CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Innoveer met Ruimtevaart Technologie! Slide 1 CONFIDENTIAL Programma 13u30 Welkom Koen Verhaert, CEO Verhaert 14u ESA Nationaal Technologie Transfer Initiatief Sam Waes, Innovation Consultant Verhaert 14u30 Satellietgegevens voor aardse toepassingen Dirk Van Speybroeck, Unit manager VITO TAP 15u ESA’s ARTES Applications programs Dr. Tony Sephton, ESA Head of Awareness Activities section 15u30 Pauze 16u00 Voorstelling ESA BIC Flanders Erik Degroof, Technology Manager Innotek 16u30 KMO innovatieondersteuning in Vlaanderen Kurt Peys Innovatieadviseur Innovatiecentrum provincie Antwerpen/Oost-Vlaanderen 17u Sewer mapper Koen Beyers, CEO SpacePal 17u30 Samenwerken met IMEC Johan Haspeslagh, Venture Development Manager IMEC 18u00 Netwerking met broodjes Slide 2 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Welkom bij Verhaert Koen Verhaert CEO Slide 3 CONFIDENTIAL “We’re a leading integrated product innovation center” VPS-0026-DOC-A CONSULTANCY PROJECTS PEOPLE TRAINING Slide 4 CONFIDENTIAL “We help organizations to innovate, creating new products and business in parallel” VPS-0026-DOC-A CONSULTANCY PROJECTS PEOPLE TRAINING Slide 5 CONFIDENTIAL We tune you into the sweet spot of innovation User driven Technology enabled Business focused Slide 6 CONFIDENTIAL Managed Innovation © Services Strategic Tactical Operational Multi-disciplinary Slide 7 CONFIDENTIAL We work for ambitious organizations CONSULTANCY PROJECTS PEOPLE MARKETS Health care Food & Beverage Mobility Smart Life Industry TRAINING Slide 8 CONFIDENTIAL Some references Health care Food & Beverage Mobility Slide 9 Smart life Industry CONFIDENTIAL 1969 Founded by Prof. Em. P. Verhaert. Pioneering integrated product innovation in Belgium, with initital focus on medical equipment. 1984 First activity in space industry. Developing system engineering capabilities Our history 2001 Build, launched and commissioned the first small EO satellite for ESA in orbit – PROBA (since 2006 QinetiQ Space NV) 2003 Launch of Masters in Innovation platform & training center “45 years leadership in innovation services” 2005 Kick-off of the Perfect Draft program for AB InBev, developing FMCG insights 2009 Demonstrating policy making capabilities as partner of the Flemish Government and OESO. 2012 Competence center DPD in The Netherlands. 2014 Start ESA’s N-TTO office Slide 10 CONFIDENTIAL Slide 11 CONFIDENTIAL 12 en 13 April, VERHAERT Netherlands, ESA BIC- Noordwijk SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program. Slide 12 CONFIDENTIAL VERHAERT MASTERS IN INNOVATION® VERHAERT MASTERS IN INNOVATION® Headquarters Netherlands Hogenakkerhoekstraat 21 9150 Kruibeke (B) Tel: +32 (0)3 250 19 00 Fax: +32 (0)3 254 10 08 [email protected] European Space Innovation Centre Kapteynstraat 1 2201 BB Noordwijk (NL) Tel: +31 (0)6 18 12 19 19 [email protected] CONSULTANCY PROJECTS PEOPLE TRAINING Slide 13
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