Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church http://www.seekandfind.com/find/our-lady-of-lourdes-church-59405 DECEMBER 20/21, 2014 ● 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT AND DECEMBER 27/28, 2014 ● Holy Family ST. FRANCIS AND THE CHRISTMAS CRECHE ST. FRANCIS INFLUENCE The Christ Child in the manger and other pictures of the story of Bethlehem have been used in church services from the first centuries. But the crib in its present form and its use outside the church originated with St. Francis of Assisi. Through his famous celebration at Greccio, Italy, on Christmas Eve, 1223, with a Bethlehem scene including live animals, he made the crib popular. Since then it has been a familiar sight in Christian homes all over the world. Sacraments Confession: 3—4 p.m. Saturday or by appointment Baptism: Children under the age of 8 years of age, parents are requested to contact the parish and attend preparation classes. Classes will be held bi-monthly (July; Sept; Nov; Jan; Mar; May). R.C.I.A.: The RCIA program is an instruction period for anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church please contact the parish office for more details. Marriage: Couples anticipating marriage are to contact the parish 6 months in advance for preparation and instructions. Anointing of the Sick: If you anticipate surgery or are sick, please contact the parish to receive the Sacrament of Anointing. Holy Orders/Religious Life: If you or someone you know is interested in the priesthood or the religious life, please contact the parish. Funerals: When anticipating or planning a funeral, please contact the parish before finalizing the arrangements. When considering cremation, which is allowed but not encouraged, please remember that the recommendation is that the body is to be present for the funeral Mass. Mass Intentions: If you would like to have a Mass offered, please email or write the intentions and bring to the parish office. No phone calls please. Stipends for Masses are $10.00. [Regulations for receiving communion: fasting 1 hour before receive and be in the state of grace.] Contact Us OUR LADY OF LOURDES – Parish Office 409 13th Street South Great Falls, MT 59405 Office Hours 452-6464 (Closed Monday) Tuesdays to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Funerals & Anointing of Sick: 351-3714 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR PARISH BULLETIN send to [email protected] or bring to office. Deadline: Monday @ 9:30 a.m. Are you “Registered” at the parish ? We would like to make you a part of our correspondence. + Please notify the parish office if you are moving into or out of the parish. 409 13TH STREET SOUTH ● GREAT FALLS, MT 59405 ● 452-6464 ● [email protected] CATECHISIS CORNER On the Mass: “Why does Father do that?” MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS DECEMBER 2014 Saturday, 20 †Alex/Stella Filipowicz by Jim/Debbie Filipowicz; 5:30 p.m. †John Ginnaty by Catherine Olmschenk; Int. Mike Holmes (birthday) by Frankie Holmes Sunday, 21 8:30 a.m. †Lillian Bourne by Alberta Horan; Int. Mary Jo Kramer by her sister; †Harant family Tree by Harant family 10:30 a.m. †deceased members of PCCW by PCCW; †Herman Pesek by Lillian & children 7:30 p.m. Moto Proprio for the People; For the unborn by PCCW Monday, 22 8:30 a.m. †John Ginnaty by Catherine Olmschenk Tuesday, 23 8:00 a.m. Int. Susan Hinek by Chuck /Linda Lucero Wednesday, 24 CHRISTMAS EVE: (All Christmas Masses are a Collective Intention for those who donated flowers) 4:30 p.m. (children's liturgy) For an increase of faith in the family; †Alma Hueth Maurantonio by Carole Dault 7:00 p.m. †Frank Motil and int. Irene Motil by Rich/Peggy Motil; †for deceased members of PCCW by PCCW; †deceased members of Baroch/rearden families by Mike /Lisa Diekhans Midnight †Patty Convoy by donor; †Alex/Stella Filipowicz by Jim/Debbie Filipowicz; †Pat Neugent by Audrey Sabol; †Jim Christianson by Greg Christianson: †Janice Vye by Shana Chapman; Thursday, 25 CHRISTMAS DAY 10:30 a.m. †John Ginnaty by Stuart/Kyla Anderson; Int. Tammy Stewart by her sister; †Tim Boule’ by Mike Diekhans family Friday, 26** 8:00 a.m. **No Mass—No Service** Saturday, 27 5:30 p.m. Int. Lorene James by donor; †Cecilia Diekhans by Mike /Lisa Diekhans Sunday, 28 8:30 a.m. †Don Kramer by Chuck/ Linda Lucero & family; †Tim Boule’ by Stuart /Kyla Anderson and family 10:30 a.m. Moto Proprio for the People 7:30 p.m. †Jim Christianson by friends 2 Excerpt from the General Instructions on the Roman Missal: Genuflections and Bows 274. A genuflection, made by bending the right knee to the ground, signifies adoration, and therefore it is reserved for the Most Blessed Sacrament, as well as for the Holy Cross from the solemn adoration during the liturgical celebration on Good Friday until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. During Mass, three genuflections are made by the priest celebrant: namely, after the showing of the host, after the showing of the chalice, and before Communion. Certain specific features to be observed in a concelebrated Mass are noted in their proper place (cf. nos. 210-251). If, however, the tabernacle with the Most Blessed Sacrament is present in the sanctuary, the priest, the deacon, and the other ministers genuflect when they approach the altar and when they depart from it, but not during the celebration of Mass itself. Otherwise all who pass before the Most Blessed Sacrament genuflect, unless they are moving in procession. Ministers carrying the processional cross or candles bow their heads instead of genuflecting. 275. A bow signifies reverence and honor shown to the persons themselves or to the signs that represent them. There are two kinds of bows: a bow of the head and a bow of the body. A bow of the head is made when the three Divine Persons are named together and at the names of Jesus, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of the Saint in whose honor Mass is being celebrated. A bow of the body, that is to say a profound bow, is made to the altar; during the prayers Munda cor meum (Almighty God, cleanse my heart) and In spiritu humilitatis (Lord God, we ask you to receive); in the Creed at the words: Et incarnatus est (by the power of the Holy Spirit . . . and became man); in the Roman Canon at the words: Supplices te rogamus (Almighty God, we pray that your angel). The same kind of bow is made by the deacon when he asks for a blessing before the proclamation of the Gospel. In addition, the priest bows slightly as he speaks the words of the Lord at the consecration. Our Lady of Lourdes Flowers for decorating for Christmas Mass The Christmas Mass will be offered as a collective Mass intention for those who would like to donate poinsettia flowers or money for the parish to purchase flowers for the decoration of the Church. Please provide the names of those you would like to included for the Mass offering to the parish by December 22. As you plan your end of the year contributions please remember the Parish and School in your end of year contributions. When including the Parish and School in you estate planning use the legal description: “Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Corporation Sole, for the benefit of Our Lady of Lourdes, Great Falls, Montana. Children’s Christmas Choir Any student from grades 4th through 8th interested in singing for the children’s 4:30 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve, contact text Kody Diekans at (406) 799 - 2626 or email at [email protected]. MIDNIGHT MASS CHOIR Adult Choir is forming for the Midnight Mass. A final rehearsal is scheduled for December 23 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Those interest please contact LuAnn Hilton (453-9022) for more details. AND THE BAND PLAYS ON . . . Mr. Bud Nicholls’ Middle School Concert Youth activity in honor of Mrs. Ferris and Liam McWilliams in generously giving to those in need. Mrs. Ferris had a love for reading and the students donated books in her honor. Liam reached out to the homeless during his plight with cancer. Great Falls, Montana 3 ADORATION & BENEDICTION Our parish provides a time for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for individuals and families to spend time in silence and solitude with Jesus in His Eucharistic presence. Divine Mercy chaplet will be sung @ 3 p.m. followed by the Rosary. Benediction and Reposition will occur at 3:45 p.m. ♦ Exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is an ancient devotion that highlights the fundamental mystery of the Holy Eucharist that our Lord is truly present, body and blood, soul and divinity, in the Blessed Sacrament. ♦ Benediction is a blessing with the Holy Eucharist that concludes the time of Adoration. {When arriving or leaving the presence of the Blessed Sacrament while it is exposed is to kneel on both knees before entering the pew (according to your ability). When it is reserved in the Tabernacle a genuflection on one knee is customary.} For information call Lisa Diekhans @ 452-4991. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE FOR MASSES Christmas Eve 4:30 p.m. (Children’s Choir Mass) 7:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. Midnight [Adult Choir] Christmas Day 10:30 a.m. 2015 Calendars are available at the entrance of the Church. Thank you to Jim and Debbie Filipowicz for the generosity in making them available to the parish. Contribution envelopes for the coming year will be mailed directly to your address. Please contact the parish office if you have not received your envelopes by January 1, 2015. LITURGICAL MINISTERS - 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT/ FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY Dec 20 5:30 pm D/T C H L W! M# A! S& W' () A! S& 4 Dec 21 8:30 am Dec 21 10:30 am No Incense Incense used 1 J. Kindsvatter 2 Karen Grove 3 Karen Bell 4 Needed 1 Shirley Bollich 2 Trudy Stimac 3 Art Malisani 4 D. Cashman 1 Cory Huber 2 T. Diekhans 3 J. Krezowski 4.Cathy Heisler 1 Needed 4 Janet White 1 Mike Letcher 4 F. Olszewski 1 Jo Ann Roach 2 D. Williamson 1 Tony Malisani 2 Chad Bralick Rose O’Connor Needed Ethan Hann Zach Conley Needed . Needed . Dec 27 5:30 pm Dec 28 8:30 am Dec 28 10:30 am Dec 26 Needed Incense used 4 Needed Needed Needed Needed 1 2 3 4 Needed Needed Needed Needed 1 2 3 4 Needed Needed Needed Needed 1 4 Needed Needed 1 4 Needed Needed 1 4 Needed Needed TBA 1 Margie Hillyard Taffy Cochran 1 Jerry Girres 2 2 Ed Kurdy Needed Needed 1 2 Needed Needed 1 2 Needed Needed Matt Donnelly Jennifer Holmes Needed Needed 1 TBA 1 Kathy Dammen TBA 4 James Reed Jim & Vera Smereck Brandon Nick Diekhans Vanderkolk Mason Huber Shane Needed . Girres 2 3 Needed Needed . Needed . Mason Huber Needed . Jan 1 Dec 22-23 Needed Dec 28 7:30 pm No Incense Chad & Becky Phil & Janel Bralick Krezowski Dori Corcoran Needed Quinn Laurent Chase Laurent Dec 21 7:30 pm Dec 29-30 Needed Dec 30– 31 Needed Rory Okes Aidan Okes Declan Okes Jim & Vera Smereck Needed . January 2 Nick Diekhaus Needed . December 21, 2014 & December 28, 2014 Merry Christmas As we join together in faith to celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Savior J esus Christ this week, I extend to each and every one of you in the parish my prayers and best wishes to your family. ♦ A special thank you to all of those who have generously given of your time and efforts in providing ministry in the parish. Your assistance and presence is greatly appreciated along with your prayers. ♦ To all the staff and teachers who make our parish and school operate. You are a great group to work with and have been a great help for me in the ministry to which I have been assigned here to provide. ♦ A special thank you to all you students! You each are a great joy to be with and bring a lot of excitement to my day when I am able to be with you. The Mass that we have been exciting for me and fun to prepare. ♦ Reverend Father Michael Schneider, Pastor KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS Christmas Cards available from the Knights of Columbus call Sonny Haugen @ 454-1218 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Breakfast on December 28th 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. @ 906 Central Avenue West Free Will Offering RCIA Classes Learn more about the Catholic Faith! If you are seeking to deepen your understanding of the Catholic Church these classes which explain “why we do what we do” and ar e designed for those interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church, but are an opportunity for all to learn more. Classes are Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in school Basement/ classroom 8. Classes will resume January 8, 2015. Contact the parish office for more details. CCD AND YOUTH GROUP Classes for CCD (Sunday 9:25 to 10:25 a.m.) and Youth Group (Wed. 7:15 to 8:30 p.m.) The students and staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School would like to wish the faithful and generous parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes a very blessed and safe Christmas and New Years. Thank you for all you do for us—we love and appreciate you! 4th Sunday of Advent & Holy Family 5
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