MICRONIT MICROFLUIDICS Persoonlijke ontwikkeling van invloed op bedrijf & producten 10 November 2014 - Confidential - INTRODUCTION - Confidential - 2 MICRONIT MICROFLUIDICS – KEY FACTS Location : Enschede, The Netherlands Hot spot of micro- & nanotechnology > 700 customers in > 50 countries worldwide About 50 employees and growing Highly educated multi-disciplinary team ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified - Confidential - 3 ENSCHEDE – NANOTECHNOLOGY MESA+, University of Twente • One of the largest micro-/nanotech groups worldwide • 500 people, 275 PhD’s and postdocs 2010 Nanolab • Infrastructure : >60 million euros • 1250 m2 cleanroom 2012 High Tech Factory • Production facility for micro- and nanotech-based companies/products • 13 cleanrooms, 20 laboratories, 46 offices 4 MISSION AND VISION Vision Mission Produce innovative customer-specific microfluidic components, to enable our customers to successfully brake through and excel in emerging To become the market leader in fabrication of microfluidic components by investing in quality, innovations and capacity. markets - Confidential - 5 CORE BUSINESS MANUFACTURING • High-accuracy micromachining • Rapid prototyping • High-volume manufacturing capabilities DEVELOPMENT PARTNER • Co-engineering • Design for manufacturing • Microfluidics know-how RESEARCH TOOLS • Easy-to-use microfluidic kits to get started • Off-the-shelf standard microfluidic chip modules • Custom prototyping & low-volume manufacturing - Confidential - 6 BROAD RANGE OF MICROFLUIDIC SOLUTIONS Droplet Generator Chips Chip holders and connectors Micromixers Fluidic PRO Prototyping CE Chips Electrical connections Micro Reactor Chips Macro-to-Micro interfacing Flow Cells System integration and packaging 7 FROM IDEA TO MANUFACTURING Transformed into • Your prototyping and manufacturing needs • Our Knowledge, Capabilities & Resources • Microfluidic chips Your Customized Labon-a-Chip product Transferred to Micronit End-user (Customers of our Customer Our Customer We understand our customers, and emphasize on long-term relationships - Confidential - Micronit’s Solutions 8 MICROFLUIDICS EXAMPLES - Confidential - 9 LAB-ON-A-CHIP FOR POINT-OF-CARE APPLICATIONS Features Point-of-Care Lithium Chip • Glass chip with etched channels • Powderblasted access holes and reservoirs • Sputtered metal electrodes • Dry dicing technique • 1 cm2 surface area • CE marked • On-chip reagents • Plastic packaging • Manufacturability in high volume • Quality assured • Economic pricing (onetime used chip) • > 100.000 devices/year Source: www.medimate.com - Confidential - 10 LAB-ON-A-CHIP FOR AUTOMATED DNA SEPARATION Chip-based capillary gel electrophoresis is a proven technology for e.g. DNA analysis Sources: www.chem.agilent.com www.bio-rad.com www.perkinelmer.com www.shimadzu.com 11 LAB-ON-A-CHIP FOR AUTOMATED DNA SEPARATION Agilent: DNA fingerprinting by on-chip capillary electrophoresis 12 LAB-ON-A-CHIP FOR NEXT-GEN DNA SEQUENCING - Confidential - Sources: www.illumina.com www.454.com 13 www.invitrogen.com 13 MICROFLUIDIC TECHNOLOGIES - Confidential - 14 GLASS HYBRID HYBRID POLYMERS SILICON HYBRID ONE PARTNER FOR ALL YOUR MICROFLUIDIC CHALLENGES - Confidential - 15 MICRONIT CLEANROOM FACILITIES • Photolithography processing and Microstructuring of glass wafers - Confidential - 16 MICROFLUIDIC INTERFACING - Confidential - 17 FLUIDIC CONNECT PRO PLATFORM Standard fluidic devices: (75x25mm) mixers, reactors, droplet generators, CE 18 FLUIDIC CONNECT PRO VS. SIDECONNECT Fluidic Connect Pro: • Good & affordable research tool • Fast & easy-to-use • Design flexibility • Versatile tool for product development SideConnect: • In-plane interfacing technology • Disposable diagnostic cartridges • Combining the best of both worlds (materials/packaging vs. functional performance) 19 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT EXAMPLE - Confidential - 20 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - Confidential - 21 PROTOTYPES Cartridge format Stick format - Confidential - 22 Inhoud • Het ondernemen • Succesfactoren high-tech ondernemingen 23 Het ondernemen 24 Het ondernemen 25 Het ondernemen TOP regeling (2000-2001) • Lening • Onderdak • Begeleiding BTC gebouw (2001-2007) • Flexibel (makkelijk groeien) • All-in • Weinig vaste kosten • Eerste productie ruimte 26 Het ondernemen Aandeelhouderschap UT en Innofonds (2001-heden) • Innofonds is aandeelhouder geworden in ruil voor geld • UT is aandeelhouder geworden in ruil voor kennis Management Team uitgebreid • Productie manager (2003) • R&D Manager (2004) • Finance Manager (2008) 27 Het ondernemen HTF (2003-heden) • Commerciële vierkante meters cleanroom ruimte • Flexibel in te delen, makkelijk uitbreid baar • Eigen apparatuur en beheer 28 Het ondernemen Productielijn opzetten (2005-heden) • Uitbreiding binnen HTF • Eerste “echte” productieklant • Omslag van prototyping richting productie Overig • Verhuizing naar Colosseum (2007) 29 Succesfactoren startende high-tech ondernemingen 30 Succesfactoren startende high-tech ondernemingen - Het team (ondernemer(s) + key personel) - Business model / Strategie - Het product - Netwerken - Financiën - Geluk 31 Succesfactoren startende high-tech ondernemingen Business model / Strategie - TECHNOLOGIE ALLEEN IS NIET TE VERKOPEN Opties: - Gebruik de technologie in een product of service en verkoop deze. - Verkoop de technologie samen met jouw bedrijf. 32 Succesfactoren startende high-tech ondernemingen Netwerken - Kennis netwerken - - Kapitaal netwerken - - - Je moet aan geld kunnen komen (Bank, VC) Verkoopnetwerken - Distributeurs - Representatives - Branchegerelateerde clubs Internet - - Universiteiten, hogescholen, etc. LinkedIn, Hyves, Facebook, etc. Etc.. 33 Conclusie Ondernemen = doelgericht doen! 34 MinacNed Branche vereniging voor high-tech MKB - Niche markten - Global - High Tech - Enabling Lidmaatschap: - Incl support - Vraagbaak - Netwerk voor projecten “De besparing aan consultancy is groter dan de prijs van het lidmaatschap.” - Confidential - 35
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