil in the cil receptacle can be conveniently ascer being provided with a crank case having an 80 aperture in the 7all thereof, means for cre ating a draft through said hood, and a con duit communicating with said aperture and tained, either by inspection of the sight extending into the hood and having its dis 20 gage 14 or of the gage 74, which is carried by the tank .18. ‘ Having thus described invinventiomwhat I claim is: v charge end in the path of the draft in said hood. 85 8. In a motor vehicle, the combination of a hood, an engine in said hood, said engine l. The combination, with an engine crank having a crank case provided with an aper 25 case having an aperture therein, of a ven tilator shaft eoi'nmimicating with said apcr ture, and means. interposed in the path of the. gases flowing from said aperture. for separating the oil from such gases. 2. The combination. with an engine crank case having an aperture therein. of a ven ture in the side wall thereof, a ventilator 90 shaft connnnnicating with said aperture and projecting upwardly therefrom and having its outlet end directed rearwardlv, a fan in front of said engine arranged to circulate air through said hood and past the discharge outlet of the ventilator shaft, and a device 95 tilator shaft comn'iunicating with and re ; arranged in the .path of the‘ gases flowing ceiving the gases discharged through said aperture. 35 40 3. The combination, with a crank case having an aperture therein, of an oil re ceptacle below said aperture. a housing com~ through the .ventilator shaft and arranged to recover oil contained in said gases. 9. in a motor vehicle. the combination of 100 a hood, an engine-in said hood, said engine having a crank case provided with an apcr~ numicating with said aperture and provided ture in the side wall thereof, a conduit com with a, discharge outlet, :1 separating device municating with said aperture and project interposed between the said aperture and’ ing therefrom and having its outlet end dil the said outlet, and means for discharging rected rearwardly, and a. fan arranged to the oil collected by said device into the re circulate air through said hood from front ceptacle at. a ‘point outside the path of the to rear and past the discharge outlet of the gases discharged through said aperture. conduit. 4., The combination, with a crank case having an aperture in the wall thereof, of a housing inclosiug said aperture and having a, discharge outlet. an oil receptacle located below the aperture, a separating device in 10. In a motor vehicle. the combination of 110 a hood, an engine in said hood, a fan in said hood in front of said engine, a crank case for said engine, said case having an aperture in the. wall thereof, and a ventilator shaft the path of travel of the gases discharged receiving the gases ?owing through said through said aperture and adapted to sep~ aperture, said ventilator shaft extending up arate the oil therefrom. and a discharge 'ardl_v into the hood and having the dis pipe communicating with said device and charge end directed away from said fan discharging into said receptacle, the dis and in the path of the draft created by said charge cod of said pipe being below the fan. path of travel of the, gases. 11. In a motor vehicle. the combination of 5. The combination, with a crank ease 60 ‘having an aperture in the wall thereof, of an oil separating device interposed in the path of the gases ?owing through said ap i'rturc, said device being secured to the up per wall of the aperture and extending downwardly therefrom and provided at its lower end with a trough, and a drain pipe connected with said trough. 105 115 120 an engine, a crank case for said engine, said case having an aperture in the. wall thereof. a. ventilator shaft receiving the gases flow; ing through said aperture, and means for producing an aspirating effect upon the dis charge outlet of said shaft. 125 12. The combination, with a crank case, of an overflow receptacle communicating with said case above the bottom thereof, a. 130 “21,8313 ,ses rhousing communicating with. said 3 ;, semi, a float in the housing having a slem Jog upwardly through said seat and pipe. we, a pump in the housing, and a. ?ltering tank, a pump in said housing for forcing oil therefrom in'l'o slaii'l. tank, extending ‘from saix'l tan to the cyanli cal : and an indicator niounieé. in show ?ow receptacle. the level. of oil therein insane; for supplying oil ‘5mm said pump to , i ' ‘housing to ihe czanl; ‘ xiv: comhinalion, with a crank case in 70 ‘having: an aperture in the Wall thereof, of 13. The combination, with a crank sass, ‘4 1.02" shaft communicatin with said of an over?ow receptacle communicating aperture and havii'ig a rearwar ly directed discharge outlet, said outlet being movahly housing communicating with said receplacle, cszmeo‘lcd to the shaft, a strainer adjacent 75 10 with said case above the hoiton: thereof, a a ?ltering tank, a pump in said housing for forcing oil therefrom into said tank, a pipe extending from said tank to the. crank case, 15 the crank being provided with an on‘; let aperture above ‘the level of oil maintained in the bottom portion of the case, a ventila tor shaft projecting from said housingk a oil from said receptacle to the crank case. ‘>0 posed between said apcrmi'e and the inn ; JilF‘Qf to the upper end of said shaftv and ex tending thereacross, a receptacl for oil be neaih said shaft, and means for supplying 80 38. The combination, with a crank case ‘having an aperture in the wall th'efebf, of a. ventilator shaft communicating with said separaiing oevice in said housing and inien apcs'iuvs and having a discharge outlet pro Hilflflfi therefrom, and means 85 iilator shall? mill arrangei'l to discharge his iqi'iug the oil from the gases flow float oil deposited in said housing, thereon a into siein sai-fl car ‘ied housing, by said ou'ilca ngh said apem‘uro to the ventilator ?oat and proieciing through the vwiiiabos, 25 and sight _ 9 oombiva‘i?i-zm, with a crank case L5 an overflow opening above the bot 90 tom ll'zei'euf and an aperture above said opening, 0% a rec-epllicle for the oil over carrh i by said shah: and into which said sicm projects. 14. The z'onihina‘iion, wish crank case, of a recepl‘aole oounnunica'ilng with said case, a housing ‘projecting: from the crank 30 case and conmuanioaiiug ‘viii/i saizl rcccpia-— 618, a tank, a, pump in said housing for forcing oil therefrom im‘go said iank, a pipe“ extending from 5' id i'ecepia" lo the crank case, the crank (f“$o heins" 35 up, a, ?owing i'hrough .id ‘opening, a housing cmumunics-?ing' will: said receptacle and said aperture and having ventilator shaft ~iectingr upwariily therefrom, said shaft ,_, shafl'. . from housing, anal a said z'aimgz device in said ihe %" wk case arranges iheleon inio 100 24‘). The combination, with a ei’ank case having an oil (Juliet and a exhaust aper housing and in‘iei-oi'iseil he vcen said apes lure and the al'oz' 44) lo discharge ihc oil do, > said ho: éischzu-ge outlet, 2. s?rainer in said nla pump counseled with said hous ing am arranged to supply oil therefrom to ‘iiiilcil Wiih an to the receptacle, ventilator 95 tm’c, of a receplacle below said outlet. and having ven‘i'ilah'n' shaft projecting there from, "ci shaft having discharge elbow 105 pivolally connected iihez’ei/oyand a strainer in the said venéilaloi' shaft below said c, c-i'inzhinalion, with a crank case 45 through said outiet, an mlilh‘?i‘dly §n‘o_§ect— inn lmusm hv the > an apei‘mz‘e in the Wall ihereof, of a 110 .nnriuit i ; ?owing through wk ' communicatmg with ,i'éui'e and coznmur ‘sting? tl'iez'ewith, means: whereby ,1, rating effect is proi‘laanl ' 5-0 and projecting now ,1)‘ ihcrelron'i, paling"; ' said consl ‘' . mechanism in ‘ll e laswmentioi :(l housing. a ‘ lo iihe outlet end of ' housing, a pump shaft ext-smiling ilarousfh 'ne cmnliinalion, wii'h a crank case in aperture in the wall thereof, of a ' f'?l'?iili‘u’ili'zlilllg with said aperture the first memioneii musing, and means 101‘ and adapted {0 receive the. gases therefrom, 22. pipe communimting with iihe lashmcntioneci 55 operating saicl shaft. 115 ' means for croaiing' an aspirailing effect; in proximitv lo the discharge, outlet of said having an 0nd (I and having an aperture conduit, and means interposed in the path of above such or ii, of a receptacle arranged travel 0:‘5 the {1a. and adapted to separate to receive the oil ?owing: through said out particles of oil suspeniied therein and to .(liwharge the oil thus separated out of the 60 let and liming a housing projecting later’ 1 path of movement of the gases. ' veniilalor therefrom shaft and inclosing communicating said a} witl 72?». A cranizycasc comprising an upper 120 16. The combination, with a crank case housing‘! and i "' en inn; upwardly iher fro aml a lower section, hhe lower section hav such aha c 1; ; 66 ‘non forum Y ._ j l a 125 an poi'izion provided with an Ming adapled to maintain a 130 8 1,071,068 here! 05 oil therein and an aperture above 25. The combination, with an engine said (wooing, n sciiinn'nt receptacle com-e crank case having a breather aperture there ea mnnicnting with the lower portion of such in, of :1V housing inciosing said aperture, and bottom, UH oil rcrephmie carried by the means within said housirg-and in Ethd'path fewer MEUiiHH, a housing also carried by the of gases escaping through said aperture for hm r!‘ ?cciion and inclosing the said aperture separating the oil from such gases. :md ronmnmicating with the receptacle, said 26. The combination, with an engine housing having a discharge outlet in its crank case having a breather aperture. there upper portion, a ventilator shaft carried by in, of a receptacle below said aperture, and the upper section and communicating with an oil separating device in the path of the the housing, a pump carried by said hous gases escaping through said aperture and ing and adapted to supply oil therefrom to arranged to discharge the oil separated from the crank case, and an oil separator in said said gases into the receptacle. housing and arranged to separate oil sus In testimony whereo?I herenntoia?ix my pended in the gases discharged through the signature in the presence of two witnesses. aperture and to discharge the oil so sepa rated into the housing at a point below the path of travel of the. -H. F. MARANVILLE. . 24. The combination, with an engine crank case having a breather aperture, of means for producing an aspirating effect upon said aperture. ‘Witnesses: Y J. B. HULL, BRENNAN B. VVEs'r. 25 30 v
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