English Grammar and Usage Ⅰ【3年次生クラス】

English Grammar and Usage Ⅰ (3、4 year students)
丹藤 永也
TANDO Hisaya
時間: オフィス・アワーは授業の開始時に提示
場所: 621
This course is designed for students who have an interest in English grammar for business and everyday life. Students can
learn the most useful English grammar and vocabulary they need to communicate in English, and they can practice the
grammar of business communication. English grammar is essential for improving English skills such as speaking, listening,
reading, and writing. In this course, students will learn and practice English grammar in typical business situations, such as
how to ask people to do things, how to write email, and so on. There will be a number of contextualized exercises to develop
the students’ practical English ability in class. It is hoped that students will feel their English ability improving through this
English ability is an advantage for Japanese people in many kinds of work. To improve it, English grammar plays an
important role. It has been said that the practical English ability of Japanese should be improved, so exercises in business and
real-life situations will be very useful for students. By understanding the structure of English in this course, students will be
able to have more motivation to study English.
The purpose of this class is to enhance the English grammar ability of students in contextualized exercises, so that
students will be able to recognize how English grammar is used in business and everyday life situations and apply it to their
The improvements of this course are below:
1. The teacher should proceed classes at an appropriate pace to encourage students understanding of the classes.
2. The teacher should solve students’ problem and advise them both in class and through office hour.
3. The teacher should improve students’ English ability.
3、4 year students
Basic Grammar for Communication, by Etsuko Taguchi, Jonathan Lieb, and Maggie Lieb, 朝日出版社,
ISBN 978-4-255-15485-5
To be announced
To be announced
Daily class performance: 40%
This may include listening tests, quizzes, homework, and attendance.
Final Test: 60%
In principle:
A = 100--80%,
B = 79--70%,
C = 69--60%,
D = 59--50%,
F = 49% --
Four Important Rules
1. Preview and review every class..
2. Attend every class and don’t be late.
3. Hand in every homework assignment.
4. Make sure to bring your dictionaries (English-Japanese and Japanese-English) or an electronic dictionary
**Adjustments to the following schedule may be made by the teacher.**
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Simple Present
内 容: Forms of simple present
Simple present in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 1
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Present continuous
内 容: Forms of present continuous
Present continuous in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 2
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Simple past and past continuous
内 容: Forms of simple past and past continuous
Simple past and past continuous in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 3
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Present perfect
内 容: Forms of present perfect
Present perfect in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 4
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Various perfects
内 容: Forms of various perfects
Various perfects in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 5
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Passive 1
内 容: Forms of passive
Passive in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 6
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Passive 2
内 容: Forms of passive
Passive in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 7
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Modals 1
内 容: Forms of modals
Modals in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 8
第 10 回
第 11 回
第 12 回
第 13 回
第 14 回
第 15 回
試 験
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Modals 2
内 容: Forms of modals
Modals in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 9
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Subjunctive 1
内 容: Forms of subjunctive
Subjunctive in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 10
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Subjunctive 2
内 容: Forms of subjunctive
Subjunctive in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 11
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Gerunds 1
内 容: Forms of gerund
Gerund in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 12
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Gerunds 2
内 容: Forms of gerund
Gerund in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 13
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Infinitives 1
内 容: Forms of infinitive
Infinitives in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 14
テーマ(何を学ぶか): Infinitives 2
内 容: Forms of infinitive
Infinitives in action
教科書・指定図書 chapter 15
Final Test