Sunday Bulletin 3rd Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014 Welcome to the tri –parish cluster of Catholic parishes: Saint Wendelin – Luxemburg Holy Cross – Pearl Lake (Marty) Mary of the Immaculate Conception –Rockville Pastoral Team: Fr. Ronald Weyrens, 320-248-1670 Fr. Roger Thoennes, 320-248-0777 LeMay Bechtold, faith formation director Tri-parish/diocesan website: Liturgy this week THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT Sun. Dec. 14, 3rd Sun of Advent 4:00 pm LUX-Communal Penance Service with other priests Mon., Dec. 15 , Advent Weekday 8:30 am HC+ Fr. Richard Walz (RW) Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Tues., Dec. 16, Advent Weekday 7:45 am LUX + Joseph Kiffmeyer(RW) 6:30 pm MIC-Sacrament of Penance (RT) 7:00 pm MIC + Lucy Fuchs (RT) Wed., Dec. 17 Late Advent Weekday 7:45 am LUX+ Cheryl Post (RT) (School Mass) 8:00 am MIC+ Leonard Reller (RW) Thurs., Dec. 18, Late Advent Weekday 7:00 am LUX-Sacrament of Penance (RW) 7:45 am LUX +Living and deceased of the Slominski Family (RW) Adoration following Mass until 8:00 pm 8:00 am MIC + Jerry Bechtold (RT) Adoration following Mass until 6:00pm 7:00 pm MIC-Communal Penance Service Fri., Dec. 19, Late Advent Weekday 8:30 am HC+ + Walter and Evelyn Schneider (School Mass) (RT) Sacrament of Penance offered at noon, 4, 5, 6, and 7 pm at LUX and MIC (Priests will stay 15 minutes or until those present have received the sacrament,) Sat., Dec. 20, Vigil, 4th Sun. of Advent Noon HC-Communal Reconciliation 3:00 pm MIC-Sacrament of Penance ( RW) 3:00 pm LUX-Sacrament of Penance (RT) _________________________________________________________ 4:00 pm HC- People of the Parishes (RW) 4:30 pm MIC-Kent Karls (RT) 5:30 pm Sat. LUX+ Ted Vander Eyk (RW) Sun. Dec. 21, 4th Sunday of Advent 8:00 am Sun. HC+ Yvonne Notch (RT) 9:00 am Sun. LUX+ Betty Spanier(RW) 10:00 am Sun. MIC + Rogaria Mehr (RT) From Father Roger “Prepare the way of the Lord. Turn away from sin and you shall be saved.” These are the words of John the Baptist who in today’s Gospel was asked the question who he was! “Are you the long awaited Savior?” His answer was “No. There is someone greater than me. I will baptize with water but He will baptize you with fire and new life.” One day as John was preaching repentance and baptizing in the Jordan River, he realized that the man who came to him for Baptism was his cousin, Jesus. He tells Jesus, “You need to baptize me”. About this time, there was a voice from heaven that said, “This is my beloved Son!” It is from here on that Jesus, experiencing the same happiness and pain we do in everyday life, began his three years of ministry to change the world. He wanted us all to know of God’s love, a love that culminated in Jesus’s death for us, after which God again showed His love by sending us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit plays a primary role in our faith and sacraments, especially the Sacrament of Confirmation for which some of our youth, the future of our church, are currently preparing. These young people will be asked to say “Yes” to their Catholic faith. When they were baptized, their parents and godparents promised to help them grow in their faith. Are you also willing to help them? I think we would all say “Yes”! A good way to do that would be to take part in the Prayer Partner effort going on this weekend in each of our cluster parishes. At each church, you’ll find a basket with the names of our Confirmation (and 1st Reconciliation and Communion )students. Please take one or more and pray for these young people as they prepare to receive these sacraments. On this third Sun. of Advent, let us pray that we will see the light and the voice of God, as we prepare for Emanuel (God with us) who is our light and voice. God’s love and peace! —Father Roger Preparing for Christmas Amidst the “busyness” of these Advent/Christmas days, please don’t overlook the best preparation of all, to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Throughout the cluster, there are ample opportunities this week (see schedule at left for place and time) for individual confession, communal penitential services, and communal reconciliation. Other times are also available by appointment by calling Father Ron or Father Roger. “Go in Peace; Your Sins are Forgiven!” Solidarity...You’re invited to join people from across the Diocese of St. Cloud today at 2:00 pm at St. John’s Abbey in celebration with the Latino community of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The 2:00pm Mass, celebrated by Abbot John Klassen, will be followed with a traditional meal, music, folk dance and social in the old gym (Guild Hall). Evening concludes 6:30 pm. 3rd Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014 Tri-Parish Cluster of Luxemburg, Pearl Lake and Rockville Saint Wendelin—Luxemburg 22714 State Highway 15 * St. Cloud, MN 56301-9208 * 320-251-6944 * e-mail: [email protected] * Fax: 320-654-9030 Parish Office/Secretary, Char Volkmuth—320-251-6944 > Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm Faith Formation/DRE: LeMay Bechtold, 252-8486 Prayer Line: 320-251-5376 Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism: Contact the parish office: 251-6944 Anointing of the Sick : Contact Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months in advance. Financial Blessings for the Week of Dec. 7, 2014 Adult (76) Youth (14) Loose Thanksgiving (3) Immaculate Conception Building Fund (1) Votive Stands Food Shelf (1) $3,075.86 12.90 172.22 170.00 76.13 20.00 51.70 25.00 Total $3,603.81 Last Week’s Regular Weekly Budget 2014/15 Shortfall Last Week Shortfall Year to Date 3,260.98 3,925.00 -664.02 -$9,843.93 Thank you for Your Generous Sacrificial Support!! ALTAR SERVERS Wed., Dec. 17 at 7:45 am Will be notified Saturday, Dec. 20 at 5:30pm Sarah K. Sunday, Dec. 21at 9:00 am Christopher W. CHURCH CLEANING - Group 1, Sat., Dec. 20 at 8:00 am: Vic/Ann Eldred, Jean Vander Eyk, Arlen/Tami Luepke, Robert/Jane Stang, John/Lisa Rist, Mike Schmidtbauer, Randy/Brenda Dingmann, Eric/Kara Fink, Duane/Ruth New, Ron/Holly Symanietz, Kevin/ Mary Vander Werf, Gary/Cindy Zwilling, Travis/Laura Lund, Charlie/Tracy Dombrovski*** Reminder for Group 1 Members...Save the date, Tues., Dec. 23, for decorating the church for Christmas beginning at 3:00 pm. Men, women, youth are encouraged to come; men especially will be appreciated to help with the heavier moving and lifting. St. Wendelin Catholic School Preschool to Grade 6 Principal: Lynn Rasmussen Telephone: 320-251-9175 Email: [email protected] Fax: 320-654-9030 Web: Parish News Christmas Breakfast...HO,HO,HO...that’s the voice of Santa you hear as he visits Mary Hall today, Sunday, December 14, from 10:00 to 11:30 am as part of Group 5’s Santa Breakfast. Please come, 8:30 am to noon to enjoy their tasty menu of egg bake, sausage, fresh fruit, fresh-baked caramel rolls, toast and beverages all for just $7.00 for adults. Morning also includes a bake sale and raffle. Gather your family friends and come join us; be sure to bring your camera for those special pictures of the kiddies with Santa. From Tony and Kelly Knier, Sharing Tree Chairs...Thank you to all who participated in this year’s sharing tree. It warms our hearts to see so much generosity flow so freely from our faith community. We would also like to extend a thank you to Char for her years of quiet work in the background gathering, logging and storing all the returned gifts. St. Theresa/St. Wendelin Catholic United Financial...meets in the school library today, Sunday, December 14th , after 9:00am Mass. Eucharistic Adorers Please Take Note...this coming Thur., Dec. 18th, adoration will be interrupted for about 1 hour (9:30 am to10:30 am) to accommodate a prayer/penance service and confession opportunity for our school children. Preparing for Christmas...A reminder that this afternoon, Sunday, Dec. 14, at 4:00 pm, we’ll have a Communal Penance service here with other priests available for individual confession. See bulletin front page for other Penance/Reconciliation opportunities this week. Marriage Banns I...Matt Mueller and Katie Lochen Ushers...Please pick up your 2015 schedules from the back table. Prayer Partners...You are all invited to take a a name from the basket on back as part of the Prayer Partner project as explained by Father Roger in his column today on the bulletin front page. Raffle Prizes are Needed ...for Group 2’s upcoming breakfast on January 11th. If you have an item to give, please call Janet Albers, 252-5335, by this Wednesday, December 17th. Christmas Flowers...Anyone wanting to donate towards the purchase of flowers to decorate our church for the upcoming holiday season, please put your donation in an envelope marked “Christmas Flowers” and put in the collection basket. Youth Envelopes for 2015...are available for pickup from the back table. All youth grades 1-12 should receive a set. Envelopes provide a great “teaching moment” for our youth, encouraging them in church support from early on. If anyone is missed, please call the office, 251-6944. School News Liturgy Lessons…At the Immaculate Conception Mass last Monday, Father Roger reminded us that this feast day is all about Mary. We should go to her often because she’s always there for us and leads us to Jesus. He also showed a picture of the late Pope John Paul II in the embrace of our Blessed Mother and spoke of the pope’s great love and devotion to her. Advent at Our School…We continue to gather daily, discuss the Jesse Tree and add ornaments to it. We also lit the 2nd candle on our Advent wreath which is labeled peace! We’re continuing to work hard practicing for our play, The Last Noel, which we’ll do on Mon., Dec. 22 at 1:00 and 7:00 pm. Hope you’ll be with us. Our wonderful “Costume Crew” (Hermie, Renee and Karen) has been busy fitting us so we’ll all be ready with good fitting outfits. That’s a big job and we surely appreciate their help! Blessings to these wonderful ladies who faithfully do this year after year! Scrip...Not finished shopping yet? Need some last minute gifts? Scrip certificates are the perfect answer. They’re great for those hard to buy for people. Scrip works like cash and benefits our school. Just call Lynn in the office, 251-9175 and she’ll be glad to help you. 3rd Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014 Tri-Parish Cluster of Pearl Lake, Rockville and Luxemburg Holy Cross—Pearl Lake (Marty) 10651 County Road 8 ~ Kimball, MN 55353 ~ 320-398-3900 ~ [email protected] Parish Office/Secretary, Marian Haus, 320-398-3900 Office Hours: Mon Thru Thurs 8:30—noon Prayer Line, 320-398-6101 Deacon, Andy Kunkel, 320-398-6101 (retired) Musician, Julene Faber-Andrusick, 320-685-7211 Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism: 320-398-3900 Anointing of the Sick: Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger Marriage: Call parish office at least 6 months in advance. Marriage course must be taken. Financial Blessings For the week of Dec. 7, 2014 Adult (28) $1855.00 Loose 365.25 Youth 4.00 Feast Days 50.00 Retired Religious 20.00 Total $2294.25 Year to Date Budget Weekly Budget Under Budget Over this week $35,408.46 $39,279.60 $1705.60 (3871.14) 564.65 Thank you for your offerings! LITURGICAL MINISTERS Sat Dec 20, 4:00 pm Servers: Katrina Andrusick Kayleen Andrusick Ushers: Greg Mueller, Dave Lommel Lector: Mark Kunkel Euc Min: Mark Kunkel Mary Mueller Marian Haus Sun Dec 21, 8:00 am Servers: Olivia Schneider Ushers: Larry Schneider Larry Krippner Lector: Donna Gregory Euc. Min: Andy Kunkel Celine Kunkel Helen Krippner Parish Council Members Donna Gregory 398-7312 Al Haus 259-4287 Leanne Donnay 398-5362 Helen Krippner 398-8893 Ann Donnay 398-2545 Rich Schlangen 398-2530 Greg Mueller 398-7786 Len Voigt 398-2922 Cindy Voigt 493-4982 HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Preschool to Grade 6 Lead Teacher—Melissa Johnson Office Manager—Jeana Meyer Telephone: 320-398-7885 Email: [email protected] Fax: 320-398-7873 Web: Parish News Christmas Flowers: Donations are being accepted for flowers in memory of loved ones. They can be dropped in the collection and marked for flowers. Charitable Donations: can be donated directly to your favorite charity (such as Holy Cross) and will be tax-free. Please check with your accountant for all the details. Thank you. Choir Practice: Tuesday, Dec 16, 6:30 pm. Liturgical Ministers: If you plan on being gone for the months of January & February, please notify the office at 398-3900 so you are not scheduled for those dates. Several of you have already done so; thank you for your notes & calls. Mass Requests: We have openings for Mass intentions. You can drop them in the collection basket or mail them to us. Masses are $10 each. Cluster Mass Schedule for Christmas eve and Christmas day next week is: Wed., Dec. 24, Christmas Eve: 4:00 pm at MIC; 5:00 pm at HC; 9:00 pm at LUX Thurs., Dec. 25, Christmas Day: 8:00 am at HC; 9:00 am at LUX; 10:00 am at MIC School News Dear Parishioners, The students did an outstanding job at the Christmas Program, which was on Thursday! Now we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ our King. Thank You to the parishioners who have made generous donations to Holy Cross School. Trying to figure out the perfect gift? Scrip is the answer. Scrip are gift cards to a variety of clothing stores, gas stations, restaurants, hotels and many others. You are not only getting the perfect gift ;you are also supporting Holy Cross School. Order forms are in the church entry. You can also contact Cindy Voigt at 320-493-4982 or e-mail [email protected]. Thanks, Mrs. Johnson Thought for the day If a person could have half his wishes he would double his troubles! Community Events St. Wendelin, Lux : Breakfast with Santa today, Sun., Dec. 14, 8:30 am to noon in Mary Hall serving egg bake and all the trimmings, also bake sale and raffle. Santa visits from 10:00-11:30 am. Be sure to bring your camera. St. Anthony’s St. Cloud: Parish Breakfast next Sunday, Dec. 21st, 8:00 am to noon featuring fresh/ smoked sausage and ham. In their parish center at 25th Ave. and 1st Street North. Children 6-12 years old and preschoolers eat free this month! Bulletin Deadline: 11:00 am Wednesday Dec 17 View Bulletin On-line at: Tri Parish Cluster of Rockville, Luxemburg and Pearl Lake 3rd Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014 Mary of the Immaculate Conception—Rockville PO Box 7 ~ Rockville, MN 56369-0007 ~ 320-251-7801 ~ [email protected] Parish Office/Secretary-Sandy Pfannenstein, 320-251-7801 Office Hours: Mon 8AM-Noon, Wed 8:30-10:30AM, Fri 811AM Parish Center Kitchen & Church Basement: 320-252-8486 Prayer Line, 320-685-3213 Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism: Contact Parish Office 251-7801 Anointing of the Sick: 320-251-7801 Weddings: Contact the parish office at least six months preceding the wedding date. Marriage Course required. Financial Blessings For Week of 12-7-2014 Regular Income: Adult–68 Youth-16 Plate Thanksgiving Extra Repairs Total Reg. Misc. Income: Elevator Votive Christmas Window Project Christmas Flowers Regular Budgeted YTD over/short 1,538.00 15.51 154.95 30.00 55.00 $ 1,793.46 545.00 51.12 25.00 650.00 30.00 $ 1,793.46 2,335.00 -99.49 Upcoming Events: Over 60 Party: 12/15 at Noon. Choir Practice: 12/16—7:30pm Legion of Mary– 12/17-8:35am Adoration: Thursday 12/18 8:30am-6:00pm. Penance Service: 12/18 7:00pm. Parish Council Members Rosie Ashfeld 253-8878 Dave Fussy 240-9547 Vera Ebansteiner 255-8882 Linda Kneip 597-3228 Wally Mohs 845-2387 Ann Neu 266-1649 Shirley Sieben 363-8111 Ray Simon 252-6941 Ralph Walz 255-9394 (Chairperson) Youth: Tyler Molitor 253-2954 Faith Formation/DRE LeMay Bechtold 252-8486 or 685-3213 Parish Center Events/Maintenance Jean Walz 255-9394 Liturgical Environment Steve Pfannenstein 251-8358 Trustees Gary Gillitzer 685-8947 Cindy Kremers 253-1901 Parish News Over 60 Party: The Over 60 Party meets every month on the 3rd Monday of the month. All parishioners 60 and over from the cluster are welcome. The next party is Monday, Dec. 15th beginning with lunch at noon in the parish center. After lunch, cards are played. Christmas Penance Service: Thu Dec 18th at 7:00pm. This is a wonderful time to experience God’s abundant forgiveness and help prepare our hearts for Christmas. There will extra priests here to help hear individual confessions. Prayer Partners: There are baskets in the front of church with the Confirmation & First Communion students names in them. Please take one (or more) and pray for them as they prepare for their special Sacrament. Seasonal Decorations & Flowers: If anyone would like to honor a loved one by making a donation for flowers over the Holiday Season please put your donation along with your loved ones name in an envelope marked “Flowers” and place it in the collection basket. The name will be posted on the Holiday. 2015 Calendars are available in the entryway. Compliments of the Wenner Funeral Home in Cold Spring, MN. Mitten Tree: Please place your donations of mittens, hats and scarf’s on the mitten tree in the entry way. These will go to local people in need. This project is sponsored by our Christian Women. Mass Intentions: If you would like to have a Mass said for a loved on or other special intention, please place your request in an envelope and place it in the weekend collection basket. Mark “Masses” on the envelope. Mass intentions are $10 per Mass. Year End: Please have all contributions for 2014 turned in by Dec. 31, 2014 for the Year End cut off. Thank you! Adoration: Jesus is waiting for you each Thursday on the Altar. Please call 252-3017 to sign up for a weekly Hoy Hour with the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays from 9am—7pm. Make the commitment now. Vatican International Exhibition: Coming to St. Michael’s Church in St. Cloud. Dec 17th—37:45pm. Please call 251-6923 if you would like to come and tour the Exhibition as an individual or group during the hours of Dec 15-17th 8:30am to 3:00pm. All are welcome. Lord God, your Church joyfully awaits the coming of its Savior, who enlightens our hearts and dispels the darkness of sin. Pour forth your blessings upon us as we light the candles of this wreath; may their light reflect the splendor of Christ, who is Lord, for ever and ever. Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday @ 10:00am View Bulletin On-line at:
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