8/11/2014 Regular Session - Yamhill Carlton School District

Yamhill Carlton School District Board Room
120 N. Larch Place, Yamhill, OR 97148
Monday, August 11, 2014
Regular Session- 7:00 p.m.
Board Members: Carol West, Rick Yeo, Tim Pfeiffer, Jami Egland and Ron Gelbrich.
DO/Administration Staff: Superintendent Charan Cline, Board Secretary Michelle Rettke, HR Manager
Steffanie Frost, Business Manager Carolyn Gray, Accounts Payable Maryalice Pfeiffer, YCHS Principal
Greg Neuman, YCHS Vice Principal/Athletic Director Matt Wiles, YCIS Principal Michael Fisher, and
YCES Principal John Horne
Also Present: J. Davis, S. Kerr, K. Moore, and M. Gaibler
Regular Session Agenda
Call to Order by Chair Carol West at 7:00pm
A. Flag Salute
Individuals, Delegations, Recognition and Communications
1. Recognized Jeff Davis for 20 years of Dedicated Service to the Yamhill Carlton
School District – Wishing him the best of luck in his future endeavors
Review of Agenda.
R. Gelbrich motioned to accepted agenda as presented. R. Yeo seconded. All in favor,
motion carried.
IV. Regular Session – Consent Agenda
R. Yeo motioned to accept the minutes of the Work Session on July 14, 2014 and Regular
Session July 14, 2014. T. Pfeiffer seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
R. Yeo motioned to accept the minutes of the Board Retreat on July 24th, 2014. R.
Gelbrich seconded. All in favor, motion carried
R. Yeo motioned to accept the Financial Reports and List of Bills for July 2014. T.
Pfeiffer seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
R. Yeo motioned to approve the hire of Haley Brill (YCHS Language Arts/Social
Studies), Robert “RJ” Gassner (YCHS/YCIS Music Teacher), Emily Smith (YCSD .49
ELD Teacher), Matt Wiles (YCHS Vice Principal/YCSD Athletic Director, Rick Meyer
(YCHS Assistant Football Coach) , and Bobby Dixon (YCHS Assistant Football Coach).
T. Pfeiffer seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
R. Gelbrich motioned to accept the resignation of Jeff Davis (YCHS Vice Principal) and
Kye Johnson (YCHS Assistant Football Coach). R. Yeo seconded. All in favor, motion
Announcements and Reports
YCES – Lots of interventions going on for this year will be adding a parent information
night. Also the mental health counselor that we have as part of a grant will be focusing
on students with attendance issues. We are expecting 25 students from George Fox for
Serve Day
YCIS - Michael has personally met with the staff in him building over the last 2 weeks.
Partnering with High School of starting to get kids to develop a 9 year plan starting in 5th
grade which will set them up for success. Interventions will target students who are not
meeting the standards. Also looking forward to students for Serve Day with George Fox.
Working to develop a culture of pride of ownership by assigned classes to sections of the
school that they are responsible to keep clean.
YCHS – Greg will be working on interventions to improve graduation rate. Focus on
transition from 8th to 9th Grade – help kids stay on track for that they don’t lose hope.
Involve community members in interventions.
Superintendent – Continue to work on budget - areas of savings were identified (see
attached Superintendent Report). Working with Donnie Kim (TOSA) to develop
mentoring program for new teachers. Administrative team held retreat on August 5th and
it was a very productive day.
New Business
OSAA Cooperative Agreement with Gaston
R. Gelbrich motioned to approve OSAA Cooperative Agreement with Gaston (Cross
Country, Soccer, Track and Wrestling. T. Pfeiffer seconded. All in favor, motion
2014-2015 Board Goals
T. Pfeiffer motioned to approve 2014-2015 Board Goals. R. Yeo seconded. All in favor,
motion carried.
Financial Update – Janice Essenberg (NWRESD
Continue to work on budget, will likely be reprinting. Continue to explore savings in
PERS rate, and salaries. Also have 4 applicants for Business Manager. Janice will
conduct preliminary interviews at ESD and then select finalist to be interviewed at
YCSD, Jami will serve on interview committee.
School Board 1st Day of School Assignments
YCES – Ron Gelbrich and Carol West
YCIS – Tim Pfeiffer and Jami Egland
YCHS – Rick Yeo
Superintendent Compensation
In light of current budget situation Charan continues to request that his pay be frozen for
the next year and instead focus on developing tuition reimbursement for Superintendent.
R. Gelbrich motioned to approve 1% increase in superintendents pay for 2014.2015. T.
Pfeiffer seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
R. Yeo motioned to approve $5000 tuition reimbursement for 2014.2015 for
Superintendent. R. Gelbrich seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
With no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:54pm
Minutes by: Michelle Rettke, Board Secretary