CPHS Weekly Family Bulletin February 2-8, 2015 WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK Day Date Monday 02/02/15 Tuesday 02/03/15 Time 8a-4p Wednesday 02/04/15 Thursday 02/05/15 Friday 02/06/15 Saturday 02/07/15 Sunday 02/08/15 8a-12p 12p-4p 5:30/6:00/7:30p 5:45/6:00/7:30p 5:30/7:15p 5:30/7:15p 7:45a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:15a 3:50p 3:55p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 8:00a 3:50p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 5:30/6:00/7:30p 5:30/5:45/7:30p 5:30/7:15p 5:30/7:15p TBA 8:00a TBA Activity Student Holiday LISD Continuous Improvement Conference Student Holiday LISD Continuous Improvement Conference Faculty Inservice Girls’ 9A/JV/Varsity Basketball v. Leander Boys’ 9th/JV/Varsity Basketball v. Leander Girls’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Leander Boys’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Leander TFC/FCA meeting Drafting Club meeting Philosophy Club meeting National Spanish Honor Society meeting HOSA meeting Photography Club meeting Anime Club meeting Science Fiction/Fantasy Club meeting Crochet Club meeting Robotics Team meeting HOSA meeting STUCo meeting Middle Eastern Culture Club meeting DECA Business meeting Skills USA meeting Environmental Club meeting GSA Club meeting Auto Club meeting Computer Science Club meeting DECA Work meeting National Spanish Honor Society meeting Girls’ 9A/JV/Varsity Basketball v. Vandegrift Boys’ 9A/JV/Varsity Basketball v. Vandegrift Girls’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Vandegrift Boys’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Vandegrift Swimming @ Regional Prelims District Wrestling Tournament Swimming @ Regional Prelims Location Contact VRHS VRHS CPHS LHS CPHS LHS CPHS Lecture Hall B112 AE102 AW108 B110 B102 E104 A106 A103 S105 B110 S106 AE105 B101 B112 S103 A106 S103 B113 B101 AW108 VHS CPHS VHS CPHS TBA Vandegrift TBA Myers Brown Lynch Schmidt Jenschke/King, D. Maduneme Steele Evans Beall Asha Steele McCormick Simchock/Kulis Whalen/Kalb Beall Babich King, N. Stapleton Maduneme McPherson McCormick McPherson Whalen Stapleton Evans Schmidt Brown Lynch Schmidt DeWees-Kern Madsen DeWees-Kern FAMILY INFORMATION February 2nd and 3rd are student holidays. CPHS will be closed until 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3 rd, so that our faculty and staff can attend the Leander ISD Continuous Improvement Conference at Vista Ridge High School. Go to http://schools.leanderisd.org/users/0096/docs/understanding-psat-nmsqt-results-presentation.pdf to view a PSAT presentation. There is also a vast array of College and Career preparation information on LISD’s website at http://classroom.leanderisd.org/default.aspx?CollegeandCareerReadiness. Additional questions can be directed to CPHS Dean of Instruction, Jennifer Colman, at 512-570-1245 or [email protected]. This is the time of year when we have the possibility of inclement weather and delayed starts or snow days. In the event we have either of those, you will receive a call from Leander ISD informing you. If your phone number has changed, or you no longer have a land line, please make sure that we have your correct/current number to ensure that you get the message. You can also check your local news stations and the LISD website at www.leanderisd.org. Leander ISD tries to maintain an open student transfer option for its parents, but must close campuses (or specific grades at open campuses) to inbound transfers when campus/grade level enrollment approaches capacity. We work to be sure that no safety issues arise from overcrowded conditions. Enrollments and transfer requests are monitored daily throughout the year. Transfer requests can be submitted on-line beginning Monday, February 9, 2015. Please be sure that you submit your transfer request(s) promptly, as the transfer request deadline is March 9, 2015 (with the exception of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten transfer requests, which will be accepted April 15 – April 29), and the district will not consider any transfer requests submitted after that date until approximately two weeks prior to the start of school. Please note that some campuses will not be accepting any new transfers due to their being at or over projected capacity. Existing transfer students at all campuses who submit an application will be considered for approval after the March 9, 2015 deadline date. Please note that a non-refundable $30.00 processing fee was implemented beginning September 1, 2011 for any student requesting a transfer, and this fee does not guarantee approval to the requested campus. Again, the student transfer submission window opens on February 9, 2015. If you do not have access to a computer, please feel free to stop by the campus and use one of the campus computers, or should you need assistance with the transfer application, schedule a meeting with the registrar at the campus you would like your student to attend, so that they may assist you in completing this application. If you have specific questions, you may contact the registrar on your campus or email [email protected]. STUDENT INFORMATION Congratulations to Mr. Sullivan and the CPHS Winterguard. They competed at Dripping Springs on January 24 th and took 1st place! Congratulations to Morgan Grosch. Morgan took 1st place in Lincoln/Douglas Debate at the Lampasas UIL meet this past Saturday. The Swimming Timberwolves had a terrific showing at the 17-5A District Swim Meet this past weekend in Temple. The preliminaries on Friday yielded multiple best times from multiple members of the team. Fourteen of the 22 swimmers that competed qualified to swim again on Saturday for Finals. The following athletes placed in the top six to move on to the Regional Championships at Texas A&M University. Kristen Perron, Lauren Partridge, Brady Sullivan, Alex Gonazalez, Travis Beall, Reagan Stephenson, Chad Alsobrook, Sammi Grant, Georgia Squires, Katie Fitzgerald, Reece Andrews, Jack Weiland, Elena Ivanova, Chandler Hughes, Victoria Sananikone, and Danny Grant Victoria Sananikone won the 100 yard butterfly and Senior Danny Grant won the 200 IM As a team the Women took 2nd to Vandegrift and the Men were 3rd. Both of which are terrific standings against teams much larger than ours. SAT Words of the Week erudite – (ˈer(y)əˌdīt) – having or showing great knowledge or learning; learned, well instructed Although experienced and erudite, the politician did not communicate well with the voters. Based on Latin word eruditis – meaning “learned, accomplished, well informed” from Latin ex – meaning “out” + rudis – meaning “rough, unskilled, unlearned” dissemination – (dəˌseməˈnāSH(ə)n) – the act of spreading something, especially information, widely One of the aims of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) was the dissemination of information concerning Ebola and the potential spread of the virus. Based on Latin word disseminationem meaning “ a scattering of seed, a sowing CPHS COUNSELING OFFICE & POST GRADUATE PLANNING CENTER FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid is available online for Seniors and Parents. Click today! http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ Apply Now!
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