Knox News - Knox Presbyterian Church

Knox News
This week in the Knox Community
Sunday, February 1
10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church
Tuesday February 3
10:00 am Coffee Plus Bible Study
Wednesday, February 4
9am Knox Frocks
6:30 pm Wednesday Night Bible Study
Thursday, February 5
1:00 Knox Presbyterian Women
7:30 Choir Practice
Sunday, February 8
10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church
✗ Rev. Reg and Dale MacMillan’s daughter Naarah is
do well and should have been discharged from the
hospital on Tuesday Janurary 27. Prayers for
Naarah, her family and friends are very much
✗ Leola Bishop’s mother-in law Edith is now Case
Manor. Her mother, Vivian Dahmer, is doing well.
Thanks you for your prayers.
✗ Marguerite Adams-Miller, Muriel Flagler, Rosie
Ingram, Lloyd Moore and Mary Ingram at home.
Thinking of You… Velma Prudhomme, Specialty
Care Case Manor, Bobcaygeon
~~~~~~~~~~This Week~~~~~~~~~~~
These notices for Knox and the community are listed for
your information and attention. If you would like more
information, contact either a person listed with the event
notice, or one of the people on the bulletin back cover. You
can get more information about items with a double
underline on our web site,
Knox News Announcements: Please leave them in the mail
slot at the bottom of the stairs or send them to
[email protected] ‘Subject: Knox News’ to be
received no later than Thursday noon.
If you have a prayer request, please pass a note to
the pastor or to the duty elder.
Kathleen Morningstar’s brother Dan is now home
from the hospital but still has feeding tube in.
Ruth Ann Kimble’s sister Sheila passed away Jan 17
in Toronto. Anyone who wishes to Ruth Ann sympathy
card the address is 309 Mount Pleasant Rd. Apt 306,
Toronto, On., M4T 2C2.. Ruth Ann is a long time
member of Knox.
✗ Alec Remenda, KC Bowcott’s 13-year-old greatgrandson, continues to tolerate his chemo,
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For children, we offer a KIDS’ CHURCH program today:
“The Followers” (Grades K-6) Margaret Cosh is
teaching a curriculum on “The Life of Moses.”
“Ignite” (Grades 7-12) starts a series on the
journeys of the Apostle Paul.
Beginning January29 Barney Grace will be in the
church office on Thursdays, from 10am to 2pm for
any pastoral needs.
Deadline for Knox Talks February 8th , 2015.
Please submit to Marg Cosh. 705-738-3978
2014 Income Tax Receipt. Official Receipt are available
for pick-up in the Fellowship Hall. A. Ingram
All Committees and Groups of Knox are requested to
prepare their year-end reports for inclusion in the
2014 Annual Report Booklet. The reports should
include an outline of activities and achivements in
2014 and a financial summary. Al Ingram Treasurer
A Donation of $140.22 has been received from
Bobcaygeon Foodland for tapes collected in 2014.
Thanks to Debbi Risebrough for all her work. Food
Bank Tapes
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~~~~~~~~ Knox Coming Up ~~~~~~~~
Coffee Plus Bible Study: The Tuesday morning
ladies will be studying the Liz Curtis Higgs DVD
series “The Girl’s Still Got It.” This will be an
entertaining 8-week entertaining adventure into the
book of Ruth. Classes will start January 27 at 10 a.m.
No study books are necessary and everyone is
welcome. Call Karen Visser at 705-887-4405 or K.C.
Bowcott at 705 738 6335 for further information
Knox Presbyterian Women meeting is on Thursday,
Feb. 5th at 1:00 p.m. for tea and fellowship with the
meeting to follow. Special guest speakers are Cindy
Windover and Gertrude Rubman, authors of a very
interesting book on Gertrude's life. “In The
Company of Angels” Please don't miss this
opportunity to meet these exceptional ladies.
Audrey Coumbs is in charge of the meeting. If you
need a ride call 705-738-1082.
Dyson Alarm Tech System will service fire
suppression system in the kitchen. Friday February
6 at 10:00 am.
~~~~~~~~~~General ~~~~~~~~~~~
“To-Day” Devotional Booklets are now available in
the Church for February 2015.
REMMINDER: We have not been receiving sufficient
funds to cover the cost to purchase the from Back to
God Ministries. The cost is $2.00 per copy.
Being a greeter is a great way to meet people in the
congregation. You hand out bulletins at the Joseph
Street entrance and offer a friendly greeting to people
as they come to worship. You get to ring the bell
before the service, signalling now is the time to
worship, to praise our God. The new greeter sign up
list is in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Leah Anderson
for information.
Three books “In the Company of Angels” are missing.
Two belonging to our Church Library and one
belonging to me. Kindly return A.S.A.P. Audrey
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~~~~~~~Community Happenings~~~~~~~
Trinity United Church is hosting a Hospice “Moving
Through Grief” support group. Through reflection
and discussion, participants will begin the journey
of moving forward through their grief while
exploring ways to cope with life following the loss
of a loved one. The group meets Thursdays 10:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m. from January 22 to March 26 at
Trinity United Church, 42 William Street. To
register, call 705-324-7323 x504.
Check out posters on the bulletin board in the
Fellowship Hall announcing…
Famour Peoples Players Bus trip to see “Going
Bananas” – Wednesday March 4, 2015 sponsor by
Our Lady Queen Of Peace Church Cost $85.00
Please see buttetin board for more information
✗ A couple of upcoming Presbyterian Young
People’s Society events in Toronto.
✗ St. Paul’s Peterborough Bus Trip June 1-5, 2015, to
raise funds for their mission trip to Jacmel, Haiti.
✗ Alzhimers Seminar January 2015, 11 am to 12:30
pm at the Fellowship Baptist Church King St
~~~~~~~ Mission & Stewardship~~~~~~~
Stewardship Moment:
has been my experience that when a family plans
to give, whether a tithe or a greater amount, and
follows that plan, they will tend to give
substantially more than the family gives out of
excess, for there is rarely any excess. Ron Blue, author and
financial planner
adequate health care, quality education and basic
human rights. Inspired by God’s promise of
abundant life, PWS&D envisions a sustainable,
compassionate and just world. By participating in
the work of PWS&D and its global partners, we do
what Jesus taught us and help to make this vision a
reality. We respond together. PWS&D responds to
need around the world
Saving Stamps? The Leprosy Mission Canada would
appreciate you sending them directly to 200-90
Allstate Pkwy. Markham, Ont. L3R 6H3
Service Helpers Our service this morning is made
possible by the prayers and gifts of our congregation,
with the specific help of the following…
Music Director:
Ruth Eberts
Joyce Anderson
Duty Elder:
Doug Anderson
Margaret Cosh
Brian Eberts
Audrey Coumbs,
Board of Managers:
Ken Ibbostson, Deb Risebrough
Paul Graham
Presbyterian Mission moment…
Prayer Partnership
Sunday, February 1 PWS&D Sunday
Pray for Presbyterian World Service &
Development’s partners and supporters as
they work together to build a sustainable,
compassionate and just world.
Monday, February 2 Celebrating our partnership with
the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba,
pray for God’s blessing as the participants
at the Synod Assembly in Matanzas
explore together what partnership means.
Tuesday, February 3 During Black History month,
give thanks for the gifts and contributions of black
Presbyterians to the mission and ministry
of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Wednesday, February 4 Pray for the Pictou
Presbyterial of the Atlantic Mission Society as it plans
the fellowship dinner where the auxiliaries
meet for a time of fellowship.
Thursday, February 5 Pray for the search committee as
it prepares to interview for the position of
the General Secretary of the Life and
Mission Agency.
Friday, February 6 Pray for the Rev. Kevin Lee, the
new Minister of Vision and Direction at St.
Andrew's, Calgary, AB.
Saturday, February 7 Pray in celebration as
congregations meet to reflect on the past year and
prepare for the coming year at their annual meetings.
February 1 – PWS&D Sunday – a time to remember
the work of our church in supporting marginalized
and vulnerable people through programs in
international development and emergency relief.
Today, think of those who struggle for basic
necessities such as nutritious food, clean water,
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