The Voice of Monroe Street United Methodist Church a Beacon and a Bridge for our community February 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk. . . To My Monroe Street United Methodist Church Family, Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! Today I want to take this opportunity to formally thank you for the love and support that you have shown me since I’ve been here as your pastor. My goal in coming to Monroe Street was to help us, as a congregation, face the challenges before us and to not give up on God and God’s plan for the church and community. Although we have had our challenges and our growing pains and our relationship is ending, it is never too late. “Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the things God has in store.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 One of the resources that is still available to the church to take advantage of is Holy Currencies. Monroe Street has holy currencies that can be used for the benefit of the church and those in the community, making us relevant and proof of what God can do through the church when the church is willing to follow him. God responds to faith in him. I encourage you to prayerfully use the holy currencies that you have with your faith in God, and watch God honor your faith in him. Remember that your greatest holy currency is not money. Your greatest holy currency is your willingness to put your faith in God and use all of your people, knowledge and financial resources to accomplish God’s mission and vision before you. Change is needed for Monroe Street to be able to bless the broader community with its music and with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Change is needed so that a broader inclusivity of those around us can be reflected in our worshipping congregation, administrative and ministry teams and programs. Change is needed to allow a diversity of people to come to know the love of Christ through people who may look different from them, and who then welcome them to be a part of God’s church with them as equal members. Change is needed if Monroe Street, with the promised help of Christ, is going to live out Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that Christ has commanded. With these and other changes will come blessings beyond what you could have ever thought to ask, imagine or hope for through Christ Jesus. I pray that you will embrace the leading of our Lord Jesus Christ for a prosperous future in him, and I pray that the work that we have done together will be recognized as a stepping stone toward a faithful and fruitful future with Christ as a congregation in the seasons ahead. 1 Words will never be able to express my sincere gratitude to you for your generosity and support. God bless you. Thank you, and praise be to God for his many blessings to us all during our time together. Rooted in grace, Pastor Dennis G. Payne, II Please join us for a RECEPTION in honor of PASTOR DENNIS Sunday, February 15 in Reeder Hall immediately following the worship service 2 From the Lay Leader’s desk… It is a humbling responsibility to serve now as the lay leader for our congregation. I have greatly appreciated recent orientation, support, counsel, and ideas. This past month I’ve also been personally deeply touched with the way God works throughout our lifetimes to mold each of us for His service. This lay leader role probably needed all of my 70 years of preparation! I am grateful that God has, indeed, generously blessed my years with apropos opportunities: ♦ Growing up at College Hill Community Church, Dayton, Ohio, as it became an active, vital, diverse congregation; ♦ Participating at MSUMC for 45 years, where the relationships, learning, worship, and music nurture our Christian development, comfort us through life’s trials, and inspire us to reflect His light; ♦ Being blessed with our family of one “homemade” and three adopted biracial kids, and now 7 beautiful grandchildren, who’ve fostered our deep appreciation of His love and caring for All; and ♦ Serving as a patient representative for 30 years at The Toledo Hospital, and learning how constructive, caring communication is truly vital - for relationships and organizations – in crises, healing, and wellness. As 2015 begins, we come together to praise Him in celebrating MSUMC’s 190th year, to thank Pastor Dennis for his contributions since 2013, to welcome a new interim or permanent pastor, and to empower the future with crucial conversation about our ongoing ministry. Our DS Linda Middelberg has asked each of Toledo’s 12 urban churches to give her feedback on “Who is our church?” and “What are our one or two ministry focuses for the next 2 to 5 years?” I wholly believe in the necessity of this conversation of looking for what God is doing here and following His lead, valuing each person’s perspective as equally important, and using the past’s learnings only as springboards to future success. As witnessed by the lively January Sunday School discussions about the book Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive, our conversation has already begun! It’s an invaluable opportunity to communicate constructively about our church with each other in small home groups, with fellow urban churches, and with everyone in our community. Finally, as Dave DiManna said in sharing January Joys and Concerns, let us pray constantly for MSUMC’s ongoing ministry. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thess. 5:16-18 NKJV) Our call is for MSUMC to not only be a light for our own faith journeys, but also “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” I welcome our conversation and the resulting decisions and actions. They are “priceless” for all whose lives can be significantly blessed by being part of MSUMC. Sue Thayer CHURCH & COMMUNITY NOTES FROM MEMBERS Thank you to all who made the delicious cookies. I am really enjoying them. Also, thank you for the beautiful Christmas card and the book 40 Days with Jesus. It is very special. Jean Marley 3 SUMMARY OF JANUARY LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING Leadership Team’s 2015 roster for your awareness and potential contacts: Sue Thayer, Lay Leader; Dennis Payne, Pastor; Lou D’Amato, Program Teams Chair; Jerry Charles, Treasurer; Barbara Coleman, Communications Chair; Chuck Thayer, Extended Care Facility Co-Chair; Members at Large: Sue Bixler, Marilyn Lodge, Pat Schmieg, Leslie Johnson, Wendy Jackson Pastor Dennis reported Trustees are starting 2015 with new chair, Chuck Thayer, and will be considering building issues and further parsonage treatment of continued cat odor before arrival of a new pastor. Treasurer Jerry Charles reported on the nearly complete 2014 end-of-year treasurer’s report (approximately $26,000 over budget due to church rental income changes, expenses for last winter, and repair expenses). At this time Jerry is following up on potential pledges not yet received and solutions to some building needs, such as heat trap repairs, through memorial funds. Lou D’Amato reported on Program Team updates: cancellation of the variety show, doubtful 2015 youth trip, church attendance follow-up by Stay With Us, Holly Glen’s need for volunteers, and start of Lenten book study January 17. Sue Thayer reported on a recent meeting with Dave DiManna, Joe Zielinski, and Pastor Dennis for overview of rentals and Joe’s role with renters. The barrier of no elevator was discussed in relation to a couple of inquiries about rental of the third floor space. Barbara Coleman, SPRC member, reported on the letter going to the congregation from Wilma DiManna, SPRC chair, and Linda Middelberg, DS, with the 3 options as outlined in worship January 4 for the new pastor: a) Interim appointed in March, permanent July 1, 2015; b) Interim appointed in March, permanent July 1, 2016, and c) Unlikely option: permanent appointed in March. The conference wants to find a good fit. Leadership Team discussed MSUMC’s actively participating in the development of a Maumee Watershed urban strategy with the other 11 churches in the urban area. Proactive discussions about shared issues and shared ministry options will be sought by Leadership Team and include the district workshop on April 20 being held at MSUMC on Funding Urban Ministry. Leadership Team also discussed the start of a plan for inviting the congregation to meet in small groups about the vision of who we are and the focus for our future ministry in the next 2-5 years. A committee will meet shortly and report back to Leadership Team. The need for 13 host churches for Family Promise family homeless shelter was discussed and referred for feedback to the Serve With Us team. Dates lifted included Leadership Development at Grace U.M. Church on January 31, Funding Urban Ministry on April 20, and the next Leadership Team meeting on February 7 in Whitney Parlor. HAVE INFORMATION TO SHARE? These are the people to contact: Sunday bulletin: Lanette Cornwell [email protected] Weekly email: Lanette Cornwell [email protected] Prayer Chain: Pat Schmieg [email protected] The Voice: Barbara Coleman [email protected] The deadline for the March 2015 issue of The Voice is noon on Sunday, February 15 Please submit your article(s) to Barbara Coleman at [email protected] 4 LET’S TALK! Have you been thinking and praying and wondering about what’s ahead in Monroe Street’s future? Let’s talk about it. Leadership Team is setting up gatherings in homes for small groups to share a simple meal and dialogue, with a trained facilitator, about our church. The focus of the conversation will be the future of MSUMC, using what we have learned from the past to help us see our ministry focus in the next two to five years. These gatherings will take place in the first two weeks of March, with day and evening, weekday and weekend, opportunities. Transportation will be provided for any who need it. The ideas of all the groups will be shared as we see what unfolds. It is our hope that everyone will be involved. Please complete the form below, marking ALL of the days and time that are possible for you, and return it by February 15. You can put it in the collection plate on Sunday or bring/send it to the church office. You will be notified of your group time and place by March 1. Would you be able to have one of these gatherings in your home? You would host about 8 people (see dates below) for a simple meal and the discussion. You could provide the meal, or a traveling chef will provide or assist with it if you desire. Please contact Chuck Thayer at [email protected] or 419-882-3449 if you are interested in hosting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MSUMC -‐-‐ LET’S TALK! Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________City, State _________________________Zip ________ Email ____________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY! _____ Check here if you will need transportation. Please mark ALL the times you could attend a gathering. Tuesday 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. March 3 Thursday 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. March 5 Friday 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. March 6 Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. March 7 Sunday 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. March 8 Tuesday 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. March 10 Thursday 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. March 12 Friday 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. March 13 Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. March 14 Sunday 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. March 15 RETURN by FEBRUARY 15 to the church office or in the Sunday collection plate. You will be notified of your gathering time and place by March 1. 5 PERSONAL NEEDS MINISTRY Last month's Personal Needs information included the whole list of 18 items the ministry offers to needy families. This month, please consider donating bar soap (3.2 to 4 oz. bars). Please place them in the bin labeled Personal Needs by the church office. Thank you – as expressed by each recipient – for caring and sharing. SACRED CHORAL MUSIC FESTIVAL The Toledo Chapter of the American Guild of Organists invites you to attend the concert of their 2015 Sacred Music Choral Festival. This event will be held on Saturday, February 28 at 3:00 p.m. at Epworth United Methodist Church, Toledo. Most of our own choir members will be participating in this event. A mass choir composed of singers from all over the area will be featured, with conductor Sandra Stegman. In addition there will be congregational singing. The concert is free and open to the public. Come rejoice and support the art of sacred choral music. For more information about the concert and/or the festival contact Denise Mathias, 419-473-1167, ext. 230. CLARENCE SMITH COMMUNITY CHORUS At Monroe Street UMC on Sunday, March 1, 4:00 p.m. Celebrating its 39th season, The CLARENCE SMITH COMMUNITY CHORUS (CSCC) again shares with the greater Toledo area a unique series of cultural offerings. The 30-member chorus specializes in the performance of Negro spirituals and is dedicated to the preservation as well as the performance of works by African American composers. The CSCC also maintains a liberal helping of standard classical music in its repertoire. Its members come from all walks of life, unified by their mutual love of great music. Don’t miss this great concert. SAVE THE DATE Make plans now to attend the 2015 Palm Sunday Concert. On Sunday, March 29, at 7:00 p.m. the Palm Sunday Chorus and Orchestra with conductor Kevin Bylsma will present Mendelssohn’s Hymn of Praise. This marvelous work is Mendelssohn’s second symphony, but is an overwhelmingly choral work. Not often performed – you won’t want to miss it! LAY READERS February 1 February 8 Tom Senerius Dave DiManna February 15 February 22 Ellen Boone Pat McCauley ALTAR FLOWERS February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Given by Karen and Dick Vollmer and an anonymous donor honoring Pastor Dennis and in appreciation of his leadership at MSUMC Given by Gladys Ford in remembrance of her husband William’s birthday Given by Ron and Jeri Mellgren in honor of their children and grandchildren Given by Chuck and Sue Thayer in honor of MSUMC’s faithful 6 STAY WITH US FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY Gladys Ford will celebrate a birthday on February 14. Gladys has been such a faithful member of Monroe Street. WHO IS THIS? Our “Who Is This?” person came to Monroe Street because it was within walking distance of where she lived. She would like to meet the women of the Old Testament, and would love to go on a family cruise with all her children and grandchildren. The Sound of Music is a favorite movie. Her first job was working as a swimming pool worker. Three words that describe her are organized, dependable and caring. You can always come to Pat Schmieg's house for milk, orange juice and yogurt. LEARN WITH US SEARCHERS-ADVENT CLASS For the month of February topics for the Searchers-Advent class will include a Bible Study titled “My Heart Christ's Home.” We also will be watching a movie titled Places in the Heart, featuring Sally Field. Everyone is welcome to join us. LECTIONARY READINGS February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20, Psalm 111, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Mark 1:21-28 February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Isaiah 40:21-31. Psalm 147:1-11, 20c, 1 Corinthians 9:16-23, Mark 1:29-39 February 15, 2015 Transfiguration Sunday 2 Kings 2:1-12, Psalm 50:1-6, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, Mark 9:2-9 February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, Psalm 51:1–17, 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10, Matthew 6:1-6, 16–21 February 22, 2015 First Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17, Psalm 25:1-10, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15 7 Serve With Us COMMUNION OFFERING The First Sunday Communion Offering for February will be the second offering in support of Toledo Campus Ministry’s Alternative Spring Break. This year, TCM will be sending a group of mentors and students to Atlanta, Georgia to participate in D.O.O.R. – Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection ( The purpose of D.O.O.R.Atlanta is to provide experiences that inspire new ways of seeing the face of God in the city and of understanding who is our neighbor. Work teams are assigned to local ministries and agencies under community leadership for the week, usually with a different service assignment each day. Opportunities to serve may include interacting with homeless people at shelters and soup kitchens, making and delivering meals for homebound AIDS and cancer patients, working with folks with mental and physical disabilities, sorting food and clothes at distribution centers, visiting with senior citizens, hearing the stories of the civil rights movement, or just walking through neighborhoods and becoming acquainted with people and places. Evenings are spent in worship and reflection, sharing these experiences with other work teams who have been assigned to serve differently. Participants in Alternative Spring Break are being asked to pay a subsidized rate of $300 for the mission trip. The Communion Offering will help to provide the subsidy and scholarships for students who would like to participate in Alternative Spring Break but need financial assistance. Any money given in excess of what is needed supports the Rev. Dee Baker Mission Fund and helps to make future mission trips possible. This event is the community building, spiritual formation and service highlight of the school year. Please give generously. BLANKET SUNDAY We will once again celebrate Blanket Sunday on February 8. Blanket Sunday raises funds for Church World Service to purchase blankets for use in emergency relief situations. FAMILY PROMISE NETWORK Monroe Street has been asked to participate in the Family Promise Network, a successor to the Interfaith Hospitality Network. The Family Promise Network is seeking 13 churches that would be willing to host homeless families for a one week period every three months. The host church is responsible for providing a place to stay, dinner, breakfast, and a sack lunch for the week. Monroe Street can undertake this commitment only if enough people can help out. If you are interested, please contact Kevin Mulder at 419-539-2604. 8 WONDER, LOVE, AND PRAISE ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE Ash Wednesday will be observed on February 18 at 7:00 p.m. It is the time to prepare our hearts and minds for Lent. Please come join us for this reflective, contemplative service with imposition of ashes. Begin the Lenten season with time to reflect, and to give thanks to God for His gracious mercy. The service will be held in the chapel. SAVE THE DATE! It's never to early to look ahead to warmer weather. Please mark your calendar for our outdoor service on August 2 at the Ottawa Park shelter house. HOLLY GLEN EXTENDED CARE INITIATIVE In early December the Heartland Holly Glen (HHG) ministry team met to consider the future of this ministry. Our small team of volunteers has lost a number of significant members for unavoidable reasons. We were not sure we could continue without more help. We had a good discussion and the outcome was that we all felt we were not ready to end this ministry - but we did need to downsize the program somewhat. So going forward the HHG ministry will look like this: • HHG worship services will be only on the 4th Sunday of the month – no longer will we do the 5th Sunday. • Feed the Staff events will continue but only twice a year – not 3 or 4 times as in the past. The next Feed the Staff is scheduled for Tuesday February 3. • The much appreciated Pet Visitation program will continue but we need several more cats or gentle dogs to participate. • The popular Reading to Residents program will continue under the leadership of Ann Diller. • We want to continue helping with the Fancy Nails program (painting of finger nails for residents) but need to find a replacement for Mary Zielger who will soon be moving out of our area. • We will do our best to help Kim Cunningham, the HHG Activities Therapist, with special events (fish fry, summer baseball picnic, Christmas Party, etc.) if we are able to get enough help. These events usually occur 3 or 4 times a year. If any of the above interests you and you want more information, call Chuck Thayer at 419-882-3449. 9 February 2015 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 12:30 Kingdom Harvest Church 12:30 Redeemed by the Blood of Christ Church Monday 7:00 a.m. Hubbard Day Care 4:30 p.m. Positive Force Dance ! Tuesday 7:00 a.m. Hubbard Day Care 10:00 a.m. Computer Lab 4:30 p.m. Positive Force Dance 3:00 p.m. Open Gym 6:00 p.m. Kingdom Harvest Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 a.m. Hubbard Day Care 10:00 a.m. Computer Lab 9:30 a.m. Beacon and Bridge Bible Study 11:30 a.m. Bridge 4:30 p.m. Positive Force Dance February 2015 MSUMC%Program%Teams% Sunday! Monday! 1% 8!:00!a.m.! Intercessory!Prayer! Communion! offering! 12!noon!Intergen.! Choir!Rehearsal! ! 2% 3% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! 10:00!a.m.!to! 11:00!p.m.!Feed! the!Staff!at!Holly! Glen! 6:00!p.m.!Young! Voices! 6:30!p.m.!TUSA! Strategy!Meeting! 9% 6:45!p.m.! Program! Teams! ! 15% VOICE!Deadline! 8!:00!a.m.! Intercessory!Prayer! Volunteer! Recognition! Reception!for! Pastor!Dennis! 12!noon!Intergen.! Choir!Rehearsal! ! 22% 12!noon!Intergen.! Choir!Rehearsal!! 1:30!p.m.!Worship! Service!at!Holly! Glen! Wednesday! 9:00!a.m.!Faith! Leaders! Breakfast! 5:00!p.m.!SPRC! 8% Blanket!Sunday! 12!noon!Intergen.! Choir!Rehearsal! Tuesday! 16% ! 23% 5:00!p.m.!Jobs! With!Justice! 18% 6:00!p.m.!Bell! Choir!Rehearsal! 6:00!p.m.!Agape! Ministers! 7:00!Ash! Wednesday! Service! 7:45!p.m.! Wesleyan!Chorus! Rehearsal! 24% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! 6:00!p.m.!Young! Voices! ! 5% 7:00!a.m.!Men’s! Breakfast! 6:00!p.m.! Mountain! Mentors!Board! 11% 6:00!p.m.!Bell! Choir!Rehearsal! 7:30!p.m.! Wesleyan!Chorus! Rehearsal! ! 17% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! 12:30!p.m.!MSNC! Staff!Meeting! 6:00!p.m.!Young! Voices! ! Friday! 4% 6:00!p.m.!Bell! Choir!Rehearsal! 7:30!p.m.! Wesleyan!Chorus! Rehearsal! ! 10% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! 10:30!a.m.!TUSA! Board! 5:00!p.m.!Finance! Committee! 6:00!p.m.!Young! Voices! ! Thursday! 25% 6:00!p.m.!Bell! Choir!Rehearsal! 7:30!p.m.! Wesleyan!Chorus! Rehearsal! ! 12 Thursday 7:00 a.m. Hubbard Day Care 10:00 a.m. Computer Lab 4:30 p.m. Positive Force Dance 3:00 p.m. Open Gym Friday 7:00 a.m. Hubbard Day Care Saturday 7:00 p.m. AA 6% ! 12% ! Saturday! 13% ! 19% 7!a.m.!Men’s! Breakfast! 5:30!p.m.! Mountain! Mentors! 6:00!p.m.!TUSA! Training! 6:00!p.m.!MSNC! Board! 20% 21% 10:00!a.m.!Palm! Sunday!Choir! rehearsal! 12!Noon!Lenten! Book!Study! 27% ! 14% 10:00!a.m.!Palm! Sunday!Choir! rehearsal! 12!Noon!Lenten! Book!Study! ! 26% 7% Chuck!E!Cheese! for!MSNC! 9:00!a.m.! Leadership!Team! 10:00!a.m.!Palm! Sunday!Choir! rehearsal! 12!Noon!Lenten! Book!Study! 28% 12!Noon!Lenten! Book!Study!
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