REGISTERED TenderEnquiry114-15-S/ G-3 V No.-l.T.B.P/ RTCKIMIN/ O.M/Limited lndoTibetanBorderPoliceForce MHA/Government of India APO c/o 99 Dated:-/ o /oq/7, LIMITED TENDERENOUIRY DIG, RTC KIMIN ITBP, P.O- Kimin, Distt.- Papumpare(AP) Pin- 791121 for and on behalf of the Presidentof India invites sealedtender on the prescribedform for the Supply of following under mentionedstore up to 07-10-2014/1300hrs: S.N. Description of Store Qtv larnest lequired list & Digital Detail Media of items Specification Podium with attached with Tender Monitor Interactive Monel Cost of Tender set Tender Opening Date (Non Refundable) & Time Rs-5000/- Rs.100/- 07.10.14 I 700 llrs Form SPECIFICATION AND OTHER DETAIL AS PER TENDER SCFIEDULE L F.O.R. Destination:-Storeto be deliveredto consigneeat RTC Kimin, ITBP firm's own risk and free of cost . 2. The Comnlete Tender enquirv will also be available on ITBP Web site ( and central Dublic procurement portal can be downloaded bv the interestedfirms. The detail particularsand tender form can be obtainedfrom the office of the DIG RTC Kimin ITBPF by placing a demandletter mentioningthe nameof storew.e.f 1l-09-2014 to 04-10-2014on any working day between1000 hrs to 1300 hrs on cash payment mentioned above (non-refundable).The cost of downloaded tender document (Rs. 100/-) has to be depositedin the form of a separateBD drawn in favor of DIG RTCKlMlN, ITBPDISTTpApUMPARE (ARUNACHAL Pin- 79LL27lpayable at SBI Lakhimpur (Assam) along with the tender PRADESH) documents. Tender documents duly comptetedin all respectto be submitted in the tender box of RTC Kimin 3. kept at the S.M. Office before 1300 hrs on 07-10-2014 or sentto Dy. InspectorGeneralI.T.B. Police RTC Kimin by Post. Tender forms receivedafter specifiedtime & date will not be accepted. DIG, R.T.C., Kimin is not responsiblefor postal delay. 4 The Rateswill be valid for a period for six months from the dateof acceptance. 5 . Tenderersmust go throughtheTermsandConditions Mentionedin Tenderdocuments 6 In case of any difficulty being faced while completing the above proceduresthe following offtcers can be contactedat the given telephonenumber and id mails. 7 The Firms or their representativedesirousof being presentduring the time of the OPENING OF TENDER should come and get their "Gate Pass"timely made from the SM offtce, to avoid any hasslein getting entry into the unit. No. Telephone A) DIG ( RTC Kimin) B) OfficeIn-charge 0360-22ss350L.L.(O) - Fax 0360-2255345 Note: For moredetailsvisit ITBP s{ try.
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