BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, September 11, 2014 – 5:00 p.m. – 6:05 p.m. Location: CMH Board Room PRESENT – Tim Chennette (Chair), Norah McGowan, Valerie Przybilla, Rosemarie Peikes, David Pollack, Pat Sheridan, Gord Park, Alex Davidson, Karen MacGinnis, David Carlaw, Brad Hilker (non-voting), Jan Raine (non-voting), Dr. Celeste Collins (non-voting). REGRETS – Bruce Thompson, Derek Nice, Jill Stewart, Dr. Joe Barbero (non-voting). THE PRESS WAS PRESENT RECORDER – Lynda Tinney, Executive Assistant. AGENDA ITEMS and DISCUSSION DECISION POINTS 1. CALL TO ORDER Tim Chennette called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. 2. EDUCATION: PHYSICAL PLANT/ENVIRONMENT John MacPherson, Facilities Manager, gave a presentation. He referenced the Conservation & Demand Management Plan that is posted on the hospital’s website that reports on past performance and outlines future energy projects. CMH has made significant progress on energy conservation and has reduced water consumption significantly over the period 2004 to 2013. John talked about the Ministry’s HIRF fund (Hospital Infrastructure Renewal Fund) and the plans to replace the roof over the ER and DI departments if the hospital receives HIRF funding this year. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED by David Pollack; SECONDED by Valerie Przybilla and CARRIED that the Board of Directors approve the September 11, 2014 agenda as circulated. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS BOARD MEETINGS MOVED by Gord Park; SECONDED by Pat Sheridan and CARRIED that the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held on June 5, 2014 and Special Board of Directors meeting held on June 26, 2014 be approved. 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS BOARD MEETING There was no business arising. 6. STRATEGIC MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION/DECISION 6.1 President & Chief Executive Officer Report Brad Hilker gave his report which was pre-circulated. Dr. Pickle, an orthopedic surgeon, was on site last Friday for the first time and experienced a good day in terms of doing procedures in the OR. This is good success for our organization to have these services locally. Dr. Pickle has indicated he will start doing consultations for patients from the For information purposes. 1 AGENDA ITEMS and DISCUSSION local community to try and treat them in a timelier manner. 6.2 Chief Nursing Officer Report Jan Raine presented her report which was pre-circulated. Patient census was down in August but the ALC (Alternate Level of Care) numbers are high. This will impact negatively in future reports. The situation is not unique to CMH. DECISION POINTS For information purposes. Board members to contact Judy Bolton at 705 653-1140 x 2101 if interested in attending the Elderly Abuse workshop. Jan reminded the Board about the Elderly Abuse workshop on September 19 and Board members are welcome to attend. 7. BUSINESS/COMMITTEE MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION/DECISION 7.1 Committee Structure 2014-15 The new committee structure for 2014-15 was circulated in advance. 7.2 Q1 Quality Care & H-SAA Indicator Report MOVED by Valerie Przybilla; SECONDED by Alex Davidson and CARRIED that the Board of Directors approves the 2014-15 committee structure as circulated. For information purposes. Jan Raine highlighted the Q1 Quality Care and H-SAA Indicator report in it’s new format. The report was precirculated. The Quality Committee reviewed and discussed the report in detail. 7.3 Speaker Jan Raine will confirm the December 4th speaker via email. Valerie Przybilla indicated that the Quality Committee discussed having an education session and during the discussion it was felt it would be more beneficial if done at the Board level. Jan Raine provided the details of the speaker. Lee Fairclough, Vice President of Quality Improvement from HQO, has agreed to facilitate an education session to our Board of Directors at their December 4, 2014 meeting. 7.4 Nomination Sub-Committee Part of the Governance Committee’s mandate is to have a nominating sub-committee underway if there is a vacancy on the board. Currently there is 1 vacancy on the Board. The sub-committee is comprised of the Chair, Past Chair, another Director and one community member not on the Board. It is the intention of the Committee to invite Bryce Allen to participate as the community member not on the Board. 7.5 Board Policies Tim Chennette will ask Bryce Allen to join the nomination subcommittee as the community member not on the Board. Board members having knowledge of somebody who might be a good candidate for the Board are asked to relay it to Tim Chennette. An advertisement will also be placed in the local newspaper. MOVED by Gord Park; SECONDED by Dave Carlaw and CARRIED that the following policies be approved as amended: 2 AGENDA ITEMS and DISCUSSION Gord Park advised the Governance Committee reviewed 3 board policies and there were some amendments: 1) CEO Performance Evaluation (1-090) 2) Chief of Staff Performance Evaluation (1-110) 3) Management Resources and Compensation Committee (4-040) The other change will be the CEO evaluation ranking that is in the process of being standardized to match the Chief of Staff evaluation. DECISION POINTS 1) CEO Performance Evaluation (1-090) 2) Chief of Staff Performance Evaluation (1-110) 3) Management Resources and Compensation Committee (4050). MOVED by Valerie Przybilla; SECONDED by Karen MacGinnis and CARRIED that the Terms of Reference for the Quality Committee (4040) be approved with no changes. The Governance Committee recommends to the Board that the policies be approved as amended. Valerie Przybilla reported the Quality Committee reviewed their Terms of Reference (4040) and found that everything was in order and is recommending the Terms of Reference to the Board with no changes. 7.6 Chief of Staff Report Dr. Celeste Collins presented the Chief of Staff report that was precirculated. The MAC received an update from Dr. Hudson Giang as a result of a recent blood transfusion audit. The outcome was that we transfuse patients appropriately. MAC is reviewing their format for their annual physician evaluations – the goal being to set up a 360 performance review. MOVED by Dave Carlaw; SECONDED by Alex Davidson and CARRIED that the following reapplications for Consulting privileges be approved as recommended by the Medical Advisory Committee; Drs. Trevor Bardell, Francesco Barnabi, Douglas Cleminson, Nina Davies, Sean McIlreath and William Posloski. MOVED by Rosemarie Peikes; SECONDED by Gord Park and CARRIED that the following physicians be granted Consulting privileges as recommended by the Medical Advisory Committee; Drs. Sylvain Duchaine, Donato Gugliotta, Andrew Pickle, Daniel Steinitz and Colin Struthers. MOVED by David Pollack; SECONDED by Valerie Przybilla and CARRIED that the following physicians be granted Term privileges as recommended by the Medical Advisory Committee; Drs. Erfan Arfali, Aida Avanessy-Monachakanian, Ahmed Mian and David Murphy. MOVED by Karen MacGinnes; SECONDED by David Carlaw and CARRIED that Dr. Erin Falconer granted Term and Locum privileges as recommended by the Medical Advisory Committee. 8. THE MATERIALS 8.1 Q1 Health & Safety Indicator Report 8.2 Auxiliary to CMH Report 8.3 CMH Foundation Report There were no requests to remove any of the Materials listed to the Board meeting agenda. 3 AGENDA ITEMS and DISCUSSION 9.0 TERMINATION OF BOARD MEETING DECISION POINTS Tim Chennette read a thank you card from Dr. Glenn Gibson for his gift and one from Jill Stewart for her gift for being Chair of the Board for the past two years. Board members were reminded to contact Jennifer Pacheco at [email protected] if interested in registering for Health Achieve. MOVED by Pat Sheridan; SECONDED by Rosemarie Peikes and CARRIED to terminate the meeting at 6:05 p.m. 10.0 IN CAMERA MEETING – Minutes recorded. 11.0 IN CAMERA MEETING WITH CEO (EXCLUDING STAFF) – No minutes recorded. 12.0 IN CAMERA MEETING (EXCLUDING STAFF & CEO) – No minutes recorded. ________________________________________________ Tim Chennette, Chair, Board of Directors __________________________________________________ Brad Hilker, Secretary, Board of Directors 4
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