Volunteer Interest Form rev. 04.01.14

St. Ambrose Academy
Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in helping our school’s mission as a volunteer. It is through the help of
volunteers that we can keep down the costs of operating a school and that we can provide resources that we
could otherwise not afford.
In any volunteer role that includes contact with students, volunteers must complete a one-time Virtus
training through the Diocese of Madison. Find more information at the diocesan web page:
Volunteer Opportunity Descriptions
Please review the below volunteer opportunities along with a brief description of each.
School Day Opportunities
Lunch Supervisor: Serve as a lunch room monitor for junior high and senior high lunches as often
as you are available. The volunteer contact is school secretary Liz Frias.
Substitute Teacher: Fill in for a full or partial day as a substitute teacher. The volunteer contact is
school principal Scott Schmiesing.
Study Hall Supervisor: Monitor junior high or senior high study hall periods. We ask that supervisors
work to maintain a quiet atmosphere for studying. The volunteer contact is school secretary Liz
Student Service Day Chaperones and
Drivers: Assist with the Student Service
Days each semester by serving as a
chaperone on a particular project with a
group of students. Or, drive student
groups to their project sites. Sign up to
help with one or both Service Days. The
volunteer contact is school secretary Liz
Field Trips: Help chaperone and
transport students groups on field trips
one time or throughout the school year.
The volunteer contact is school secretary
Liz Frias.
Chemistry Lab Transportation: Once per month, transport students to Edgewood College for
Advanced Chemistry Lab. The volunteer contact is school secretary Liz Frias or school principal
Scott Schmiesing.
Any-Time Opportunities
Tutor: Provide homework help or tutoring to individual students or a small group. This could be
during school hours or after-school hours according to the volunteer’s schedule. Volunteers can
offer their expertise in specific subject areas or across the subject. The volunteer contact is school
secretary Liz Frias. Please review the tutoring interest sheet for more information.
Spirit Wear: Spirit Wear is the provider of St. Ambrose logo clothing. This volunteer can design tshirts and coordinate clothing orders at the beginning of the school year especially and throughout
the rest of the year. This work can be done from home. The volunteer contact is school principal
Scott Schmiesing.
School Events: Assist with refreshments, hospitality and other roles at school event including Open
Houses, the All-Class Reunion, Graduation, etc. The volunteer contact is school secretary Liz Frias.
Newsletters: Write articles and take photos for the quarterly printed newsletter. This can be done
from home. Or, prepare the newsletter mailing by stuffing envelopes. The volunteer contact is
school secretary Liz Frias.
Data Entry: Help keep the St. Ambrose database and other programs up-to-date. This work can be
done from home. Experience with data entry is preferred but not required. The volunteer contact is
school secretary Liz Frias.
Phone Bank Volunteer: Assist with phone calls connecting with supporters during phone bank
events, with invitees to school events during RSVP phone-a-thons, and/or with coordinating
volunteers as needed. Some calls can be made from home. The volunteer contact is Development
Director Laura Karlen.
Extracurricular Opportunities
 Junior High Basketball Coach: Coach
the junior high girls’ or boys’ basketball team,
including scheduling and conducting practices
and games. Experience with coaching and this
age group is preferred but not necessary.
Practice and game times are after school
hours. The volunteer contact is Athletic
Director Grant Emmel.
 Junior High Basketball Assistant: The
assistant helps the coach with practices and
games. The volunteer contact is Athletic
Director Grant Emmel.
Senior High Basketball Coach: Coach or assist the coach with the senior high girls’ or boys’
basketball team, including scheduling and conducting practices and games. Experience with
coaching and this age group is preferred but not necessary. Practice and game times are after school
hours. The volunteer contact is Athletic Director Grant Emmel.
Senior High Basketball Assistant: The assistant helps the coach with practices and games. The
volunteer contact is Athletic Director Grant Emmel.
Cross Country Assistant: Assist the coach with the junior high or high school boys’ or girls’ cross
country team, including scheduling and conducting practices and meets. Experience with coaching
and this age group is preferred but not necessary. Practice and meets are after school hours. The
volunteer contact is Athletic Director Grant Emmel.
Basketball Game Volunteers: Help out with ticket taking, volunteer officiating and/or admissions
once a week in the evenings in December and January. The location will always be the Bishop
O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, where the home games are played. The volunteer contact is
Athletic Director Grant Emmel.
Drama Volunteers: Assist with the St. Ambrose theatrical production in the spring. Volunteer roles
include choreography, lighting, music, costuming, make-up, set construction, etc. The volunteer
contact is school secretary Liz Frias.
Volunteer Interest Form
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Available Days: (select those days that you are generally available to volunteer)
 Thursday
 Friday
 Saturday
Available Hours: (select those hours that you are generally available to volunteer)
 Mornings
 Afternoons
 Evenings
 Specific Hours: ______________
Volunteer Interests: (select ALL the opportunities that interest you. Note from the descriptions that certain
activities are scheduled for specific times)
Lunch Supervisor
Substitute Teacher
Study Hall Supervisor
Student Service Day Chaperones and
Field Trips
Chemistry Lab Transportation
Spirit Wear
School Events
Data Entry
Phone Bank Volunteer
Junior High Basketball Coach
Junior High Basketball Assistant
Senior High Basketball Coach
Senior High Basketball Assistant
Cross Country Assistant
Basketball Game Volunteers
Drama Volunteers
Please return this form to the school office. If you are interested in tutoring, please continue with filling out
the tutoring interest form. The volunteer contact will then get in touch with you to work out the necessary
details to begin your volunteer opportunity. Thank you for your interest!
Tutoring Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in tutoring St. Ambrose students. For many students, one-on-one time with
volunteer tutors really gives them the extra guidance and encouragement they need to improve quickly with
their schoolwork!
To help us match your talents with the needs of struggling students, please share with us your areas of
knowledge. Select the subject areas and age-levels that suit you. If you are available to help with any student
in any subject, check the box on page 6.
Middle School: Grades 6-8
 English:
 American Literature  World Literature
 Church Literature
 Any
 History:
 American History
 World History
 Church History
 Any
 Latin:
 1st Year
 2nd Year
 3rd Year
 Any
 Math:
 Arithmetic
 Pre-Algebra
 Any
 Religion: Discussions of church doctrine, the Sacraments, Mass and Sacred Scriptures
 Science:
 Life Science
 Earth Science
 Physical Science
 Any
High School: Grades 9-12
 English:
 Ancient Literature
 Medieval/Renaissance Literature
 Enlightenment/Modern Literature
 American Literature
 Any
 History:
 Ancient History
 Medieval/Renaissance History
 Enlightenment/Modern History
 American History/Government
 Any
 Latin:
 Latin I
 Latin II
 Latin III
 Latin IV
 Any
Tutor Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Tutor Contact Phone and E-mail: _______________________________________________________
 Math:
 Algebra
 Geometry
 Algebra II
 Pre-Calculus
 Calculus
 Any
 Religion:
 Church in the Pagan World/Logic
 Scripture
 Moral Theology/Liturgy/Sacraments
 The Church in the Modern World
 Any
 Physics
 Any
 Science:
 Biology
 Chemistry
 Advanced Science
 I can help a student of any grade level with any school subject.
Tutor Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Tutor Contact Phone and E-mail: _______________________________________________________