April 19, 2015 Third Sunday Of Easter Gospel Summary Mass Intentions/Intenciones de las Misas Saturday, April 18th. 5:30p.m. Juana Grado†, Anthony Simon Caro † Francisco & Zenaida Camerena † John & Francis García †, Intention of Viviana Patino Intention of Bertha & Emily Hernandez 7:00p.m. Ernestina De Ochoa†, Intencion de Emily Hernández Intencion de Pedro y Veronica Hernández Sunday, April 19th. 8:00a.m. Intention of Christy Harvey, Gabriel Pérez† 9:30a.m Ramon & Antonia Romero †, Jesse & Cookie Romero † Jason & Aaron Romero † 11:00a.m. Robert & Bobby Mejia †, Intención de Revolución Juvenil con Cristo 12:30p.m Por Los Feligreses de La Parroquia Wednesday, April 22nd. 8:00a.m. Carlos & Modesta Vargas † Thursday, April 23rd, . 8:00a.m. Intention of all the Sick People Lamberto Mercado † Friday, April 24th. 8:00a.m. Intention of all Our Holy Priest Saturday, April 25th.. 5:30 p.m. Francisco & Zenaida Camarena†, Robert & Bobby Mejia †, Alta Allenger † John & Francis Garcia †, Bill Dietrich † Martin Rodriguez and Family † 7:00p.m. Micaela Salazar†, Lamberto Mercado † Elena Ramirez y Salvador Meza †, Para dar Gracias Sunday, April 26th. 8:00a.m. For Parishioners of St. Joseph’s 9:30a.m. Debby Harmon Kottenboach † 11:00a.m. Silviano Acosta †, Jorge Serna †, Zoela y Candelario Luna † Salomon Miguel Martinez † Intención de Víctor Omar Cárdenas Guzmán 12:30p.m. Leonor Cortez †, Ignacio Rodríguez y Alejandro Camarillo† Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Our parish will soon be extending the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament hours that takes place on Thursdays. Starting at 8:30AM after morning Mass until 10:00PM. We are in need of parishioners that have a calling to be with Jesus and commit to an hour time slot. We would like to eventually have an adoration chapel that will have the Blessed Sacrament Exposed 24 hours 7 days a week. Please contact Stephanie to (559)348-3598 for information. Blessings. Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento At the end of Luke’s gospel, the disciples were still trying to understand what happened to Jesus, and Jesus was still trying to help them figure it out. Following his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples again. They still had a hard time recognizing him and figuring out if he was a ghost. To help them know he was really there with them, Jesus ate a piece of fish and asked the disciples to go out into the world to tell others the Good News. The early Church of Luke’s community had the same problem, and much of Luke’s writing was intended to help these new Christians see that the resurrection was indeed real. As he did at the Last Supper Jesus once again broke bread with the disciples and offered them his body. Reflection for Families Changes take place in all of us that prevent people who have not seen us for some time from recognizing us. When friends and relatives see our children after a long absence, they almost always comment on the changes in size, height, hair color, voice, and mannerisms. While Jesus appeared changed to the disciples and we have never even seen him at all, we still know he is with us. Each week at Eucharist, Jesus appears to us. Sometimes it is we who have to change in order to recognize Jesus and receive the joy he brings us in the Eucharist. Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family Bring a globe or world map to your family prayer table or area. Try to name as many places as you can where the Good News has reached the people of the world. Share your ideas with one another about what this means to us Christians and Catholics. How are we united throughout the world? What work still lies ahead for us? How can we help accomplish that work? Conclude your discussion by praying for our church and its missionaries. Discussion Starters 1. I have helped bring the Good News into the world by… 2. One way I see the breaking of the bread build up the family of our parish is by… 3. One of the best examples I have recently seen (or heard of) where someone shares the Good New s is… RIGHT TO LIFE OF CENTRAL CA Right to life of central California is seeking someone to help in the sale of mothers day corsages. Anyone interested, please call Elizabeth Goddarol at 229-2229 DEADLINE APPROACHING ! The Selma Catholic Women’s Club has scholarships available to high school seniors who are members of St. Joseph parish and who plan to continue their education past high school. Application forms are available in the parish office and the CCD office. They may be returned to either office by Friday, May 1, 2015. NOTE: if you attend Selma High and have completed their local scholarship form, completion of this club form is necessary. Questions? Call Frances at 813-0247. Nuestra parroquia pronto extenderá nuestra de las horas del Santísimo Sacramento que se lleva a cabo los Jueves. A partir de las 8:30 después de misa hasta las 10:00PM. Estamos necesitados de feligreses que sienten el llamado para estar con Jesús sacramentado y comprometerse con una hora. En el futuro nos gustaría tener una capilla de Adoración Perpetuo al Santísimo Sacramento que Your Donations/Ofrendas de la Semana estaría expuesto al 24 horas 7 días a la Semana. Para obtener infor- Regular Collection $ 7,904.96 mación por favor póngase en contacto con Stephanie al Next week we will have second collection for Home (559) 348-3598. Bendiciones Missions Saint Joseph “Building the Future” Scholarship The parish of St. Joseph’s would like to offer this scholarship to any young Catholic student who is seeking out higher education. We do this in the spirit of beloved St Joseph. St Joseph was a husband, father a carpenter and builder. Our Father in Haven placed Jesus into his and our Lady’s care. Through this modest scholarship we commend you to the care of St Joseph. As he cared and provided for Jesus, as he taught him to work and construct, our humble parish attempts to do the same as our sons and daughters begin to build the future for themselves, our community and Gods Church. Application forms are available in the parish office. Deadline is May 29, 2015 by 4 pm. No late entries will be considered.
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