Human Race Packet 2015

At the annual Human Race - Walkathon & Fun Run
Saturday May 9th, 2015
7:00 to 7:45am
Runners Start: 8am
Walk immediately follows run.
You don’t have to participate in the race in
order to raise money for Imagine.
Everything you need is in this packet!
To create your own webpage and raise money online
visit: and hit the big purple button that says “sign up
now” and follow the prompts. Do no create an individual page if you plan to
raise money with a team.
Have questions? What some ideas on how to raise money? Call Doug at
Imagine: 464-8355, ext. 1 or email
[email protected]
Participants who raise $35 or more get a free continental breakfast and a
t-shirt. We encourage you to invite your friends and family to walk/run at the
Additional packets and sponsor sheets are available on line at or you can stop by the office Monday—Friday 9:00 to 4:00.
1395 41 st Avenue, Suite A, Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 464-8355 (831) 464-8658 fax
2015 Human race
walkathon & fun Run
WHERE The Walkathon and Fun Run begins and ends at
2300 Delaware Ave, the UC property on the corner of
Natural Bridges Drive and Delaware Avenue and winds
along beautiful West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz.
Rain or Shine
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Registration: 7:00 AM
Walk & Fun Run Begins: 8:00 AM
Follow the signs to designated
parking along Delaware Avenue
and Natural Bridges Drive.
Please try to carpool.
For your convenience, a courtesy
shuttle service will be continuously
looping the route, stopping at each
water station. It will return tired
walkers to the finish line and all the
activities at 2300 Delaware Ave.
Enjoy a continental breakfast
prior to the race starting at 7:30
AM and fill up on an early lunch
at 10:30 AM
…AnD MOre
The first 2,000 participants with a minimum of $35 contribution receive a free
Human Race T-shirt. You can take a break at one of the rest stations along the beautiful West Cliff
Drive, and there’ll be music, a costume contest, carnival games, street performers and other activities
to make it a fun day!
The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, 1740 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 The Human Race 2015 | 2015 Human race
walkathon & fun Run
Where to
turn in
1. Fill out a Human Race deposit slip for each deposit.
Please make copies of pledge sheets and
deposited checks for your records. This is
especially important if you still have outstanding
pledges to collect. The Volunteer Center does not
keep records of individual pledges.
2. Please include pledge sheets with your deposit.
3. Request a receipt at the time of your deposit. The
receipt will be for the total amount only. The Volunteer
Center does not keep records of individual pledge
amounts. Please have team leaders make copies of
individual pledge sheets prior to turning in deposits.
4. In order to track your nonprofit’s fundraising totals on
the website, the Human Race staff will post offline
donation amounts received at our offices on a weekly
basis until Human Race May 9, 2015.
5. Please allow time for funds to be verified by the
Volunteer Center’s office administrator. Money will be
paid out to the nonprofits monthly until September.
Prior to May 7th 2015 •
Please turn in at the
Volunteer Center
On Race Day May 9th • All participants may
present pledge sheets
and funds raised for their
nonprofits at the
registration tables.
• Team Captains may act
on behalf of all team
members. This will save
time so that you and your
team can get to the fun
activities faster.
After Race Day • Please turn in at the
Volunteer Center.
• Funds must be turned in
by May 29, 2015 at
4:00 PM in order to be
considered for an award
at the June Awards
The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, 1740 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 The Human Race 2015 | “The Human Race” es una forma
rápida, fácil y divertida de
recaudar fondos para una causa.
Comience aquí
1) Eija una causa de la lista de organizaciones
participantes en nuestro sitio en la red.
2) Establesca una meta.
3) Utilice este formulario para recolectar el dinero de
familiares y amigos.
4) Recaudar dinero en línea para su organización sin
fines de lucro favorita mediante la creación de una
página para donaciones.
Consejos para recaudar fondos con éxito
The Human Race is a fast, fun and
easy way to raise money for your
favorite cause.
Getting Started
1} Pick a cause from a list of participating
organizations on our website.
2) Set a goal.
3) Use this pledge form to collect money from family
and friends.
4) R
aise money online for your favorite nonprofit by
setting up a donation page.
1) Haga una lista de posibles donantes. Incluya a
todos sus conocidos y mándeles una carta o un
correo electrónico utilizando su cuenta en línea del
Human Race.
2) Solicitar todos los días. Trate de pedir contribución
a una persona cada día.
3) Hable del evento. Pida por unos minutos en la
agenda de una reunión que usted atenderá. Explique
porque usted esta participando en el evento y pida el
apoyo de todos.
4) Recaudar fondos en equipo. Equipos pueden
divertirse mucho, organizando actividades y eventos
para recaudar dinero para su causa favorita.
Fundraising Tips for Success
1) M
ake a list of potential donors. Include everyone
you know and send them each a letter or email
using your Human Race Online Account.
2) A
sk everyday. Ask one person each day to
make a contribution.
3) T
alk it up. Ask for a few minutes on the agenda of
any meeting you are attending. Explain why you are
participating in the event and ask for support.
4) F
undraise as a team. Teams can have a lot of fun
organizing activities and events to raise money for
their favorite cause. • 831.427.5075 • #humanracesc
The Human Race is a proven fundraiser that has been
successful for Santa Cruz County nonprofits for 34
years and continues to grow.
The Volunteer Center provides marketing, publicity,
materials and experienced assistance.
Nonprofits and businesses provide the people power.
“You can’t go wrong with the Human
Race. It’s a beautiful coastal walk
filled with music, food, fun, friends
and the community all in the name of
supporting essential local services.”
At a Glance:
• 2,000 participants
• Over 10,000 donors
• 5 miles along West Cliff Drive
• One day
• One goal: $200,000
• Over 100 nonprofits, schools and churches
benefit from this event
sHAre your super powers with
your community and join the Human
Race today!
Walk for your favorite cause!
The fun begins at 8am
@2300 Delaware Ave in Santa Cruz
May 9, 2015
RAIN OR SHINE! • 831.427.5075 • #humanracesc • 831.427.5075 • #humanracesc • 831.427.5075 • #humanracesc
Saturday, May 9, 2015 • @2300 Delaware Ave in Santa Cruz • For more info visit: or call 831.427.5075
Donations are tax deductible. Make checks payable to Volunteer Center HR • Los fondos recaudados son libres de impuestos. Favor de hacer cheques al nombre: Volunteer Center HR
Sponsor Name
Complete Address
Waiver: I understand that I am participating in the Human Race as a volunteer
and that I am physically able to participate. I agree to follow the instructions
of Volunteer Center representatives during this activity. I understand that
the Volunteer Center provides excess accident and injury insurance for
their volunteers, which will be secondary to any medical or other insurance
I may have, and will report any injuries or problems to Volunteer Center
representatives promptly. I further agree to hold harmless the Volunteer Center,
the City of Santa Cruz, their officers, agents and employees for any claim for
personal injuries and damages to myself and/or my property that may occur
during my voluntary participation in the Human Race event. I hereby authorize
the Volunteer Center to use my picture by photo, movie or videotape taken
during this event for the purposes of publicity without compensation for the use
of the image. If I am a parent of a minor child, I grant permission for my child’s
participation under these same terms.
Entiendo que estoy participando en la raza humana como un voluntario y que
estoy físicamente en condiciones de participar. Estoy de acuerdo en seguir
las instrucciones de representantes del Centro de Voluntarios durante esta
actividad. Entiendo que el Centro de Voluntarios proporciona el exceso de
seguros de accidentes y lesiones de los voluntarios, que serán secundarios a
cualquier médico o de otro tipo de seguros que pueda tener, y entiendo que
debo de informar cualquier lesión o problemas a representantes del Centro de
Voluntarios con prontitud. Estoy de acuerdo además de eximir el Centro de
Voluntarios, la ciudad de Santa Cruz, sus funcionarios, agentes y empleados
de cualquier reclamación por daños personales y los daños a mí y/o mis bienes
que se pueden producir durante mi participación voluntaria en la raza humana.
Por lo presente autorizo el Centro de Voluntarios de usar mi imagen por
fotografía, película o video durante este evento para los efectos de publicidad
sin compensación por el uso de la imagen. Si yo soy un padre de un hijo menor,
le concedo permiso para que mi hijo/a participe en las mismas condiciones.
About you
Name ______________________________________
Phone ______________________________________
Email _______________________________________
Make a Copy for your records and bring original pledge form on race day! The total turned in will be verified by the Santa Cruz Credit Union. Your signature
indicates your acceptance of SCCU’s reconcilation of the money sealed in an envelope with this form and will serve as a permanent record.
El todo dio vuelta adentro sera verificado por la SCCU. Su firma indica la reconcilation de sus acceptance SCCU del dinero sellado en su sobre con esta
forma y servira como expediente permanente.
Total Pledges:
Race Day Turn In:
Brought to you by the
Volunteer Center of Santa
Cruz County and the
following sponsors:
Address ____________________________________
City/State/Zip _______________________________
If you are a member of a Champion Team, please
write the name of the team below
Nonprofit Agency Receiving Funds
Organization que recibe el dinero:
Name ______________________________________
Additional sponsors: Rod Caborn – First Class Fundraising, Nordic Naturals, Seascape Beach Resort, Tradin Organics, Plaza Lane Optometry, Independent Truck Rental,
Starbucks Coffee, Driscoll Strawberries, Santa Cruz City Firefighters L1716, Good Old Fashion Fun • Poster design by Terisa Davis •
Agency Number ______________________________
Human Race Deposit Form & Instructions
Deliver or mail pledge money to the Volunteer Center with this deposit form. If you make
more than one deposit, a form must be completed each time.
When planning your trip to the Volunteer Center remember the pledge money will be
counted at the time of turn-in, so please allow extra time for the verification.
Pledge money may be turned in between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. weekdays.
If you turn in funds before the race, keep your pledge sheet to bring to the race. The deadline
for award consideration is the last business day in May at 4pm.
Prepare your deposit:
Coins: Please count and place coins in envelopes, wrapped coins are preferred.
Bills: Please arrange bills by sets, bundled together in ones, fives, tens, etc.
Checks: Arrange checks in order from smallest dollar amount to largest. Checks should be
made out to the Volunteer Center – HR. Checks made payable to your organization must be
endorsed over to the Volunteer Center.
Enter Total Deposits Below
Date ________Your Name: ___________________________Phone # __________________
Nonprofit Receiving Funds: ______________________________Agency #_________
Name of Person Who Raised Funds:______________________ Registered Online? oYes oNo
Team Name (if any): __________________________________ Registered Online? oYes oNo
Volunteer Center Staff Only:
Volunteer Staff Signature: ________________________________________________
Agency # ___________________ Receipt # ________________
o Volunteer Center Santa Cruz
o Volunteer Center Watsonville
Agency Name: Imagine Supported Living Services
Human Race Number: 310
All donations are tax deductible and much appreciated! Tax ID: 61-1418745
Thank you for supporting Imagine!
Please visit our website to learn about our services & other ways that you can help:
Date: _________________________ Received From: _________________________________________
Received by: _____________________________
Amount Received: $ ___________
Paid by: o Cash o Check #________
Agency Name: Imagine Supported Living Services
Human Race Number: 310
All donations are tax deductible and much appreciated! Tax ID: 61-1418745
Thank you for supporting Imagine!
Please visit our website to learn about our services & other ways that you can help:
Date: _________________________ Received From: _________________________________________
Received by: _____________________________
Amount Received: $ ___________
Paid by: o Cash o Check #________
Agency Name: Imagine Supported Living Services
Human Race Number: 310
All donations are tax deductible and much appreciated! Tax ID: 61-1418745
Thank you for supporting Imagine!
Please visit our website to learn about our services & other ways that you can help:
Date: _________________________ Received From: _________________________________________
Received by: _____________________________
Amount Received: $ ___________
Paid by: o Cash o Check #________
Agency Name: Imagine Supported Living Services
Human Race Number: 310
All donations are tax deductible and much appreciated! Tax ID: 61-1418745
Thank you for supporting Imagine!
Please visit our website to learn about our services & other ways that you can help:
Date: _________________________ Received From: _________________________________________
Received by: _____________________________
Amount Received: $ ___________
Paid by: o Cash o Check #________