For the One who carved the islands / has come to live among us, And this is the house He has chosen, / St. Mary Star of the Sea. ~Anne Porter MASS MUSIC MARCH 7-8, 2014 SAT. 9:00 AM: Angela Carillo-Burge, Natalie Zavalza SAT. 5:30 PM: Atlas & Zara Kulish SUN. 8:15 AM: Isaac & Caleb Johnson SUN. 11:00 AM: Marcus Bufford, Lue Bland READINGS # 910 Ent. # 560 ~ Loving and Forgiving Off. # 384 ~ Beyond the Days Com.# 820 ~ One Bread, One Body Rec. # 684 ~ Let the Heavens Be Glad 5:30 pm 8:15 am Ent. # 840 ~ Lord, Whose Love... Off. # 696 ~ As the Deer Longs Com.# 687 ~ Christ Be Beside Me Rec. # 482 ~ All Hail the Power... 11:00 am Ent. # 560 ~ Loving and Forgiving Off. # 384 ~ Beyond the Days Com.# 820 ~ One Bread, One Body Rec. # 684 ~ Let the Heavens Be Glad GREETERS WEEKLY CALENDAR SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 9:00 AM (HISPANIC): For the special intentions of the Hispanic Community of St. Mary Star of the Sea. SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 5:30 PM: For the special intentions of the parishioners of St. Mary Star of the Sea. SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 8:15 AM: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 11:00 AM: For the repose of the soul of Teresa B. Petro, as requested by her family. MONDAY, MARCH 9, 12:05 PM: For the special intentions of Kay Harper, as requested by her friends at St. Mary Star of the Sea. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 6:30 PM: For Jesuit intentions, as requested by Fr. John Topel, S.J. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 12:05 PM: For the repose of the soul of Ray Ortmeier and all the holy souls on his birthday as requested by Mark Ortmeier. FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 12:05 PM: For the repose of the soul of Ray McDonald and comfort for his family and friends, as requested by the Bereavement Support Ministry. Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19:8-11 1 Corinth 1:22-25 John 2:13-25 MONDAY 2 Kings 5:1-5 Psalm 42:2-3,43:3-4 Luke 4:24-30 TUESDAY: Daniel 3:25,34-43 Psalm 25:4-9 Matthew 18:21-35 1335 Blaine Street Port Townsend,WA 98368 Phone: (360) 385-3700 Fax: (360) 379-1989 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm SAT. 9:00 AM: Carmen Boling SAT. 5:30 PM: Larry & Kathie Bomke SUN. 8:15 AM: Hugh & Joanne Murphy SUN. 11:00 AM: Marilyn Sherry, Pat Ryan WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY: St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Midnight-9:00 am: Eucharistic Adoration 9:00-1:00 pm: Ladies Guild Rummage Sale 9:00 am: SPANISH MASS 10:00-Noon: Spanish Lunch—Hall 5:30 pm: MASS SUNDAY, MARCH 8 8:15 am: MASS 9:30-10:45 am: Religious Education—Classrooms 11:00 am: MASS 12:30 pm-1:30 pm: Adult Theology Kettle—Classroom #3 5:00-9:00 pm: Community Chorus—Hall 6:30 pm: Rosary MONDAY, MARCH 9 10:00-3:00 pm: Garden Work Party 12:05 pm: MASS 1:00 pm: Rosary Makers—Hall 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet TUESDAY, MARCH 10 9:30 am: Legion of Mary 12:05 pm: COMMUNION SERVICE 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 1:00 pm: Centering Prayer—Chapel 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:00-6:00 pm: Lenten Scripture Study 6:00 pm: STATIONS OF THE CROSS 6:30 pm: MASS 7:00 pm: Soup-In—Hall 7:00 pm: Book Club—Rectory THURSDAY, MARCH 12 12:05 pm: MASS 1:00-2:30 pm: St. Vincent de Paul Meeting—Classroom #3 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 4:00 pm: MASS IN QUILCENE AND POTLUCK 6:00-9:00 pm: Knights of Columbus Meeting—Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 13 12:05 pm: MASS 1:00-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Midnight-9:00 am: Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am: SPANISH MASS 10:00-Noon: Spanish Lunch—Hall 10:45 am: Knights of Columbus MEMORIAL TO THE UNBORN CHILD— Church 12:00 pm: Funeral for Mickey Powers 5:30 pm: MASS WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: Deuteronomy 4:1,5-9 Jeremiah 7:23-28 Psalm 147:12-13,15-16,19-20 Psalm 95:1-2,6-9 Matthew 5:17-19 Luke 11:14-23 FRIDAY: Hosea 14:2-10 Psalm 81:6-11,14,17 Mark 12:28-34 SATURDAY: Hosea 6:1-6 Psalm 51:3-4,18-21 Luke 18:9-14 3rd Sunday of Lent / March 8, 2015 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/ SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN: PASTOR: FATHER JOHN TOPEL, S.J. [email protected] DEACON: BILL SWANSON [email protected] PASTORAL ASST. FOR FAITH FORMATION/ ASISTENTE PASTORAL PARA LA FORMACIÓN DE LA FE: Deacon Bill Swanson (360) 385-1662 [email protected] PASTORAL ASST. FOR ADMINISTRATION/ ASISTENTE PASTORAL PARA ADMINISTRACIÓN: Kathleen Wadkins [email protected] ADMIN. ASSISTANT/ ASISTENTE ADMINISTRACIÓN: Alisa Meany [email protected] HISPANIC MINISTRY / MINISTERIO HISPANO: Karen Burge (360) 379-6834 [email protected] EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT/EXPOSICIÓN DEL SAGRARIO: Friday after Mass to 6:00pm Benediction. 20-Hour Eucharistic Adoration on the first Friday of each month. Viernes después de la Misa. La Benedicción-6pm. EUCHARIST TO SHUT-INS & THE ILL/ EUCARISTÍA PARA DESCAPACITADOS: Call 385-3700 to have Communion brought to you at home. Llamar al teléfono 385-3700 para recibir la comunión los viernes. PRAYER CHAIN/CADENA DE ORACIONES: Pat White 385-3063, Carol Hurley 385-6691. ROSARY/ROSARIO: Sunday from 6:30-7 PM. Also 35 minutes prior to Mass. Domingo de 6:30-7 PM y media hora antes de Misa. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY/ DIRECTOR DEL MINISTERIO DE LA MÚSICA: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM/SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Chris Hawley (360) 385-0149 [email protected] Required prep. classes, please call Dcn. Bill Swanson at 385-1662. Clases de preparación—Karen al 385-3700. MAINTENANCE / MANTENIMIENTO: Roger Cesmat FUNERAL/CHRISTIAN BURIAL, FUNERAL/ ENTIERRO: Contact pastor before setting date. Contactar al sacerdote antes de apartar la fecha. CUSTODIAN / LIMPIEZA: Sergio López RETURNING CATHOLICS / CATÓLICOS REGRESEN: John & Cindy Hollister (360) 316-1011 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL /SAN VICENTE DE PABLO: Contact Tel: (360) 379-1325 Half hour before every Mass. Private confession by appointment. Media hora antes de cada Misa. Apartar citas para confesarse en privado con el Padre John. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE/SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Six month notice and preparation classes required, call Deacon Swanson at 385-1662. Clases de preparación requeridas 6 meses antes—Karen Burge al 385-3700. “OUR MISSION IS TO... ...CELEBRATE GOD’S PRESENCE IN OUR MIDST BY MASS, SACRAMENTS, AND PRAYER; LIVE CHRIST’S LOVE BY SERVING OTHERS, ESPECIALLY THE POOR, NEGLECTED, AND SUFFERING; GROW IN THE TRUTHS AND VALUES OF OUR CATHOLIC TRADITION, TEACH THEM TO OUR CHILDREN, AND PROCLAIM THEM TO THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW THEM.” 3rd Sunday of Lent / March 8, 2015 3rd Sunday of Lent / March 8, 2015 “Where We Got the Bible” WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE SÁBADO MISA EN ESPAÑOL 9:00AM SATURDAYVIGIL 5:30PM SUNDAY 8:15AM & 11:00AM MONDAY 12:05PM TUESDAY ** COMMUNION SERVICE 12:05PM WEDNESDAY 6:30PM THURSDAY 12:05PM FRIDAY 12:05PM Wednesday evening Bible Study during Lent!! All Wednesdays of Lent from 5-6:00 pm Held in the Parish Hall All are welcome!! For Marriage Help with Retrouvaille of Seattle, please call... (206) 706-2608 or visit! Make Your Marriage a Priority this Lenten Season It’s not too late to focus on something positive this Lent -making your marriage everything God intended it to be. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) can help you rediscover your spouse and move forward in a more positive and loving way. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning April 24-26, 2015 call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Theology Kettle continues in March!! Sunday, March 8th at 12:30 pm in Classroom #3— Begin Reading Chapter 9! TOPIC: Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus FOR ANY LOST ITEMS ~ Please check the Usher’s closet in the hallway if you think you may have lost something at the Church — we will be cleaning out the closet soon and getting rid of these items, so please take the opportunity to pick them up now…. FUNERAL FOR JOANNE ZELLER LEHN ~ will be Saturday, March 21st at 12:00 Noon... Reminder! Help to spread the word by your prayers, that... MICKEY POWERS PASSED AWAY —Funeral will Hungering for a Season of Hope Garden Work Party Our next Garden Work Party is coming up! For March, the dates will be: March 9th from 10-3 pm March 18 from 10-3 pm March 30 from 10-3 pm We will be working on Spring Cleanup tasks!… For more info, please contact Mary Pat Griswold at 379-9053... NOTICE AGAIN... We need your email addresses! We just sent out a bulk email again, and 7 messages came back as undeliverable!! Please email Kathleen Wadkins at [email protected] ...with your address today! PARISH STEWARDSHIP Week of 3/1/2015 Week #35 Week / Semana Actual / Colecta Real Budgeted / Presupuesto Year to Date / Año Corrido Actual / Colecta Real Budgeted / Presupuesto $9,659.40 $7,612.50 $2,046.90 $280,591.59 $266,437.50 $14,154.19 Envelopes are now in the pews— Donors will be remembered in a special Mass at 11:00 am on Easter Sunday … God Bless you! “Attention Women Singers” St. Mary’s Women’s Choir will reconvene this Sunday, March 8th @ 10:00 am in the Library. Women singers who wish to sing Lenten and Easter music are welcome to join us! be Saturday March 14th at Noon, with a Rosary at 11:25 am... The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowl journey is the African nation, Niger, where we’re reminded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. This week we pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season—when food is in short supply—and we commit to acting for the common good... Easter Flower Offering Memorial for the Unborn Saturday, March 14th, 10:45 am St. Mary Star of the Sea Knights of Columbus WINTER SHELTER UPDATE! St Mary's will begin their final week of volunteering at the Winter Shelter this week, beginning this Sunday evening through Friday morning. Friday morning, March 13th, is the last day of this shelter season. Bless these volunteers for their time and talents they will give this week. Bless the Shelter guests they will give shelter to and feed this week. Keep all of these people in your daily prayers as they give and receive the grace of one another. Book Club For March 11th meeting 7pm in the Rectory, leader Pat Ryan ~ We are reading The Celtic Way by Ian Bradley. Please come and join us! Attention Graduating Seniors! Graduating High School Seniors that are planning on going on to college and who are looking for scholarship opportunities need to have their school send us their scholarship applications by the end of April in order for us to process scholarship awards — any questions please call the parish office at 385-3700...
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