Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church La Iglesia Católica del Santísimo Sacramento PARISH STAFF Fr. Jack Vu, Pastor [email protected] Dc. Ramon Ramirez [email protected] School Principal [email protected] Sr. Elaine Willett, O.S.B. Hispanic Ministry [email protected] Sr. Mary Clare Bezner, O.S.B., Asst. Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries [email protected] Brandon Weisenfels, Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries [email protected] Scott Rennels, R.C.I.A. [email protected] Christopher J. Orr, Adult Choir Director [email protected] John Street, Business Manager [email protected] Nancy M. DePriest, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Parish Council President Carol Ward [email protected] Finance Council Chair Mary Merrill Tucker [email protected] OUR PARISH GIFT SHOP HAS Bibles, Rosaries, Statues and other religious articles The Gift Shop is in the Ministry Building. Stop by after any weekend Mass or call 972-1986. PARISH INFORMATION Physical address: 614 South Church Street Mailing address: P. O. Box 1735 Jonesboro, AR 72403 Website address: Email address: [email protected] Tel: 870-932-2529 Fax: 870-935-4444 Office hours: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Children & Youth Ministries Pre-K — 12th Grades Tel: 870-932-2529 CYM website: Blessed Sacrament School Pre-K — 6th Grades 1105 East Highland Tel: 870-932-3684 Fax: 870-932-3613 Motherhood & St. Vincent de Paul Ministries Tel: 870-336-0392 Knights of Columbus Council 1702 1103 East Highland Robert Jones, Grand Knight 870-931-1134 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES In the event of a medical emergency and a priest is needed for anointing or if someone has died, please call the parish office at 932-2529. When the office is closed weekday evenings and weekends, please call 870-761-2114. EMERGENCIAS MEDICAS En caso de una emergencia médica y se necesita un sacerdote para los últimos ritos o si alguien ha fallecido, por favor llamen a la oficina de la iglesia parroquial 932-2529. Cuando la oficina está cerrada en las noches o fines de semana, por favor llame al 870-926-4205. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS Do This in Remembrance of Me Hagan esto en conmemoración de mía Monday/Lunes January/Enero 12 5 p.m. Rosary, Church 5:30 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Meeting., Ministry Bldg. January/Enero 14 Toni Davidson by Mary & Tommy Tucker Tuesday/Martes January/Enero 13 St. Hilary 9 a.m. St. Vincent de Paul Outreach, Ministry Building Thursday/Jueves 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. January/Enero 15 Joseph Tuan Nguyen by Khoa Van Nguyen Mary Ritter by Betty Wellman Friday/ Viernes 7:00 a.m. January/Enero 16 Wayne Abell Saturday/Sábado 5:30 p.m. January/Enero 17 Stephen Stepka by Darrah & Robert Rees Sunday/Domingo 8:00 a.m. January/Enero 18 Bill DePriest by DePriest Family Dr. Thomas Joseph by Thomas Family Mass for Parishioners 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Confessions are Saturdays at 4:00 p.m., or by appointment. READINGS FOR THE WEEK January 11—18, 2015 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 Acts 10:34-38 Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6 Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12 Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18 Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14 Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11 Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16 Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: Este es Mi Hijo Amado January/Enero 12 Betty Phillips by Carolyn & Paul Black Monday/Lunes 7:00 a.m. Wednesday/Miércoles 5:30 p.m. January/Enero 11, 2015 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Jn 1:35-42 Wednesday/Miércoles January/Enero 14 9:30 a.m. Motherhood Ministry, Ministry Building 6 p.m. Sacramental Preparation, Ministry Building 6 p.m. Senior High C.Y.M., Parish Hall 6:30 p.m. Baptism Class, Parish Office Building 7:30 p.m. Confirmation -Year 2, Ministry Building Thursday/Jueves January/Enero 15 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 7:30 A.M.—10:00 P.M. 7 p.m. Rite of Christian Initiation/Adults, Parish Hall Saturday/Sábado January/Enero 17 St. Anthony Annual Mass & 37th March for Life, Little Rock Sunday/Domingo January/Enero 18 No Children’s Ministry or EDGE 5 p.m. Estudio Biblico/Adultos, Parish Office Bldg. PRAYING & MARCHING FOR LIFE Youth and sponsors from our parish will be attending the Diocesan sponsored Weekend Extravaganza January 17th & 18th. On Sunday, they will attend the MASS FOR LIFE and participate in the 37th ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE. Please keep them in your prayers. The Adult Choir rehearses each Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in the Church Choir Loft. All voices are welcome! Please visit with Christopher Orr, choir director, after the Saturday 5:30 p.m. or the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass or call Chris (870) 834-4493. Join us in singing joyfully to the Lord! MASS & MARCH FOR LIFE JANUARY 18, 2015 MISA Y MARCHA POR LA VIDA 18 DE ENERO, 2015 La oficina de El Respeto por La Vida patrocinará la The Respect Life Office will sponsor the annual Misa anual por La Vida el domingo 19 de enero en la Mass for Life Sunday, January 18th, at the Robinson Sala del Centro de Exibición del Centro Robinson Center Exhibition Hall (Markham & Broadway Sts.). (Markham y Broadway). Prayer Vigil & Exposition of the Oración de Vigilia & Exposición del Blessed Sacrament Mass Santísimo Sacramento 6:30 p.m. Saturday, January 17th 6:30 p.m. sábado 17 de enero hasta for Life until 8:00 a.m. Sunday, January 18th 8:00 a.m. domingo, 18 de enero Jan. 18 Adoration & Rosary for Life—11 a.m. 12 p.m. Adoración & Rosario por la Vida - 11 a.m. Mass for Life—12:00 p.m. noon Misa por la Vida - 12:00 p.m. mediodía March The 37th Annual March for Life, La Marcha Anual por La vida del Derecho sponsored by Arkansas Right to Life a la Vida #37 es, también, el sábado 18 a las for Life begins at 2 p.m., Sunday, January 18th, 2 p.m. en las Calles Capitol y Battery en 2 p.m. at Capitol and Battery Streets in Little Rock. Little Rock. MEN’S BIBLE STUDY SYNOPTIC GOSPELS The next Men's Bible Study begins this Tuesday, January 13th, 6:45 a.m., at the Knights of Columbus Hall. A second group will meet this Wednesday, January14th, at 7:00 p.m. at the K C Hall. We will study the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, & Luke for the next 22 weeks. The cost of the study guide is only $12. Please prayerfully consider spending just one hour with the Lord each week, or as often as you can. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and get to know Jesus personally and all else will follow. This is a great opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship. For more information, contact: Jim McDonald, 530-6256, Bobby Puryear, 974-1254, Al Stoverink, 573-579-5948 or call the church office, 932-2529. PREPARATION CLASSES Prior to the Baptism of a child, parents and godparents are required to attend a Baptism Class. The next class, is this Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Office Building Conference Room. For more information and/or to register for the class, please contact the Parish Office, 932-2529. F.Y.I. Baptisms will be celebrated on the second Saturday of each month (except during Lent) following the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Kathleen Shepherd Martin sister of Janet Utley and Margaret Shepherd Arthur Ray husband of Inez Ray father of Tara Banks Summer Ungerank niece of Joyce and Tom Schmidt Mike Taylor brother of Brenda Bonds CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Thank you and God bless all who donated to the Christmas Flower Fund in memory or in honor of your loved ones. Your donations help make the church beautiful for Christmas and throughout the year. We especially thank everyone who assisted in decorating the church this year! Your help is greatly appreciated! God bless all of you, Teresa & Lawrence Schneider La vida esté en sus manos Life is in your hands “Millions of Americans consider abortion he taking of human life. Viewed in that light, abortion is an intrinsic evil. No euphemism, no perversion of language can change that essential truth.” Bishop Jaime Soto, president of the California Catholic Conference "Millones de Americanos consideran el aborto la toma de una vida humana. En este punto de vista, el aborto es un mal intrínsico. Ningún eufemismo, ni perversion del lenguaje puede cambiar esta verdad esencial" Obispo Jaime Soto, president de la Conferencia de Católicos de California May all families affected by abortion turn to the God of forgiveness and compassion, we pray. Que todas las familias afectadas por el aborto vuelvan hacia el Dios del perdón y compasión, oremos. Have you prayed the Rosary today? PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT If you have any questions concerning the following information, please call: John Street, 870-932-2529 or stop by the parish office. STEWARDSHIP Fiscal Monthly Year to Date Monthly Budget $ 53,958.34 $ 269,791.70 November 2014 $ 55,106.90 $ 287,653.01 Over/(Under) Budget ($ 1,148.56) ($ 17,861.31) Offertory November 2013: $ 59,478.19 Thank you! $ 293,661.75 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE Total Loan Amount $2,213,781.84 Monthly Required Payment $ Total Payments on Loan to Date $ 550,212.48 Interest Paid $ 229,098.13 Remaining Balance $1,876,493.77 16,182.72 Total Outstanding Pledges Pledges or building contributions received in November 2014 $ 4,083.00 Cash on hand in Building Fund November 30, 2014 $ 56,461.12 Investments Account $ 76,932.53 Total deficit $1,743,100.12 Prayer Line For prayer requests call Rosemary Seymour, 870932-3344 or the parish office, 870-932-2529. Ha rezado usted el Rosarío hoy? REPORTE DE LAS FINANZAS DE LA PARROQUIA Si tiene preguntas sobre la siguiente información, por favor llame a: John Street, 870-932-2529 o acuda a la oficina parroquial. ADMINISTRACION Fiscal Mensual Año hasta la Fecha Presupuesto Mensual $ 53,958.34 $ 269,791.70 Noviembre 2014 $ 55,106.90 $ 287,653.01 Mas/(Menos) del Presupuesto ($ 1,148.56) ($ 17,861.31) Oferta de Noviembre 2013: $ 59,478.19 $ 293,661.75 ¡Gracias! CAMPAÑA DE CAPITAL HASTA HOY Cantidad Total de Préstamo $2,213,781.84 Pago Mensual Requeride $ 16,182.72 Total de Pagos hasta Hoy $ 550,212.48 Intereses Pagados Balance Restante Total de Promesas Pendientes $ 229,098.13 $1,876,493.77 Contribuciones de promesas o construcción recibidas en Noviembre 2014 $ 4,083.00 Dinero Contante en construcción en 30 de Noviembre, 2014 $ Las Inversiones Cuenta Déficit Total $ 76,932.53 $ 1,743,100.12 56,461.12 Linea de Oración en español Favor de comunícarse con Carlos Iván Guzman al: 870-275-3808. Blessed Sacrament Children & Youth Ministries 2014-2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Ministry Program Sundays 5:00 - 6:50 p.m. Church Children, 4 years old through 5th grade, and Catechists meet in the church at 5:00 p.m. Santísimo Sacramento Los Ministerios de los Niños y de la Juventud 2014-2015 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Programa del Ministerio de los Niños Domingos 5:00 - 6:50 p.m. Iglesia Niños de 4 años de edad hasta el quinto grado, y las Catequistas se reunirán en la iglesia a las 5:00p.m. January 11th — Class January 18th — No Class 11º de Enero — Class 18º de Enero — No Clase ——————————————————————————————————————————————————– —————————————————————————————————————————————————— The EDGE The EDGE Sundays 5:00—7:00 p.m. Parish Hall Youth, 6th through 8th grade, and Core Team Domingos 5:00—7:00 p.m. en el Salón Parroquial Los jóvenes, del sexto al octavo grado, y el Core Team January 11th — EDGE January 18th — No Class 11º de Enero — EDGE 18º de Enero — No Clase —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- —————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senior High CYM CYM del Senior High Wednesdays 6:00—7:30 p.m. Youth, 9th - 12th grades meet in the Parish Hall Miércoles 6:00—7:30 p.m. Juventud, 9 º - 12 º grado se rúnen en el Salón Parroquial January 14th — Lifenight January 17th & 18th — Weekend Extravaganza 14º de Enero — Noche de Vida 17º y 18º de Enero — Fin de Semana Extravaganza —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- ————————————————————————————————————————————–————– Confirmation Year 2 Confirmación Año 2 Wednesdays 7:30—8:30 p.m. Candidates meet in the Ministry Building (after Sr. C.Y.M..) Miércoles 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Los candidatos se reunen en el Edificio de Ministerios (después de C.Y.M.) January 14th — Supper Time January 17th & 18th — Weekend Extravaganza January 21st — Liturgy & Lectionary 14º de Enero — Hora de Cena 17º y 18º de Enero — Fin de Semana Extravaganza 21º de Enero — Liturgia & Leccionario _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ FIRST COMMUNION & RECONCILIATION PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y RECONCILIACIÓN Wednesdays 6:00—7:30 p.m. Candidates meet in the Ministry Building Miércoles 6:00—7:30 p.m. Los candidatos se reúnen en el Edificio de Ministerios January 14th, 21st & 28th— Class 14º, 21º y 28º de Enero — Class ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For more information about the children & youth ministry programs, please contact Brandon Weisenfels, 870-919-8956 or 870-932-2529 or [email protected] or Para obtener más información acerca de los programas para los niños y la juventud por favor póngase en contacto con la Hermana María Clara, 870-926-4201 o 870-932-2529 o [email protected] o Pray for our Children! ¡Oremos por nuestro hijo! THANK YOU! ¡GRACIAS! Please show your appreciation for our Advertisers by patronizing their businesses. Por favor patrocinen estos negocios-estos anuncios pagan el costo de nuestro boletín semana. POST-ABORTION SUPPORT GROUP Do you feel alone, hurting or unforgiven from a past abortion? The Respect Life Office, through Project Rachel, is starting a support group, beginning the third week in February. The spiritual journey lasts 11 weeks, with small groups of 6-8. Groups will be formed in Little Rock, Rogers/Springdale and Hot Springs areas. All names and meeting places are strictly confidential. For details call 501-664-0340, ext. 357. All inquiries must be made by February 16, 2015. LUNCHEON All women are invited to a luncheon sponsored by “Mary Ark of the Covenant” Arkansas Chapter of Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women. It will be held at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Cherokee Village, AR, February 14, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tickets are still only $10 and include a catered lunch, a time of worship and the featured speaker, Dian e Bausom. Diane is Assistant Coordinator of the Central Arkansas Chapter of Magnificat. She is a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Conway and has been active in several ministries there. She is currently enrolled in the newly formed Ignatian Spiritual Direction program for our diocese. Diane has a heart to minister to broken women. She has a deep personal awareness of mercy and forgiveness. Her message is of God’s amazing grace, love, mercy and compassion and the fruits that come from these gifts. You will be amazed and touched by her testimony. Come to hear how the Holy Spirit has worked in her life and in her ministries! Bring a friend to enjoy the fellowship, worship and a blessed message. Tickets will go on sale January 31, 2015. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information or to order tickets contact Sharon Vander Zyl at 870-847-3095. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL WEEKLY REPORT Tuesday, January 6, 2015 Utility assistance for 17 families Rental assistance for 1 families Priority is given to members of our parish family. “The Church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of acting, of living! It is possible to live differently in this world … It is this witness I expect from you!” ~ Pope Francis "La Iglesia debe ser atractiva. ¡Despertar al mundo! ¡Ser testigo de una manera diferente de actuar, de vivir! Es posible vivir diferentemente en este mundo do ...¡Es este testimonio que yo espero de ustedes!" ~El Papa Francisco WORTHWHILE RESOLUTION Is your New Year's Resolution to serve Christ. We hope you will consider serving Him through serving others in our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry. Come and meet with us and learn how you can make a resolution that truly matters. Our first meeting of 2015 is Monday, January 12th, at 5:30 p.m., in the Ministry Building. We meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month and serve throughout the week. COME AND BE A PART OF BEING THE FACE OF CHRIST TO THOSE IN NEED. MARRIED COUPLES: HOW TO ASK YOUR SPOUSE TO ATTEND A WWME WEEKEND? “Dear, you know what I want for (choose one or all) my birthday/our anniversary/Valentines? I would like to attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend with you Valentine Weekend! For more info or to register, please visit our website or call Steve & Elaine Lienhart at 501-312-1119 or email [email protected]. Space IS limited—so don’t delay!! LA SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAUL INFORME SEMANAL Martes, 6 de Enero de 2015 Asistencia en pagos de gas, agua, electricidad para 17 familias Asistencia en pagos de alquiler para 1 familias Se le da prioridad a los miembros de nuestra familia. parroquial. Ministry Schedule for January 17th & 18th Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Haley Thomas Jon DePriest Jennifer Benson Eucharistic Ministers: David Coe John A. Street Brianne Trevathan Rusty Trevathan Jeremy Wayman Fred Buhrmester Joan Murray Jeff Puryear Debbie Tate K. C. Brown Ashley Hofmann Robert Monteforte Tara Banks Brownie Brown Kevin Dunham Charlotte Hemphill Angela Black Louis Schaaf Dorothy Smith Rose Eastin Ushers: Jim Horman Donald Schmidt Tyson Teel Frank Springle Robert Jones Noah Harrison Roger DeRoeck James Murray Altar Servers: Mary Alice Gabe Jack Gabe Mac Beaverstock Brayden Jones Lector: Alan Chetister Jorge Vazquez Pablo Tenorio Mark McCord Izzy Jones Tess Jones Kate Jones Dryden Bartels Reed Allen Ronnie Tindel Spencer Douglas Carter Long Horario de Ministerio para el 18 de enero Domingo 12:00 pm Lectores: Luisa Aquino Ministros/Eucharistía: Jesus Flores Manuel De Los Santos Nickolas Guerrero At baptism, the Spirit came upon you in the presence of the Christian community, claiming you in Jesus’ name, and God said, “You are my beloved son/daughter.” What do you say to God in return? How does it affect what you do in life? Pedro Ramirez Leonor Sanchez Guadalupe Guerrero Patricia Monter En tu bautismo el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre ti en presencia de la comunidad cristiana, te reclamó en nombre de Jesús y Dios dijo: “Tú eres mi hijo amado (hija amada)”. ¿Qué le respondes a Dios? ¿Como afectan esas palabras y tu respuesta lo que haces en la vida? Please pray for: All parishioners who are homebound, Rosmary Fernandez, Brad Edgar, Mickey Bridger, Dustin Clouse, Jane Stepka, Doug Lattier, Michael Bridger, Hettye Sue Bridger, Chris Rose, Vanita Catalina, Bill Morgan, Dora Dungan, Dr. Joseph Chan, Bob Garcia, Charles Bunch, Hank Pfriemer, Richard Schmidt, Joann Nahas, Marge Rothgery, Kevin McMasters, Agnes Tipton, George DeRoeck, Tony Brodell, Michelle Veteto, Shelby Ward, Lloyd McCuiston, Tim Veteto, Daniel Cole, Robert Leverett, Rita Vaught, Ginny Rothgery Norris, Elizabeth Randazza, Jean Rose, Margaret Bardsley, Delores Wilson, Susan Power, Robert Windle, Ann Garner, Angel Islas, Augustin Hernandez, Donita Nahas, Bruce Osowski, Mary Jane Peace, Sharon Aleman, Juliet Caparas, Theresa Mangrum, Demp Croft, Marina Ruiz, Felipe Rivera, Todd Carr, Odette Dawood, Kimberly Byrd Shepherd, Deb & Bill McCaughan, Jr., Margie Young, Jean McCallister, Shirley Simmons, Lindy Gschwend, Kathleen Trolinger, Ann Huss, Christian Bruce, Jackie Zipfel, Lois Martillo, Tammy House, Charles Hess, Marlene Battles, Dc. John Marschewski, Mary Sue Byrd, Jessica Nahas, Corey Davison, Ed Vickery, Rev. Billy Wilson, Tammy House, Carolyn Nolan, Nina Bittle, Sue Morrison, Charles Barnett, Grace Jones, Anna Zitzelberger, Scott Burrows, Dale & Ronnie McMasters, Margaret Bornhoft, Inez Ray, Kathy & Don Plessinger, Steve Schmidt When a name has been on this list for 3 months, please call the Prayer Line, 932-3344 or the Parish Office, 932-2529, and update the request. Housekeeping & Cleaning Services 870-275-3808 16 Yrs. Quality Experience Carlos & Vicky Guzman 870.802.2020 2917 Browns Lane Jonesboro Authentic Mexican Food Hand Made Fresh Daily For LUNCH AND DINNER (870) 268-9000 2718 S. Caraway Jonesboro 870.483.3937 Dr. Lee A. St. Pierre 1.877.560.2020 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Your ad YOUR CONNECTION TO COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE could be in this space! Blessed Sacrament Parishioner Blessed Sacrament Parishioners Groceries • Medicines • Fresh Produce • Boots Belts • Buckles • Clothes • 1st Communion Dresses Gifts • Phone Cards • Wire Transfer • Bread DVD’s • Music • Candies • Piñatas (870) 931-9677 BARTELS LAW FIRM Anthony W. Bartels Jr. Michael J. Sherman Parishioner Ericson Bacsa Elizabeth Martinez & Benito Martinez Jonesboro, Arkansas SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY 30 Years Experience Tienda Mexicana San Juan 322 West Monroe, Ste. E and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 305 West Main Street Trumann Home Medical Equipment Rehab Equipment & Supplies Motorized Wheelchairs/Scooters Diabetic Shoes & Supplies Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 972-5000 I am patronizing your business 316 S. Church St. • Jonesboro because of it! James Horman Sales & Rentals 2711 S. Caraway Rd., Ste B Jonesboro, Arkansas Preplanning Consultant (870) 933-1993 Lunes a Jueves 9:30am – 9:00pm Viernes a Domingo 9:00am – 9:30pm Please call today. It will be my pleasure to help you. 1900 W. Washington Ave. • Jonesboro 870-932-3531 • Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA SPRINGLE ELECTRIC Air Conditioning Heat & Wiring (870) 935-4398 “We Want Your Service Work” STONE’S PHARMACY PHONE: 870-935-5538 VISA PAID MEDICAID PCS UNIQUE GIFTS & CARDS Hours: Weekdays 8:30 AM - 6 PM Saturdays 9:00 AM - NOON CITY WIDE DELIVERY 417 E. MATTHEWS JONESBORO, AR 72401 JUST A STONE’S THROW FROM ST. BERNARD’S HOSPITAL 117200 Blessed Sacrament Church Blessed Sacrament Parishioners Troy Bartels, D.D.S. Tony Bartels, D.D.S. (870) 935-8000 (8870) 802-1500 811 Windover Road Jonesboro, Arkansas For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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