28383-Copyright assignment - World Journal of Gastroenterology

Copyright assignlllent
orid Jottrnal of Nephrology
Nane of Journal:1颯 石
ESPS卜 Ianuscript NO:28383
Titlel Bacterelnia in hcmOdialysis padents
Authors Listi Masashi SuzI饉 ,Nob滅 畿 o Satoh,Ⅳ lotonobu Nakamura,Shoko HOrita,George Seki,IIy● ilMOriya
COFreSpOndence To:卜 Iasashi Suzuki
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Na=le:卜 fasashi Suzuki
麟 本 みん
鯵l怒 /,
Namel hlotonobu lゞ akarllura
》短 厨tkく か噂へ
Signaturei ん
か歓 き
Date〔 _ダ σ∠摯 畳 資 £_
NameI Shoko Horita
Sigl■ aturei____通
笙墾壼1[ヽ……」」し二涵L¬ げ___――一――――一一―I)ate:
Name・ Go(
Nalrle:町 衝i MOriya