〔科目名〕 〔単位数〕 Business Communication Across Cultures Ⅰ 2単位 (2 and 3, 4 year students) 〔担当者〕 〔オフィス・アワー〕 丹藤 永也 時間:オフィス・アワーは授業の開始時に提示 TANDO Hisaya 場所:621 〔科目の概要〕 〔科目区分〕 アカデミック・コモンベーシッ クス When business persons work with people from other countries, they certainly feel difficulty in communicating with them and a necessity to understand each other. They may be required to be patient or flexible sometimes. At the present time when business globalization has been rapidly progressing, to learn the differences between their cultures and other cultures is an important key to communicate effectively and do well n business. This course is designed for the understanding of working across cultures by using the textbook introducing various business situations. The textbook adopted in this course is business-oriented and provides authentic materials related to business world. A unit of the book consists of 12 sections such as Developing intercultural skills, Managing international meetings, Presenting across cultures, and so on. Through the entire course, students will learn how to be successful in intercultural situations and be able to surely have more interests in the business world. 〔「授業科目群」・他の科目との関連付け〕・〔なぜ、学ぶ必要があるか・学んだことが、何に結びつくか〕 Students have learned basic Business English by taking ‘Business English’ and ’Advanced Business English’ in the freshman course, so they have basic knowledge and skills of Business English. In this course, students will learn a practical topic, “Business communication across cultures.” As mentioned above, the mutual understanding between different cultures is indispensable in the internationalized business world. Students should be able to acquire the attitude and learn strategies requested across cultures at the end of this course. 〔科目の到達目標(最終目標・中間目標)〕 The aims of this course are below: 1. Students will be able to understand Japanese culture and the target culture to communicate effectively. 2. Students will be able to be flexible in the way students communicate with people from other cultures to communicate effectively. 3. Students will be able to develop basic communicative skills which can improve their performance related to business situations. 〔学生の「授業評価」に基づくコメント・改善・工夫〕 The improvements of this course are below: 1. The teacher should proceed classes at an appropriate pace to encourage students understanding of the classes. 2. The teacher should solve students’ problem and advise them both in class and through office hour. 3. The teacher should improve students’ English ability. 〔教科書〕 Communicating Across Cultures, by Bob Dignen, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-18198-3 Student’s book with Audio CD 〔指定図書〕 To be announced 〔参考書〕 To be announced 〔前提科目〕 None 〔学修の課題、評価の方法〕(テスト、レポート等) Daily class performance: 40% This may include communicative activities, quizzes, homework, report, attendance, and so on. Test: 60% (In addition to the above, some points will be added when you submit a certificate of Really English.) 〔評価の基準及びスケール〕 In principle: A = 100--80%, B = 79--70%, C = 69--60%, D = 59--50%, F = 49% -- 〔教員としてこの授業に取り組む姿勢と学生への要望〕 Four Important Rules 1. Preview and review every class. 2. Attend every class and don’t be late. 3. Hand in every homework assignment. 4. Make sure to bring your dictionaries (English-Japanese and Japanese-English) or an electronic dictionary. 第1回 **Adjustments to the following schedule may be made by the teacher.** テーマ(何を学ぶか): Developing intercultural skills 内 容: Describing corporate cultures 第2回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 1 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Developing intercultural skills 内 容: Developing flexible thinking to deal with different intercultural situations 第3回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 1 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Managing first meetings 内 容: Strategies for managing first meetings 第4回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 2 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Managing first meetings 内 容: Building relationships 第5回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 2 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Communicating effectively 内 容: Communicating clearly – good and bad news 第6回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 3 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Communicating effectively 内 容: Managing conversation styles 第7回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 3 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Managing international meetings 内 容: Decision making 教科書・指定図書 Unit 4 第8回 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Managing international meetings 内 容: Dealing with different and difficult styles of communication 第9回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 4 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Becoming a better listener 内 容: Clarifying meaning 第 10 回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 5 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Becoming a better listener 内 容: Listening effectively 第 11 回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 5 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Presenting across cultures 内 容: Customising your message for different audiences 第 12 回 教科書・指定図書 Unit 6 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Presenting across cultures 内 容: Managing questions effectively 第 13 回 第 14 回 第 15 回 試 験 教科書・指定図書 Unit 6 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Writing emails 内 容: Communicating clearly in emails l 教科書・指定図書 Unit 7 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Writing emails 内 容: Communicating sensitive messages effectively 教科書・指定図書 Unit 7 テーマ(何を学ぶか): Negotiating across cultures 内 容: Setting clear objectives for a negotiations 教科書・指定図書 Unit 8 Test
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