Puniab State Transmission Gorporation Ltd. (Short term e-tender notice) OFFICE OF DY. CHIEF Engineer / Civil, Civil Works Circle, Kothi No. C- 3, Shakti Sadan PSTCL, Jalandhar" E-TENDER NOTICE FOR Repair of Existing Fire hydrant system and installation of new Fire alarm system at Four Storey building Shakti Sadan The Mall. Patiala. E-TENDER ENQUIRY No. cwJC/T- 32t2013-14 LAST DATE AND TIME FOR 1. Last date & time of downloading of E-Tender document 2. Last date & time of uploading 11.$.2A14 up to 11.00 AM 14.03.2014 up to 11.00 AM of E-Tender along with qualifi cation documents 3 Date & time of Opening of Technical bids & Tender specification cost & earnest money DD Date & time of Opening of price bids. Cost of E-Tender Specifications 4 14.03.2014 at 11.30 AM 14.03.2014 at 12.30 PM Rs. 1000/- For participating in bidding process, bidders shall have to get themselves registered with M/s (n) Code Solutions to get user lD & Password Class-lllb. Digital Signature is mandatory to par,ticipate in e-tendering process which the prospective bidders can obtain from any authorized agency. For detail scope of work and other terms and conditions may be down loaded from PSTCL's web site (wWW.pstcl.nprocure.com ) W*,, Dy. chief Circle, PSTCL, Jalandhar. CA/V $m.s dH 3, Fil* Rm,rirq.grg 6;gfi+r6 -=,f+" fu+bs,aoiq.ilr v v .,,,r)r rcr1,q5 HctrgT XgS dt )Jr-& tffi_H-_* HHBdTT i:iq1r=t fr,t * hr3 F€i =.*td uiu,uu ntrerr uaF_eE s\Ail1sff:umiaz t. et- ::B elr:€H g B,-ed &s a-o-s et r1,q6 Flri z. n* r+ ffi" n.03.2014, rr.oo e-i H-+d *d E- >s-d E-!-r U1-eu'utffias gg3r}g ?i t?fl#J *s-s fr ffi hr] Hlr :. **at*o ffi +58 EH'n'iE fa-s-fr h€ nrlmffisa et dlg eT ffi- H.03.2014. i1.30 en H_+e )?{3 nn+wfl/ TtrH Er dHJs. flrf,- ,r --.rffi.::ffffiHT H"03.2014, 12.30 Et guFo-d EE mav be down loaded rrom psrcl,s web site w 9u U-t{ b#a}rou fueo rE?s gil*F- T5ff, auq_d r ) 1. Terms & conditions The tender must be signed by the tenderer or by authorized representative in case of an individual, or by all members in case of a firm, or a person holding power of attorney authorizing him to do so on behalf of the firm. The Tenderer must route fris pnN NumberA/ai no. / EPF no./ Service Tax" 2. Tenderer must have executed 3 minimum similar kind of works totallre same amount, or any other and submit NOC from State fire authority. 3. The tenderers shoutd enclose along with their request for issue of tender documents Bank draft f9r Rs-. 10oo/- ( Rs.o19 Thousandifor Tender e nqurry no CWJC/T- 3zt2o13-14 in favour of Sr. Xen Civil Works Division, PSTCL, Mohali Payable at Mohali towards cost of each tender documents/ specification (non refundable) 4. Maintenance of whole system of fire hydrant & fire alarm system shall be in the scope of tenderer for a period of three years from date of complete of works, free of cost. 5. Firm should not be blacklisted from any department & an Affidavit should be submitted. 6. Executed work could be checkedany time by Xen concerned/work. 7. Enlistment in State post/ pWD department. 8' Tender of such bidders who do not purchase the set of NIT specifications, shall not be opened. 9' All tenders must be accompanigd by earnest money at tlie rates and in the form prescribed in the tender document except in the case of those tenderers who have ipecially'exempteJ there under. 10. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. Tend'erer will have to comply with ailthe rules and regulations under factory act, lndustrial disputes act, E.P.F Act., Labour Laws and Bonus AciS Retrenchment comiensation etc. 11. The tender shall be issued to those tenderers who have vat No.& EpF No. 12. Tender received telegraphically through telex or Far/e-mail shall not be accepted. 1'7 The competent authority reserves the rights any reasons. to reject any or all tenders without assigning 14' ln case the date of opening of tenders happens to be a holiday the tender will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time. Tender documents shall be issued to only those tenderers who prime facia meets aforesaid qualifying requirement. However, issue of tender documents shall not automatically construe quititl[ation of the tenderer for the award of the work which shall again be determined during 'bid evaluation 15. Completion period shall be 90 days for this tender enquiry. J>Dy. Chiel{ngineer/ CWC, PSTCL, Jalandhar -:l OFFICE TenderSpecification lssuing Authority Address Short Description Tender Publication Dy" Chief Engineer Civil\iVorks Circle, Jalandhar. No. cwJC/ET- 32t2013-14 Dy. CE /CivilWorks Circle, Jalandhar. Kothi No. C- 3, Shakti Sadan PSTCL, Jalandhar. Repair of Existing Fire hydrantsystem and installation of new Fire alarm system at Four Storey building Shakti Sadan The Mall, Patiala. Indian Express CHD (English) The Tribune (English) Ajit (Punjabi) As per Terms And Cond. Eligibility Cr.iteria Last date & time of downloading of E11.03.2014 up to 1 1.00 AM Tender document Last date & time of uploading of e-tenOer 14.A3.2014 up to 1 1.00 AM along with qualification documents Date & time of Opening of Technicat Uids, 14.A3.2014 at 1 1 .30 AM Tender speciflcation cost & earnest money deposited. Date & time of Opening of price bkls .14.03.2014 at 12.30 pM Tender Document Cost Rs. 10001 Hayment Mode for Tender specification Demand Draft ln favour of Sr. Xen CivilWorks Division, PSTCL, Mohali or BA-16 EMD Demand Draft in favour of Sr. Xen CivilWorks Division, PSTCL, Mohali. e-Tender Opening place Flat No.-10, Officers flats, Shakti Vihar, PSTCL, Patiala. Contact Phone No/0181-2232243 URL for Additional information: (www. pstcl.nprocu re.com) U)- Dy" Chief En$iriee/ CA// Circle, PSTCL, Jalandhar"
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