9 July 2014 Anabella Vidal Rotorua District Council Private Bag 3029 Rotorua Mail Centre Rotorua 3046 NEW ZEALAND Via email: [email protected] Dear Anabella Re: REVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS ON OUTSTANDING NATURAL FEATURES AND LANDSCAPES WITHIN RDC PROPOSED DISTRICT PLAN Boffa Miskell Ltd has been engaged to undertake a review of the submissions to the Proposed District Plan in relation to two existing ONFLs and two requested ONFL’s. The following review provides a review against the method used in the 2010 ONFL study1 to provide a consistent method and level of identification across the District. The recommendations within this report are from a technical expert only. 1. Background In 2008 Boffa Miskell Ltd undertook several landscape assessments to identify Rotorua’s Outstanding Natural Landscapes and Features. The purpose of this study was to assess these landscapes in line with current best practice and in line with recent case law2. The landscape assessments first identified the character of the District and in turn the character units. Following on from this work the ‘special and important’ landscapes and features were identified. These are the features and landscapes that were considered to have factors, values and associations that were significant enough to be collectively rated as Outstanding. Attachment A details the assessment of the two ONFL’s that are queried within the submissions and which form part of this review. 1 2 Lake Rotorua Landscape Assessment – June 2010, Boffa Miskell Ltd. WESI vrs QLDC(2000) NZRMA 59 T14051_002_Opinion_ONFL_Reviews_RRY _20140612.docx 2. Scope of Submissions 2.1 Content & Relief Sought The following submissions sought to revise boundaries of two identified ONFL’s and include two additional ONFL’s within the Proposed District Plan: Hamurana Road Wetland: Maps show ONFL crossing the front of our property at 372B Hamurana Road. This area is mostly lawn and amenity planting. This ONFL comes off the northern edge of the Hamurana Road Wetland and crosses our boundary to the lakefront. Ground truthing would show that this should follow the northern edge of Hamurana Road Wetland SNA up to the lake front, then run along the lake edge. Mount Ngongotaha Delete the Mt Ngongotaha ONFL from the Henderson Quarry (Lot 1, DPS1283, also known as Rotohokahoka F6 Block) undertake sufficient ground trothing to determine the correct eastern boundary of the ONFL and amend the eastern boundary in consultation with the submitter to align with this specific ground contour or indigenous vegetation line that is clear of the mineral resource. The Eastern boundary of the ONFL is very close to the Henderson Quarry Site. It is unclear form the scale of the planning maps what land is included within this notation. Submitter is concerned that the location of the ONFL has potential to adversely impact upon the continued operation of the quarry activities. New ONFL – Te Pohue and Mahorehore Wetland Include these two wetlands as new ONFL’s. These sites are of cultural and ecological significance for Ngati Rangiwehi. 3. Assessment The following assessment takes into account the method used for the District Landscape Assessment 3. The assessment considered first the character of the broad areas of Rotorua and secondly assessed within these those areas that were considered to be outstanding. The assessment criteria used has been adopted from the earlier BOP Regional Policy Statement (at that time) and the criteria applied within Variation 1 of that RPS. Largely this criteria of ONFL assessment has not changed since the study and remains an application of what is known as the WESI criteria 4. The criteria or ‘factors, values and associations’, are listed within the landscape study and have been applied to each of the requested reviews. Lake Rotorua Landscape Assessment – June 2010, Boffa Miskell Ltd. Refer to Page 93, Northern Lakes Landscape Assessment, Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes chapter. 3 4 T14051_002_Opinion_ONFL_Reviews_RRY_20140612.docx page 2 3.1 Hamurana Wetland as part of the Lake Rotorua and Margins ONFL The Hamurana Wetland forms part of the Lake Rotorua and Margins ONFL. The wetland is seen as a key part of the ONFL particularly in regard to the Natural Science factors. In this area of the ONFL the ecological values associated with the SNA5 are driving factors to the identification of this feature. The submission requests that the modified areas of their property are excluded and the northern edge of the wetland are matched. Taking into account the factors, values and associations, those areas proposed to be removed do not display the qualities associated with the ONFL area. The following image provides a recommended boundary adjustment to this part of the ONFL extent. Proposed amended ONFL boundary Extent of Existing ONFL Figure 1 – Hamurana Wetland as part of the Lake Rotorua Wetland and Margins ONF – Red line depicts marrying the new ONFL line to the extent of the SNA feature for this area. Recommendation Adjust northern extent of ONFL within the Hamurana Wetland to match the SNA feature for this area. The above diagram demonstrates the mapping adjustment recommended. The revised ONFL extent will continue to meet the assessment criteria as detailed in the June 2010 Landscape Assessment report. 5 Significant Natural Area T14051_002_Opinion_ONFL_Reviews_RRY_20140612.docx page 3 3.2 Mount Ngongotaha Described as steep volcanic intrusion (cone) feature of rhyolite dome complex formed after the Rotorua eruption rising from the caldera floor. The distinctive factors rated as high within the assessment are attributed to the geological form that in turn effects the Vividness value. Mount Ngongotaha is highly recognisable across the community and beyond and contributes to the volcanic landscape character of the area. The values attributed to the feature include the Maori Values that include pa sites on its lower slopes which include pa, selttlements and urupa along with important resources such as springs. The mountain is a revered ancestral maunga by many of the resident hapu of Te Arawa. The submission seeks for consideration of the existing quarrying lan d use on the mountain and its concern around the ongoing operations of the activity within the ONFL. Relief sought focuses on deleting the ONFL from the Quarry site (Lot 1 DPS 12383). The following image shows the extent of the ONFL and the stated Henderson Quarry site. Submitters Property Extent of Existing ONFL Figure 2 – Mt Ngongotaha ONFL and Quarry Site The intrusion into the quarry site is minimal and it is agreed that the quarry feature does not contribute to the ONFL itself. Figure 3 shows full extent of the ONFL. The spur on which the quarry site is located forms an important part of the ONFL, T14051_002_Opinion_ONFL_Reviews_RRY_20140612.docx page 4 particularly in regard to its geomorphology and volcanic form. The boundary follows a broader ridgeline along this spur and it is recommended that this feature remains as part of the ONFL. However detailed adjustment to follow the natural landform along the top of the ridge is recommended to take into account the submitters broader relief. Submitters Property Location Extent of Existing ONFL Figure 3 – Mt Ngongotaha – Full Extent Figure 4 below provides an adjustment to the ONFL extent along the north eastern extent of the spur. This follows more accurately the natural landform around the top end of the spur, responding to the geomorphology of the overall volcanic feature and the Aesthetic Values, in particular the visual coherence and vividness. Similarly the Maori values are considered for this adjustment to ensure recognised sites of significance and their relationship to the maunga are included. Proposed amended ONFL Boundary Submitters Property Figure 4 – Mt Ngongotaha – Proposed Adjustment to ONFL boundary (red line) T14051_002_Opinion_ONFL_Reviews_RRY_20140612.docx page 5 Recommendation Adjust north eastern extent of ONFL to follow the natural landform around the end of the spur. This part of the maunga remains significant and should be retained for its geological importance however the quarry operations have significantly detracted from the feature and do not form part of the ONF. 3.3 Inclusion of New ONFL’s – Te Pohue Wetland andTe Mahorehore Wetland The requested wetlands for inclusion as an outstanding natural feature are sited between Hamurana Road and Lake Rotorua. The features are not identified as Significant Natural Features and are separated from Lake Rotorua with pastoral farmland. These areas display some natural elements consistent with natural patterns, processes and elements that are remnant of the natural systems prior to human occupation. In order to identify these areas as forming part of the Outstanding Natural Feature they would need to be ecologically assessed as having higher levels of indigenous biodiversity with high levels of naturalness and connectivity with Lake Rotorua. This does not discount that these areas contribute to the natural environment and are important. However based on our evaluation of these features they are not recommended to be identified as separate ONFL’s or included as part of the Lake Rotorua and Margins ONFL. Figure 5 – Te Pohue and Te Mahorehore Wetlands Recommendation To acknowledge the ecological and cultural significance of these wetlands to Ngati Rangiwewehi. However it would be inconsistent with the wider ONFL assessment to include these areas as separate ONF’s or as part of the Lake Rotorua and Margin ONF. It is recommended that these two wetlands are not included as ONFL’s. T14051_002_Opinion_ONFL_Reviews_RRY_20140612.docx page 6 We have based the above recommendations on the technical data assessed at the time of the 2010 assessment and note that policy considerations based on current case law 6 have not been taken into account. We are happy to discuss the above and provide any further information as required. Yours sincerely BOFFA MISKELL Rebecca Ryder Principal Landscape Architect Attachment A – ONFL Assessment Tables from June 2010 Landscape Assessment ONFL study 6 WESI vrs QLDC(2000) NZRMA 59 T14051_002_Opinion_ONFL_Reviews_RRY_20140612.docx page 7
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