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St. Raymond of the Mountains
A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust
A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg
February 8, 2015
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Thaddeus J. Kaczmarek
St. Raymond of the Mountains
170 School House Lane, P.O. Box 330
Donegal, PA 15628
Contact Information:
Parish Office ....................................... 724-593-7479
Parish Fax ........................................... 724-593-5934
Website -
Catholic Charities
Help Line
Parish Staff:
Rev. Thaddeus J. Kaczmarek,
Email ……[email protected]
Toni Terretti
Coordinator of Faith Formation
Email…………………………[email protected]
Mary Strucaly, Parish Secretary
Email……….…[email protected]
Addy Evangeliste, Bulletin Editor
Email………[email protected]
Saturday (Vigil): 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m.
Sunday: 10:30 a.m.
Daily Mass: 8:00 a.m. at St. Raymond Chapel (under office) Except Thursdays.
Holy Days: See bulletin
Saturday: 3:30 p.m.
Please contact the Parish Office for Baptism.
Arrangements should be made with the Pastor at least one year in advance.
BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Closed Thursday.
St. Raymond of the Mountains Parish Mission Statement
We, the parish of St. Raymond of the Mountains (Donegal, PA) are situated in a resort area and comprised
of many rural communities. We come together to share and strengthen our faith in God and each other by
celebrating the sacraments and striving to follow God’s teaching. We are called to be open to the Holy Spirit
and to build a stronger Faith Community by serving the needs of others, by educating, and by welcoming all.
St. Raymond of the Mountains Church
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8, 2015
[The LORD] tells the number of the stars
and calls them by name.
-- Psalm 147:4
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
8:00 AM Mass and 6:30 PM Mass
at St. Raymond Church.
February 18 - March 29
Christians throughout Pittsburgh are invited to take part
in the national 40 Days for Life campaign. The mission
of 40 Days for Life is to unite the Body of Christ in the
spiritual battle to end abortion. Join us for 40 Days of
prayer & fasting, a peaceful vigil held every day from 7
AM - 7 PM in front of Planned Parenthood at 933 Liberty
Avenue, and community outreach. To find out more, and
to sign up to receive the daily devotional prayers via
email, go to or or contact Nikki Bruni
at 412-926-9413 or [email protected] or
760-792-0255, Rachel Burke for local contact or email
Rachel at [email protected].
Join us for our Kick-off event on Tuesday, February
17 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church, 320 Sixth Ave, Pittsburgh. A candlelit
Planned Parenthood will conclude the event.
First Reading — Job finds life on earth to be drudgery;
he is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).
Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted
(Psalm 147).
Second Reading — Woe to me if I do not preach the
gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least
some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23).
Gospel — Jesus cured many who were sick with various
diseases (Mark 1:29-39).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24,
35c; Mk 6:53-56
Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13
Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc30; Mk 7:14-23
Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30
Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37
Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11;
1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45
St. Raymond Bible Discussions
In your charity please pray for the soul of our
parishioner Clarence Mastowski,
who passed away last week.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful
departed rest in peace.
Bible Discussions will resume on Thursday, February 19,
from 6:30 PM till 8:00 PM in the St. Raymond Parish Social
Hall. Our topics will be the prescribed readings for the
forthcoming Sunday. These lectionary-based discussions
will enrich all participants with a deeper understanding of
the relevance of Scripture and the Liturgy in our daily lives.
Please remember in your prayers:
Anderson, Clara Bach, Pam Balow, Barrett family, Bern Belan, Ken Bridge, Austin Brown, Donnie Brown, Ted Cale,
Cathy, Cindy, Julie Charlesbros, Josephine, Adrian Demidont, Sarah DePasquale, James Diskin, Isaac Donaldson, Edith,
Debby Ernesty, Frank Ernesty, George Estochin, Laura Estochin, Mildred Estochin, Martha Fabian, Martha H., Steve
Fedorka, Jason, Jonathan Finger, Mary G., Patty Gadek, Garret, Robbie Geary, Barry Huey, Chip Hull, John K., Marlene
Kalp, Megan Hess Kalp, Tanner Kalp, Lorraine Kemp, Florence Kinneer, Michael Kosco, Frank Kuhns, Karen, Pam Long,
Namon Lilly, Cathy Nilson, Regina Nilson, Lucille, Ken & Mary Ann Mach, Mary, Mindy and family, Mary Alice McGoven,
Rodney Morrison, Jan Nicotera, Steve Nietfeld, Felipe Nieves, Karen Rega, Brian Shearer, Stephanie, Helen M. Sparks, Jack
Spell, Shelia, Tara, Theresa, Colleen & sons, Bryce Vargo, Vickie, Ron Williams, Sandy White, and Leila Zuzik.
A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust and A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg
Sacramental Prep Reminder
Parents are reminded that the final workshop for Sacramental Prep is scheduled for 7:00-8:30 PM, this Monday,
February 9, in the St. Raymond Social Hall. The workshop will focus on the Eucharist. All children preparing
for First Communion must attend.
Confirmation Date Set…All St. Raymond children in the sixth grade will receive their Confirmation on Monday,
May 4, 2015. The host parish is Holy Trinity in Ligonier. Parents are reminded that all forms need completed and a
Confirmation Sponsor who is not from St. Raymond, will need to supply a letter from their home parish. We will
continue to keep you apprised of the Sacrament of Confirmation as we receive information. Thank you.
The Pastoral Council will meet this Tuesday,
February 10, at 6:30 PM in St. Raymond’s
Parish Social Hall. All members please plan to attend.
Stewardship Meeting will be held
at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, February 17,
in the Rectory meeting room.
Choir/Cantor Practice: Choir practice will be
held this Thursday, February 12, 6:30 PM at
St. Raymond Church.
We need more Liturgical Ministers during the season of
Lent. Sign up sheets are on the table in the back of the
Church. Thank you for your dedication.
The sixth grade religious education class is sponsoring another Confirmation Service Project for 2015.
They are collecting socks (any size), toothpaste, and toothbrushes for our Community Food Bank. You may
place your items on the tree in the hall near Cel Tidwell’s classroom. The project will be active until Feb. 22.
A third service project will begin after that date. The projects are designed to help our community and fulfill
service hour obligations for the children.
St. Raymond Golf Outing
All registration forms have been mailed. The golf outing begins with a 9 AM Shotgun Start, Friday,
May 8, at Donegal Highlands Golf Course. The cost is $85 per person or $340 per foursome. There are
144 golfers or 36 teams. If you did not get a form, you may pick one up on the table in the back of the church.
2015 Mass Intentions
We are now scheduling Mass intentions for 2015. Each person may request up to 10 intentions for
ONE person or ONE family. The priest, by Canon Law, cannot celebrate multiple intentions for one
Mass. If you would like to request your intentions, please do so as soon as possible; either in writing,
and place in the collection or mail it to the Parish Office. Please indicate your intentions and suggested dates on your written request. The Mass Intentions Policy is posted on the bulletin boards in
the Church, and can be provided to you upon request by calling or coming to the Parish Office.
Name ______________________________________
Spouse _____________________________________
Address ____________________________________
City, State Zip _______________________________
Phone (______) _____________________________
Child (ren) Name(s) __________________________
If you are not a member of this parish but enjoy coming here and
feel connected to us because you regularly come to visit in this
area, please register as a Friend of St. Raymond. Simply fill out
this coupon or a registration form and drop it into the collection
basket or mail it to the parish office. Being registered as a Friend
of St. Raymond allows us to let you know what is happening in the
parish throughout the year so that you continue to feel connected.
Another advantage of being a Friend of St. Raymond is that we
can keep track of any donations you make to the parish and
provide a statement for tax purposes. Simply put your donation in
an envelope with your name and the amount on it and put it into
the collection. After January 1, call and request a tax statement
and we will mail it to you.
This Week in the Parish
This Sunday, February 8
- 8:00 a.m. Morning Mass
- 9:00 a.m. St. Raymond Religious
ED. Classes (CL)
- 10:30 a.m. Morning Mass
Monday, February 9
- 7:00 p.m. Sacrament Prep. (PH)
Tuesday, February 10
- 6:30 p.m. Pastoral Council
Meeting (PH)
Thursday, February 12
- 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice (CH)
Saturday, February 14
- 4:05 p.m. Pray the Rosary (CH)
- 4:30 p.m. Evening Mass
Next Sunday, February 15 - 8:00 a.m. Morning Mass
- 9:00 a.m. St. Raymond Religious
ED. Classes (CL)
- 10:30 a.m. Morning Mass
(RC) = Rectory Chapel (RM) = Rectory Meeting Room
(CH) = Church (CL) = Classrooms (PH) = Parish Social Hall
Our Weekly Offering
OFFERTORY - January 31 & February 1, 2015
(88 out of 388 envelopes used which is 23%)
Needed for Expenses
Eastern European
Catholic Accent
- $1,182.00
Many thanks and may God Bless you
for your generosity!!!
January Calendar Ticket Winners:
Jan. 25, #901, winner: Rebecca Kierski, seller: Rick Painter
Jan. 26, #148, winner: Matthew Bizup, seller: Charlotte Bizup
Jan. 27, #250, winner: Betty Lipko, seller: Noreen Brady
Jan. 28, #490, winner: Jim Kucera, seller: Pat Voke
Jan. 29, #751, winner: Mike Terretti, seller: Toni Terretti
Jan. 30, #908, winner: Joe Capasso, seller: Fran Capasso
Jan. 31, #880, winner: Ron Painter, seller: Cathy Korzen
Winners were from Mt. Pleasant, Acme, Scottdale, Ligonier,
Irwin, and Florida.
Congratulations to all winners and sellers.
Once again, a special thanks to all who have made
a donation to St. Raymond.
Sincere Appreciation
Special thanks to all parishioners, neighbors, “friends”,
visitors, etc. who helped to sell or purchased the January
Calendar Ticket. We had another successful year.
Thank you for supporting this fundraiser.
Sat. - February 7 - Vigil: FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY
4:30 p.m.
+ Bill Hitlan (Sonny & Cathy Korzen)
8:00 a.m.
+ Joseph Schachte (Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lazor)
10:30 a.m.
Our Parish Members
Mon. - February 9 - WEEKDAY
8:00 a.m.
+ Russell Werthman (James & Cheryl Rieland)
Tues. - February 10 - ST. SCHOLASTICA, VIRGIN
8:00 a.m.
+ William Hitlan (Bob & Rose Ann Hitlan) (Chapel)
Wed. - February 11 - OUR LADY OF LOURDES
8:00 a.m.
+ Josephine Kabana (Bill & Flo Kabana) (Chapel)
Thurs. - February 12 - WEEKDAY
Fri. - February 13 - WEEKDAY
8:00 a.m.
+ Lena Tonerowicz (George & Loretta Fajt)
Sat. - February 14 - Vigil: SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY
4:30 p.m.
+ Dolores Scarfi (John & Janet Richards)
8:00 a.m.
Our Parish Members
10:30 a.m. + Ted Soltys (Chester Kustron)
Sat. Feb. 14
4:30 p.m. Sun. Feb. 15 8:00 a.m. Sun. Feb. 15 10:30 a.m. -
Taylor Crouser
Cheryl Pritts
Clair Sirofchuck
Sara Aumer
Cameron Wojnar
Sat. Feb. 14
4:30 p.m. Sun. Feb. 15 8:00 a.m. Sun. Feb. 15 10:30 a.m. -
Sally White
Karen Nedley
Noreen Brady
Mary DeLose
Karen Chearney
Dot Farkosh
Jack Kinsey
Diane Kinsey
Peggy Schafer
Sat. Feb. 14 4:30 p.m. - Linda Sisson
Sun. Feb. 15 8:00 a.m. - Candace Brangard
Sun. Feb. 15 10:30 a.m. - Devyn Lisi