information about their background and roles can

Their Support
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zambesi misson.
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(Please note that requesting this information does not involve any kind of financial commitment.)
Title First Name
Their Roles
Myles will be partnering with the leadership of
Zambezi Evangelical Church to support them
strategically as they develop their vision and
key strategic initiatives. He shares their
passion for leadership training and looks
forward to supporting the introduction of a
scalable and sustainable leadership training
programme for pastors and elders, many of
whom have no formal training.
Ruth looks forward to working alongside the
Children For Christ Ministries team as they run
Bible clubs and provide training for Sunday
school teachers. She also plans to study the
indigenous music of Malawi and in time to
facilitate the creation of Bible-based worship
songs in Chichewa, while using her teaching
skills among the musical students at the
Evangelical Bible College of Malawi.
Name of Church
Please send to ~ The Administrator, zambesi mission,
York Baptist Church, Priory Street, York. YO1 6EX.
or phone: 01904 674748 or email: [email protected]
Give online at
Registered charity in England and Wales (1078673) and Scotland (SCO39167)
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Email the MacBeans at [email protected]
Myles and Ruth MacBean
Church Development Partners
Their Story
Myles and Ruth MacBean have been living in
Suffolk for 28 years. Both were blessed with a
Christian upbringing, Ruth coming to faith
before the age of 10, and Myles as a teenager.
They met while serving God at an SU Scotland
camp in East Lothian. After marrying and
moving south, Myles immediately embarked on
a career spanning the telecommunication and
media industries while Ruth taught piano from
home and cared for their four children.
Baptist Church, whilst preaching regularly in an
increasing number of Suffolk churches.
In their small Suffolk church they were involved
in children’s work, church administration,
church music, preaching and teaching. They
had the joy of seeing each of their children
commit their lives to Christ and be baptised.
Since moving to Mickfield Evangelical Church,
Ruth has established a very successful choir,
and widened her music and assembly work in
schools. Myles has overseen the launch of a
church partnership with Great Blakenham
In 2011, after a challenging but enjoyable
25-year career in business leadership, Myles
clearly felt God calling him to use his skills and
experience in fulltime mission work, and he
started an MA in Applied Theology at Moorlands
College. At the same time Ruth has been
exploring the use of ethnomusicology in
missions; encouraging the appreciation and use
of indigenous music in the worship of the church.
Myles became involved in missions as a board
member of One Mission Society, with a
particular interest and involvement in
churchplanting movements world-wide. His
international business role also gave him
much opportunity to travel and work with
people from different cultures.
Myles and Ruth have seen the work of
zambesi mission first-hand and have
developed a love for the country and the
people of Malawi. The depth of faith and
commitment of men and women of God
faithfully serving the local church while living in
real poverty, and the quality and strength of
men in leadership of Zambezi Evangelical
Church (ZEC), have been impressed on them.
The strong relationships between zm, ZEC and
ZEC leaders; the small size and strong focus
of zm; the integrity of the zm and ZEC
leadership in stewarding and apportioning
limited funds in a country of such huge need;
all have encouraged Myles and Ruth to get
involved. It is an exciting time in the history of
ZEC, and they share the church’s renewed
vision for the future.