View Bulletin - Resurrection Parish

A voice cries out:
“In the
prepare the
way of the
make straight
in the desert
a highway
for our God”
Isaiah 40
is a season of
December 7, 2014
Second Sunday of Advent
Pastor: Father Stephen Bill 306-352-0988
Asst. Priest: Father Thomas Nguyen
Main Office:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 306-352-0999
3155 Windsor Park Road, Regina SK S4V 3B1
Office Hours: Monday – Friday
Office Administrator:
Pastoral Assistant - Liturgy
Kevin Harty
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Lori Babyak
Pastoral Assistant - Sacraments
Lisa Polk
[email protected]
[email protected]
Finance Office
Operations Coordinator
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rick Wilgosh
Lori & Rob Bresciani
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Braden Kuntz
[email protected]
Pedro Onza
Jay Opulencia
Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85; 2 Pet 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8
Dec 8 Gen 3:9-15,20; Ps 98; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38
Dec 9 Is 40:1-11; Ps 96; Mt 18:12-14
Dec 10 Is 40:25-31; Ps 103; Mt 11:28-30
Dec 11 Is 41:13-20; Ps 145; Mt 11:11-15
Dec 12 Zec 2:10-13; RC Judith 13; Lk 1:39-47
Dec 13 Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80; Mt 17:10-13
Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Ps Lk 1; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
Weekday Masses December 9 - 12
Tue 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Adoration
7:00 pm Mass For respect for Human Life
from conception to natural death
Wed 9:30 am +Allesandro Esposto by Maurizio Esercitato
Thu 8:30 am +Gino Di Ruscio by the Di Ruscio families
Fri 8:30 am +Marilyn Fox by Rob & Lori Bresciani
If you wish to offer a Mass Intention please contact the Parish
Office. Because we receive a high number of requests, some
Mass Intentions will be sent to other parishes to be celebrated.
Daily Prayers
We invite you to spend a few moments each
day this week praying for these Intentions ...
- for Xuan Thuy Nguyen who will be ordained to the
priesthood this Friday
- for our RCIA Candidates and Catechumen
- for the faith community of our Lady of Peace Parish
If you are in need of the Power of Prayer, please, let us
pray for you or if you wish to join in prayer for others,
call Lila Giesinger at 306-789-1600.
We Express our Deepest Sympathy to Jeanne Coupal
and family on the passing of her husband, Bernard. May
Bernard and all the souls of the Faithful Departed rest in
can be picked up in the Flex Space!
Advent 2014
at Resurrection Parish
Advent Reconciliation Liturgy
& Individual Confessions
This Sunday, December 7 3:00 pm
Come Adore This Wondrous Presence
Tuesday December 9
Adoration for Life: 5:00 – 7:00 pm Mass 7:00 pm
Thursday December 18
Praise and Worship Adoration 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Christmas Flowers Remember to honor someone special
this Christmas. Your memorial gift will help provide
flowers for the Christmas Season. Donations can be
dropped in the Sunday Collection using the envelopes in
your envelope box or, in an envelope clearly marked
Christmas Flowers. Please be sure to include the name of
the person you wish to remember.
Are you here for Christmas?
We need ministers for all Masses.
Sign-up sheets are in the gathering space!
Join us for another Awesome Advent
Saturday December 13th 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Remember to RSVP at [email protected]
higher – a ministry for high school students
Christmas at Home Come for a night of hot
chocolate, warm and cozy fires and a gift exchange!
Registration is FREE, just bring a wrapped gift.
Saturday December 13
Starts with 5:00 pm Mass
Remember to RSVP at [email protected]
SOURCE Adoration
Reconciliation -Talks – Supper - Friends
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,
but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct,
in love, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
For all high-school students and young adults,
one Sunday a month and it’s free. 6 – 9 pm
Sunday December 14th at Christ the King
Helping with Hampers
Please remember to return your items for the food hampers
to the church on or before December 11th. (Perishable
items to be delivered on the weekend of December
13 & 14 only.)
One of the items on the wall is a financial donation
envelope. Please place these envelopes in the collection
Hamper assembly will begin immediately following the
11:00 am Mass on December 14th. We invite you to stay
and assist in the hamper assembly. Please join in the
Spirit of Giving by supporting this advent initiative.
CHALICE – is a Catholic organization that supports
children, families and communities in developing
countries. You can also sponsor a child. As a family
check out and consider what your
family can purchase to help others.
Christmas Mass Times: (Holy Day of Obligation)
December 24 – 7:00 p.m. & 12 midnight
December 25 – 10:00 am
The Holy Family Sunday:
December 27 & 28 – 5:00 pm, 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Mary, Mother of God Mass: (Holy Day of Obligation)
January 1 – 10:00 am
January 3 & 4 – 5:00 pm, 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Baptism of the Lord:
January 10 & 11 – 5:00 pm, 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Christmas Office Hours
Closed December 24, 25, 26
Closed January 1 & 2
New Youth Choir Looking for adult and teen musicians!
Singers - no younger than grade 6 please. Please contact
Stephanie at [email protected] or 306-545-5098
Men’s Faith & Fellowship Evening Conversation,
Fellowship & “Refreshments”- Bringing the foundations of
your faith into your everyday life. Open to all men of the
7:30 - 9:00 pm in Meeting Rm 2
parish, Tues. Dec 9
Tuesdays topic – “The Bible”
your order on the signup sheet in the gathering space
Snowflake Gala & Dance
Saturday Feb 7th, 2015
Cocktails 6:00 Dinner 7:00
Silent Auction
Dance to follow
Tickets now on sale
after the Masses or at the Parish Office
A Wonderful Christmas Gift idea.
Donations needed for our
Snowflake Gala & Dance
We would appreciate it if you can purchase a gift or gift
card for a donation of a prize for our silent auction. Please
ensure your name is on it and the value.
Resurrection CWL would like to thank you for so
generously donating and knitting warm items for La
FAIR TRADE COFFEE The Resurrection Knights will be
selling Fair Trade Coffee and Products next weekend
after all the Masses.
Do you long for meeting Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament, face to Face? Welcome to the Myriam
Family house for An hour of Adoration Tuesday to
Friday from 4-5 p.m. (until December 22 ) 2527 E
Margaret Place 306-761-0528
Catholic Family Services New Year’s Eve Celebration.
Music, dancing, cash bar and a late lunch. $55 for a single
and $100 for a couple. Call Catholic Family Services at
306-525-0521 or email [email protected]. This event will
be held instead of their annual February Gala fundraiser.
Catholic Family Services of Regina is a non-profit,
community based counseling agency offering support
services to families and individuals in need. Anyone,
regardless of beliefs or lifestyle is welcome.
Perogies for Sale 5 dozen for $20.00. Call Anita at 5430421 to arrange pickup time.
Children helping Children The Holy Childhood
Association (HCA) is Catholic Children helping children in
Ghana, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Sri Lanka.
How can our children help? What you can do this week?
Help your child find the countries of Ghana, India, Kenya,
Tanzania, Uganda and Sri Lanka in a book or on the
internet. Count the books you have in your house and all
the words your child is able to read because of going to
school. Count how many things you have in your home to
write with. Pray for the children who want to go to school.
See to see where children’s
donations are spent to help other children like you. Show
your children The Holy Childhood Association (HCA) link
on our diocesan Website under the Youth Ministry Page
Simbang Gabi (Mass of the Rooster) Holy Child will be
hosting this Filipino Christmas tradition Dec. 15 - 23.
Masses will be at 6 pm at Holy Child, with coffee and
fellowship to follow. Saturday, Dec. 20 Mass will be at the
7:00 pm regular Mass. Tuesday, Dec. 23, there will be a
potluck after the Mass. All are welcome!
The Voice for Justice campaign led by Development
and Peace in 2013-2014 on corporate accountability of
Canadian mining companies operating overseas has
achieved results! The federal government’s new
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, which was
announced on November 14 includes several of the
demands that were asked for by the 85,000 people from
across Canada who signed Development and Peace
action cards. To learn more, visit the Development and
Peace website at
Registrations are now being taken for the Western
Canada Stewardship conference in Calgary June 1214th. [cf.WWW.WCCSC.CA]. We are planning to charter
a bus from Regina for all participants. Is your parish
represented? Don't miss out on this wonderful
opportunity to enhance or begin a stewardship initiative in
your faith community. Please contact Rev. John Weckend
306-545-4051 if you would like further information.
The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary are offering a
Personal History Weekend Retreat for young, single,
Catholic men and women 19 years and older. Through
reflection, writing and prayerful discernment let yourself
be led through a process of exploring your gifts, your
dreams, your relationships and see how God is inviting
you to move forward in discipleship and holiness.
Register now for this live-in weekend; cost (includes
to Sun.
Jan 25.
meals): $50.00 Fri. Jan 23
851 University Drive, Saskatoon, Contact Sr. Lucie 306244-0726
Email: [email protected]
This month, our parish will be praying for Dennis
Ziegler, a candidate for the Permanent Diaconate
Formation Program and Reed Miller, a seminarian in our
Archdiocese. These men are our brothers, sons, fathers,
husbands and friends. See the posters with their names
and photos. An offering through a donation to the Annual
Appeal or a bequest in your will in recognition of your
support for their commitment and dedication to our
Catholic Family is appreciated. Christina Attard 306-3521651 ext. 220.
Ministry Schedule December 13 & 14
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Delores Porter
Jason Trehas
Kevin Mackay
*Rita Chabot
Surriya Gabriel
Lorne Kirzinger
Carole Ring
Carol Terry
Donna Warnke
Stephanie Wourms
Deborah Zaritzky
Karen Eisler
Gary Thiel
*Heidi Hildebrand
Audrey Patrick
Daniel Lizee
Doreen Nicolay
Lois Schatz
Brian Schatz
Tom Reynolds
Blair Ferguson
9. _________
Greg Vogelsang
*Jackie Smith
Edilberto Guingab
Ngoc La
Anna Barone
Joan Fischer
Chris Gillen
Greg Love
Mackenzie Love
Hermie Carubio
Karen Koroluk
1st Proclaimer
Pat Schiissler
Jessica Moser
Linda Mueller
2nd Proclaimer
Audrey Haines
Corey Patrick
Shea Mueller
Giannina Trevisan
Cheryl Sproat
Annette & Rachel
Darwin & Gail Mott
Barb Heallly Mallais,
Gay Patrick
John Paul Cruz
Katelyn Schierle
Berlin Schmalz
Jo-Anne Lukey
Anne Neudorf
Hanna & Regan
Dallas & Dawn
Jacques & Sharma
Frances Ingjaldson
Makayla Lang
Rachel Allen
Tina & Natasha
Power Point
Shelley Thiel
Isabel Kress
Eric & Laura
Angela Duczek
Tim Abello
Dean & Keri
Minje Kang
Minpyo Kang
JT Pacholka
Sr. Melanie
Eva Neudorf
Brittany Leitner
Jessica Fahlman
Thomas Kuntz
Richard Flegel
Sr. Genevieve
Tyler Wright
John Mayor
Gift Bearers
1. ____________
Lowrie family
1. ____________
Stan Podruchny, Bruce Schreiner, Ken Engel
Muoi Le, Walter Kmet, Wilf Roesch
Altar Servers
Sacraments and Services
Offered before Mass or by Appointment
Hospital Visits & Anointing of the Sick
Please call the pastor at 306-352-0988.
Sacrament of Baptism
For information and dates of upcoming Baptisms,
please see Father Steve after any Mass
Sacrament of Marriage
Make an appointment with the pastor
at least eight months in advance at 306-352-0988.
Do not book reception venue
until you have met with the Pastor.
Ministry of Care
A weekly visit, a ride to Mass, Holy Communion at home,
accompaniment to treatments or an appointment, someone to
pray with, to share the load of grief or anxiety, to befriend
through surgery or illness or to be there through difficult or
troubling times. Call the parish office: 306-352-0800.
Knights of Columbus
Ken Engel: 306-789-9311
[email protected]
Catholic Women’s League
Audrey Patrick: 306-525-3211
[email protected]
Pastoral Council
Chair: Tom Kuntz
[email protected]
Vice-Chair: Vacant
Liturgy: Dean Vey
Past Chair: Shanon Bida
Stewardship: Vacant
Communications & Public Relations: Vacant
Youth: Angela Carnegie
Ecumenism: Alynn Ferstl
CWL: Lila Giesinger
Ministry of Care: Joanne Flegel
Knights of Columbus: Jason Trehas
Social Justice: Chris Gillen
Spiritual Development: Don Stevenson
Recording Secretary: Barb Moser
Finance Council
Co-Chairs: Gay Patrick (306-569-1477) [email protected]
Vice-Chair: Greg Vogelsang
Fundraising: Shirley Carter & Richard Frontain
Hall & Catering: Vacant
Building and Grounds: Tony Gartner
& Adynea Russell (306-790-7910) [email protected]
Finance Administration: Krista Halayka
Members at Large: Lindsay Folk
Gary Stainbrook
Stewardship: Vacant
New Parishioner Registration / Change of Address
Please call the parish office at 306-352-0800 or email [email protected]
To register, we welcome you to stop in to the parish office or take one of the forms from the pamphlet rack in the foyer
or see our website at and print the New Parishioner Registration Form.
Return in person, by mail, or in the collection basket in an envelope marked: “Attention Office”