REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR HIGHWAY AND BRIDGE DESIGN AND RELATED ACTIVITIES The Road Commission for Oakland County, Michigan (RCOC) is soliciting Qualification Statements for consultants to perform all professional engineering services on various federally, state and locally funded road and bridge projects for Fiscal Years 20152017. The consultant may be requested to provide engineering services including highw ay design, survey, right -of-w ay acquisition, traffic signal design, construction engineering, geotechnical engineering, test ing, bridge inspection and bridge design, and ot her services on highw ay projects ranging in scope from minor intersection improvements, to construction or reconst ruction of primary county roads and bridges carrying upw ard of 50,000 vehicles per day. RCOC w ill assign each project to a consultant based on t he consultant ’ s expertise, w orkload and familiarity w ith the project and local community. When the consultant is requested to perform engineering services on a project, t he RCOC w ill present the project scope t o the selected consultant. The consultant w ill present the RCOC w it h a proposal including projected man-hours and cost. If the proposal is reasonable based on the scope and cost of t he project, a contract w ill be prepared and either executed, or submitted to the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for approval, t hen executed. The contract w ill be either MDOT’ s standard (“ Boiler Plate” ) preliminary engineering agreement or standard RCOC contract, w hich may be review ed by contacting the RCOC Engineering Department. If t he Proposal is deemed unreasonable by RCOC or MDOT, RCOC w ill attempt to negotiate a fair price w ith the preferred consultant. If a price cannot be agreed upon by RCOC and t he preferred consultant , RCOC w ill request a proposal from one of t he remaining consultants obtained through t his solicitation to perform the required engineering services. PRICES OR RATE SCHEDULES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IN THIS SELECTION PROCESS AND SHOULD NOT BE SUBMITTED WITH A CONSULTANT’ S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT. The selected consultants may be requested to perf orm some or all of the f ollow ing duties: Bridge Design and Bridge Inspection Preliminary and Const ruction Survey Geotechnical Engineering Services Roadw ay and Culvert Design Construction Engineering, including testing Right-of -Way Acquisit ion and Project Management , including appraisals Traffic Signal Design, including Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) and SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic Signals) Advanced Traffic Management Design and Evaluation of Roundabouts Environmental assessments and Impact St atements Other similar or related tasks Consultants w ill include an organization chart or listing of the key personnel, or sub consultants and t heir key personnel, w ho w ill perform t he tasks listed above. Consultants w ill ident ify a prime contact for the RFQ including email address and phone number. Consultant ’ s qualification packet w ill be submitted in a maximum tw o-inch, t hree-ring binder. The Engineer w ill be required to adhere to t he follow ing; all design projects w ill be, unless ot herw ise directed, completed as an Aut oCAD Land Development Desktop/Aut oCAD Civil 3D project . Final electronic submissions shall consist of t he complete electronic LDD/Civil 3D project file, including, but not limited to, all Point data, Object data, Symbology, Field book data, supporting documentation, and various reports and miscellaneous LDD electronic files as required by RCOC. RFQ Consulting Engineering Services for Highw ay and Bridge Design and Related Activities Page 2 Due 3:00 p.m., Friday, November 21, 2014 Qualification Statements w ill be review ed and rated based on the follow ing criteria: Reputation f or professional integrity and competence Experience and familiarity w ith the Road Commission for Oakland County, Michigan Department of Transportation and Federal Highw ay Administration and their programming, design, right -of-w ay, bidding, contracting and construction standards and practices Experience, reputation and familiarity w ith Oakland County communities Ability to respond to RCOC, including proximity to RCOC and projects, availability of key staff time, familiarity w ith local officials, area and contractors Familiarity w ith intelligent transportation systems including SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic Signals) A list of clients, for w hich similar services w ere provided The survey equipment, CAD softw are and engineering softw are currently being used Equal Employment Opport unity (EEO) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) After review of the submitted qualification statement packages, t he top rated firms w ill be requested t o interview . The interview w ill focus on t he above criteria as w ell as the consultant ’ s projected w orkload, experience w ith MDOT audits, equal employment practices and disadvantaged business enterprise participation. Interested consulting engineers should submit three copies of the Qualification Statements no later t han 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 21, 2014 to: Deputy Secretary-Clerk of the Board Road Commission f or Oakland County RFQ – Consulting Engineering Services 31001 Lahser Road Beverly Hills, MI 48025 Phone: 248 645-2000 Questions regarding t his RFQ or the Consultant Selection process should be directed to Thomas G. Blust , P.E., Director of Engineering, at t he above address and phone number. The Road Commission for Oakland County reserves the right to reject any or all of the Qualification Statements received and re-solicit engineering services at its sole discretion. Qualification Statements received after the above described deadline w ill not be opened for consideration. The Road Commission for Oakland County w ill not pay for the information solicited nor any costs incurred by consultants submitting Qualification Statements or presentations or interview s. Qualification Statements w ill be treated confidentially by RCOC and returned to the unsuccessful consultants if requested follow ing t he completion of t he selection process. BY: Gregory C. Jamian, Chairman Ronald J. Fow kes, Vice Chairman Eric S. Wilson, Commissioner Dennis G. Kolar, P.E., Managing Director
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