Volunteer Connection Jan/Feb 2015 Volume 20 Issue 1 1. January Jubilee Luncheon Date: Friday, Jan. 16th Cover Editorial: January Jubilee Luncheon Info Time: 11:30 ~ Aud. A & B The theme is “Treasures in the Attic”. Please bring a” treasure” from home for our Pound Sale. A Word From Our Volunteer President Individual Highlights • Gift Shop News 2 Home Away 2 Jan/Feb Birthdays 3 Baby Closet 3 Volunteer Grant 4 Elf Project B/W/S & Gift/W Pix Call Arlene Flood at Ph# 633-7513 for reservations for more information. Thank you. Volunteer President Pam Winter Holiday Open House. I think it is true that “those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” 4 5 New CRMC Volunteers 6 HAFH Donations 6 Calendar of Events 7 Vol. Board Officers 7 Arlene Flood Volunteer Coordinator Ph 633-7513 [email protected] Kathy Emmons Director of Vol. Services 633-7500 Happy New Year Ahh!! (That’s the sound of relief). The holidays are over and it’s time to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. It was such a pleasure to see the delight on the children’s faces at Breakfast with Santa, the gratitude of those people who have no idea how to fold a corner at gift wrap and the fun of finding just the right gift for our customers at the The January Jubilee will th be Friday, Jan. 16 at 11:30. I think it is time to just have some fun after such a productive Dec. The Theme is “Treasures in the Attic.” We are asking those who would like to, to bring a “treasure” for our Pound Sale. Everything will be priced by weight with a minimum or at least $5.00. We are defining “treasure” very loosely as something you don’t want that someone else might. Also if Santa got you mixed up with someone else, re-gifting is an option. We will sell our treasures to each other. Things that don’t find a home can either be donated to the June garage sale or taken home again. To keep with the theme we will be serving retro food from the 60’s. So many thanks are due to our devoted volunteer chairwomen, Bonnie and Shirley for a most efficient 25 days of gift wrap, Roberta and Katie for a fun Breakfast with Santa. And everyone for a successful Pink Boutique Sale!! Of course we have Peggy Leland with the nuts sales, and everything else she does. I appreciate the difference all of you make to our organization. Sincerely, Pam Winter Volunteer President Ph: 634-9734 [email protected] Gift Shop News……… Oct sales $39,389.86 ~ Nov sales $43,909.40 At the Holiday Sale the Pink Boutique made $20,000.00, oh what a sale it was!! Thank you to those who helped price, set-up, with sales and especially to those who purchased gifts for the holidays. We are now in the process of moving to our Brand New Shop area. Hope to see all of you at the GRAND OPENING ~ January 31st, 2015 Happy New Year!! Jeanne Bellamy Home Away From Home News Income for Oct/Nov total was $8,184.50 and we served 209 families & out-patients used 134 rooms, with Dr. Stepp from the VA Hospital sending over the most families. ******************************************** Those who have financially given to the Home Away Wish List this past quarter. “Home Away made me feel right at home.” “I didn’t have to worry about money, food, laundry and I had a comfortable bed to rest my head.” A comment from a Home Away Guest. Greg & Danae Stampi Janet Ray James & Peggy Laverdue Robert & Peggy Leland Dr. R.C. & Marcia Mead Mary K Montgomery Annabel Darling Carol Fischer M.D. Sue Anderson Bless you for your kind donations to Home Away!! Rob & Roberta Hurless Jeffrey & Lynne Carlton Linda McGuire Marion Kissel Bruce & Martie Curl Gene & Bev Sitzman Arthur & Carol Merrell Hugh Davidson Barbara Lewis Lloyd & Janis McKean Reginald Taylor John & Pamela Winter Comments from Home Away Guests. 1) What a Wonderful facility. We were here several weeks & used all areas of HA. What a blessing. Thank you. 2) Had to be here over the Thanksgiving Holiday & enjoyed the Turkey and all the trimmings. You have thought of everything!! 3) The volunteers are wonderful and caring. Thank you so much! Birthday Wishes To All!! ~ January Birthdays ~ ~ February Birthdays ~ Roberta Trimble Diana Castro Sue Hume Virginia Price Sara Baird Lois Olson David Moench Bev Catalano Treber Mildred Eliana Hardy Mike Brown Kathy Emmons Judy Wrysinski CarolAnn Strader Ellen Searle Barbara Lewis Joanne Mimm Connie 2/8 James Miller II 2/12 Mary Kuschel 2/13 Clarice Melinkovich 2/14 Marge Stevens 2/15 Arlene Flood 2/17 Amr Mohamed 2/18 Shirley Jones 2/20 Mark Currell 2/21 Anna Henderson 2/21 Patricia Corrigan 2/22 Roger Rapp 2/22 Jennie Joannides 2/23 Reginald Taylor 2/25 Miweeze Gleason 2/26 Amanda Velten 2/29 1/1 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/10 1/11 1/14 1/18 1/19 1/19 1/20 1/20 1/23 1/28 1/28 1/29 1/31 Happy Birthday Enjoy Your Very Special Day!! Our Baby Closet is still in need of toys, books, baby care items (such as lotions, powders, shampoo and so on.) Thanks so much! Sincerely, Judy Berkley Volunteer Grant Committee Recommendations & Board Approvals Department: Amount Granted: Transitional Care Unit $2,862.70 Date: 12/4/2014 Comments: 2 Bariatric Recliners TCU is caring for more bariatric patients. We are requesting two more recliners to accommodate our patients. They are an X-Wide 25” fixed arm recliner with dual non-porous blow molded side trays Standard Trendelenburg release with handle accessible from either side. Built-in ergonomic headrest with wide elastic band support system. Thank-You & Comments From the Elf Project Hi, I just wanted to say that the look on my daughters face when she seen all the presents was indescribable!! It was so cute how happy and grateful she was and not to mention I was/am so excited and forever grateful!!!!!! I tried not to cry even though I did on the way home. There are not enough words to say how grateful my family and I are to CRMC, Employees and Volunteers that made this possible! “I want to say Thank you to anyone and everyone that helped my family this Christmas.” I am awed by the generosity of people who helped from Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. I could never get into words how much I appreciate it. Thank you very very very much!! Plenty of Smiles at Breakfast with Santa and Gift Wrap J!! Kudos Korner Recognizing New Volunteers, their Families, achievements and any changes. Happy New Year! Welcome ~ New CRMC Volunteers Welcome new volunteers and we thank you for your hard work and dedication to CRMC hospital patients, and their families. J Clarice Melinkovich, Ph 307-632-9764, Areas of interest are: Gift Shop Ramona Nelson, Ph 307-634-6856, Areas of interest are: Gift Shop Autumn Baker, Ph 808 259-1634, Areas of interest are: Information Desk Lana Mabee, Ph 307-638-9650, Areas of interest are: Gift Shop Amanda Velten, Ph 307-365-1866, Areas of interest are: Home Away Home Away From Home Donations St. Vincent DePaul Store ~ Donated Assorted Food items and Toiletries. J Robert & Nancy Schaneman ~ Donated Assorted Toiletries. Thanks! Ed & Carol Ann Strader, Volunteers ~ Donated Assorted Chips, Nutri Grain Bars, Hot Cocoa for our Home Away families. Thank you so much!! Cheyenne Day of Giving ~ Donated Cases of Granola Bars, Oatmeal, Yogurts, Chips, Muffins, Assorted Nuts, Plastic Ware, Breakfast Sandwiches, Folgers Coffee, TV Dinners, American Cheese, 2-Gallons of Milk, Candies, Coffee Cups and Fresh Apples for our families to enjoy! What a blessing you are. Thank you – Thank you!! Julia Huntington Volunteer ~ Donated Toothpaste and Dental Flossers for our Families at Home Away. Thank-you! J Reggie Taylor Volunteer ~ Donated Toiletries for our HA guests. Thanks. St. Mary’s 2,3,4, & 5th graders ~ Donated Silly Putty, Toys, Hot Cocoa, Crackers w/Peanut butter, Cup of Noodles, Tea’s, Dinners, Mac n Cheese, Sweet & Salty mix, and Toiletries for our HAFH guests. We thank you!! CRMC’s Patient Financial Services ~ Donated Frozen Dinners, Pot Pies, Breakfast Sandwiches, Pudding, Cereal, Oatmeal, Candies, Pop Corn, Snack bars, Hot Cocoa, Cookies, Ramen Noodles, Tuna Fish, Tissues, Toiletries and $40.00 for our families in need. What a real treat this was!! A very BIG Thank – to your department. Lambda Master Chapter Beta Sigma Phi c/o Kay Miller ~ Donated a Thanksgiving Feast for our Home Away families who had loved ones in the hospital over the holiday. We thank you for your continued support and care for these families in need. Ellen Searles Bunko Team ~ Donated Toiletries, Soups, Cookies, Oatmeal, Dinners, Granola Bars, Vienna Sausage, Chef Boyardee Meals, Hot Cocoa, Fruit Cups, and Ramen Noodles. Thanks so much!! Art Lumsden, Volunteer ~ Donated Yogurts, TV dinners, Breakfast sandwiches, Cereal, and Power Bars. A BIG THANK-YOU! Karen Kelley ~ Donated Toiletries. CRMC ~ Volunteers 214 East 23rd Street Cheyenne, WY. 82001 Return Service Requested Calendar of Events: Jan. 2015 1st 8th 16 th 31 st All Volunteer Stations closed Happy New Year ~ 2015!!!!!!! Volunteer Board Meeting January Jubilee Luncheon Aud. A & B 11:30am President Pam Winter ~ 634-9734 [email protected] Vice President Ellen Searle ~ 635-3654 [email protected] Treasurer Linda McGuire ~ 632-0293 [email protected] Secretary Margaret Schilling ~ 635-5626 [email protected] New Gift Shop Opening Bring your friends to see this Brand new shop and make it A girls or guys afternoon of Shopping!! Feb. 2015 14th 2014 ~ 2015 Board Officers Happy Valentine’s Day! Members at Large Hazel Edeen ~ 631-9893 [email protected] Eva Laybourn ~ 256-8939 Past President Peggy Leland ~ 635-2150 [email protected]
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