BINGHAMTON P R E MWU Wednesday Evening AND LEADER ':)< r • ' O CONFESSION FRO BLOODHO UNDS BA Y ON TRAIL OF HUNTED MERRITT AMSBRY, PORT DICKINSON " WILD MA N'' * !£§£' %\i: J _ Attorneys Stanchfield and Tuthill Deny Story from Washington That He Had Offered to Plead Quilty - < DOGS MAY SOLVE THE MYSTERY NO EFFECT ON OREEN CASE, ANYWAY Considerable surprise h a s been oc- serve will be Inflicted by t h e courts ex-postal official. casioned a m o n g tho friends of former on^nhe "Incidentally, t h e offer of Beavers Senator George E . Green of this city to plead In t h e D o r e m u s case has In respect to t h e persistent reports weakened t h e defense of Ex-rSenator t h a t a r e being sent out from W a s h - George E; Green., who is charged by ington to New York newspapers rela>- the government a s being t h e second tivo to t h e Green a n d Beaver con- p a r t y to t h e conspiracy against the spiracy indictments. These reports United States, f o r which b o t h h e and insinuate that Beavers would plead Beavers stand indicted." h n ,B. Stanchfield, who is retained S'fe; guilty anftS would not dure stand trial. as J ocounsel M E R R I T T AMSBR1 in t h e conspiracy case reA dispatch from Washington to t h o ferred to, denied t h e story today. Who IB Being Sought for by Bid New York Tribune says in p a r t : Theodore I t . Tuthill of t h i s city, " T h e Department of Justice, acting houuds who is M r . Green's counsel, when in aceordancaflwith t h e Instructions shown t h e T r i b u n e aispatch,' said: of t h e AttortMf General, h a s finally s "My n d e r s t a n d i n g Is t h a t Mr. a n d definitely »refused to accept t h e Beavers unever s n o r ever will he offer of George W. Beavers to plead plead guilty t o ha a i n d i c t m e n t pendguilty t o t h e indictment in t h e Dore- ing against h i m ni y with m u s * Canceling Machine Company a n y o t h e r person, na nconnection d t t h e dispatch case a n d undergo a short t e r m now being sent o u t from Washington of imprisonment, which would, pre- a b o u t h i m a r e similar t o those given sumably be t w o y e a r s in t h e last Spring, w h e n It w a s anpenitentiary. T h e simple fact t h a t nout ©flPNTEB MAN SEEN Wedding Solemnized a t 4 o'OIook This Beavers, by the, advice of h i s a t - o u n c e d b y t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Justice d e p a r t m e n t would place IN NEIGHBORHOOD torneys, offered to plead guilty "that t h e o n trial i n J u n e . I t would Afternoon a t Bt, Mary's Ohuroh and accept a light sentence is regard- Beavers like a very unfair a t t e m p t to ed a s conclusive evidence of t h e weak- seem prejudice* Beavers' case before trial. ftooc^Oitfdling laughs Heard, and Ho ness of t h e defense, while t h e Attor^ The m a r r i a g e of M a r g a r e t Heidt ney General Is convinced t h a t the> " I don't see h o w If Beavers were Has Tapped on Faymhouso Wina n d William H . Powers was solemniz- government's case n o t only In this to plead guilty to o n e Indictment it . weaken former Senator dow at Night ed this afternoon a t 4 o'clock a t St. instance, b u t in several others, is Im- would pregnable, a n d t h a t ultimately p u n - Green's defense, a s t h e piea of Mary's C h u r c h of .the Assumption, ishment materially In excess of t h e Beavers', even if m a d e , could n o t bo the Rev. D r . Flynn officiating., P r o - brief t e r m which Beavers offers t o received in evidence a g a i n s t Green." .- f. Today tor the first tlmo since March,, fessor F r a n c i s J . O'Connor presided 1902* bloodhounds wore UBed to trail a t t h e organ a n d gave a half h o u r ' s a man in this county. At 2 o'clock recital preceding t h e ceremony. this afternoon tho bays of tho hounds P r o m p t l y a t 4 o'clock t h e bridal card In tho vicinity of "Port p ]j§tt p a r t y entered t o t h e s t r a i n s of t h e Chenango Forks on tho Lohengrin wedding m a r c h . Miss Minl Sff' Armsby, who rocently nie Heldt, sister of t h e bride, was t h e Isappearod and who was at first maid of honor, Miss Elizabeth O r r i bo drowned, was t h e bridesmaid, a n d A r t h u r Gib^ O O D I l b U N D S ON TRAIL OinWBSRITT AMSBRTT bons t h e best m a n . M. H . Sweeney sd his would-be capCatharine, t h e 16 m o n t h s old d a u g h - and it was not hard to guess what a n d T. McKlnney were t h e ushers. fp|$W. cunning of • a-. iox and t e r of Mr. a n d Mrs. Daniel Hogan of had happened T h e bride wore a beautiful gown of prs. Van Alstyne and Miller were ed them miles over r o u g h ' country- tiveiy Identified as tho one that his 148 H e n r y street, died a t 11:46 this -white-sH-k * a n d a w h i t e h a t . She c a r summoned, but in spite of-ahVihelr-ef* ills, >vho Is believed to befather had used when in camp. With ried White bride's roses. The maid of morning, after t a k i n g a n u m b e r of forts the little sufferer died a t 11:45. this data h e asked-'Mr. Flnnlgan to h o n o r a n d bridesmaid, b o t h wore nox vomica tablets, which t h e child ^vh ie, iu being chased by bring the bloodhounds and place them Coroner Smith was called later and gowns of white P e r s i a n lawn, pink &d It Is. thought that ho on tho trail. pronounced it a cose of accidental t h o u g h t to b e candy. h a t s a n d gloveB, a n d carried p i n k in soon -ed. That the man , {Fred Hamilton, a neighbor of the T h e little 10 months* old d a u g h t e r d e a t h . carnations. that he saty Mr. AmBof Mr. a n d Mrs. Daniel H o g a n of 148 HI the Very door of his own bry ibrya,™ald, Following t h e ceremony, a d i n n e r Romane F.»Bieber. general manager OontentB Will Be Kept Seoret Until Witnear his home yesterday mornwas served t o 30 guests a t t h e bride's H e n r y street died a t 11:46 this m o r n home, about one and one-half miles ing about 10 o'clock. Mr* Hamilton of the "1900" Washer Company, who nesses Are Sworn home, .43 W a r r e n street. T h e rooms ing, after t a k i n g a n u m b e r of n u x said! " I saw a man near the place has been in ; E3u"fope the past six were decorated with p a l m s a n d c u tvomica tablets, w h i c h t h e child re he had his bed In the bushes. weeks, sailed t today for, New York flowers, a n d t h e bride's t a b l e w a s t h o u g h t to b e Candy. I a m almost sure that i t , was t h e Thursday, Sept. 21, 1005. asparagus a n d pink from Cherbourg oh the Kaiser WilJ u d g e F r a n c i s W . Downs' will w a s t r i m m e d with T h e child h a d been suffering from missing man, but t had heard that v mmmmmmf m^ hC'parried A revolver and did hot cttre h e l m d e r Crosse. ' offered for p r o b a t e by Attorney c a r n a t i o n s . Prom HiSO A. M. to S<P. M. \ 'the disease commonly k n o w n a s St. . After a t h r e e weeks' t r i p t o N e w Vitus' dance, a n d t h e physician h a d ARENA •s mid Bon. < sh him: H e lay down In The informatitlon came to a friend T h o m a s J . K e e n a n i n Surrogate's • r> York a n d Hartford. Conn., Mr. a n drecommended t h e n u x vomica tablets bushes, and I did not go near him in this city on,ia Souvenir postal card, Court today. o Amsbry, Roast Sugar Cured Ham. Clark Z. Otis, a subscribing witness, Mrs. P o w e r s will b e a t h o m e a t 106 for' h e r t o take. again, I gave the alarm and we went which plcturediGrahada. "Read 'The Corn on Cobbj Murray street. T h e tablets were lying loose in ,the Mashed Potatoes. to?Investigate* b u t , h e was gone."Aihambra* by~flrvlng,''' was Mr. Ble- was Sworn. Both Attorney K e e n a n a n d J u d g e room, a n d when t h e p a r e n t s were o u t Kidney Saute, Mushroom Sauce. ber's advice. • • •••..»-•*., Thls is the last time that h e was Ipb possible. Ha communlie"~nttle o n e found t h e tablets, a n d ;The: "iOOO" Washer Company .is P a r s o n s "say t h a t t h e contents of t h e BACK F R O M F A R ^ W E S T : «M©JiC^h6-. of hla old home. Baked Sweet Potatoes., t h i n k i n g they w e r e candy, swallowed L«$bAmsi s' that he has a n considering oa project to establish fac- will cannot b e m a d e k n o w n until t h e Coffee. '" . 85o Miss M.< M a e H a t h a w a y h a s just several. remaining witness Is sworn. tories ir* Germanjy, France and Spain, lUhcle, Hehry Hlrimah,.who ami r e t u r n e d to h e r h o m e . 173 Hawley The grandmother, who w a s in an to take care of the company's forTriangle and h e thought his father i might. have started for that place. eign trade. Mr.•-« Bleberha.s been In- F I F T H W A R D P R O H I B I T I O N I S T S . street, from a t h r e e m o n t h s ' t r i p t o adjoining room, heard the Screams of PRESS CLUB T h e Fifth w a r d Prohibition caucus 'Portland, Ore., L,os Angeles, Cal., a n d the child a little later and ran out to t h: e situation dUUng' his This morning his suspicions were 'verl- vestigating Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus. ,' ; will b e held a t t h e h o m e of W . M. o t h e r points In t h e West. S h e r e p o r t s see what was the matter. She found .. lied when h e received a report-over abs6noe.'- ;-^:.:.''"-' , ' -v < -•Veal Fricassee a la Americaine. Lewis, 66 Pennsylvania avenue,, this I meeting several o t h e r B l n g h a m t o n i a n s her on~-tha..^6i)r^4lfc-ja^^ ie that a Miss Harper had J a t t h e exposition. of the tablets were scauereoTaroUhd. • >h Is seen' a man crossing the fields near ;, ;>]SrUHS(B ^OAl^TTaEaBl; TO MEE7IV'." evening a t 7 o'clock. • :•':' wit'/'. for First Time in Years in This Oounty Man Is Pursued bjrHounds HISS MARGARET HEIDT BRIDE OF W. H. POWERS m Took Poison for Candy and Died in a Spasm ROMANE F. BIEBER SAILS FOR HOME TODAY OFFERED FOR PROBATE,. Luncheon Tomorrow • homen>vearlng no?coat.v- - -She'-- de- - T h e r e will be a meeting of the ed him as wearing a small light nurse co?nmittee -W Of t h e City Union \«a being tor stout. of JCinB''9 Daughters tomorrow afterDickinson, between tho villages of noon a t 4 (o'clock a t 43 Warren street, Tho' Bloodhounds Arrive. Wmm® t was-thought When Mr. Flnnlgan arrived a t Chethat the man was drowned. After hango Bridge with the' bloodhounds l»e,0 Amsbry told him that he better no gojsto Port Crane, where Miss Harper hlS disappearance standing near his hOt take h p the trail from there. lietaken. mmnison, • This M. Flnnlgan arrived a t Chenango Extends a oordtal invitation to raip*. dlblcdght; by many, f o r Bridge this her ftlehds and patrons to a t a t 10 o'clockwould with : Wmm followhto'^eBJa^a; arid morning see if the hounds tend her opening of mBm^m i not : bellavea that t h e m a ntour bloodhounds which were led^by K t : .w«,lkea 26 miles in one a negroi^ttehdaht. He said the hounds Wmp the bushes were the Tt>est In the country and that »p|d ilUs without beiftfir seen If they could strike the trail of the by soi m. map;: although it Was SO hours Old, ht the family,;' eon* they would, trace him ; out and find daughters and him* ' When told .that Amsbry was I'ort Dick" last seen in tho vicinity of Port Crane 4''a''' ; t»pplhg x 0n. he determined to go there and learn SfflSs Amsbry said t o - If the facta reported were true; While W9@y .have'':b«M';-'ihetweeh' he waa on hla way there Lee Amsbry » | ok. Then '/"ahei:: dls-. returned'to the house and scoured the p Wm$ w-' " I t , f l shoes and overcoat worn by Mr. Amsbry, .whloh were left in his barn nil right." . p l g h t The hOunds would take ' *^What V "exclaimed Mrs; Amsbry; - Sunday •© scent,from : t h e clothing and fol- $ "It's all right," was the answer the low the track. ' • • '•'. tflfahiu Immediately following the vlast ?VIt seems t o me just as if my father m^mtivk came a, i»ugh that made the know that we were trying to catch IQIwod, run cold in h e r veins. and he was trying to elude us," On tho following night a t 8 o'clock him said his son Lee today. < " I am sure V$h*ro came a tapping on the blinds. that We have been within a few feet fllfP'e a snort consecutive him several times, but he has seen •iviraps and then all was still. In about of kept away. I think that all a minute t h e tapping was repeated us and Monday he was lying in the .again exactly as before, and thert day s that blood curdling laugh that bushes by the house and watching us. had resounded throUBh the air t h e Comes Without Warning. «lght before. Bearchlhg parties set out tofindt h e "I cannot tell what has caused this man, but ' were unsuccessful, Leo sudden calamity to come upon him. * The Woodruff Addition, Upper "Amsbry Was One of the searchers and When I was in cam|> the last time with him, that was the day before he disChenango street is now open to tiotbld'the following-story today:. appeared, I saw that his eyes were ' The Laugh Heard Again. • , " I was out in t h e fields with t h e somewhat bloodshot, but I did not the Inspection of the most critiii, whon one of them heard a nolso think anything of that, as he sold that cal purchasers of dosirablo hordes. nod we . went' to Investigate. We he waa not feeling•'well. The report that, has been'circulated regarding his P«£nd that it was hot my father. In This is one of tho handsomest another moment One of the men said, 'bluffing* is all false, I am sure that my father would not act the way he locations in the city of BlnghamW e all stopped, and through mi ^JWsteriT tba; a i r came that- laugh that will has unless he was out of his mind. ton. LEVBL, HIOH, DEY and in my mlhd all my life. I a m There are no financial troubles that :Wx • ilinger M e t h a t it was father. I never heard Would cause him to become demented, ACCESSIBLE property. Cars run •him Jaugh that,way before, b a t I a m and I cannot see what made it unless his head has been Injured in some every ten minutes. tftire; that * it was his voice. I hopo vthat-I shall hever hoar it again like manner." TODAY X am pleased to anthat." and Leo buried his face in his After going to t h e home of Miss Harper In Port Crane Mr. Flnnlgan nounce that the owner.--has Yesterday ofternoon Lee Amsbry, in learned that Mr. Amsbry had been at company with a number of tho the homo of Myron Randall and had placed in my hands for sale eearchers, was hunting about the asked for some matches and some to/plfece for traces of the missing man. bacco. All trace of the man wag lost XTrTEBN (15) new, modem, up•They stumbled oh to a place \vnere it from that place. Mr. Flnnlagn Immeto-date homes Just ^completed appeared a s if the man had made a diately placed his bloodhounds on tho # o r t of a bed In the bushes and slept track and they were following It to- and ready to move right in. The ithere Monday night. A hatchet was wards Triangle at a late hour this aftjfound. wear the place, which Lee posl- ernoon. workmanship, m a t e r i a l and • The following Is a description of »SQSx: plumbing are of the very best. Amsbry; About 60 years of age, 6 feet &% Inches tall, broad shouldered, Every house has porcelain bath, rod checks, dark hair, slightly streaked with gray, wore a dark suit, umall e t c * |2,600, $5,200 will secure golf cfcp, rubber soled tennis slippers and had a black mustache slightly these" beautiful homes. |400 cash, To The Blnghamton Pre*s: mixed with gray. slEfhder separate cover I am forbalance 6 per cent, five years, !t*irdlh|f your Weather Boy. I diswill be pleased to show above x*. P . 8. C. E . SOfJjjAL. COvered him In the woods yesterday jatt*rnort»* with a handkerchief tied The Y. P. S. C. K. of tho First Presproperties. Call a t my office, around his head and byterian Church will hold a rally socarrying the bult and cial in tho church parlors tomorrow » sight of a shotgun. evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. The *'Qet a n y t h 1 n g," social committee, which has the proSIS Security Btuiunl Bid*. M.f» I, • • gram In charge, has a surprise In store. "You bet," he »a)d, Every member is urged to be present. " ;*Thre& partridges and a do«en woodcock." ; Let's see 'em, said L , 'U&. opened his game beg and pulled oat three Quail and a t dosen aparrows. I didn't have tha heart Wo never sold m many **.00 Hats to arrest him, m t t n so short a tlmo as wo h»fe this talked to him in a season* The Houston Club has been fntiu-rJy manner and warned himt to ti\6 leader, tho npbhiest h a t on tho effort* in t h e ffttuw* o WTi i thlnia about the.Weather street. When looking np a hat don't forget us. 4N9*ftii AvggAKB' A V " PROTECTOR, The prediction* Remember* wo a r e sole agents for For Eastern New York -Fair nnd w tnnighi. Thursday, -fair;, fresh Hanan and t h e Crawford shoes, wini e l e Agent*, 54 Court, ' 111 ^<"< • ners in their elasa, and both step* Y<H-K »nd Wettern - p e r t . ' >'.' .;• » ' ' - • - . - Mrs. J. H. Atnott Opp Court House Blnghaintoiu HILLS, M1EAN & HASKINS A ' f otm WEATHER soy I M M W mmmimm4 LNL B. MILLARD f Success of the Season *m*«<m»****i> Jthox Jffats wmmmm*#*#****"**w*<* CtrubefirButcher .d roolP«jf» JtO. ifir illTfiifilriTijrritll- fliffriTnrt"rfr"T^*f^"L"r n jri' T t <fjn rtifrtniiji IT;, U I f|j<fijg,ij y^r; UJLjui>wj.jjai u Cor. Court and Chenango Sts. It's a Good Time to Buy the New Fall Hatr Tailor Made Suit, Fall or Winter Coat, Dress Skirt or Raincoat/ * ' . . ' , V - •• : '' :•";.;•' •' ' • " ' • ' ' • ' • , " And Secure First Pick of This Season's Newest Styles Are You Interested in a Location Where You Can Enjoy Life jirjd Live * Cheaply? • ' ' [flffilCTB FALL' MILLINERY • Fall House Cleaning Tinie Soon at Hand Art WallPapera The largest and choicest collection of Wall Papers shown irr)thia city. Quality, novelty, variety, excluslveness in design, artlstiocolorlngs a r e the predominating features e f our line this present season—all a t modest prices. Foreign Wall Papers, Decorative Specialties, Floral and Scenic Panels, as well a s many general grades. * New Carpets and Rugs Will" be wanted, Make your selections now from the Large Display of Carpets and Rugs from best American manufacturers/^ You will bo interested In seeing tho lino if yon have Carpets and Rugs to buy. The Carpet line includes Blgelow Body Wilton, Blgelow Axminsi tor, Blgelow Body Brussels, Hartford Axmlnster, Smith Savoneri, Smith Extra Axmlnster, Saxony Axmlnstcr, Bobson's, Smith's and Stinson's Volveta and Tapestry Brussels, Roxbury Brussels, Bnndar Wiltons, Mottled Velvets and Tapestry, Scotch Wlltona, etc., etc. A great variety of pat* terns to select from, including Tapestry Effects, Two-Tpned, Oriental and Floral Resigns.' I n buying Carpets and Rugs of us you not oply have advantage of tho great variety of patterns, but beat qualities, low prices and good workmanship. The New Line of. Ingrsun v^s^fpets In Brussel Pattern! Are Very < Attractive For the Reception Hall—-Ori- \ For tho Dining Room—Deep ental, Hunting and Colonial Tapes- reds and greens In conventional tries; also some exclusive designs designs, warm colored Tapestries. at lfto to $1.25 a roll. Can paper this room for 50 to 55o For tho Parlor—Hand Pressed a roll, Papers, Satin Damask and other For the Sitting Room—Many desirable effects as embossed two- new designs and full line of comtorted stripes, fabric effects, etc., bination papers from 8o t o 60o ft from 10c to $2,60 a roll. roll. For the Library—An exclusive , For the Sleeping Room—A large line, from 7o to 80c a roll. variety of Floral and other designs For the Den—Oriental Tapes- from 4o t o »0c a roll. tries in Japrfnesa, Turkish and InFor t h e Bathroom—Tiles, Vardian designs. nished Tiles, etc., 20c and upward. CARPET SIZE kVGS Handsome Rugs that will furnish a room With artistic effect, Reversible Rugs, (dates 7-fl, 10-6 Axmlnster Riurs in carpet sizes or 9x12, at.$i0.00 nnd $13.50, that at $20.00 and $22.00. make a good dining room, sewBody Brussels Rugs, Sxl2. In a ing room or bedroom rug. great variety of designs at $25.00. Tapestry Brussels Rugs, enrpet One Piece Wilton Velvet Rugs sixes, at $12,00, $15.00.and $18.00. at $25.00. Ingrain Rugs .no seams, carpet Wilton Rugs, carpet sisses, $83.00 sires, from $5.25 to $1-1.00. to $55.00. — L A C E CURTAINS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS Lace Curtains Upholstery Material Light Draperies m^*immmi»0'mf*t,miaii wMm*mmmtm aawss* Special Order Work NottinRhams from ?5o to $5;00 Japanese C r e p v 35o snfl 80o • Silkollnes, S« inch, In plain and pair. Tour odd shaped windows, Ruffled Bobblnet* $1.25 t o $4.00 yard. fancies,, l a ^ e yard. pair. doors, fancy arches and folding CretcHmei*. Hghi and dark, S6 Figured Sflilns In light colors, Buffled Muslin. 4ifc to $2.50 pair, $1.25 yard, inch, 18c, 20o and 25c yard. doors can be fitted with any Motifany Bobblnet, $8.00 to' English Cretonnes, 50 inch, 50c style of draperies or hangings, We <5 h,K, 1 ke $0.00 ^pa.r. , , i.^ i - *p«fcd, $1.25 yard yard. Irish Point. $8.50 to $15.00 r * i r * r l ^ f t , n • * 1 , 0 0 J"««i. French Cretonnes, ti inch, »5o have the necessary .materials and BrURsela Point $5.00 t o $15.00 Crushed Plush, $i.0o yard. competent workmen to do this pair. yard. , •-,*•'"• Satin RUSKS, 50 inch, 50o yard, Renaissance, $2,50 to $25.00 Printed Denims, 15e, 20c andkind of work. F o r the Windows pair. Cotton. Tapestry, 60 inch. 75c,t 28o yard. we have Nets in while and Arabian Imitation d« Araba, $2.25 t o 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $l.ft& «„d $1.50 Art Tickifigm, s« inch; light and $5.00 pair. In all widths, with laces t o match. yard. dark grounds, 25« yard. Real Arab*, $5.00 to $25.00 p*tt\ Hungarian Cloth, 86 inch, 25c . M e r c e r l ^ d Tapestry, 50 inch, For fancy arches, doorways or Snow Flako Cross Stripes, $1.88 $1,75 and $2,00 yard. yawl. alcoves we make tho draperies of to $5,00 pair. ' Crepes, Domestic and Japanese, Shiku or the, high claes goods, Gobelin Tapestfj', 80 Inch, $i,f», 12He, India Crepe, $ft.?5 pair. 25c and 85c,yai " o , 20c, 25o SScyard, Cluny ifi-Arabe and White, $4.00 $2.25 and $2.50 yard. Dimltlei mitles, printed, light grounds, double face draperies, with cords to $25.00 p$lr. Brocallne, 8ft inch, $1.50 yard. 25o yard to match; * >r Untitled Document mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMpWMM Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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