02 Tuesday 2nd December Week 49 [pdf, 3 MB]

From the Principal
9773 9340
Volume 19 Issue 37
9792 3961
Tuesday, 2nd December, 2014
[email protected]
Website: padstowhts-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Congratulations to the Senior Boys Softball team for
their exciting win in the grand final. That was the last
game for PSSA this year. Thank you to all the staff and
students who took part this year. We are proud of the
commitment and the sportsmanship that you
On Friday evening I was very fortunate to be in the
audience of the Schools Spectacular event. What a
spectacle it was! Three and a half thousand students
from Public Schools NSW performed in each of the four
concerts. I spotted our dance troupe in their item and
they executed their routine perfectly. The combined
choir included our 15 students and they also impressed
the audience. It was wonderful to see that student
talent is recognised and nurtured by staff in our public
schools and that the Department of Education
supports a showcase event.
On Friday Leanne Iverach (P & C President) and I went
to Revesby Workers Club where we were presented
with a cheque for $3000. The club supports all the
local schools. We are grateful for the donation and the
P & C will put it to good use almost immediately.
Lindy Bryant
Awards / Sport/Band
Using ipads/uniforms
School activities
We love the cockatoos that
visit our playground in large
numbers everyday. They
must love us too!
Calendar of Nov/ Dec events
Dec 2 Final scripture session
Dec2 Catholic scripture students attend mass
Dec2 Community Thank you morning tea
Dec 2 East Hills Girls HS concert in hall 11:30
Dec 3 High School Orientation Day for most high schools
Dec4 Bands play at 3 preschools and picnic lunch
Dec 5 Captains speeches Year 5 candidates
Dec 5 Year 5/6 dance group performs at assembly
Dec 8 Special assembly– PSSA awards, captains announced
Dec 9 K-2 Concert and mufti day 3-6
Dec 10 Year 6 Surf Education day
Dec 11 Presentation assemblies K-2 9:40; 3-6 11:45
Dec12 African Drumming workshops
Dec 12 Gold Reward recess and Red Day at canteen
Dec 12 Reports Home
Dec 12 Twilight Xmas Market, fete and carols evening 5-9pm
Dec 15 Year 6 Farewell 5:30—8:45
Dec 16 Charity Day stalls, Talent Quest
Dec 17 Year 6 Walk out 3:00
Principal’s Award was presented to Aiden Taylor for his
commitment to his work and his support of school
Dec 17 Final day for students
Dec 18 and 19 Uniform shop open
Page 2
Assembly Merit Awards for Week 8 Term 4
Nathan Tapp
Sierra Hunt
Ariwika Tokataake
Ethan Simons
Sophia Yu
Dylan Howard
Clare Ma
Edan Wallace
Christian Graoroski
Kai Hinoura
Senior Boys Softball team won the grand final
match against Picnic Point PS, 11– 7
Kevin Yu
Ciara Troeger
Jakob Mihalic
Oscar Sullivan
William Chen
Jamie Bartlett
Simona Rosanella
Tiffany Lyall
Sofia Bertoia
Lily Johnston
Esther Kocsi –Thwaites
Nicole Xirocostas
Phoenix Aoun
Aiden Taylor
Marie Kekatos
Jackson Sly
Jasmine Chen
Sasha Gilbody
Paige Cooper
Kayla Gutierrez
Max Ellis
Aiden Taylor
Oliver Miller
Gabby Williams
Sarah Butler
Mrs Conolly
Ibrahim Ali
Eric Wu
Sophia Yu
Lepolo Lomavita
Elizabeth Rafton
James Klianis
PSSA Results
Vincent Le
Killi Bin
Tom Tiberti
Andrew Lyall
Tyler Brady
Band News
Our bands will play at two local
preschools this Thursday.
Please be at school by 8:00am! We must load the
bus, get there, be set up and ready to play by 9:00.
We will have a celebration lunch in Playford Park
after our 2 performances.
A detailed note has been sent to day and it is
attached to the website calendar. Please return your
permission note tomorrow or Thursday morning.
Winter Wonderland
K-2 Concert
Tuesday 9th December 2014
The hall will open for audience entry at
12:30pm. No entry to the hall before this
The morning rehearsal is for students only.
View the complete newsletter online in
Google: Padstow Heights Public School
P & C / Messages
Page 3
Uniform Shop
The shop will open the last week of school each morning from 8.45 till 9.45am those dates
are 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th December 2014.
Hours of operation for
Term 4 Weeks 9 and 10 2014
Monday & Friday mornings 9.00am till 9.45am
Thursday afternoons 2.30pm till 3.00pm
If you are unable to attend at these times please contact Donna and an alternative time can
be arranged to accommodate you!
Any urgent requirements please contact Donna@ [email protected] or on 0414 801 830
CASH or CHEQUE only (no eftpos)
Using iPads in the classroom
Last week in 1/2B were doing a maths lesson on more than a metre/less than a metre.
Mrs Biddle introduced the lesson and then split the class into six small groups. Each group was
given an iPad and a metre ruler.
The students were asked to go into the playground and take photos of each other measuring
objects that were either more than a metre or less than a metre.
When the students returned to the room Mrs Biddle told the small groups to put their pictures
into the Prezi presentation app on the iPad.
After that they uploaded the Prezi presentations to our home page. Each group then presented
their Prezi on the big screen. As each group presented, every student spoke about what they
measured and if it was more than or less than a metre.
Great work 1/2B!
In this activity students were able to discover maths in the everyday environment, use group
work and technology to present their work. The students were fully engaged in learning about a
metre and what was most impressive was the improved use of the language around the concept.
The students were eager to contribute
during the presentation of their work
and spoke using the correct
measurement terms. The
conversations between the students
during the making of the Prezi were
also important. They offered their
group ideas on what to do next and
what to try to make it work.
Page 4
No Supervision Before and After School
Parents are reminded that there is no supervision provided for students before 8:45am
and after 3:20pm. There are legal ramifications if there is an injury or incident out of
hours. Before and after school care is provided by the YMCA at Revesby in the mornings
with a bus service to the school and on- site here after school from 3:15 to 6:00pm. The
P & C may be able to put you in touch with other families who could help support you if
you only need supervision for a short time. Please make sure you have arrangements in
place for the safe supervision of your children.
Foreign Coins
Friday Assembly
Please be careful that any cash payments made to the office do not include
foreign coins. There has been an increase in the number of coins being collected. Your help with this would be appreciated.
This Friday will be the last weekly assembly.
Our Year 5/6 dance group will perform at the
beginning of the assembly.
Our usual awards and messages will then take
This will be followed by the speeches delivered
by those Year 5 students who have been
nominated to run for captain or vice-captain in
The boys will present first.
Schools Spectacular
On the 28th November 2014 we did our first concert for School Spec (That’s what we call it!)
We made ten new friends. My favourite part was meeting people and performing. There were
15 choir members in our group. During the dinner break I went with Mya and we bought a
ring that tells your mood. But this all couldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Mrs Dwyer, Mrs
Heslehurst and our wonderful principal, Mrs Bryant.
By Armani Heinze 4M
Page 5
Thanks you for the fantastic response to the ride wrist band and BBQ pre orders. Please keep them coming in. You do
not have to be a student to pre order a ride wrist band. If you have friends or know someone that is coming from
outside the school community please let them know about the pre-order process. All they need to do is provide a
name, contact number and number of wrist bands required and place payment at the school office.
Pre order wrist bands will be available for collection on Friday 12 December from 4.30pm at tables set up at the end of
the Kindergarten block facing onto the oval (near the big tree)
The Volunteer Rosters have gone up on the Black Board area at the end of Block A at the front of the school. Please
nominate an hour time slot on one of the Stalls to help out – your assistance is greatly appreciated and will help the
evening be the massive success we are hoping for. We really need your assistance with volunteering on the school
stalls to make this night a success.
We are still looking for donations of drinks (preferably fanta, lemonade, lift or popper fruit juices) bulk lollies and small
prizes appropriate for the Lucky Wheel and donations towards the cost of the BBQ. A very big THANK YOU to all the
families that have already made a donation. The support from our school families has been amazing.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Jacqui 0414 495 095 or Thelma 0414 598 979 for further information.
Oatley Rugby
Have you considered your son playing Rugby
Rugby’s core values of Teamwork, Enjoyment, Friendship, Discipline and Respect are well established at Oatley Rugby, your
local Rugby Club.
We are seeking new players for 2015 for all junior age
groups, from Under 6's to Under 18s.
The Oatley Rugby Club is built on a fantastic family friendly
environment. The emphasis is on participation, having fun
and making new friends. It’s a formula that is well received by
both players and parents alike.
Bring your boy along and let them be part of a terrific team
game, a sport that never fails to put smiles on the faces of
boys of all shapes, sizes, and skill levels. We look forward to
seeing many new faces wearing the Oatley jersey in season
2015, and would love your son to be one of them.
Registration will be every Saturday in February at St George
Maso’s Club, Peakhurst and every Wednesday evening in February at Evatt Park, Lugarno. There’s free registration for all U6
to U7 players.
Check out www.oatleyrugby.com or call 8515 1600 for further information. Training is held on Wednesday afternoons /
early evenings at Evatt Park, Lugarno.
Page 6
My brother Zak and I started Martial Arts when I was five and
when he was four. Kung Fu does not have belts as at first you
train for badges and after you achieve a certain amount of
them, you receive an orange sash (the sash goes around
your waist slightly like how a belt does). Next is a brown
sash. Zac and I stopped doing Kung Fu and started PMA
(Perez Martial Arts), a Mixed Martial Arts centre where we
have belts in the order of white, yellow, orange, green, blue,
purple, red, half-red half-black then black.
After a while we moved to KMA where we train now and we
do five types of Martial Arts, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Brazilian
Ju Jitsu, Extreme Martial Arts (XMA) and Weapons Systems.
Taekwondo is mainly kicking, Hapkido is joint manipulation
and wrist locks, Brazilian Ju Jitsu is ground work and XMA
and Weapons is tricking (tricking meaning hard kicks and
flips) and weapons that are for show only. We are both black
belts in Hapkido and Purple belts in BJJ.
By Stefi Angelevski
Liam Powell, Zac Parkes and Matthew
Christall started working on the Year 6
corner earlier this year. They cleaned
up the whole area.
This term Liam and Zac with help from
Oliver Miller, have worked on painting
the Monet inspired bridge. A Japanese
maple and some geraniums have also
been planted .
It looks great! Well done boys.
Andrew Lyall showed his expertise as a catcher during the final on
Kindergarten -Friday Cooking Class.
Page 7
Paige Cooper has been selected in the NSW Ladies 12 and Under
Indoor Netball State Team. Paige is currently representing NSW in
Perth at the Junior National Championships.
5O students have been using their ipads
to make movie trailers.
Last Wednesday 3/4J took advantage of the cooler weather and planted some native groundcovers and
grasses near the new tree and outside the art room. We will look after them for the next few weeks until
they settle in.
Thank you to Bankstown City Council for once again donating the plants to the school.
Ms Julian and 3/4J