View Menu - The Star

San Valentino
Saturday 14 February
4 course menu $139
1st sitting from 6-8pm
2nd sitting from 8.30pm till late
Veal tonnato with capers and smoked mayonnaise
Vitello tonnato
Raw scampi with radish and celery salad
Crudo di scampi
--PRIMO – set
Risotto with scallops and Prosecco
Risotto con capesante e Prosecco
--SECONDI – alternate serve
Marron lobster with shaved baby vegetables and saffron vinaigrette
Aragosta di fiume con vinaigrette allo zafferano
Duck breast with sautéed chicory and grilled plum
Petto d’anatra con cicoria in padella e prugne grigliate
Chocolate and pistachio mousse with wild strawberry jelly
Mousse al cioccolato
Menu is subject to change without notice due to produce seasonality and availability.