Interdisciplinary Lectures in English Ⅲ [14N3037] 科目名 科目区分・科目 種 クラス Interdisciplinary Lectures in English Ⅲ [14N3037] Interdisciplinary Lectures in English Ⅲ 全学共通科目 全学科 CCBM キャリアデザイン 単位数 2.0 単位 担当教員・所属 細谷 葵 [グローバル人材育成推進センター] 主担当学科 言語文化学科 (英文) 連絡場所 履修年次 1 ~ 4年 学期 後期 曜日・時限 金曜 5.0~6.0 教室 ①共通講義棟 1 号館 202 室 (1)、(2)が付く科目の履修方法 この科目は、(1)又は(2)を独立した科目として履修することができます。 受講条件・その他注意 No previous knowledge on cultural anthropology courses required. 教科書・参考文献 【教科書】N/A 【参考文献】『食文化で知る東洋・西洋 The East and West in Dietary Culture』(成美堂) ※ Related readings are also introduced in each class 評価方法・評価割合 出席=As written assignments: 30%,発表=40%,その他=Final written assignment: 30% 主題と目標 In this course, "Food culture of the world" is discussed mainly from the cultural anthropological points of view. All classes will be conducted in English. Food culture is the fundamental part of our daily life and culture, although not many of us are well aware of that. Food in not only the means to obtain energy for survival, but through what we eat, we participate in the society. The objective if this course is to reconsider what food means to us, comparatively studying global food culture. Mixing of lecture, watching motion pictures with English narration, class discussion and short writing assignments in each class, students can develop both their idea on the topic and multiple types of English ability to express that. In the last 2 classes, students are required to make an oral presentation (approx. 15 minutes, by an individual or a group) on a topic related to food culture, and a written exam, to show their progress by taking the course. 授業計画 ※クラスの様子をみて内容を多少変更することもあります 第一回 Guidance 第二~三回 What is food for us?: Gender, hierarchy, etc... 第四~五回 Identity and globalization with food 第六~七回 East and West: Food culture in Europe and Asia 第八~九回 Traditional food culture I: Food processing techniques 第十~十一回 第十二~十三回 Traditional food culture II: Food rituals and the social significance Students' oral presentation and discussion 第十四回 Overview of the course and final discussion 第十五回 Final written assignment 学生へのメッセージ I wish all students taking this course will have at least one new discovery per class, stimulation for further study, and fun! Through the course, you will get an outlook of food culture of the world, as the first step to be a 'global' person. Not only you can practice comprehending information and expressing your opinion in English; the fundamental skill for international communication, you will also gain flexible mind to face cultural diversity, that is necessary for a real cosmopolitan.
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