ST. JULIE BILLIART April 12, 2015 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SATURDAY, April 11 9:00 Secular Franciscans - Dayton House 3:00 - 4:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Rosemarie Arlinghaus] SUNDAY, April 12 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 8:30 Mass [The Parish Family] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP & PREP Registration for Next Year 11:00 Mass [Harry “Bud” Lowell] 1:00 Misa en Español MONDAY, April 13 12:00 Mass [Mary Jo Becker] 7:00 St. Vincent de Paul - Church Office 7:00 Confirmation Practice - Church TUESDAY, April 14 8:00 Mass [Mabel Schliesman ] 7:00 Choir Practice - Church 7:00 Pastoral Region Meeting SATURDAY, April 18 9:00 Spanish Baptism Class - Fenmont 11:30 Living the Eucharist Retreat—Fenmont 12:30 Secular Franciscans—Dayton House 3:00 - 4:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Special Intention - Carol Cook] 6:30 Baumann-Kimbrell Wedding SUNDAY, April 19 8:30 Mass [The Parish Family] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP & PREP Registration for Next Year 11:00 Mass [Sr. M. Immaculata Janz] 1:00 Misa en Español READINGS FOR THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY, April 15 8:00 Holy Communion Service 7:00 BINGO 7:00 CONFIRMATION AT CATHEDRAL THURSDAY, April 16 8:00 Mass [Pasquale & Annunciata Accorinti] 7:00 RCIA Inquiry Session - Dayton House FRIDAY, April 17 8:00 Mass [Carl Engel] 6:00-9:00 Spanish Christian Formation for Adults - FN Readings for the week of April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter or Sunday of Divine Mercy Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 Monday Saint Martin I, Pope and Martyr Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34; Jn 3:31-36 Friday Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 CONTACT US: Address: 224 Dayton Street, Hamilton, OH 45011 Sacraments Phone: 513-863-1040 Fax: 513-863-1132 Website: Bulletins, Newsletters, Parish Histories & More! Baptism: If you have an infant to baptize, please call the office. Adults wishing to enter the Church participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). For information contact the office. Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-Noon; 1pm-4pm Staff: Pastor: Rev. Michael U. Pucke: Deacon: Mr. William Renneker: Deacon: Mr. Thomas Strodtbeck: Religious Ed Coord: Mary Pat Austing: Family Ministry: Tami Urcia RCIA Coordinator: Mary Richter Music Director: Jonathan Alexander Hispanic Ministry: Karla Eysoldt 513-448-8994 Business Manager: Elizabeth Meiner Sec./Receptionist: Mary Ann Accorinti Bonnie Whittlesey Maintenance: Dennis Briggs ext.*813 [email protected] ext.*814 [email protected] 896-1872 [email protected] ext.*815 [email protected] ext.*825 [email protected] ext.*817 [email protected] ext.*832 [email protected] [email protected] ext.*811 ext.*810 ext.*812 ext.*819 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] New to the Parish? Please call the office to set up a time to meet with a staff member. Confirmation: If you are an adult, active Catholic who has not received the sacrament, please schedule an appointment with the pastor. (8631040) Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00 to 4:00 pm or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick: Ideally celebrated with family and friends present, call to make appt. Please seek the sacrament ahead of time if you have surgery/medical procedures scheduled. Marriage: Schedule through the pastor or deacons at least 6 months prior to anticipated date. Call the office 863-1040. ST. JULIE BILLIART April 12, 2015 STEWARDSHIP PASTOR’S CORNER TREASURE: July 2014-June 2015 Weekly Collection Collection: Easter Apr 5, 2015 Total Adult Envelopes Received Regular Collection Goal: Regular Collection Received Over/Under Goal: YTD Regular Collection Goal: YTD Regular Collection Received YTD Over/Under Goal: 289 $ 20,000.00 15,076.33 (4,923.67) 464,000.00 407,668.15 (56,331.85) “MAKE -A-CHANGE” FOR APRIL SHARED HARVEST St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive: Preserving our Past –Preparing for Our Future As of 4-5-15 we have received $535,933.52 We have exceeded our goal to raise $500,000.00! Thank you for your generous response to this drive which helped us to update our buildings so that we can continue to bring Christ to others through a variety of religious programs as well as recreational and social activities. Capital Drive Project Update: There were 35projects for Phase I of our capital campaign. To date 24 projects are complete. The total budgeted cost of the 35 projects was $560,000.00. So, if we r each this goal all projects in Phase I will be able to be completed. Next week, our parish will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection. This collection suppor ts six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and Christ’s love and respect to all people. Next week, please give generously to the Catholic Relief Services Collection and help Jesus in disguise. We are happy to welcome Jon and Aimee Matz to speak at all Masses this weekend. Jon and Aimee are very involved in the Family Promise (Interfaith Hospitality Network) at Our Lady of Sorrows in Monroe. They are here to give us a first-hand look at what is involved in offering homeless families hospitality at a parish. I believe that this is to be God’s invitation to St. Julie Billiart Parish to “step up to the plate.” You may be interested to know that on the weekend of Palm Sunday 1528 people worshiped with us. That included 798 people at the 1:00 Mass. They were not just packed into the pews but standing in the aisles. Easter weekend 2000 people worshiped with us. Again, the 1:00 Mass was the most heavily attended with 647 folks. Clearly the attendance at the English language Masses picks up quite a bit at Easter. We have the numbers because all three parishes in the cluster have been doing counts at all Masses beginning March 15. Our usual attendance is less than 1200 people a weekend with the 11:00 and 1:00 Masses the best attended. Church is not about numbers, though. It is about being the Body of Christ active in the world in a myriad of ways. The more we take on our identity as a missionary Church, the more we become who the Lord wants us to be. I believe with every ounce of my being that moving into a Regional configuration can be life-giving if we look at it as an opportunity to be more missionary. THANK YOU! Again we thank those parishioners who contributed toward the beautiful flowers that were on the altar this year, including: Liz Maus In Memory of Mr & Mrs George Maus, et al. Mr. Louis Schanding In Memory of Therese Ms. Diane Getz Mr. & Mrs. Tim Joos Ms. Vera Cook ST. JULIE BILLIART Activities for Children Do you like to read stories? Play games? Do crafts? Hear the laughter of children? We would like to offer activities for children of parents who come to the Adult Faith Formation Classes in Spanish on a variety of Fridays beginning in April from 6 pm to 9 pm. This would occur in the Fenmont. You could help out with one night or several. We are also in need of teen helpers. If you would like to help with this or if you have any questions, please contact Mary Pat Austing at 8631040 or [email protected] Thank you for participating in CRS Rice Bowl! Our parish helped make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world suffering from poverty and hunger. To ensure that our donations will be put to use as soon as possible, please return your Rice Bowl by the weekend of April 11-12. Please count the money in your Rice Bowls make a check payable to St. Julie Billiart Please write “CRS Rice Bowl” in the memo line of the check. Your contributions can be placed in the basket or returned to the church office. Thank you for your generous support. April 12, 2015 PREP PREP SCHEDULE Classes will be held on April 12, 19, & 26 from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Our Last Day of Classes will be on April 26. PREP REGISTRATION - We want you back! We ask all families to register now for PREP for next year. This helps us to order the correct number of books and supplies. Registration Forms are online at and at the Main Entrance at Church. St. Julie’s Formation Policies require children to attend PREP classes one full year prior to the year they receive a sacrament. No child is denied classes due to financial difficulties. Please keep our Confirmation and First Holy Communion Candidates in your prayers. Confirmation Practice is on Monday, April 13 at St. Julie Church at 7:00 pm SHARP! All Candidates MUST attend with one parent or sponsor. Confirmation Mass is on Wednesday, April 15 at the St. Peter In Chains Cathedral downtown at 7:00 pm. All Candidates must be in the undercroft basement of the Cathedral by 6:15 pm that evening. Confirmation Bus for all those with a ticket – Please be at the Fenmont by 5:00 pm on Wed., April 15. Please, Park in the lot by the church or across the street due to Bingo that night. FIRST COMMUNION Thanks to all our Prayer Partners who have been praying! We appreciate the Cards you have written and placed in the Church Box in the Entranceway. We ask all Prayer Partners to write a note or card of encouragement to our First Communicants by Easter and give it to the Parish Office or the Box at the Main Church Entrance. HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Thursday, April 23 7:00 pm The Fenmont First Communion Practice & Pictures All First Communicants are asked to wear their First Communion clothes for the group picture & practice on Please join us to plan our annual Adult Dinner Saturday, April 25 at 9:30 am in Church. scheduled for August and our annual Heritage Dinner scheduled for November. We will decide on dates for both dinners and, the theme for our Heritage Dinner. We will also begin to develop menus. If you are unable to attend, please telephone Bill & Jackie Groth, 290-4181, Jerry & Pat Gordon, 895-4601 or John & Mary Ann Accorinti, 608-8328 with your thoughts and suggestions. We value your input. VOCATION VIEWS Thomas believed because he saw Jesus. We are blest when we have not seen and believe. What will it take for you to believe in Jesus’ call to you? (John 20:19-31) ST. JULIE BILLIART EVENTS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH You are invited to come and celebrate with us a Divine Mercy Service on Sunday, April 12th 2-4pm. All are welcome to come and be a part of this grace filled event. We are located at 2550 Millville Ave, Hamilton,Ohio 45013. For details call the parish office 863-4344, email [email protected], or visit our website Family Promise of Butler County Coming Soon to St. Julie’s! Have you ever thought about how you could safely and productively give a, “ hand up” to someone that is homeless? Consider helping out when St. Julie’s welcomes the homeless, through Family Promise of Butler County, an interfaith hospitality network. We will be hosting homeless families, 3-4 times per year, a week at a time, in the Fenmont. Adults are screened before they are accepted into the program: no drugs, alcohol, criminal background, etc. They may have had previous issues with drugs or alcohol, but can’t be using while in the program. 60 % of the people that Family Promise helps are children, half of which are under the age of six! With Family Promise the focus is on families, so only adults with children are taken into the program. Families are given food, shelter, help in finding permanent housing, and the means to sustain themselves and their families. How can you help? *Coordinate volunteers for the week(s) that we ser ve as a host congregation. *Cook a dinner, or partial dinner one evening for the families that we host (14-18 people total). *Donate food for families to fix br eakfast, typically cer eal and other convenient foods, or for packing a sack lunch. *Donate Items such as toys, games, family videos, etc. for families to use while being housed at the Fenmont. *Volunteer your time inter acting with the families thr ough conversation, playing games, helping with homework, or offering other evening activities. *Volunteer to Stay overnight at the Fenmont, once, dur ing the week that we host. There must be 2 adult supervisors present each night that we host. Families arrive at approximately 5:30 pm each evening and leave by 7:00 am each morning. To Volunteer or For Further Information: Fill Out the form below and drop in the collection basket any Sunday. Name: _________________________________________ Phone# ________________________________ Email Address:____________________________________ April 12, 2015 IN TALKING WITH YOUR CHILDREN, remember to raise the call to Church ministry. The process of answering God’s call begins in childhood. Throughout adolescence and adulthood, the attitudes assumed in childhood begin to influence the course of one’s life. A vocation or a talent will not grow to fruition unless it is nurtured in childhood and adolescence by a parent. SERRA USA Parish Retreat to Celebrate the Conclusion of Living the Eucharist Program Join us for our Parish Easter Retreat to celebrate the conclusion of the Living the Eucharist program! Who: All ar e welcome! (you do not have to be a St. Julie’s parishioner) When: Satur day, Apr il 18, 11:30am-4:15pm Where: Fenmont Building (St. J ulie and St. Stephen Halls) Let’s join together in prayer and fellowship as we are sent forth from our Lenten program to continue our work in Christ. We will begin with a potluck luncheon from 11:30-12:30 and end with the evening Mass. We hope to see you there! There is no cost for the retreat, we simply ask that everyone bring a dish to share for the luncheon. Contact Tami Urcia to register or for any questions: 513-8631040 or [email protected] Les Invitamos a todos a participar en nuestro Retiro Parroquial para celebrar la conclusión del programa Cuaresmal V ive la Eucaristía! Todos son bienvenidos! (no tienen que ser miembros de la parroquia)Es el sábado, 18 de abril de 11:30am4:15pm en el edificio Fenmont. Vamos a pasar un tiempo juntos en oración y convivencia después del programa cuaresmal y Dios nos envía a seguir las obras de Cristo. Empezamos con un almuerzo (se les pide a cada uno traer algo para compartir) de 11:3012:30 y concluimos con la misa de 4:30pm. No hay costo para el retiro. B Pueden registrarse con Tami Urcia o comunicarse con ella sobre cualquier pregunta: 513-863-1040 o [email protected] ST. JULIE BILLIART April 12, 2015 Knights of Columbus Parish Members Membership Request We are members of Fr. Butler Council 968, Knights of Columbus, of Hamilton. We’re here to ask all Catholic men of the parish to consider becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by parish priest, Fr. Michael McGivney, to support Catholic families who were being persecuted and suffering hardships during that time period. We are the largest Catholic men’s organization in the world and offer many benefits to our members. We support many Charities, Seminarians and religious. We offer Scholarships for many students who attend Catholic Schools. We also offer a high quality insurance program for members and their families. We are protectors of the Unborn and Pro-Life movements. We also raise money to purchase ultra sound scan machines to help mothers see and protect their unborn children as well. We are asking all Catholic men 18 years or older, there’s no upper age limit, to join us in our continuing efforts to support “Catholic Values”. Our Council has been in Hamilton for 110 years and we need new members to continue to carry the torch into the future. Like all organizations we lose members who have served for many years to be with The Lord. Some of you have family members who are or where members and we would hope you would consider a membership as well. The Knights are standing on the front line with our Church for the rights of all citizens and offer support for many projects throughout our community and the world. We stand here today asking for your help in support of our Church and Catholics worldwide. We also help those that are less fortunate and unable to help themselves in our community through various council programs. Membership in our council gives member’s access to Council’s Education Foundation Scholarships. These scholarships help families with the cost of tuition at our local Catholic Schools. We support our scholarship foundation by our efforts during our annual Sports Stag held each January. We ask for only few hours each year of service to continue our community efforts, so little to help so many. Will you join us? A 24 hour Knight is one who gives an average of 2 hours a month in support of our community. Can you be a Knight in Hamilton? Members and information brochures will be available in the rear of Church. Please take some information and an Application for Membership with you and contact a member if you have questions or interest. Our Church and community are dependent on us working together to preserve our Christian Nation’s values and protecting our founder’s vision of America. Contact members in each parish for additional information or call me at CB Michael, 513-515-7366 CATHOLIC CHARITIES SW OHIO: An increasing number of children are developing behavior problems ed to underdeveloped social and emo onal skills. These issues can lead to major challenges for the child and parents. Catholic Chari es has brought The Incredible Years, a na onally recognized program, to Butler County. This program targets children (preschool to 7 years of age) with behavioral problems, their parents and teachers. It is designed to prevent and treat behavior problems in children and strengthen paren ng skills and the parent/child rela onship. Are you a school interested in bringing Incredible Years to your school, a parent interested in one of our programs, or know of a parent that would benefit? Contact Pam Mortensen at [email protected] or (513) 863863-6129. ST. JULIE BILLIART 12 de Abril, 2015 II DOMINGO DE PASCUA LEER: Hechos 4:32-35 Salmo 117; Juan 5:1-6; Juan 20:19-31 NOTICIAS DE PREP PRACTICA DE CONFIRMACIÓN es el Lunes 13 de Abril en la Iglesia de St. Julia a las 7:00pm. MISA DE CONFIRMACIÓN es el Miércoles 15 de Abril en la Catedral St. Peter In Chains. Todos los candidatos deben estar en el sótano de la Catedral antes de las 6:15pm. Los que van a tomar el bus tienen que estar en el Fenmont antes de las 5pm. Por favor estacionarse en la Iglesia o en la calle porque hay Bingo esa noche. INSCRIPCIONES DE PREP El programa de Educación religiosa ya tiene inscripciones para el año escolar del 2015-2016. Las clases son los Domingos en el Fenmont de 9:45-10:45am de Septiembre a Abril. Los invitamos que inscriban a sus hijos de kínder a grado 12. Preparación para Sacramentos requiere dos años de asistencia. Las hojas de inscripción están en o en la entrada principal de la Iglesia.No se le niega preparación a un niño por dificultades financieras. PRACTICA DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y FOTOS Se les pide a todos los niños haciendo su Primera Comunión que vengan vestidos con su ropa de Primera Comunión al ensayo y fotos el Sábado 25 de Abril a las 9:30am en la Iglesia. CURSO DE FORMACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS– Las clases empiezan este Viernes 17 de Abril, 6:00-9:00pm en el Fenmont. Todavia se pueden inscribir! Para más información por favor llamar a la oficina de la iglesia. Cuidado de niños disponible. EVENTOS ESPECIALES DE CELEBRACIÓN EN ST. JULIE BILLIART DURANTE LA MISA EN ESPAÑOLPrimer Domingo del mes: Presentaciones de 3 años. Segundo Domingo del mes: Cumpleaños. Tercer Domingo del mes: Quinceañeras, Aniversarios. Cuarto Domingo del mes: Bautizos. CLASES PRE-BAUTISMALES Las próximas clases serán el Sábado 18 de Abril de 9-11:30am en el Fenmont. Registro necesario. Para más información llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia. Lecturas de la Semana – 13 al 18 de Abril Lunes: Hechos 4:23-31; Salmo 2; Juan 3:1-8 Martes: Hechos 4:32-37; Salmo 92; Juan 3:7-15 Miércoles: Hechos 5:17-26; Salmo 33; Juan 3:16-21 Jueves: Hechos 5:27-33; Salmo 33; Juan 3:31-36 Viernes: Hechos 5:34-42; Salmo 26; Juan 6:1-15 Sábado: Hechos 6:1-7; Salmo 32; Juan 6:16-21 La próxima semana, nuestra parroquia realizará Catholic Relief Services Collection. Esta colecta otorga fondos a seis agencias católicas que tocan la vida de más de 100 millones de personas en el mundo. Los fondos de esta Colecta ayudan a proporcionar alimentos a los que pasan hambre, apoyo a los refugiados desplazados, el amor de Cristo y el respeto a todas las personas. Por favor, contribuyan generosamente a la Colecta de Catholic Relief Services la próxima semana y ayuden a Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? SU CASA se ha mudado. La nueva dirección es: Mid Pointe Tower, 7162 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. Tel 513-761-1588. CLASES DE INGLES Lunes, Martes y Jueves de 5:30-8:30pm en el Fenmont. Los que quier an r egistr ar se pueden comunicarse con la oficina de ABLE de Butler Tech’s al (513)420-4520 para más información. ¿Ha pensado usted en la mejor educación para sus hijos? Las escuelas católicas ofrecen una enseñanza superior en un ambiente de fe, valores y disciplina. Venga a visitarnos y no se arrepentirá. ¡Las inscripciones ya están abiertas! Tenemos becas y ayuda financiera disponible. Para más información, por favor comuníquese con Mayra Wilson– Coordinadora de R elaciones Hispanas al (513) 421.3131 ext. 2718 ESCUELAS CATÓLICAS - ¡La mejor opción… para lo que más importa! Para interesados en atender escuela Secundaria (High School) por favor comuniquense con Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994 o con el Padre Miguel. ¿Conoce a alguien a quien el alcohol y las drogas representan problemas en su vida? Grupo Oxford tiene sesiones: Lunes a Sábado 7:00 a 9:00 PM Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, Jueves y Viernes de 7-9:00pm. Para más información por favor llame a: (513) 614-8784 (513) 390-3825
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