PAGE 2 SACRED HEART CHURCH FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PARISH MEMBERSHIP We hope that all new residents of the Merricks and surrounding communities will feel at home at Sacred Heart and will tell us of their presence by registering at the Parish Center. By completing the registration form, we will be better able to serve you when you need letters to be a sponsor for Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage, along with other situations requiring character references. Your use of the parish envelopes in making contributions will enable us to provide you with verification for your tax purposes. Please, come into the Parish Center for a Registration form and let us give you a warm welcome to our faith community. ADULT CHRISTIAN INITIATION If you are interested in exploring the Catholic faith or completing your initiation into the Church through the reception of the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, please call the Parish Center. INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION Sacred Heart celebrates the sacrament of Baptism on the first and third Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM. Please call the Parish Center (X 20) at least three months before the intended date of Baptism, to begin the Preparation Process. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please contact the Parish Center at least a year in advance of the intended date of the wedding. A priest of the parish will interview you, set the wedding date and help you register for the required marriage preparation program (Pre-Cana). SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATON A priest is available to welcome you to Confession each Saturday at 4:00 P.M. in the church. Please never hesitate to call a priest at the Parish Center for an appointment for Confession at another time. SACRAMENTS FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or a family member are not able to attend Mass due to temporary or chronic illness, and would like to receive the Sacraments of Communion, Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick, please call to arrange for reception at home. Arrangements may also be made for a friendly phone call from our Social Ministry Volunteers. Please let us know of a parishioner in a local hospital or medical facility who would like a visit from our pastoral staff. Please call Sister Lynn, C.S.J. 516-379-1356 ext. 19 for more information. CHILD PROTECTION PROGRAM All adults volunteering as liturgical ministers and in other ministries, events and programs connected with children are required to have a Background Check which is done at Sacred Heart, and attend a three hour Virtus Training Program either at Sacred Heart or another diocesan site. To attend a session you must register on line at, go to the tab: PROTECTING CHILDREN and click on the link for VIRTUS TRAINING CALENDAR. MEN OF SACRED HEART PARISH Bishop Molloy Retreat House A Passionist Spiritual Center in Jamaica Estates Welcomes the men of Sacred Heart Parish to Participate in a retreat on the weekend of February 27 - March 1 The retreat opens with dinner at 7:00 PM on Friday and concludes with Mass at 11:00 AM on Sunday For further information, please call Bishop Molloy Retreat House @ 718-739-1229 or call Skip Luberto @ 516-250-4343 Come and rest awhile. We guarantee this will be a weekend you will never forget! FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SACRED HEART CHURCH PAGE 3 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK… Dear Parishioners, It’s Super Bowl weekend and that means many people - even those who don’t follow football will take some time to watch this annual football championship game. It also means that lots of food will be enjoyed, office pools will bring delight to a few and commercials will be looked forward to and talked about. As disciples of Jesus, let us also remember that it was fisherman whom He first called (last week’s Gospel). When we follow the Lord we will find ourselves sometimes flying “high as a SEAHAWK” and sometimes as deflated, as a PATRIOT’S football. Let us not get too caught up in the commercialism of the times which can distract us from our primary GOAL, serving the Lord of love. Many of us remember the days when fasting before receiving Holy Communion was from midnight...the days when large numbers of us held back from receiving because we needed to go to Confession...and when going to Mass was an important and regular part of each and every weekend. Why? Because we realized that Christ really becomes present to us through the Mass. We believe that when we receive Holy Communion we are truly welcoming Jesus into our lives as we partake of His Sacred Body and Blood. The most amazing aspects of this great gift are that we can become what we receive and we can invite others to share in the benefits of living a Eucharistic life. As we look forward to many of our younger parishioners receiving Jesus for the first time later in the spring, let us all take some time to offer gratitude to God for making it possible for us to enter into the sacrifice of Jesus as we gather around the table of the Lord each and every weekend to celebrate the Mass and receive Holy Communion. You know, referring to the memories stated above, nothing has changed...except us! Fr. Joe N. Weekly attendance: Envelopes Used: Collection: Fiscal Year To Date: Last Weekend 1564 594 $15,778.41 $321,467.10 FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Monday Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY 1, 2015 1 1/2% of the tithe will go to Luke 2:22-40 Tuesday Hebrews 12:1-4; Mark 5:21-43 Wednesday Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15; Mark 6:1-6 Thursday Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24; Mark 6:7-13 Friday Hebrews 13:1-8; Mark 6:14-29 Saturday Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21; Mark 6:30-34 \ FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday Job 7:1-4, 6-7, 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39 SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH The Sisters of St. Joseph have served the Diocese of Rockville Centre and Sacred Heart Parish since their inception. They are a religious community of women known to all of us with a great sense of warmth, and affection for all they have done for us. We are graced to have nine of them in our convent. Because of all they have given to us, we have placed them on our tithing list to assist them with the challenges they face in providing care for their elderly sisters. PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SACRED HEART CHURCH ♥ A PRAYER FOR OUR PARISH ♥ My parish is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. Something New in our Parish! st Prayer for the Bereaved 1 Tuesday of every month 7:30 PM in the Church Sister Lynn will lead prayer for our loved ones who have passed. This is not the same as the evening prayer which will continue to be offered 4 times a year. All are welcome Tuesday, February 3, 2015 7:30 PM in the Church for our first Prayer for the Bereaved Come pray for and with others who grieve. ♥ ♥ ♥ Sun., Feb. 15 ~ Family Social - Please join us for the family social after the 10:00AM Mass, in the school cafeteria. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. If you would like to bake for the family social, contact Lisa Johnson 546-9622, or via email at [email protected]. It will be friendly, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. I will do great work, if I volunteer. It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them. It will be a parish of faith , hope and love; a parish filled with the Spirit, if I am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be. Amen. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ GIFTS OF BREAD AND WINE Anniversary Birthday Thanksgiving Remembering a deceased loved one Please stop by the Parish Center to arrange to have the Altar Bread and Wine donated to someone you love. ♥ ♥ ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Father D’Angelo will be starting to conduct training sessions for new altar servers beginning in February. Boys and girls in the fifth grade or above are eligible and invited to attend the first training session on Saturday February 7th from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM in the Church. Training classes will continue every Saturday at the same time through February and March. Prospective servers must be willing to commit to the 8 week training program. Please contact Fr. D’Angelo to “pre-register” for the training, at: [email protected] or call 379-1356 X24 if you have any questions. SACRED HEART CHURCH FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PAGE 5 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, February 2 - The Presentation of the Lord 9 AM Carmel Paola Tuesday, February 3 9 AM Kevin McNamara Wednesday, February 4 9 AM Helen and Thomas Carroll Thursday, February 5 9 AM Joseph (Living) and Natalie Nixon Friday, February 6 9 AM Purgatorial Society Saturday, February 7 5 PM Jean Dolce Josephine Doria Sunday, February, 8 8 AM Alfred Sowinski 10 AM Parishioners of Sacred Heart Noon Barbara McNamara 5 PM Wilma Amedeo Leo and Florence Crawford Edward and Gary Eighmey It is the policy of this Church and the intention of each priest that the Masses celebrated will be for the intentions listed in the Parish Mass Book. SACRED HEART MEMORIAL SOCIETY For an offering of $50, a deceased loved one can be enrolled in the society and will share in the spiritual benefits of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be offered each First Friday for one year. Appropriate Memorial Cards are available. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Let us remember all our parishioners who have been called home to our Loving God. May they rest in peace and may their families, relatives, and friends be consoled by our prayerful concern. Donna M. Donofrio Agnes Nonemacher GIFTS OF BREAD AND WINE Remember a special loved one with the gift of Bread and Wine. The remembrance can be for an anniversary, a birthday, in thanksgiving or to remember our deceased loved ones. Please stop by the Parish Center to arrange to have the Altar Bread and Wine donated to someone you love. Charles Brienza Ben Cammarata Lillian Caraccio Baby William M. Carrara Anthonino Chiofalo Jane Daniels Dustin D’Andrea Robert DeMars Kevin Duffy Augustine Farfone Ann Fisher John Fitzpatrick, Sr. James Forte Sr. Marie Vianney Gallagher Michael Gallo Dolores Gosselin Stacey Grimm Mark Hannafin Gerald Henry John Hursala Donald Johnson, Sr. Doris Johnston James Harry Kaiser Gail Kimitis Pat Kok Lorraine Kolstein Maryellen Lamaitis Priscilla Landro Cecelia Lerro Diane Mac Laren Patricia Massey Fred Matalevich Chris Matejov John McInerney Edward McKenna Kathleen McKenna Herbert Mennel Harriet Meyer Frank Mills William Mohr Daria Mongelli Lillian Mortara Jack Palamaro Peter Palamaro, Jr. Debbie Ryan John Rynn Alex Salvaggio Joel Scaduto Santina Sztabnik Angelo Tilocca Richard Webster 2014 Names are placed in this weekly bulletin for a four week period, unless we are notified by a family member to continue having your loved one remembered in prayer. Otherwise, due to lack of space, the name will be removed. Thank You BRINGING FORWARD THE OFFERINGS OF BREAD AND WINE If the announced intention at the Mass is for your intention, or if you have memorialized the Bread and Wine, and you would like to carry those offerings forward at the Presentation of the Gifts during Mass, please be sure to let the ushers know this before the Mass begins. They will be happy to have you do this. If no one steps forward to specifically request this, then they will select people from the assembly. SACRED HEART CHURCH PAGE 6 THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART Tue., Feb. 3 ~ Prayer for The Bereaved - 7:30 PM in the Church. All are welcome. Come pray for and with others who grieve. SAVE THE DATE Sun., Feb. 15 ~ Family Social Please join us for coffee, tea and sweets after the 10:00 AM Mass. Sun., Mar. 15 ~ Family Social Please join us for coffee, tea and sweets after the 10:00 AM Mass. Sun., Apr. 19 ~ Family Social Please join us for coffee, tea and sweets after the 10:00 AM Mass. FRANCES BLAKE 300 CLUB JANUARY 2015 WINNERS $300 Winner Peter Fountain #110 $100 Winner Eileen Sweningson #170 $75 Winner Sue & John LaBarbera #093 $50 Winner Frances Caruso #036 $25 Winners Sr. Marilyn Kennedy/Sr. Carmelina Lally Angelina Bornschein Margaret Cotty Patricia Guckert #171 #155 #054 #125 $15 Winners Dora Accurso Karen Kent Alongi James Gavigan Susan Cahlstadt Fred Piscop #019 #084 #165 #224 #017 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PARISHIONERS IN ARMED FORCES Several years ago, we inscribed the names of loved ones - parishioners and nonparishioners in a book placed before Our Lady of Fatima. We continue to collect the names of PARISHIONERS who are actively serving the Armed Forces. Please send their name, rank and branch of service in writing to the Parish Center c/o Father Joe Nixon. Sacred Heart Parish salutes and commends to prayer: Sgt. Richard DeTommaso, U.S. Army, Korea PFC Kendrick McCann, U.S. Army, Korea Sgt. First Class Lee Ann Gouveia, U.S. Army L CPL Anthony Rusciano, U.S.M.C. L CPL Troy Grassi, U.S.M.C., Iraq SSgt. Edgar C. Francisco, U.S.M.C. Col. James K. Lavine, U.S.M.C. Lt. Col. Timothy W. Schnelle, U.S.M.C. Sgt. James Moore, U.S. Army Pvt. Andrew Reynolds, U.S. Army OS2 Anthony J. Magri, U.S. Navy PO Third Class Wesley Paladino, U.S. Navy L CPL Elyse Franzitta, U.S.M.C. L CPL Robert A. M. Bernhardt, U.S.M.C. L CPL Kevin P. Vaughan, U.S.M.C. Capt. Christopher Darconte, U.S. Air Force L CPL Brandon Furia, U.S.M.C. PFC Matthew Macario, U.S. Army, Afghanistan Prayer For Safety of Our Service Men & Women Almighty and Eternal God, protect these men and women as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety to all who love them. May they ever praise you for your loving care. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Tune into “Religion & Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun, on Sundays from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 PM on Sirius Radio, Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11:00 PM on XM Satellite, Channel 117. Next Sunday’s theme is Relationships. Don’t miss it! To listen online or receive more information regarding Religion and Rock go to, or at “Religion & Rock” on ITUNES. Don’t forget to tune into TELECARE, Cablevision 29, or Verizon FIOS 296, or visit for the Best Catholic Television! To receive this announcement electronically, please email [email protected] - (516) 538-8704.
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