TE PANUI is emailed to caregivers who have registered to receive it. If you have yet to register please visit our website (www.whhs.school.nz) and scroll down to the registration panel. Alternatively it can be viewed on our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/whhsrotorua or this text-only version is available on our website FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK We would like to acknowledge the caregivers (and students) who attended the senior report meeting held on Tuesday 17 June. We decided to try a different approach this term and issued a briefer, marksbased report summary, then provided an opportunity for more in-depth discussion between teachers and parents by holding the report evening from early afternoon until evening. We conducted an exit survey at this event and found that parents overwhelmingly supported the new format for the report evening. This has given us confidence to offer the same opportunity (with some adjustments based on parent recommendations) for our junior school. Year 9 and 10 students will bring their reports home on the last day of this term and the report evening will be held from 1-6 pm on Thursday 31 July. From 21 July (the first day of term 3) parents will be able to book interviews online or by returning a form to school. Congratulations to our Stage Challenge team – the 2014 Rotorua Open Competition winners – and to the students who represented us with pride in the Manu Korero Speech Competition, especially Te Rangimonoa Rangihau who won the Pei Te Hurinui (Senior Māori) section. Reports are contained in this newsletter. A second newsletter will be emailed next week with sports news and notices. June 21 22 25 26 27 July 1 2 3 4 Key Dates – Term 2 United Nations Excursion (9am – 5pm) Tauranga Equestrian (7am – 5.30pm) Cambridge Electoral Roll Talk and Blood Donor Information Years 12 & 13 (Period 4) Hall BOPSS Squash (8am – 4pm) Tauranga Mana Wahine Dance (10.15am – 1pm) Rotorua Convention Centre Piri Tahi Lunchtime Programme (1.20pm – 2pm) Spanish Immersion Camp (to Sunday 29th) Tui Ridge WINTEC Open Day (7.30 – 3pm) Hamilton Ka Hao Te Rangatahi (9am – 3.20pm) Rotorua ORSP – Grp 1 (8.30 – 3.30pm) Castle Rock Year 13 Art Trip (11.20am – 12.20pm) Rotorua Museum Earth & Space Science (8am – 3pm) Lake Okareka Year 13 Art Trip (9.55am – 11.20am) Rotorua Museum ORSP – Grp 2 (8.30am – 3pm) Castle Rock Piri Tahi Lunchtime Programme (1.20pm – 2pm) Junior Reports Issued Year 13 Art (9.55am – 11.20am) Rotorua Museum 10 French (10.55am – 2.20pm) Café de Paris – Rotorua REMINDER – NCEA Fees due for payment (invoices have been mailed) End of Term 2 To accommodate extended parent interviews Timetabled classes will conclude at the end of period 3 (12.20 pm) on Thursday 31 July Students will not be required at school after this time. Supervision will be available if required. Waikato University Congratulations to the following Western Heights High School students who completed a qualification at Waikato University and have had the qualification conferred between 1 November 2013 – 30 April 2014 Finish WHHS 1980 2000 2002 2005 Name Qualification Powell, Kevin Hini, Anaha Brake, David Rolleston, Jamie 2005 2005 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 Tomlinson, Tyron Tomlinson, Tyron Brown, Joseph Brown, Joseph Pelham-Waerea, Alex Pelham-Waerea, Alex Retemeyer, Chelsea Shadrock, Elias Trapski, Alex Desanges, Shaun Hardy, Mary van Gelder-Horgan, Michael van Gelder-Horgan, Michael Brady, Charlotte Browne, Dylan Carmichael, Ashley Fielder, Caitlin Bachelor of Teaching – Primary Kakano Rua Master of Arts (1st Class Honours) Bachelor of Teaching – Primary Postgraduate Diploma (Distinction) in Maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Social Sciences Bachelor of Management Studies Graduate Certificate in Finance Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Teaching – Primary Kakano Rua Bachelor of Sport & Leisure Studies Bachelor of Engineering with Honours Postgraduate Diploma (Distinction) in Psychology Bachelor of Teaching – Primary Bachelor of Science Postgraduate Certificate in Computer Science Bachelor of Communication Studies Certificate of University Preperation Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design Bachelor of Science STAGE CHALLENGE 2014 On Tuesday 10 June 2014 the WHHS Stage Challenge team of 95 cast and crew members, plus support crew, arrived at the Rotorua Convention Centre, ready to compete against six other high schools. We had an outstanding day rehearsing and enjoying the opportunity to make new friendships and watch the other school’s rehearsals. During the evening show the costumes and make-up added colour and vibrancy to each school’s entry. After the judge’s deliberation during interval we were very pleased to be awarded 1st Place in the Open Division, with John Paul College placing 2nd and Rotorua Girls High School receiving 3rd place. We were also very pleased to be awarded the ‘Spirit of Stage Challenge’, in recognition of our support and encouragement of the other schools on the day. We also received Excellence awards for: Environmental or Social Awareness, Concept, School Initiative, Set Design and Function, Performance Skill, Soundtrack, Stage Use, Visual Enhancement, Costuming Character, Choreography, and also Drama. The awards and our placing are recognition of the commitments made by our team to attend Sunday rehearsals and the positive effort made by everyone to train, rehearse, make, create, and work together to create our show. This is the explanation and introduction for our entry: ‘In a world overrun by technology creativity and inspiration struggle to shine through, and we tend to lose ourselves in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With guidance from Degas, Picasso, Rodin, Warhol and Banksy we are able to gain appreciation for the art that surrounds us. Look up! Open your eyes to art!’ Student Directors: Alea Wharekura, Co-Director: Keely Gage Spirit Leader: Anna Hamilton; Costume Design Leader: Jamie Thompson; Backstage Leader: Tyler Simpson. Co-Host: Alex Miller Performers: Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ Choreographer- Anna Hamilton. Caleb Powley, Orion Harris, Connor McNamara-Spackman, Sean Jensen, Bill Kermode, Joe Williams, Codey James, Andy Innes, Keanu Flavell, Lewis Morrell, Vivian Johnson, Cole Starling. Degas’ ‘Ballerinas’ Choreographers - Kaylee Willoughby and Sasha Douglas. Anastasia Shoebridge, Phoebe Owen, Josie McGovern, Alice Croucher, Brianna Engert, Marisska Roussouw, Warna Karunanayake, Erin McKnight, Sian Pearson, Anna Kincheff. Warhol’s ‘Marilyn’ Choreographers - Rachel Pittman and Ashleigh Whitmore. Anna Hamilton, Lara McRae, Lindie de Kleerk, Hannah Clayton, Tyla Jensen, Nethmi Karunananyake, Anna Wild, Jenny Seok, Cassidy McDaid-Rush, Kate Griffiths, Emma Cronshaw-Hunt, Sion Kang. Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ Choreographers - Caroline Jones and Tegan Allpress. Nina McGregor, Abbie Ramsdale, Haruka Shigeuchi, Melanie Jonker, Sarah Wild, Danielle Corney, Shanyse Douglas, Keely Gage, Dakota Day, Laura Willis, Shevon Boddis, Sofia Morrell, Stephanie Jonker. Banksy Choreographer – Alea Wharekura Mandy Walker, Brooke Wilson-Mott, Morgan McHale, Asjah Doctor, Taelor Parker, Steven Reedy, Rhyan Puha, Jenny Kim. Extras – Street Hustle & Bustle Jamie Thompson, Lindsey Gemmell, Kalista Pijnaker, Melanie Hall, Jessica Hall, Katarina Mau-Thompson, Lucy McGovern, Molly Bidois, Sarah Wharekura, Rose Stewart, Olivia Tregilgas, Maddie Guy, Emma Lund, Tayla McKenzie, Erin Hamilton, Bailey Morrison, Johanna Nielsen, Titia Dittmer, Sarah Carnell. Backstage Crew Backstage Leader - Tyler Simpson David Lewis, Matt Robertson, Te Moana nui a Kiwa Ryan, Emily Hammond, Deepika Magesan, Stephen Wright. Support Crew Make-Up – Jordyn Whangaparita; Photographer – Reade Nikora; Costume: Kathleen Ashley; Lighting: Seungwon Kim; F/S – Rain Gotz-Tier, F/S – Jason Hanson We would like to thank Our Parents and WHHS Staff for their support, especially Bronwen Ropiha, Jane Bowman, Sonia Irwin, Claire Barrat-Wood, Curtis Hemana, Phil Bulkely, Donna Warren, and our volunteers, Pikihuia Eparaima-Thyne, Alyssa Rogers, Stacey Tamblin, Olivia Ashby, Shaun Loper, Jacob Rakei, Hannah Lyons and Eddie Bowman. We would like to invite new members to join our team and look forward to creating a new Stage Challenge in 2015. “KO TE KAI A TE RANGATIRA HE KŌRERO” Ka tika kia waiho mā te tangata e mihi, nā runga i tēnei whakaaro he mihi tēnei ki a mātou kai-whakairo i te kupu rangatira, ngā waha kākā o Te Akoranga Reo Rua. I te wiki tuarua o tēnei tau i tū ngā Manu Kōrero ā rohe o Te Arawa ki Waiariki, tokotoru a mātau kaikōrero i tū hai māngai mō tō tātau kura. I tū maia, i tū pakari rātau katoa, hai te mutunga o te rā anei ngā hua: Te Rangimonoa Rangihau (RTT)– Pei Te Hurinui (Senior Māori) = 1st (Ka haere atu ia ki Heretaunga hai mangai mō te rohe o Te Arawa) Sharma Waiomio (WDY) – Tā Turi Kara /Sir Turi Carroll (Junior English) = 3rd Reimana Rameka (RTT) – Rawhiti Ihaka (Junior Māori) = 6th Te Roopū Manāki Te Roopu Manāki have begun practices to prepare for the Secondary Schools National Kapahaka Competition that will be held in Gisborne next term - July 29th – August 1st 2014 Te Roopū Mānaaki will be performing on Thursday the 31st July at approximately 11.40am. Tickets and more information are avaliable online at tairawhiti2014.com He Mahi Ringawera Te Akoranga Reo Rua and Te Roopū Manāki students represented our school with pride and honour at a fundraising event for the local St Faith’s Angelican church. This was a formal dinner event, catered by the world renowned chef Peter Gordan as he filmed the finale of his most recent cooking show. The students looked immaculent and were friendly and great ambassadors for our school. Opening Of The New Rotorua Police Station 2014 Our Te Akoranga Reo Rua Students again represented our school at the recent opening of the new Police Station. Our students were part of the official welcoming ceremony with local police staff and Ngāti Whakaue kaumatua, and provided whakangahau items as well. The school acknowledges the constant holistic and pedagogical support of Ngati Whakaue and the yearly financial assistance of the Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment
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