T HE S PIRE Volume 56, Number 1 JANUARY 2015 Just these lines...to give doxology to our triune God for all of His faithful blessings to His church here in 2014 as we now enthusiastically move into our dynamic church’s 158th year of worshipping and serving our Lord here, near and far! In church, January is sort of like September, as there are new ways to get plugged in to small groups as well as special concerts and seminars….see inside! When Christian poet Maya Angelou went to be with the Lord in 2014, I read….. Maya Angelou’s Guide to Life in Nine Tweets 1. Listen to yourself and in that quiet you may hear the voice of God. 2. The most called-upon prerequisite of a friend is a listening ear. 3. How to Love: Have enough courage to love. 4. How to find happiness: When we decide to be happy we accept the responsibility to bring happiness to someone else. 5. How to be successful: You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the people and the purposes you love. 6. How to forgive: Let the brain go to work. Let it meet the heart; and you will be able to forgive. 7. How not to compromise on your quality of life: I agreed a long time ago, I would not love at any cost. If I am moved or forced away from what I think is right, I will not do it. 8. How to appreciate every day: This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before. 9. And how to fight against what’s wrong in the world: We must be warriors in the struggle against ignorance. Who/what are my guides to life? What are yours? Are they in sync with God’s guidelines? How can the various opportunities that my church as well as other spiritual venues open our hearts, minds and wills to know and follow the way, the truth and the life of the One whose birthday we’ve just celebrated anew? Raymond P.S. Please note three new and hopefully informative Spire features for 2015—”Go Figure”, “In This Corner” and “Holy Humor.” Also, are there members who would like to help provide leadership with Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, Grief Share small groups, Lunch and Learns??? Call me collect! A monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church 511 SE Third Street, Ocala, FL 34471 Phone: (352) 629-7561 Fax: (352) 629-8066 www.fpcocala.org The Reverend Dr. Raymond Guterman, Pastor The Reverend Darren Bess, Associate Pastor The Rev. Dr. Ray Ruark, Pastor Emeritus Congratulations to Liz and Joe Dickmann who welcome their eighth grandchild, Sebastian William, who was born on December 1 to Karen and Rob Hughes in Summit, NJ. Coming in 2015….. FPC Local Artist Concert Series! Here is a taste of things to come, watch for more details as we enter the new year! February,* Sunday 3 p.m. Fellowship Hall Jazz Quartet March 8, Sunday 3 p.m. in the Sanctuary Spring String Fling March 29, Sunday Worship 8:15 & 11 a.m. Chancel Choir Cantata May 16, Saturday 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Cross & Crowns CD Release Concert September*, Saturday 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Women of Worship Gospel Choir New Missionary Baptist Church Thank you for all the prayers and cards during my surgery/healing. A special thanks to PW Circle #8 for the additional support of meals. Please continue prayers as I begin my Chemo/Radiation treatments. Gera Fleming Salvation Army Bell Ringers - OURTHANK YOU. Our kettle was filled each day. Star ringer was four year old Kaiden Winfree who charmed much money out of pockets. The cold didn't deter us. - Gera Fleming October*, Sunday 3 p.m. in the Sanctuary Josiah Armes, Organist First Presbyterian Orlando November 1, Sunday 3 p.m. in the Sanctuary Marion Chorale Patriotic Concert December 6, Sunday 3 p.m. in the Sanctuary Marion Chorale Holiday Concert * Exact Date TBD Thank you to the Bill Russell, Don Slone, Bill Rainbow, John Hagood and John Peterson families who provide the beautiful window and chancel Christmas greens in the Sanctuary each year in honor of our Savior’s birth and in loving memory of long-time faithful member Nina Weeks who made these provisions for our church for many years! Gus and Alta Gustafson ring the Salvation Army bell and represent FPC at the Churchill Square Publix recently. FPC FAITHFULNESS REPORT Worship attendance 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/21 8:15 a.m. 53 76 81 58 9:30 a.m. 139 134 162 193 11:00 a.m. 101 124 136 147 Total 293 334 379 398 In this Corner In the annual appeal for poinsettias in a Presbyterian church in Nevada, the request ended with “Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want to remember.” —Marj Carpenter Tithes and Offerings 10,660 43,771 12,701 19,829 Weekly Giving Need 17,205 17,205 17,205 17,205 Year-to-date Need 826,225 826,225 843,430 860,635 Year-to-date Received 742,839 786,610 799,311 819,140 Fellowship Hall Makeover Fund Save Our Steeple Fund 55 1,497 35,149 2,035 562 JOIN THIS TRIP! VIP (55+) (VERY IMPORTANT PRESBYTERIANS) Luncheon and Program Thursday, January 8 Join Pastor Darren for his new class “Sacred Journey” beginning January 7 The class will organize the material found in Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling into an eight week curriculum designed to equip laity in counseling others effectively, either in the context of the church or in the context of everyday life. I believe, as fewer people seem to be coming to churches, but more people are open and need help managing stress, anxiety and fear; compassionate, engaging and helpful encouragement from an equipped Biblical counselor and friend. This could be one of the best ways to share God’s love and the message of Jesus Christ to lost and hurting people. You have two choices of sessions to attend. Morning and evening classes begin January 7th and run through February 25th • Session 1 will meet in the Choir Room at 9:30 a.m. • Session 2 will meet in the Conference Room at 6:30 p.m. Another Disciple Journey is Upcoming! Jean Morse’s Disciple class will focus on Philippians beginning January 14 at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays in Room 1. Newcomers are always welcome! The meeting starts at 11:30 a.m. with lunch at noon in Fellowship Hall Program: FPC’s own Don Lessman on guitar, playing gospel and secular music Menu: Chicken parmesan with Fettuccini Alfredo, Greek or Italian salad, fresh bread and Light dessert Cost: $6 Be sure to make your reservations on the Friendship Pad or call the church office (629-7561) on or before Tuesday, January 6. Please request GLUTEN FREE if needed. Please remember to bring paper products for Interfaith. Greet ‘n’ Eat Time! Out to Dinner Fellowship Thursday, January 15th The Out to Dinner group will meet Thursday, January15 at 5:30 p.m. at Blanca's Cafe (Ocala Palms, 5174 NW 26th Ave.) RSVP by Monday, January 12 to Cathy Taylor 671-3730. Holy Humor In Birmingham, Alabama, a Presbyterian junior high youth coordinator asked the group to write down any three of the Ten Commandments they could remember. One youth included, “The fifth commandment is humor thy father and thy mother.” Calling all FPC Men! Presbyterian Men will meet on Thursday, January 29 at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall —Great meal—Great price ($6)—Great speaker! Our January speaker will be Pat McGinnis She’s a missionary in Africa and former FPC member. Her husband, Mike, will be here too! Menu: Cheesy chicken pasta casserole, with fresh bread, salad and select desserts RSVP to attend Presbyterian Men on Thursday, January 29, 2014 Name(s): __________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Presbyterian Women—From the Presbyterian Women Moderator’s Desk…. To all the women of First Presbyterian Church of Ocala for January 2015: Combined December Circle meeting brought fellowship, good food & Bible study! Plan ahead (already!) for 2015 events! This year we tried something different for the Circle Christmas Meetings. We always have a problem finding a restaurant that will fit our groups and also be able to hear the Bible Study. It was suggested this year we try a group meeting in Fellowship Hall with Tom Weaver doing the study and Alan preparing the lunch. Well, it turned out to be a terrific idea. We all loved it and want to repeat it next December. Our only problem was that the 55 attendees were only from the daytime circle members. Unfortunately the evening circles couldn’t join us. Perhaps we can figure something for them next year. Any ideas, please let me know. January returns us, both individually and PW-wise, to our normal schedules. Our next event is the Gifts of Women Sunday Service. I think I may have a worship leader so please keep it in your prayers that she can make it!! Then I can concentrate on getting someone for our Spring Gathering. It is amazing how far in advance these arrangements need to be made as everyone is so very busy. Their calendars fill up quickly. Please mark January 16th on your calendar for the Church Women United’s Human Rights Celebration. It will be held from 9:30 a.m., until noon at Fort King Presbyterian Church, 13 NE 36th Avenue. I hope to see you there. Reminders for January: • Circle Duty is a combined “all circles” month. If we are needed, the circle leaders will be contacted • January 6th is the Bible Mentoring Meeting, 5:30 p.m. in Room 1. • January 6th is the PW Coordinating Team Meeting, 7:00 p.m. in Room 1. We all hope you had a super, special Christmas and wish you the best for the 2015 New Year. Serving Him by serving you, Fran Gilchrist, 454-3155, [email protected] Presbyterian Women Circle Meetings for January 2015 Bible Study and Fellowship with your Sisters in Christ Circle Date Time Meeting Place Contact Phone Bible Mentoring January 6 5:30 p.m. Room 1 Tom Weaver 622-6028 PW Coord. Team 1 January 6 7:00 p.m. Room 1 Fran Gilchrist 454-3155 January 13 2:00 p.m. Conference Room Renie Clark 351-4694 3 January 19 9:30 a.m. 2361 NW 51st Terrace Louise Kail 369-1284 4 January 13 6:30 p.m. Choir Room Sue Brawner 875-4608 5 January 13 10:00 a.m. Room 1 Esther Arango-Palencia 732-6626 7 January 13 11:30 a.m. Choir Room Fran Gilchrist 454-3155 8 January 13 2:00 p.m. 1819 SE 32nd Lane Donna Guterman 351-9398 9 January 12 7:00 p.m. 3374 SE 50th Place Marlene McMurrer-Shank 572-8822 Presbyterian Women’s Program Meetings for January 2014 Ways to Serve with your Sisters in Christ Program Date Time Location Contact Phone Prayer Partners January 15 1:00 p.m. Parlor Grietje Lewis 732-0270 Prayer Shawl January 22 1:30 p.m. Conference Room Liz Diener-Dickmann 732-6368 WeCare (sewing) January 26 9:30 a.m. Room 1 Donna Guterman 351-9398 Stress Free Book Club January 27 1:30 p.m. Conference Room Luella Nazaruk 694-6856 January Book Selection: The Chance by Karen Kingsbury January Birthdays 2 Raymond Guterman Joyce Heenie 3 Marsha Knepp Dirk Lewis Gwen Peterson Logan Rodgers 5 Steve Koch 7 Dorothy Behrens Lyn Rainbow 8 Jerry Rost 9 David Berndt John Berndt Benjamin Manthe 10 Bobby Richardson Adam Schuler Howell Winfree, II 11 Molly Jank Rhonda Kirk 12 Austin Adams Leslie Wiechens 13 Laird Manning 14 Maria Myers 15 Diane Andrews Joyce Baker Lilli MacKay Luella Nazaruk Kaylin Rodgers Tammy Wildy 16 Sandra Dailey Brooke Langley 18 Lora Barrett Sue Brawner Charlotte Hafner Grietje Lewis Trish Mosby 19 Thomas Essick Ramona Gant B.J. Hafner Connor Patrick 20 Austin Dailey 23 Randy Briggs Connor Davis Sally Howell 24 Chris Bissett William Cone 25 Kelsey Adams Anna Goedert Helen Gottlieb Kathy Kaufman Gene Wiechens 26 Mina DiGeronimo Barbara Karlosky Laura Moore 21 Erin McClary 27 Kathy Hart Jason Knoblock Graham Moore Steve Taylor Sid Varner 28 Mary Moore Shelby Welch 29 Russel Dingman Lamar Knepp 30 Bill Futch Mikey Kelly 31 Aly Sanderford Our Presbytery of St. Augustine’s Mutual Mission Program announces 4 opportunities for us to get involved in its 2015 mission work! FPC Resting Elder Richard Kirk, Moderator of Presbytery’s Mutual Mission Program—in announcing 2015’s scheduled events—lists four areas in which members’ can participate in this program begun 30 years ago. These opportunities include January 10-17 Dental and Housing April 17-22 Adult Exchange (in Florida) June 14-20 Medical/Dental/Housing July 8-21 Youth Exchange In closing, Richard states, “Everyone should use the gift they received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms [1 Peter 4:10]….Thank you for sharing a variety of gifts with us!” Another opportunity to learn and experience Mutual Mission! In other news about the Mutual Mission Program, members of the committee will visit local churches to share a dinner of Jamaican cuisine and a power point presentation with information about the program. Locally, the visit will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3 at Ft. King Presbyterian Church. For more information, contact Richard at 352-425-8526 or online at mutualmission.org. We Remember This Month in Prayer J.R. Blackwell (Mary Kaufman’s nephew), Jane Cameron, Jamii Fuseler (the Pickards’ niece), Lucille Griggs (Genesis), Helen Hayes (Marion Thomas’ sister), Noel Trentham Hutcheson (Brooke Cole’s sister), Tineke (Grietje Lewis’ sister), Sue Murphy, Maria Myers (Hampton Manor), Karen Reiss (The John Reiss’ daughter-in-law), David Owen (Gene and Dee Owen’s son), Janice Schafer and Doris Steinhardt (Emeritus East), Ken Tipper, thanksgiving for our 2014 stewardship season, safety for those repairing and renovating our church steeple, a brand new year of mission and ministry in and thought our Lord’s church here and our men and women serving in the armed services. Welcome, New Members! We warmly welcome our 22 new members who have been received into our church family by our Session since August! Scott & Kathy Andrews (1239 SE 11th Street, Ocala, 34471, 678-557-3939) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Scott grew up in our church and has moved back to Ocala with his family. Their daughter, Emma, is a fifth grader at Eighth Street Elementary. They attend the 9:30 and 11 o’clock services. Chris & Teresa Bissett (1307 SE 65th Circle, Ocala, 34472) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Chris is a chiropractor in the Villages and Teresa is his assistant. They have two children and attend the 9:30 service. Bob & Viann Brady (6568 SW 62nd Avenue, Ocala, 34474, 854-9612) joined by transfer of letter from the Dunnellon Presbyterian Church and are both already singing in our chancel choir. Chris Cepil (45 Wyllys Avenue, WesBox #90887, Middletown, CT 06459) joined by profession of faith. Chris is Sara Bennett’s boy friend, a 2014 IB graduate of Vanguard, and a student at Wesleyan University. Kathy Cooley (2108 SE 12th Street, Ocala, 34471, 622-9979) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Kathy has retired from teaching and attends the 9:30 service. Her children, John and Katie, were confirmed and are members of FPC! Christina Gankiewicz (1101 SE 27th Street, Ocala, 34471-5926, 789-6486) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Christina is Betty Williams’ daughter and attends the 8:15 service. Jean Hall (5470 NW 26th Lane, Ocala, 34482) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Jean is an aunt of Ruth Ann Oster and Ramona Gant and attends the 9:30 service. Pat Interdonato (477 A Midway Drive, Ocala, 34472, 687-1663) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Pat is a volunteer with Marion County Public Library and attend the 11 o’clock service. Ruth Lewis (12051 NW 100th Street, Ocala, 34482-8630, 620-9970) joined by transfer of letter from First Presbyterian of Port St. Lucie and is looking forward to getting involved in mission and visitation. Ruth attends the 11 o’clock service. Dana Robinson (2739 NE 60th Lane, Ocala, 34479, 873-3300) joined by reaffirmation of faith and attends the 9:30 service with her son, Gavin. Joseph & Jenney Sims (747 SE 45th Terrace, Ocala, 34471, 274-5159) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Joseph works with the Florida Highway Patrol. He and Jenney have three children and attend the 9:30 service. Mayfair Taylor (P.O. Box 1338, Ocklawaha, 32183, 288-4042) joined by transfer of letter from her church in Roswell, Georgia. A former member, Mayfair attends the 11 o’clock service. David Tipper (597 NE 45th Terrace, Ocala, 34470-1497, 694-6389) is Ken’s son and attends the 11 o’clock service with his dad. David has just completed a degree in computer technology and is seeking employment/willing to help people at home with training and repair. Scott & Monica Waldren (4930 SE 44th Circle, Ocala, 34480, 572-8338) joined by reaffirmation of faith. They attend the 8:15 service with Scott’s father, Larry, Sr. Skip Wilson (10325 SE 42nd Court, Belleview, 34420, 425-8515) joined by profession of faith. Skip began attending this fall with Jane Beebe. Dan & Joanne Woerner (14745 NE Jacksonville Road, Citra, 32113, 910-384-4263) joined by reaffirmation of faith. Dan and Joanne, both retired bankers, are involved in the Disciple One class and attend the 9:30 and 11 o’clock services. Joanne loves her horses and Dan loves his dogs!
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