Welcome to ... Pari sh Vi si o n St atem e nt Fourth Sunday We are an active and welcoming Catholic community, where people of all ages draw closer to God. in Ordinary Time His love is expressed through each one of us by prayer, liturgy and reaching out in service to one another. Please visit our Parish Website: www.standrewsmarayong.org.au PARISH STAFF: Monsignor Ron McFarlane Father Jolly Chacko MS Father Larry Tolentino Natali Oreskovic (Office Coordinator) Joe Clemson (Office staff) Maria Hyson (Sacramental Coordinator) PARISH OFFICE & PRESBYTERY: Phone: 9622 0817 Fax: 9671 7971 40 Breakfast Rd, Marayong 2148 [PO Box 4345] Email Address: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm FR. BYRNE CENTRE: (Parish Meeting Rooms) 38 Breakfast Rd, Marayong. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday (Vigil) 6.00pm Sunday: 7.30am, 8.45am, 10.30am SUNDAY SCHOOL: Each Sunday morning after the 8.45am Mass. Weekday Masses: Monday: 9.00am Tuesday: 9.00am Wednesday: 9.00am Novena & Mass: 7.00pm Thursday: Friday: 8.00am 9.00am Holy Hour & Mass: 7.00pm Saturday: 9.00am Mass for the Sick: 4th Saturday of the month at 9.00am Rosary: After each morning Mass and before the Saturday Vigil Mass . We are seeking your assistance: The next major project that we, as a parish, are looking at is the building of a residence for the priests of our parish. In order to do this, we need to look at all the possibilities in relation to the design and structure of the building. We also need to ascertain some idea as to the cost of this project. If there are parishioners who have some expertise in these areas, and are prepared to help us move forward to develop this project, we would appreciate it if they could kindly contact the parish office. PARISH REGISTRATION If you have not filled out a Registration Form, please do so as soon as possible and return it to the Church or Parish Office. Forms are available at the back of the Church. If you are a new parishioner, we ask you to complete a Registration Form, and return it to the Parish Office. Year B: Vol.40 No.10 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE After weekday morning Masses. Saturday: 4.30pm - 5.30pm Anytime by arrangement. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms: 1st & 3r d Sunday of each month at 11.45am Baptismal Preparation: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Fr Byrne Centre. Please book for Baptisms with the Parish Office. PIETY STALL: Open after Masses on Saturday night and Sunday morning or by asking for an appointment at the Parish Office. 31st January-1st February, 2015 PARISH SCHOOLS: ST. ANDREW’S PRIMARY Principal: Mr M. Tonnet Phone: 9671 6622 Address: 36 Breakfast Road Marayong 2148 ST. ANDREWS COLLEGE College Principal: Mr N. Vidot Phone: 9626 4000 Campus JUNIOR CAMPUS (YRS. 7-10) Address: 116 Quakers Road Marayong 2148 SENIOR CAMPUS (YRS. 11-12) Address: 50 Breakfast Road Marayong 2148 Church Pews Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, we have been able to purchase 114 pews for the church. There are still a number of pews available for parishioners to donate towards and, if you would like to support the parish in this way, please contact the parish office. Catholic Outlook The Diocesan monthly newspaper for February is available at the doors of the church this weekend. Please take home your copy today. B u l l e t i n H i g h l i gh t s … THE SEASON OF LENT PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FIRST HOLY COMMUNION REGISTRATION UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS CALENDAR FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY From Monsignor Ron … In Jesus, God became man. He shared our humanity so that we might share his life. He is the only authentic expert on how to live a successful life and he shows us this through his teachings and by the example of his own life. Yet, how much notice do we take of his teachings and the example he gave us? I do not believe that we have any problem in acknowledging, at least intellectually, that Jesus is God become man. The problem is that too often we are indifferent to him in our daily lives; we put him into a compartment separate from the rest of our lives and we acknowledge him only in our prayer times and when we need help. Many of the good people at the time of Jesus failed to recognize him when he came because he did not fit their image of a teacher from God and his teachings were asking them to change their idea on how to live as God's people. The problem was that they had established a comfortable way of living their faith and they were in control. We do something similar when we keep our God at a distance and when we live as though Jesus has no relevance for our daily lives. This is a very easy trap to fall into because we live in a world that has very different values. We become so preoccupied with establishing our own heaven here on earth and living according to the values of this world that, as a result, we actually avoid facing up to living the way Jesus wants us to live. It is a real pity that this is the case, especially when we consider the love Jesus has for us and how important we are to him. What is more amazing is the grudging return we make to him. I would say each one of us can find many facets of our lives where this is evident. The key to a new beginning is found in our responsorial psalm: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. We have to make the effort to listen to our God, who is present to us in every moment. We need to make time to talk over our daily lives with him in prayer and to do so as honestly as possible. We need to start each day by saying to ourselves, and to our God; my aim throughout this coming day is to live as Jesus lives. Then, we need to make this our first priority throughout the day. The Season of Lent Ash Wednesday is now only 2 and a half weeks away and I feel it is time to start thinking about how we are going to make the most of this journey to Easter, when we will recommit ourselves to living our faith in the best possible way. I believe it is important that we plan what we are going to do and it is a good idea to do so before Ash Wednesday actually arrives. Some points to consider for our preparation could be: • What can we do to improve our prayer life during the season of Lent? • What self-denial is needed in our lives to build up our strength in faith, or to overcome failings that are part of our life? • What are the ways that we can be more caring and loving towards the people in our lives? • All parishioners are encouraged during this time of lent to support project compassion which offers practical aid to people in need throughout the world. Please contact the Parish Office, if you are u n a vai lab le for your rostered Ministry. MASS READINGS - Year B This WEEK’S ROSTER: 31st January/1st February 2015 M INISTRIES 6.00pm 7.30am ACOLYTE COMMENTATOR FIRST READER NEXT SUNDAY: 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1st Reading: Job 7:1-4. 6-7 Psalm: Ps 146:1-6 2nd Reading: 1Cor 9:16-19. 22-23 Candido Velasco & Edsell Paltoo Mary Anne Xuereb Joy Kakodkar & Mario Spiteri Charmaine Mathias Romeo Gapud & Ike Enriquez Youthworks! Erna Ferrer Dianne McKinnon Judith D’Cruz Youthworks! SECOND READER Mariyam Wijeyaratnam Julie Nunez Tony Oreskovic Youthworks! PROJECTOR OPERATORS Delia Fernandes Volunteer Required Nicholas Mathias Shekha Raviraj WELCOMER Henryka Ogrodniczek Annette Hudson Rita Vaughn Youthworks! No Music Mass MUSICIANS Jeanine Fraser Des Zammit & Dot Kaster Lorraine’s Group Youthworks! Youthworks! MINISTERS OF COMMUNION - First Sunday of the Month THIS SUNDAY: 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm: Ps 94:1-2, 6-9 2nd Reading: 1 Cor 7:32-35 Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 Ruben Bables & Joe Doyle Nenette Gapud [1st Sunday of the Month - Even] 8.45am 10.30am NEXT WEEK’S ROSTER: 7th/8th February 2015 M INISTRIES 6.00pm 7.30am ACOLYTE Bernardo Rivera & Emmanuel Tabone COMMENTATOR Nenette Gapud FIRST READER Ralph Vaz SECOND READER PROJECTOR OPERATORS Theresita Cacdac WELCOMER MUSICIANS [2nd Sunday of the Month - Even Month] 8.45am 10.30am Gus Kaster & John Blackford Noe Adan & Mario Picart Robert Bautista & Ferdi Chin Claire Blunt Kathy McKinley Carmelita Liceralde Antonette Elogious Roseanne Victoria Allen Brady Linda Dessa Marilyn Hancock Maury Villanueva Nicholas King Derica Elogious Jaden Victoria Abigail Chin Annette Hudson Claire Blunt & Linda Dessa Mathias Family Marie Jenik Lorraine’s Group No Music Mass Couples for Christ Dingalings MINISTERS OF COMMUNION - Second Sunday of the Month FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD: On Monday, February 2, we celebrate this Feast day. On this Feast day, Mary, Joseph, Simeon and Anna show us in different ways how to be bearers of the hope of salvation. We are called to be open to the surprising ways God keeps hope alive in our hearts. Mary shows us how to trust that God will bring the light of the risen Christ. “Lord Jesus, you were presented to God in the Temple and recognized as a light for the Gentiles. We pray that your light may shine in our hearts so that amidst the darkness of the world we may keep alive the hope of your salvation. Amen.” Sacramental Program S AC R AM E N T FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS: It is unfortunate that, generally speaking, we do not find sufficient time for prayer in our daily lives. Yet, if our lives are ever to achieve their potential, this time of prayer is something which is essential. One of the supports that is given to us is the opportunity to spend one hour with Jesus on the First Friday of the month in our devotions and celebration of the Mass. This Holy Hour will be held on Friday, February 6, commencing at 7pm. SECOND RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Our monthly celebration of the Second Rite of Reconciliation will take place on Saturday, February 7, at 9:30am. The Sacrament of Penance is always an important Sacrament in our faith journey as it provides us with an encounter with Jesus Christ, our God become man. It also strengthens us to make a new beginning, which is of particular importance at this time, as we enter into the journey through the Season of Lent to the Feast of Easter. OF F IRST HOLY COMMUNION For children in Year 3 and above who have made their first Reconciliation. Registration Forms may be collected from the Parish Office from Tuesday, 27th January, 2015 [These forms may also be collected from the Parish Office on the 1st & 8th of February between 9.30 and 11.30am] Registration Evening (compulsory): Tuesday, 10 February, 2015 at 7.00pm in the Church Classes: Sunday, 1st & 8th of March, 2015 [Classes begin with 8.45am Mass and conclude at approximately 11.30am] Sacrament of First Holy Communion: Saturday, 21st March, 2015 at 6.00pm or Sunday, 22nd March, 2015 at 8.45am or 12.15pm. [ Please note – Allocation to the 6:00pm, 8:45 am or 12:15pm Masses will be based on when Registration forms are collected from the parish office.] Facilitator’s Needed If you are able to assist as a facilitator for the upcoming Sacrament of First Holy Communion, and have the necessary Working With Children Check, please contact the parish office with your details. We thank you all for donating your time to helping our young children grow in their faith life Life Ascending Australia Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 12th February, at 10:00am in the Fr Byrne Centre. All mature aged parishioners are welcome to attend. St Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom For further information please contact Antonia on 9831 2109, or the Parish office. “I pray for you constantly asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light.” (Ephesians 1:17, 18) Try turning this into your own prayer. Stop to ask your Father in heaven to bring a new passion and power into your faith, be honest with him about your spiritual condition and ask for more of his life and light in your heart. – From Dare to Believe by David Payne. Parish Pastoral Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 3, at 7.15pm Sunday School We invite all our young children to attend our Sunday School lessons: When: Ever y Sunday mor ning Where: in the demountable (Yr 5) classr ooms, behind the Fr.Byrne Centre Time: 9.30 to 10.25am (between the 8.45 & 10.30am Masses) Please note that we do expect at least 2 representatives from every group and organization in the parish to be in attendance. If these names have not been given to the parish office as yet, please try to do so before Tuesday night’s meeting. • • • • Welcome. Opening Prayer. Apologies. Fr. Ron on role of Parish Council and structure of Council at St Andrew’s. • Discussion on role and nominations for Chairperson and Assistant Chairperson. • Nominations for positions. • Election of office bearers: chairperson, assistant chairperson. The secretary will be ex officio from the office staff. The executive committee will consist of • • • • • • these people, as well as the Parish Priest and Priests of the parish and two ex officio members. Election of coordinator for church welcomers. Recommendations for faith development of parishioners for this year. Discussion on parish outreach for 2015 Ongoing Formation of people involved in liturgical ministries. Finance Report. Discussion on what “a year for reaffirming our faith” means to us personally and to our parish community. February 2015 15 6:00p Legion of Mary 7:15p RCIA 09:30 Rosary 09:00 Mass 1st Sunday of Lent Counters: Group 8 08:45 Marriage Blessing 09:30 Sunday School 22 23 16 Commemoration of Saint Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 6:00p Legion of Mary 7:15p RCIA Facilitators Meeting 7:15p RCIA 7:00p Sacramental 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Counters: Group 7 09:00 Mass DWF Appeal 09:30 Rosary 09:30 Sunday School 11:45 Baptism 6:00p Legion of Mary 09:30 Sunday School Counters: Group 6 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 24 17 09:30 Rosary 10:30 Mass SAC - Opening school Mass 7:00p Registration Evening First Holy Communion 09:00 Mass Collection of FHC Rego Forms Collection of FHC Rego Forms Collection of FHC Rego Forms Saint Scholastica, Virgin 9 7:15p Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 6:00p Legion of Mary 7:15p RCIA 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 Collection of FHC Rego Forms 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary Collection of FHC Rego Forms 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 10 Collection of FHC Rego Forms 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 7:00p Novena & Mass 18 5 12 13 4:00p Junior Legion of Mary 7:00p Mass 7:30p Stations of the Cross 2:00p Church Cleaning Group 4 7:00p Novena & Mass 27 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 26 Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop 21 4:15p Legion of Mary 4:30p Jnr Legion of Mary 09:00 Mass for the Sick 09:30 Rosary 09:40 Jnr Legion of Mary 28 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 09:40 Jnr Legion of Mary 10:00 Church Cleaning Legion 4:15p Legion of Mary 4:30p Jnr Legion of Mary 10:00 Church Cleaning CFC 09:40 Jnr Legion of Mary 09:30 Rosary DWF Appeal 09:00 Mass 7 14 Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary 09:00 Mass 09:30 Parish Reconciliation 09:40 Jnr Legion of Mary 10:00 Church Cleaning HJM 10:00 Rosary 4:15p Legion of Mary 4:30p Jnr Legion of Mary Saturday 7:00p Youth Mass & SAYWAT 4:15p Legion of Mary 7:30p Stations of the Cross 4:30p Jnr Legion of Mary 4:00p Junior Legion of Mary 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 20 08:00 Mass 08:30 Rosary 7:00p SVDP Meeting 08:00 Mass 08:30 Rosary 19 4:00p Junior Legion of Mary 08:00 Mass 08:30 Rosary 09:15 Opening School Mass 10:00 Life Ascending Australia 09:30 Rosary Group Meeting - FBC 7:00p SVDP Meeting 6 Collection of FHC Rego Forms First Friday 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 4:00p Junior Legion of Mary 7:00p Holy Hour Mass Companions, Martyrs Saints Paul Miki and his Friday 09:00 Mass 09:30 Rosary 25 7:00p Mass - Ash Wednesday 09:15 Mass 09:30 Rosary 10:00 Mass SAC (Holy Family) Juniors 12:00p Mass SAC (Church) Seniors Ash Wednesday 7:30p Baptism Preparation 7:00p Novena & Mass 09:30 Rosary 09:00 Mass Our Lady of Lourdes 11 4 Thursday Collection of FHC Rego Forms 08:00 Mass 08:30 Rosary 3 Wednesday Collection of FHC Rego Forms Counters: Group 5 Outlook - Due Out 09:30 Sunday School 10:30 Youth Mass 11:45 Baptism 2 Tuesday Saint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr Monday 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time The Presentation of the Lord 1-Feb Sunday
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