The Church of Saint Edward 201 Douglas Ave Henning, MN 56551 (218) 583-2490 {[email protected]} Faith Forma on Coordinator ~ Lyn Andrews (583-2620) Fr. LeRoy Schik, Pastor Pastoral Council Members: Joe Joerger (Chairman), Our Lady of the Lake Church Office (218) 864-5619 OLL Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am to 4 PM Jackie Albers, Tom Campbell, Scott Grabe, Don Hansen, Scott Hart, Ron Mohs, Lisa Radermacher and Mary Ann Trana Priest Emergency: (218) 251-0418 Pastoral Ministry ~ Judi Strege (583-2156) Parish Secretary ~ Marilyn Bolland (367-2322) Parish Trustees ~ Dick Trana (583-4225) Richard O. Johnson (583-2262 or 320-304-0964) January 4, 2015 The Epiphany of the Lord THE MAGI OR WISEMEN — In ancient Iran--also known as Persia--a priest was called a "magus." The plural is "magi". The word "magic" comes from the same root. Magi were experts in astronomy. This was useful in determining the calendar and the end of winter and the spring planng season. They believed that stars and other celesal objects actually influenced, rather than merely coincided with, earthly events. One, or possibly a series of omens, led them to believe that a royal prince had been born in Israel. They were sent as ambassadors to provide tribute to the newborn. The bible does not say how many Magi visited. It is assumed that there were three because of the number of gis. © 2000 by Father Richard Lonsdale † Sacrament of Baptism—Please contact Fr. LeRoy or Judi Strege. Baptism class is required to arrange the date of baptism. Weekend Masses at Area Churches Subject to Change without Noce. † Sacrament of Reconciliation—1/2 hour before Weekday SATURDAY: & Weekend Masses. † Sacrament of Matrimony—Couples planning a wedding should contact Fr. LeRoy at least 6 months in advance. No date should be set without first consulting with Fr. LeRoy. † Sacrament of Holy Orders—Parishioners are urged to pray for and encourage anyone who might feel called to be a priest or deacon, or who might serve the church in religious life. † Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick—Please notify Fr. LeRoy or Judi Strege if you are in need of the ministry of the sick. ††† 4 PM — Sacred Heart (Dent) 4 PM — Sacred Heart, Urbank {Dec.—Feb..} * 4:30 PM — Our Lady of Victory (Fergus Falls) 5 PM — St. James (Maine Twp.) {October—April, 2015} 5 PM — St. Henry (Perham) 5 PM — St. Ann (Wadena) 5:30 PM — St. Joseph (Bertha) 6 PM — St. Lawrence (Rush Lake) 7 PM — Holy Cross (Butler) (time has changed) 7:30 PM — St. Ann, Brandon {Dec.—Feb.} * SUNDAY: 8 am — St. Henry (Perham) {note change in time} † RCIA—Those who would like to join the Roman Catholic 8:30 am — St. Edward (Henning) {October—April, 2015} Church, please contact Fr. LeRoy or Judi Strege. 8:30 am — Sacred Heart (Dent) † Visiting of the Sick—Please notify Judi Strege or the 8:30 am — Our Lady of Victory (Fergus Falls) parish office of any parishioners who are homebound, sick, in 8:30 am — Our Lady of Seven Dolors, Millerville * hospitals or nursing homes and wish to be visited or receive 8:30 am — St. Ann (Wadena) Communion. 10 am — St. Henry (Perham) {note change in time} † Prayer Network—If you know of someone in need of 10:30 am — Our Lady of the Lake (Battle Lake) prayers,, please call … Eva Koep (218-862-4710) or Betty 10:30 am — Our Lady of Victory (Fergus Falls) Barker-Saari (583-2886) 10:30 am — St. John the Baptist (Bluffton) † Parish Registration—An appointment for registration of 10:30 am — St. Lawrence (Rush Lake) new parishioners should be made with Fr. LeRoy or Judi 10:30 am — St. Williams, Strege. Parish registration is necessary before arranging for a Parkers Prairie * baptism or a wedding. Church of Saint Edward Mission Statement We, the Roman Catholic Community of St. Edward, Henning, Minnesota, and of the Diocese of St. Cloud, are members of the living body of Christ here on earth to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ, by proclaiming the gospel, by celebrang the sacraments, by strengthening the faith of our families, and by serving others. Daily Scripture Readings Sunday, January 4 Isaiah 60: 1-6 Psalm 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-13 Ephesians 3: 2-3, 5-6 Matthew 2: 1-12 Monday, January 5 1 John 3:22—4:6 Psalm 2: 7-8, 10-12 Matthew 4: 12-17, 23-25 Tuesday, January 6 1 John 4: 7-10 Psalm 72: 1-4, 7-8 Mark 6: 34-44 Wednesday, January 7 1 John 4: 11-18 Psalm 72: 1-2, 10, 12-13 Mark 6: 45-52 Thursday, January 8 1 John 4: 19—5:4 Psalm 72: 1-2, 14-15, 17 Luke 4: 14-22 Friday, January 9 1 John 5: 5-13 Psalm 147: 12-15, 19-20 Luke 5: 12-16 Saturday, January 10 1 John 5: 14-21 Psalm 149: 1-6, 9 John 3: 22-30 Sunday, January 11 Isaiah 55: 1-11 Isaiah 12: 2-6 1 John 5: 1-9 Mark 1: 7-11 Page A Reflection — Today's reading from the Gospel of Matthew [Mt. 2:1-12] teaches us Weekday Masses that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea during the reign of king Herod. Frequently, the wise men are referred to as "magi." This singular tense of the word, tangus is a term that was used in those days to mean any one skilled in occult knowledge and power. Because Matthew mentioned that the magi observed the star rising, [Mt. 2:2] this supports that they had knowledge of astrology. Another factor to consider is that they came from the East. This implies that they came from Mesopotamia, the home of astrology in the Hellenistic world. The record of the magi, like the genealogy of Jesus, [Mt. 1:1-17] confirms that Jesus was the promised King and Messiah. For it is a King that the magi were seeking to worship. When king Herod heard that a King was to be born among the Jewish people, he panicked and called together all the chief priests and scribes. He panicked because he was afraid to lose his throne. After consulting the chief priests and scribes, king Herod learned that it has been prophesied that the King would be born in Bethlehem, the land of Judea. [Mic. 5:1-5] Bethlehem of Judea was the birth place of king David. Next, we heard that king Herod told the wise men to continue their journey and when they find the Child Jesus, to report back to him so he too can go and pay homage to the King of the Jewish people. As we know, king Herod had no intention whatsoever of paying homage to the Child Jesus. And so the magi continued on their journey. The next thing we heard during the reading from the Holy Bible is that the star led them, not only to the town, but also to the house where Jesus dwelled. When the guiding star stopped over the house, the magi were overwhelmed with joy. As the story of Christmas tell us, when the magi found the house, they entered it and found the Child Jesus with Mary His mother. They knelt before Jesus and presented Him with gifts of "gold, frankincense and myrrh" [Mat. 2:11] as prophesied in the Old Testament. [Ps. 72:10; Is. 60:6] This reading highlights two important truths. First of all, it reveals the royal messiahship of Jesus to us. Secondly, it tells us that we as Gentiles are also called to adore the Lord Jesus as the magi have done. As fellow heirs to the Kingdom of God, we are called to always be faithful to the first commandment of God, "I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before Me." [Ex. 20:2] When we have one God, we are loyal to Him. But if we have two masters, we cannot serve both. We will "be devoted to one and despise the other." [Mt. 6:24] "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit." [Rom. 8:5] As we enter the new year, this provides us with a great opportunity to review our status before God. Are we faithful to God or do we have other gods? Are we preoccupied with pride, having elevated ourselves above God? Is there an obsession with food in our lives? Is there an obsession with wealth to the extend of having become uncharitable towards others? Are some of us over-weighted and exposing ourselves to medical conditions that can affect our proper functioning in society? Is there an addiction to illegal drugs, prescribed medications or alcohol? Is our faith place in astrology, Bingos, Casinos or other forms of gambling? All of these bad habits are detrimental to our spiritual growth, alienating us from the true God, the Lord Jesus. As the Magi knew the true God, let us also remind ourselves of this truth. With the beginning of a new year, now is the time to make a resolution to overcome one of our bad habits. Naturally, we cannot do it alone. By the grace of the Heavenly Father and the power of the Holy Spirit, in the Most Holy Name of Jesus, we can overcome all ailments that impede our spiritual growth. LITURGIES OF THE WEEK: Sunday, January 4 @ 8:30 am The Epiphany of the Lord † Clarence Cichy Brenda Brown, Margaret Dutton, Richard O. Johnson Marion Malecha, Kelly Meyer Mass Intenon Extraordinary Eucharisc Ministers Monday, January 5 NO Mass Tuesday, January 6 NO Mass 6 to 7 PM — Confessions (OLL) Wednesday, January 7 {St. James, Maine} 8 am to 9 am — Adoration 9 am — Mass 9:30 am — Confessions Thursday, January 8 VOCATIONS MASS @ Dent 6 PM — Holy Hour, Confessions 7 PM — Mass (Sacred Heart) 8 PM — Fellowship Friday, January 9 {St. Edward, Henning} 8 am — Confessions 8:30 am — Mass 9 am to 10 am — Adoration Weekend Masses SATURDAY ~ January 10 4:30 PM ~ Confessions (SJ) 5 PM ~ SJ (Maine Twp.) SUNDAY ~ January 11 8 am ~ Confessions 8:30 am ~ SE (Henning) 10:30 am ~ OLL (Battle Lake) Sunday, January 11 @ 8:30 am The Baptism of the Lord †† Anton & Magda Steigerwald Tom Campbell, Peggy Cichy, Deb Hart Lectors Cindy Joerger, Abbe Campbell Scott & Deb Hart Family Offertory Gis Hedy Moe & Mary Ann Wilke Eve, Gracie, Jack, Logan Altar Servers Nathan, Ally, Ethan, Caden Jim Brown, Scott Grabe, Jim Reineke, Stan Wojcik Greeters ~ Ushers Duane Cichy, Clay Houselog, Joe Joerger, Ron Mohs Lloyd/Pat Kirscht, Duane/Peggy Cichy, Jim/Judi Strege, Robert/Amy Johnson Fellowship Aer Mass All are Welcome to Aend Paul/Kathy Larson, Barb Snyder, Ron/Rose Skudlarek, Dick/Mary Trana Friday, January 9 Christmas Weekday Mass † Dan Lugert Page 2 Parish Calendar with Area Events Stewardship Prayer Receive my offering, O Lord. It is not charity because you are not a beggar. It is a contribution because you have no need for it. It is not my leftovers because you want more than that. My gift, O Lord, represents my gratitude, my love … for Whatever I have, it is because you have given it to me. Amen. St. Edward Parish Family Stewardship Sunday, December 28, 2014 Mass Attendance: 179 Mary, Mother of God — Mass Attendance: 160 Adult/Solemnity of Mary $ 2,944.00 Youth/Solemnity of Mary $ 11.70 Loose/Solemnity of Mary $ 199.88 $ 26.50 Vove Initial Offering $ 45.00 Religious Education $ 50.00 Youth Group $ 50.00 BUILDING FUND $ 1,850.00 Donation for Altar Cloth $ 100.00 TOTAL $ 5,277.08 Please note on our approved 2014-15 annual budget. The average weekly need to fund the parish is Thank you for your generosity to our parish and for using your envelopes when attending Mass at neighboring parishes. Please turn in your Building Project Pledge Slips, as they were due on December 31st. Presently 49 pledges with a total of $ 69,151. St. Edward Faith Formaon Confirmaon, January 11th — Journal Assignment: Unwrapped. Lessons — Gis & Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? Please keep in your prayers our youth who are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliaon for the first me on Saturday, January 24th; Amber Collins, Teddy Grabe, Zayne Reineke, MacKenzie Suchy, Hunter Wanderi and Tiffany Weber. Epiphany Program Sunday, January 4th The Epiphany Program will be held a er Mass, with refreshments to follow. Prayer Shawl Ministry Thursday, January 8th Landmark Center, Henning Beginning at 1:30 PM Monthly Vocations Mass Thursday, January 8th Sacred Heart Church, Dent 6 PM — Holy Hour, Confessions 7 PM — Mass 16th Annual Jr. High Youth Rally Sunday, January 11th “Winter Spectacular 2015” St. John’s Prep School, Collegeville, MN For 6th, 7th & 8th Graders To those who donated in anyway to the Bryce Thalmann Benefit; from working at the benefit, donang silent aucon items, bake sale items, to a/ending the benefit. Please connue to keep Bryce and his family in your daily prayers; praying for strength and healing. A Note from the Parish Secretary: I will be out of town from Thursday, January 8th thru Tuesday, January 20th. The January 11th & January 18th Bullens will be printed prior to my leaving. If me allows, 2014 statements will be printed and mailed out before I leave. Marilyn SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST: Bryce, 18 month old son of Nathan and Kristy Thalmann, was diagnosed in September with an aggressive and rare stage 4 malignant rhabdoid tumor of the liver. He is currently undergoing treatment at Children ‘s Hospital in Minneapolis. Bryce is an unbelievable little angel in need of your prayers for a miracle of complete and total healing Prayer cards asking for the intercession of Blessed Mother Teresa are available for you to take home. Thank You! For additional prayer cards, please contact Mary Trana (218-282-0232) 16th Annual St. Cloud Diocesan Jr. High Youth Rally to be held on Sunday, January 11th. Please contact Deb Hart (583-2746) or Lara Bergstrom (583-2377) if you would like to parcipate. Completed Registraon Forms are required. Epiphany (1/4/15) God’s glory continues to shine in our world. You need to carry the light of Christ. Consider being a light for the world as a Church minister. (Isaiah 60:1-6) A VOCATION VIEW: Even gift bearing kings, accompanied by camels and servants, went to visit Jesus Christ. You, come and follow Him. Take the Good News back to your people: Jesus is Lord of all. Page 3 Please Keep in Your Prayers! ~ Pope Francis I ~ Bishop Donald Kettler ~ Fr. LeRoy Schik ~ Fr. Paul Folsom ~ Ruth Hobbs ~ Bryce Thalmann ~ Presley Dehmer ~ Terry Becker ~ Carol Grotheer ~ Jordynne Hart ~ Rick Frobom ~ Georgianne Kruize Eternal Word Television Network ~ Family of Veronica Rutledge ~ For all Caregivers PAPAL VISITS FOR SRI LANKA AND PHILIPPINES JAN 11-18. Pray for a PRIEST each day in January 5—Rev. Eugene Plaisted, OSC 6—Rev. Gregory Paffel 7—Rev. Gregory Mastey 8—Rev. Michael Wolfbauer 9—Rev. Omar Guanchez 10—Rev. Peter VanderWeyst 11—Rev. Jeremy Theis Have a prayer request? Please call or email the Parish Office. Prayer Requests will remain in the bulletin for one month unless the office is notified to keep And all those who are in need of our prayers including all an individual on the list. servicemen & women who are protecting our freedom. Happy Birthday to everyone who will be celebrang their day during the month of January. birth- Prayer Shawl Ministry will be meeng Thursday, January 8, at 1:30 at the Landmark Center. We hope to see you there. This group is open to everyone, all you need to bring is yarn and your crochet hooks or kning needles. If you do not know how to crochet or knit, we can give you some help. Please consider joining us. You and your spouse or friend are invited to an Appreciation Supper to be held on Sunday, January 25th at St. Edward Catholic Church Fellowship Hall Social Hour from 5 to 6 PM with Supper at 6 PM Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 21st Check the following channels: ACS ~ 79 Park Region ~ 17 Direct TV ~ 370 Dish Network ~ 261 ACS Scheduling ~ 20 ALSO CHECK Catholic Radio AM 1280 or visit JANUARY is dedicated to THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS EPIPHANY BLESSING OF CHALK It has been a tradi on in the Catholic Church to bless chalk at the Epiphany Mass, and then use the blessed chalk as part of blessing of one’s home in the New Year. The home blessing can be done as follows: Use the blessed chalk to write: 20+C+M+B+15 above the doorways: 2015 for the year; C, M, B for the 3 Magi – Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar – and for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, La n for “May Christ Bless this House.” As you are wri ng, pray one of the following prayers: (a sign up sheet is available on the podium next the Parish Office) {You MUST signup if you are planning on attending.} The Finance Commiee for the building project met on Wednesday, December 3rd. At that mee ng, a decision was made to send out a leer to explain the Building Project and request a pledge from our parishioners and visitors; so we can get an es mate of the funds available. This informa on will be used to seek financial approval at the Parish of Saint Edward diocese level. Please pray about how much you can financially support this project during the next three years. IF YOU HAVE NOT RETURN YOUR PLEDGE SLIP, PLEASE DO SO AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. May all who come to our home this year rejoice to find Christ living among us; and may we seek and serve, in everyone we meet, that same Jesus who is Lord, forever and ever. Amen. Lord God of heaven and earth, you revealed your only-begotten Son to every nation by the guidance of a star. Bless this house and all who inhabit it. Fill us with the light of Christ, that our concern for others may reflect your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord our God, bless this household. May we be blessed with health, goodness of heart, gentleness, and the keeping of your law. We give thanks to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. Page 4
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