Sacred Heart Catholic Church 2140 N. Cedar Avenue Everyone is Welcome Bienvenidos a Todos Fr. Alex C. Ignacio, Pastor Rev. Mr. Robert Sesma: Director of RCIA Rev. Mr. Tom Ognibene: Pastoral Care Coordinator Office Manager: Kelley Aviles Director of Religious Education/YM: Kathy Alegria CCD Spanish Coordinator - Esmeralda Hernandez Director of Environment: Edna DeLuca Wedding Coordinator: Inez Castro Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Cecelia Lingenfelter Altar Servers Coordinator: Debi Cooper Ushers Coordinator: Florensio Espinosa Music Director: GeeGee Villarama Finance Council Chairperson - Mike Chavez Parish Ministries Council Chairperson - Cliff Cooper Spanish RCIA Coordinator: Antonio Alas Sacred Heart Helping Hand - Ted & Connie Borges Altar & Rosary Society: President: Cecilia Herrera 645-0168, Meeting: 1st Wednesday of Month@ 6:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: Walter Brown 473-9478, Meeting: 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m. Italian Catholic Federation: President: Mike Caglia 360-8332,Meeting: 4th Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m. Guadalupe Society: President: Lydia Ledesma 241-4867, Meeting 1st Monday at 6:00 p.m Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Thursday @ 7:30 p.m. held in St. Mary’s Room. Spanish Prayer Group: Every Friday @ 7:00p.m - held in St. Mary’s Room Men’s Prayer Group: Every first Tuesday @ 7:00pm held in St. Joseph’s Room (JUST SOUTH OF CLINTON ON CEDAR) Fresno, CA 93703-2697 Phone: 559-237-4121; FAX: 559-237-0122 E-mail: [email protected] Website: OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm Liturgical Schedule: Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday at 8:00a.m. Wednesday: Communion Service 8:00a.m. Saturday: Vigil Mass at 4:00p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:00a.m. - Early Risers Mass, 9:00a.m. - Family Mass, 11:00 a.m. - Children / Life Teen Mass, 1:00 p.m. - Charismatic Mass. Horario de Servicios en Espanol: Misa Diaria: lunes, miercoles, jueves a las 6:00p.m. y viernes a las 5:45p.m. Misa de Domingo a las 5:00p.m. Hora Santa: jueves a las 6:30p.m. a 7:30p.m. - en la capilla Adoración Eucarística Nocturna en la capilla cada cuarto sabado a las 8pm hasta 5am Domingo con Misa. RICA: Rito de la Iniciacion cristiana de Adultos: martes a las 6:00p.m. en St. Martha’s Kitchen. Grupo de Oracion: Viernes 7:00p.m.-St. Mary's Room Reconciliacion/Confesion: Viernes - 3:45p.m. - 5:15p.m. Educacion Religiosa: Las clases son en espanol los viernes de 5:30p.m. a 7:00p.m. en St. Patrick’s Room Reconciliation/Confession Friday’s - 3:45p.m. - 5:15p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Friday’s: 8:30 a.m. to 9:30a.m. 4th Saturday from 8pm till 5am on Sunday-Spanish LifeTeen EXALT every 1st Tuesday 6:00p.m.-7:00p.m. Every Tuesday in English 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m Every Thursday in Spanish 6:30p.m.-7:30p.m. Baptisms: First & third Sunday is for baptism in English. The Second Saturday is for baptism in Spanish. Weddings: By appointment, six months advance notice. Religious Education Office: 237-4121. CCD Classes: in the Activity Center on Sundays - 1st grade-8th grade, 9:30a.m. to 12noon. Concludes with Mass. Confirmation/Life Teen Youth Program: Sundays 11am2pm: Includes Mass at 11:00a.m. RCIA: Thursday’s 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick’s Room Welcome! We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, celebrating with us, whether long time residents or newly arrived in the Parish. If you would like to register as a MEMBER or UPDATE your personal information, please fill out this section and return it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket. Full Name/s....................................................................................................Phone......................................... Address.........................................................................................City...................................Zip...................... ____New Member/s ____Send me Sunday Offering Envelopes ____Update Address Information ____Moving, remove me from Church mailing list Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us.— Psalm 95:6 According to Moses, the people decided they didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any more. It was much too frightening. Why couldn’t God send human teachers, prophets, instead? God agreed, but with a warning. The people had better listen to those teachers, because they spoke in God’s name. That arrangement, though, had its own problems, for them and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly from God? And if the teacher is from God, are all parts of the teaching meant for me? We have the Church and scripture to help us with those questions, but still there are always a few loose ends. That is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a teacher sent by God. They knew it by hearing him. The Oil of the Sick, usually labeled OI (for Oleum Infirmarum), is often reserved with chrism and the oil of catechumens in an ambry. An ambry is a cabinet, often beautifully ornamented and kept near the baptistery in the church. Olive oil, with no fragrance added, is blessed at the Chrism Mass in Holy Week by the bishop, although there is now a provision for a priest to bless oil if none is available. This restores to our Latin Rite practice a tradition never lost in the Eastern tradition, in which priests consecrate the oil of the sick, even at the sick person’s home. Any vegetable oil may be used now, since olive oil is difficult to obtain in some places. Many priests keep a small supply of oil close at hand in a small metal tube called a “stock.” In the former rite, every sense of the body was anointed, accompanied by a prayer for forgiveness of sin. So, the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, hands, and feet were all touched. Today, this is simplified to an anointing of the forehead and the hands, but generally today the oil is used more lavishly, and the symbolism of touch so central to the rite is enhanced. Often, a priest will invite everyone present to join in the “laying on of hands.” Sick persons are often pushed aside or feared in our culture, and to be reverently touched in love can be a profound experience of God’s healing, forgiving, accepting presence through the ministry of the Church. PLATE COLLECTION / COLECTA January 25, 2015 $5,222.77 Building Fund $,314.00 TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION - Helping Hand UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Feb 8, Helping Hand Feb 15, Cath Comm-Channel 49 Feb 18 Ash Wednesday Feb 22, Religious Education Please use your Offering Envelopes Por favor, use sus sobres de ofertorio PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Por Favor recen por los enfermos Thelma & Bob Jones, Leonard Pavy, Pat Martin, Annette Hardinger, Sylvia Lowe, Brenda Chan, Ed Zamora, Dominic Rossi, Vance Hamzy, Jeanette Cserna, Max McGinnis, Gay Hock, Lynn Hock, Daniel Silverman, Isabel Anderson, Elizabeth Hock, Denise Rodriquez, Audrey Diaz, Jerry Sullivan Please call the Parish office each week on Monday [Tuesday if Holiday] to keep the above persons’ names on this list, otherwise we will assume they are doing better and remove their names....Thank you for your cooperation. Por favor hablen a la oficina de la Parroquia los lunes de cada semana (martes si es día festivo) para mantener en la lista los nombres de las personas escritas arriba. De otra manera asumiremos que están mejorando y quitaremos sus nombres de la lista…… Gracias por su cooperación. Pastoral Ministry of the Sick, Homebound & Dying Please call the Parish Office: 237-4121 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Intenciones de misa de la semana Saturday, January 31 4pm + Ronald Espinosa by Florensio & Vicki Espinosa Sunday, February 1 7am + Anthony Pavlovich by John Zaninovich 9am Sacred Heart Altar & Rosary and Guadalupe Society 11am Sacred Heart Members 1pm Infant Jesus by Mary Castillo Spanish + Jose Manuel Sandoval by Lourdes Sandoval Monday, February 2 8am + Fr. Giuse Hoan by Mary G Spanish 6pm Tuesday, February 3 8am + Sister Souls of St Paul by Mary G Wednesday, February 4 8am Communion Service Spanish 6pm Birthday wishes to Arturo Luna by Dolores Luna Thursday, February 5 8am Spanish 6pm Friday, February 6 8am Sacred Heart Benefactors Spanish 6pm + Pascual Salado by the Salado family To schedule a Mass Intention, please come to the Parish office, the requested donation is $10.00. Para reservar una intención de misa, por favor venga a la oficina de la parroquia, la donación solicitada es de $10.00. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Pray hard Live easy Those who can kneel before God can stand before anyone. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Boy Scout Sunday Monday: The Presentation of the Lord; World Day for Consecrated Life; Blessing of Candles; Groundhog Day Tuesday: St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; Blessing of Throats; Tu B’Shvat (Jewish new year of trees) begins at sunset Thursday: St. Agatha Friday: St. Paul Miki and companions; First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday SACRED HEART RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BOUTIQUE SALE Valentine Boutique & Bake Sale February 8, 2015 8:00am - 2:00pm in St. Mary’s Room - Activity Center Breakfast Burritos, Craft Items, Baked Goods Fresh Hot Cinnamon Rolls $2.00 Valentines Gifts, Free Chocolate & Coffee Balloon Bouquets $4.00 includes 2 mylar & 6 colored FESTIVAL NEWS!!! We had our 1st meeting last week and have decided to READINGS FOR THE WEEK repeat what we did last year because everyone had such Monday:Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 a awesome time why change it. The only change is we [22-32] will not have alcohol. So mark you calendars for a fun Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32;Mk 5:21-43 family fun event on April 26th, 2015 from 10am - 7pm. Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND TREASURES Mk 6:1-6 Wondering what to do with those double Christmas Gifts Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 you got or those gifts you don’t need? The perfect thing to Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 do is donate those gifts to the FESTIVAL FOR THE Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 AUCTION!! Bring all items to the Parish Office. Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 SPECIAL THANK YOU!! Many Thanks to Frank Hernandez for painting the Priest & TODAYS READINGS First Reading — Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A Servers chairs!! they look soooo beautiful, Thank you to Al prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for Burke for an awesome Reupholstery job. Thanks Guys. you” (Deuteronomy 18:15-20). MASS INTENTIONS Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts Would you like to have a Mass offered for a deceased (Psalm 95). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters: I should like you to loved one or for special intentions of a living family member? It is simple to do, just come to the parish office be free of anxieties (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). Gospel — The people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching; and request a Mass Intention. We will go through the Mass Calendar and schedule a Mass with you. Mass he taught them as one having authority (Mark 1:21-28). Intention stipend $10.00. (includes mass card) MARRIAGE RETREAT Before you can be sacramentally married in the church our Diocese requires that you attend a pre-marital retreat. We have on scheduled in this parish for February 28, 2015. Cost is $50.00 per couple and this is an all day retreat here at our parish concluding with the Vigil Mass at 4:00pm. Any questions please call Deacon Robert Sesma at 559-237-4121 BIRTHDAY WISHES/felicitaciones de cumpleaños 1-29 Jonnathan Sanchez 1-31 Robert Mikel 2-01 Vincent Aviles 2-02 Joseph Lopez Sr. 2-02 William Olivas 2-04 Robert Rocha Danks 2-05 Jody O’Mara 1-31 Sabrina Valles 1-31 Cynthia Melander 2-02 Jolene Holquin 2-02 Marina Subia 2-2 Christian Rodriquez 2-05 James Alvarez 2-06 Heather Chavez WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1-30 Leandro & Lulu Ruperto 1-30 Eli & Cynthia Melander 1-30 Jesse & Helen Calderon 1-30 Aram & Jeannie Topjian 2-02 Sal & Suzie Martinez 2-4 Scott & Vicki DeLuca 2-05 Joseph & Nicole Nardone 2-05 Tom & Donna Ognibene To add names to the Birthday & Anniversary List please fill out a gold colored birthday & anniversary form located at the entrance of the church or stop by the office for one. DONATION TAX STATEMENT Please call the Parish Office to request your 2014 Donation Contribution Statement for your tax purposes. We are only printing out statements that are requested, so call the office at 237-4121 ext 102 and leave your name, address & envelope number and we will send you the statement ASAP. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ARE NEEDED Sacred Heart is seeking individuals who would like to visit the sick & homebound. We are currently visiting all the hospitals & rest homes and homebound people. Please call the church office and leave your name & number for Deacon Tom Ognibene - Pastoral Care coordinator. Is this where God wants you to serve? BULLETIN ADVERTISERS Please look on the back of our bulletin for our new Bulletin Advertisers, please show your patronage and let them know you have seen their ad on our bulletin. FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR Reservations for Altar Flowers can be arraigned by going to the Parish Office and reserve the weekend you would like flowers dedicated in memory of a loved one. Donation $35.00. UPCOMING SALES, EVENTS AND FUNDRAISERS AT SACRED HEART 2-1 Guadalupe Society Bake Sale- Guadalupe Park 2-8 Religious Education Boutique Sale - St. Mary’s 2-15 Spanish Prayer Group Food Sale - Guadalupe Park
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