Somerville Tri-Parish Catholic Community Patronage of St. Joseph Parish Est. 1869 264 Washington St. Somerville, MA 02143 617-666-4140 Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00PM (Vigil) - Reconciliation 3:00-3:45PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM Daily: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 12:10PM Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00AM Saturday - 8:00AM Joseph’s Gate Religious Store Hours: Mon. & Fri.. 12-1pm - Sat., 3:30-5pm, Sun., 8:30am-Noon St. Ann Parish 50 Thurston St. Somerville, MA 02145 617-625-1904 Est. 1881 Mass Schedule Parish Staff Rev. Brian J. McHugh, Pastor Rev. Richard G. Curran, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jean-Jacques Stanley Rousseau, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jason W. Worthley, Parochial Vicar Deacon Joseph Bryère Guerrier, Deacon Sr. Norah Guy, OP, Pastoral Associate Peter F. Regan, Business Manager Mary Pothier, Parish Administrator Lorraine Burgess, Secretary Nancy Petraglia, Secretary Music Ministry Maureen Gaffney, Adult Choir Director, St. Joseph Josephine Lucreziano, Youth Choir, St. Joseph Peter F. Regan, Music Director, St. Ann & St. Catherine Religious Education Rev. Brian J. McHugh, Director Sr. Norah Guy, OP - RCIA Saturday: 4:00PM (Vigil) - Reconciliation 3:00-3:45PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 10:15AM, 11:30AM (Haitian Creole) 6:00PM (September-May) Daily: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9:00AM St. Catherine of Genoa Parish 179 Summer St. Somerville, MA 02143 617-666-2087 Est. 1891 Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00PM (Vigil) - Reconciliation 3:00-3:45PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:30AM First Sunday: 1:00PM Extraordinary Form Daily: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 9:00AM St. Catherine of Genoa School 192 Summer St. Somerville, MA 02143 617-666-9116 Marian R. Burns, Principal Janet Pace, Administrative Assistant ST. JOSEPH PARISH SOMERVILLE MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 24 @ 4:00 p.m. Matthew & Mary Kennedy and Sheila & Michael Tobin (Memorial) Sunday, January 25 @ 9:00 a.m. The People of St. Joseph Parish Sunday, January 25 @ 11:00 a.m. For Peace in the World Tuesday, January 27 @ 7:00 a.m. Special Intention Wednesday, January 28 @ 12:10 p.m. Liberation Mass for Markelly Ernst Bruceur Saturday, January 31 @ 4:00 p.m. Deceased Members of the Aglio Family (Anniv.) Sunday, February 1 @ 9:00 a.m. For The People of St. Joseph Parish Sunday, February 2 @ 11:00 a.m. For the Sick of the Parish Mandatory Explanation Mass: for all children in the Program—February 22 at 9:00 a.m. First Penance: for our 2nd grade class—February 28th Field Trip: to our parish church on March 15th with Father Jason. 4th Grade Explanation Mass: For all children in the Program. 2nd Grade Explanation Mass: For all children in the Program. PLEASE NOTE: If you have scheduled a Memorial or Anniversary Mass, we encourage you to bring the gifts up to the Altar at that Mass. Please see the celebrant before Mass so that this might be arranged. Thank you. CONFIRMATION Grade 10 will meet this Sunday, January 25 at St. Ann Parish Center at 5 p.m. followed by Mass at 6 p.m. Grade 9 will meet again on Sunday, February 1 at St. Ann Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place each Friday following 12:10 p.m. Mass. All are welcome to this veneration. CHURCH SUPPORT - January 24 & 25, 2015 Offertory Attendance NOTICE: There are many weekend and weekday Masses available for intentions. If you would like to have a Mass said for a loved one, please call the rectory to check on dates. Per Canon Law, we cannot request a donation over a $10 for an announced Mass, including those on weekends. In prayer, you are asked to remember the deceased: Paul Gobiel and Jim Malcolm who passed away recently. In prayer, you are asked to remember our sick: Stephen Ramsden, Herb Roderick, Marjorie Butler, Somerville Police Officer Robert Hickey, Brenda Blizzard, Joao Tavares, Carol Dows, Tony Jenkins, Mary Herlihy, Blanche Ahern, Bessy Doherty, Carol Jennings, Pina and Leo Mingace, Suzie Magliozzi, Rosa Nolet, Janice Jolicoeur, Jim Brown, Norma Wolske, Mary Howard, Steve Maguire, Rose Scanlon, Mary E. Sharry, Tom Taylor, Kayleigh Wilcox, Jeanette Frejuste, Rich Pomerleau, Ann Marie McGreevy, Nora McDonagh, Fr. Paul Mulligan, Stefan Burghardt, Antonio Escobar. Please let us know when someone can be removed from this list. GRADES 1 THROUGH 8: Classes resume this Sunday, January 25th beginning with Mass at 9:00 a.m. followed by class at 10:00 a.m. Parents are urged to attend the 9:00 Mass with their child/children before class. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES 4:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Mail-in Total Special Collection $555.00 $ 66.00 $430.00 $515.00 $456.00 $2,022.00 $716.00 75 23 68 120 284 Donations can be made online at The Little Sisters of the Poor are seeking a talented, energetic Maintenance Technician with minimum 3 years experience maintaining facilities mechanical systems (plumbing, HVAC, electrical, motors and pumps) and routine preventive maintenance tasks as required. Candidate will work under direction of maintenance supervisor to execute daily work orders. Must be physically able to perform tasks, such as shoveling snow and lifting heavy objects. In case of emergencies, on-call availability required every other weekend (and alternating holidays). Full-time with benefits. Send r e s u m e s t o s m h u m a n r e [email protected] or call 617-7764420 x318. ST. CATHERINE PARISH Mass Intentions Saturday, 1/24/2015 4:00 p.m. Walter & Mary Burns (Anniversary Sunday, 1/25/2015 7:00 a.m. Jim O’Donovan (Memorial) 9:00 a.m. Anthony Silva, Jr. (Memorial) Agatha (Fran) McKeen (Memorial) 11:30 a.m. Vincent Dabenigno (Month’s Mind) Tuesday, 1/27/2015 9:00 a.m. Vincent Dabenigno (Memorial) Thursday, 1/29/2015 9:00 a.m. Mary Mullen (Month’s Mind) Saturday, 1/31/2015 9:00 a.m. Thomas A. Lynch (12th Anniv.) 4:00 p.m. Vincent Armenio (1st Anniv.) Sunday, 2/1/2015 7:00 a.m. Jean Okucian (Memorial) 9:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Catherine 11:30 a.m. Francis Rameriz (3rd Anniv.) Helen Fantasia (4th Anniv.) Please remember in prayer the soul of Margaret Steele whose Funeral Mass was celebrated here this past week. Wedding Banns II Brittany Whalen & Christopher Butler CHURCH SUPPORT—January 17 & 18, 2015 Offertory Attendance 4:00 $677.00 87 7:00 $ 99.00 25 9:00 $398.00 85 11:30 $1,090.00 105 Mail-In $123.00 ParishPay $938.00 Total $3,325.00 302 In anticipation of the 2015 Christmas Bazaar, the Bazaar Committee would greatly appreciate receiving any unwanted Christmas gifts, extra Christmas decorations, empty medium and large baskets, etc. These may be left in the side porch of the rectory marked “FOR THE BAZAAR.” Many thanks! When God is one’s goal, all disagreements are smoothed out, all difficulties overcome. St. Virginia Centurione Bracelli (1587-1651)d SOMERVILLE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NOTES Classes resume this Sunday, January 25, 2015 for Grades 1—10 following the 9:00 a.m. Mass ************************************* OPEN HOUSE/REGISTRATION St. Catherine of Genoa Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service 192 Summer Street Somerville, MA 02143 Educating Preschool (3 years old) to Grade 8 BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS January 26, 2015 – January 30, 2015 9:00-11:00 am Or Call for a tour at your convenience 617-666-9116 In addition, we would like to congratulate one of our Teachers Mrs. Gorski for winning the Sontag Prize in education. This is a very prestige’s award recognizing outstanding teachers in Mathematics, Language Arts (ELA) and other disciplines. In addition to an honorarium, new Sontag Prize Mrs. Gorski will be studying a weekend of Professional Development at Harvard University. Most importantly this award recognizes excellence in teaching. ************************************* Little Sisters of the Poor: Elderly with limited assets may apply to come live in our Licensed Rest Home. Both Single Rooms and a Couple’s Suite are available at this time. Call 617-776-4420, X317 for more information. Traditional Latin Mass There will be NO Extraordinary Form Mass on Sunday, February 1st. It is cancelled for that day. The next Extraordinary Form Mass will be celebrated on Mach 1st at the usual time of 1:00 p.m. ST. ANN PARISH SOMERVILLE MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, 1/24/15 4:00 p.m. Pasquale & Virginia Marinelli (Memorial) Rita Bowdren (Memorial) Sunday, 1/25/15 8:00 a.m. Joseph Guelpa (4th Anniversary) Francesca Pastore (Memorial) 10:15 a.m. Rev. Arthur A. Brown (Memorial) Rosa Maria Scali (Memorial) 11:30 a.m. Yolette Virgirl (In Thanksgiving) Alta Grace Pierre (In Thanksgiving) Monday, 1/26/15 9:00 a.m. Gentilina Agresti (Birth. Mem.) Wednesday, 1/28/15 9:00 a.m. Joe Fritas (Memorial) Friday, 1/30/15 9:00 a.m. Agnes Cazlyle (Memorial) Emma DiMasi (100th Birthday Mem.) Saturday, 1/31/15 4:00 p.m. Luigi Mitrano (Memorial) Elizabeth Mitrano (Memorial) Joseph & Laura Carbone (Memorial) Sunday, 1/18/15 8:00 a.m. Maridaniel Balthazar (Memorial) Roubens Maignan (Memorial) 10:15 a.m. John & Lorraine Jones (Wedding Remembrance) 6:00 p.m. Parishioners of St. Ann Parish Please pray for the sick of St. Catherine & St. Ann Parishes: Mary Caruso, Jim Raymer, Michael Sherburne, John Houlihan, Tony Jenkins, Adele Cenci, Natalie Harris, Ashley Johnson, Maureen Murphy, Joanne Finnegan, Anna Smith, Carol Dows, Mary Herlihy, Lenox Toth, Pina and Leo Mingace, Jan Kallman, Patricia Featherston, Virginia Featherston, Kettely Civil, Jeanne Cassidy, Mary Caruso, Stephen Tolliver, Sarah Velardo, Mary Carr, Jeannie Caruso, Tom Taylor, Mary Ann Wells, Bonnie Wronski, Hugh Doyle, Padro Ortiz, Jacob Michael Snyder, Robert Bennett, Louis Servizio, Jean Cardillo, Kyle Brockway, Michael Harrington, Ann McPherson, Debbie Litchberg, Dennis Racioppi, Kim & Seth Pilgrim, John Brosnahan, Lillian Bove, Joanne Corbett and Fred Caruso. Please call the rectory if someone on this list can be removed. PARISH SUPPORT - January 17 & 18, 2015 4:00 8:00 10:15 11:30 6:00 Mail-in ParishPay Total Charismatic Offertory $784.00 $466.00 $495.00 $677.00 $152.00 $ 16.00 $340.00 $2,930.00 $ 74.00 Attendance 94 45 155 117 67 478 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Classes resume for Grades 1—8 this Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. followed by Mass at 10:15 a.m. CONFIRMATION Grade 10 will meet this Sunday, January 25, at St. Ann Parish Center at 5:00 p.m., followed by Mass at 6:00 p.m. Grade 9 will meet again on Sunday, February 1, at St. Ann Parish Center at 5:00 p.m., followed by Mass at 6:00 p.m. Lower Church: All Masses are being offered in the Upper Church until the Lower Church renovation work is complete. Please pray for all those who will be laboring to improve our worship space. This past Tuesday, work began on removing the rugs, the raised Altar platform (installed in the early 1980s,) and the plywood subfloor installed around the same time. The fir floor under these areas is actually in much better shape than we thought. Most of the weak spots are not structural but old heating vents covered over with thin plywood. We will begin moving the pews by next week and start refinishing the floor. Following that, they will be reinstalled closer to the front of the church leaving us with a gathering space in the back. We will then move to paint and install new kneelers. This is all being funded through your generosity to our With One Voice campaign. If you have yet to pledge, please consider doing so in this new year. Than k you! St. Ann Senior Center is open from 10am until 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Light refreshments and lunch are served. The Seniors accept new items for raffle gifts and gently used items for Grandma’s Attic. Items are collected throughout the year for the annual Bazaar. We do not accept used bedding, old outdated electronics, or video cassettes The Center is also looking for medium and large size baskets. Items can be dropped off when the Center is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more info, please call 617-625-1904. Jesus in Boston—Young Adult Event: All Young Adults and College Students are invited to the monthly “Jesus in Boston” event to take place on Friday, January 30th @ 7:30 p.m. (320 Hanover St.) for Eucharistic Adoration followed by Holy Mass and then a social gathering afterwards. It’s a great way to meet new people and strengthen your interior life. For more information please go to or email Mike Drahos at [email protected]. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 A Note from Father Brian: Bulletin Connection to the Readings: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” What would happen if Jesus spoke these commanding words today? Would His listeners accuse Him of shoving His religion down their throats? Would they give Him a lecture on tolerance or insist that repentance is an outdated idea from a bygone era obsessed with guilt? How many of us would actually listen to Him, and do what He said? Our modern culture has been programmed to respond with skepticism, if not anger, to any suggestion that there is a “right” way of doing things or a “true” religion. When Jesus tells us to repent, He implies that some of the choices we are making are wrong, that we need to change, to eliminate our sins, to turn toward God, and to become more loving, more generous, and more forgiving. When He tells us to believe in the Gospel, He is just not making a recommendation. He is giving us directions for entering “the Kingdom of God.” Are we willing to let His words affect us? Are we ready to examine our lives and repent of our sins? Are we prepared to believe the good news He preached of salvation and forgiveness? He wants us to share in the glory of His Kingdom, now and for all eternity. The question is only how we will respond to this divine invitation. Stewardship News: There is a certain urgency in today’s Gospel as Jesus calls His first disciples—Andrew and Simon, James and John. Each one follows Jesus immediately, unhesitatingly abandoning nets and boats and father and fellow workers. To what is Jesus calling me—at this moment, in these circumstances? What will I need to abandon in order to follow Him? MEETING CHRIST IN PRAYER can bring people to a new level of discipleship and a renewed sense of Christian mission. MEETING CHRIST IN PRAYER is an 8 week guided prayer experience based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It calls for a commitment of 8 weeks of daily prayer and 8 weekly meetings of faith sharing. The Office of Spiritual Life is offering this program at: The Pastoral Center, 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree on Wednesday Evenings 7:00—8:15 pm, February 25 through April 15, 2015. For further information and to register call: Sister Anne D’Arcy at 617-779-3648 of email: [email protected] Today we take up the collection for Latin America. Your gifts to the collection will fund catechists, marriage and family life programs & seminarian education. The support you give today will provide opportunities for years to come. Thank you for your generosity. Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound On Saturday, January 17th two women from our TriParish community were commissioned as Ministers of the Eucharistic for the Sick and Homebound to members of our parish community. We want to thank Jamie Dixon and Luci Spinale for their generous service to our parish family and promise our prayerful support. In March we will be offering another opportunity for interested parishioners to learn about this vital ministry for our faith community. We hope each of you will prayerfully consider the possibility of serving oour parish community in this important role. Again this week Jesus invites us to “Come…” Peter, Andrew, James and John left their nets, left their father and followed Jesus. Jesus does not ask most of us to leave home and hearth but He does ask us, right here, right now, to move out of our comfort zone and follow Him. Be prepared to speak about your relationship with Jesus. Pray about what to say when you are asked why you go to church. Be willing to be fihers of men and women! Pray for those who are being called to leave home and hearth and follow God’s call to the priesthood, permanent diaconate, or consecrated life. FIAT is a discernment group for women in the Archdiocese of Boston who are considering a vocation to religious life in the Catholic Church Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 28th from 7 to 9 p.m. at Our Lady Help of Christians Lower Church, 573 Washington St., Newton. The topic for January is Secular Institutions and Third Orders. For more information please check them out on Facebook: FiatForDiscerningWomen or please contact Sister Marian Batho, CSJ, Delegate for Religious, [email protected] or call 617-746-5637. Evangelization Made Easy For you I receive To you I give Together we share From this, we live!
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