Jan 31 15 03:40a Janis Sawyer 618 93809280 p.1 A,:gle Padfle Group PLC 17 HIO Str 1. H,jff,3-1 LM,lio,1 Wll SL. United K.nglor 1 +44 {0; 20 344!: 1400 F *44 1OI 20 76290? 0 [email protected]/*Hkgrufum For personal use only w,Av-Dickpact![conup.corn Australian Contact Details: PO Box 604, Claremont WA 6910 Tel: 0407778082 or 08 9380 9339 Fax: 08 9380 9280 BY FACS1{ILE TO ASX Limited (ASX) Compmies A " 4 1, ..1,1 -,1. Ofilce Fax: 1300 135638 3 pages 30 J=nuary 2015 ARBN 009 475 398 Dear Sir, Plam find attached Form 604 - Notice of Change of Interests of Substlmnal Holder lodged on Royalco Resources Limited today. Yours fa fully, Janis for mid on behalf of Anglo Pacific Group PLC Reghtrxed kt E*nd Na 897608 Reg*mi 06(8 17 HIt Stz,04 AdIyf41.02*,tr WY 514 Jan 31 15 03:40a Janis Sawyer 618 93809280 FORM 604 Corpordin, Act 2001 Sectioa 6718 Notice of chmnge of literests of substantial hokier Royalco Rmoirces Limited 53096321532 For personal use only TO: ACN: L Ditalk of=bitaia hol r Anglo P=Jit emop PLC 009 475 398 Nmne: Ihere was a oh=nam in tle intere*m oftbe •12:gmcitill hold= on 30 Jsm]=ry 2015. Thetxev[ous notice was given to the compenyon 30 Ap 12013. Tl Mvious nolle* was e ctive 29 Ap,il 2013. lp""*Alijdp...d *hipmmw Tho lotal number ofvotes attached lo an die Edng shires in tho compiny or ,«tns interefts itt 6,2 d=no uit #10 sub,t, W ht*lder or m I,ocd,le bad a reievid inimit in ihi 1/ mq,dred, and whcm riaw required, to give a m#midal holdigs noti. 40 the compmy or dine, me u R,Ilows: Cli ofsectrities Previons updz:®c Person's voees 15,816,150 Ordinory Present notice Voting Power Pcson'S **cs VO¢ing power 30.00% 4,898,150 9.29% 3. Ch=plar-,1,4 *kire" Pdculars of vidi chEn, in, orc ng, in the Iitareol; arelarant int=vt ofthe gown,51 , or zbmi •i,w- 1he *n,h.*-4.1 holder htvoting- ovilim offhe holds arm * -a .,0 1 t required to gbe a substs,dal holding notice to the=npatly orachemoare- 5,[lows: Date of penonwho e Relcv.tt Nature of Conside tion given in mistion to Numbs of Secutitica unbild $(120 to SO.4614 7,496,459 3(1 04/1329/01/15 lodian Ocean On Rmouroes Pty ma ket px*- 29/01/15 Stalm:hnt Chz so.20 per *se Veohires Pty mmiket Ltd aam and Pemn'I Votes af&:cted 1,496,459 08/Nuy *Rrcs 3,421,541 ordi=or ah rcs 3,421,541 p.2 Jan 311503:418 Janis Sawyer 618 93809280 4. Pre,mt relenmt itt , ddr=es Particulars of each reievsnt inter,It: a™t :7 - . ofthe ubstantial holder in voting sec,Iritics after the duals®; te as fbllows: For personal use only I il iwitlilitil ilgli litlil il 'il :"il i Hellilijllilmilli'ill beld.00.r.d Persiting Atibilis Nooiinecs (Arionmat A/C) (Registorod holdu- on Ch.*NEmber Rallatered Offke 01Set'idlitilve- GPOBox 5343 S}doey NSW 2001 2,398,150 ordinary Shares GPO Box 471 SIT 2,500,000 ordinary,harm account Starmont Venturm Pty UM Bal Pot* Nominees Ltd (BB Nomine= A/C) (Rtgistared holder- an Mcill(,0„no VIC 3001 mcouni Indim Ocean Resoomes Pty Ltd) Total 4,898,150 0:dinsy shnres 1 Ous= h, Amodadom The paion, who ham booome Imia:intis of 0, co cd to be =,ociat- 04 or kne chanaed fl= nature ofkir association wol tho , *, 1 - r holkin relition lo voting 11121„eits intho compally or milglle *re U iblloWS: WA Signature: Nattz Jign (h*Y Capacily: Gmup Fin=wid Colitdler Date 30 J:numy 2015 p.3
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